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Virgil tells Cato so, and invokes her love for him. Separated from Cato, by the stream that separates Purgatory from Hell, she can no longer move him.
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The second wife of Charles I of Anjou. The son of Jupiter and Juno. The god of War. He was present at the battle with the Giants. The idea that He and other gods inhered in the planets named after them, led to the influence of the stars, and of Pagan Gods being confused, and both falsely worshipped in Paganism and Astrology.
The nominal father of Romulus. The founder and patron god of Florence, identified by Dante with Satan. A statue of Mars stood by the Ponte Vecchio. Buondelmonte was killed at its foot. Mars was the patron of the Florentines in Pagan days and his temple with a highly venerated statue stood on the site of the present Baptistery.
When John the Baptist was adopted as the Christian patron saint of Florence, the statue of Mars was moved to a site by the Arno, where it was reverenced as protecting the State though the factionalism in the city was attributed to its influence. When Florence was destroyed by the Goths, the statue fell into the Arno, and it was held that Florence could not be rebuilt from the ruins unless the image was found.
It was rescued from the Arno and set on a pillar at the north side of the Ponte Vecchio, when the city was restored by Charlemagne. It was lost in the great flood of when the Ponte Vecchio was destroyed. The hot-blooded son of Jupiter. A satyr of Phrygia who competed with Apollo in a contest of musical skill, pipes against lyre. Marsyas was defeated, by the god. Apollo flayed him for challenging his skill, and Dante asks for the inspirational breath with which Apollo played on that occasion. He had been papal legate in France and was elected by the influence of Charles of Anjou.
He died of eating too many eels from the lake of Bolsena, stewed in Vernaccia wine. He was buried at Viterbo. He is among he gluttonous. Pierre was hanged for this in She is advised by Dante to repent. A woman, who devoured her own child, rather than endure famine, during the terrible siege of Jerusalem, by Titus, the son of Vespasian, in AD Titus subsequently razed the city and the Temple, and robbed the inner sanctuary of its sacred objects, including the Scroll of the Law. She took on much of the symbolism of the pre-Christian Great Goddesses, including that of Isis, consort of the Egyptian god Osiris.
Isis had a wide following in the Roman Empire. She sends Lucia to Beatrice to aid Dante. Buonconte da Montefeltro one of the late-repentants died with her name on his lips. The first voice repeats the words Mary spoke at the Marriage feast at Cana. See John ii 3. The shades repeat the Litany of the Saints. Her words in the temple to Christ. She is described as the only Bride of the Holy Spirit. The Marriage in Cana, John ii 3, is again referenced. Mary intercedes for mankind in Paradise. At the Annunication Mary said: Her vigil at the foot of the Cross, as the mater dolorosa , is mentioned.
She exists with God in the Empyrean. Her presence at the Crucifixion is mentioned. The supreme perfection of female Human Nature. The Annunciation is mentioned. Called on in childbirth. The Vision of her as the sacred Rose, coupled with the vision of the Apostles as the sacred Lilies. The crowned Queen of Heaven. On the cross, Christ committed her to the care of Saint John. She and Christ, alone, rose to Heaven in body as well as spirit.
Dante, with Saint Bernard , gazes at the Virgin enthroned in Heaven. The Virgin heads the descending line, through the Rose, that separates those who believed before Christ, from those who acquired faith after his coming. Below her are the ranks of Hebrew women who were ancestresses of Christ, and types of his Church. Corresponding to her on the other side is John the Baptist.
Gabriel in Heaven shows his adoration for her. One of the Florentine Toschi family, killed his nephew, or perhaps his brother, to obtain the inheritance. The type of the active life, equivalent to Leah. She left her extensive land and castles to the Church. Thanks to her mediation, on January 27, , the Emperor Henry IV, excommunicated in , was received and pardoned by Pope Gregory VII after waiting humbly for three days barefoot in the snow. She may have signifed to Dante the mediation that precedes pardon his own by Beatrice and the reconciliation of Empire and Church in their proper spheres.
She explains features of the Garden of Eden, the Earthly Paradise to him. See Acts i Matthias was chosen by the Apostles, by lot, to fill the place among the Disciples forfeited by Judas. The daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who fell in love with Jason , helped him with her witchcraft, and was abandoned by him for Creusa.
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The family were lords of Medicina, about twenty miles east of Bologna. Pier was deprived of a praetorship by Frederick II , and his family were driven out of Romagna in He sowed dissent among the rulers of Romagna, setting Polenta and Malatesta against each other. He is in the ninth chasm of the sowers of discord. The daughter of Phorcys, she is one of the Gorgons. The other two are Euryale and Stheino. Medusa was raped by Neptune Poseidon in the temple of Minerva Athene , who changed her to a winged monster with snakes for hair, her gaze turning anyone who looked at her to stone.
Perseus decapitated her, looking at her reflection in his shield, and used her head to turn Atlas to stone. Pegasus the winged horse and Chrysaor a warrior sprang from her blood. She symbolises obduracy, delaying repentance. The Erinyes Furies invoke her, in order to be able to turn Dante to stone harden his heart. The king and high-priest who received Abraham at Salem Jerusalem and blessed him.
Abraham paid him a tithe of his spoils of victory. See Genesis xiv The type of the priest. His life depended on a brand of wood that was burning in the fire at his birth, and that was rescued by his mother. He killed the Calydonian Boar and gave the skin to Atalanta of Calydon and when his uncles took it from her, killed them. He then died as it was consumed. One of his sisters was Deianira. The Greek philosopher, considered by Aristotle an example of the powers of false-reasoning.
The messenger God, son of Jupiter and Maia, one of the Pleiades. He lulled Argus to sleep, and killed him at the request of Jupiter. Called Maia, as the son of Maia. Lucan in Pharsalia iii stresses the sound of the Temple gates being opened. He is shown with human form though beyond the human. The daughter of Saul who saw King David leaping and dancing and despised him in her heart. See Second Samuel vi The King of Phrygia, son of Gordius and Cybele, granted a wish by Bacchus, for helping his companion Silenus, and who wished that everything he touched might turn to gold.
He soon regretted his greed. The mythical King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa, brother of Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon, lawgiver and builder of the Labyrinth at Cnossus, Daedalus being the architect. He was appointed by Zeus as one of the three judges of the dead, with Rhadamanthys and Aeacus, and lived in the Elysian Fields in the Underworld. He ruled over ninety Cretan cities and controlled navigation of the Mediterranean. He sentences the sinners in Hell. He coils his tail eight times, to indicate that Guido da Montefeltro should be sent to the eighth chasm of the eighth circle.
He is an infallible judge. Virgil is not bound by him, being in Limbo, not Dis. Ariadne was his daughter. He is for Dante, the type of bestiality, violence and brutishness. He guards the descent to the seventh circle. Feuded with the Filippeschi. The son of Guido da Montefeltro , and like him a Ghibelline leader. He was in command of the Aretines when they were defeated at Campaldino by the Florentine Guelphs on June 11th , and was killed there.
Dante is supposed to have taken part on the Florentine side. Giovanna was his wife. The mist and fog is a common feature of the valley. He is among the late repentant killed by violence. The Lord of Urbino, and one of the great Ghibelline captains. He became a Franciscan friar in Boniface VIII summoned him from his retreat in to consult with him about the razing of Palestrina Penestrino twenty-five miles east of Rome, held by the Colonna family, who were in rebellion against the Church. Guido, finding it impregnable, advised Boniface to promise immunity and then break it, inducing the Colonna to surrender, in September , then razing the fortress to the ground.
Dante regarded Guido highly for his entering the Franciscan order See his Convivio iv Guido was born in and died in His son Buonconte appears in the Purgatorio. He is in the eighth circle. The son of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. He avenged the death of his father at the battle of Evesham where Edward later Edward I defeated the English barons, when, in , while vicar general of Tuscany he murdered Henry , his cousin, the son of Richard Earl of Cornwall, the nephew of the English king, in the church of San Silvestro at Viterbo.
He is placed in the seventh circle of the violent, first ring.
Alighieri, Dante (–) - The Divine Comedy: Index IJLM
Ahasuerus , the Persian King, enriched Haman , until he was accused by Esther of intending to take the life of Mordecai. The nephew and son of King Arthur , who attempted to usurp his kingdom. In the last battle Arthur pierced Mordred with his lance, at the same time receiving his own death-wound. The lawgiver, who led Israel out of Egypt. See the Bible Exodus ii. The type of the faithful man who does not swerve from service to the God of Israel.
At the Transfiguration, see Matthew xviii , Christ shone like the sun in white raiment, and Moses and Elias appeared talking with him. The Vulgate says ego ostendam omne bonum tibi. He sits to the left of Adam in Heaven. He died there the following year. Servus servorum Dei was one of the Popes official titles, from Gregory I onwards. He is in Hell for sodomy. Possibly the speaker is Rocco, who hanged himself, as a bankrupt, or alternatively Lotto degli Agli. Calliope , the mother of Orpheus , is the eldest sister of the Muses. They lived on Mount Helicon and Mount Parnassus, where their sacred springs were Aganippe and Hippocrene on the first, and Castalia on the second.
Dante invokes their help. Dante declares his allegiance to them. The Muses took up the challenge issued by the nine daughters of King Pierus, the Emathides, also called the Pierides, a name for the Muses themselves, from Pieria, the earliest site of their worship. The Emathides were defeated and were turned into magpies. Calliope lead the singing. They and their mountain Parnassus are mentioned, as the foster-mothers of the pagan poets.
Dante invokes the Muses, and the streams of Helicon, and calls on Urania. The Muses show the poet his means of guiding himself. The fountain of Hippocrene on Helicon, sprang from a blow of the hoof of Pegasus, the winged horse, born from the blood of Medusa. He and his brother Chrysaor the warrior were sired by Neptune. The daughter of Cinyras who conceived an incestuous passion for her father, and in darkness, using an assumed name, entered his bed.
She conceived Adonis, and was changed into the myrrh-tree from which Adonis was born. Illuminato, Friar Bishop of Assisi in Importuni An ancient Florentine family. Infangato An ancient Florentine family. Interminei, Alessio degli A member of a prominent family of Luccan Whites, alive in the year Iole Paradiso Canto IX: Jacob The son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.
Items in search results. Magazine Back Issues 2. Format see all Format. All Listings filter applied. Condition see all Condition. Item Location see all Item Location. Show only see all Show only. A type of the noble Roman woman. She is mentioned as a type of the good woman. He was notorious for his love of gold, and being killed in battle with the Parthians, their King Orodes Hyrodes poured molten gold down his throat. Florus, Epitome iii 2. The wife of Aeneas , lost at Troy. The love-god, the son of Venus -Aphrodite. Called Cupido or Amor. The archer whose arrows cause desire in those they hit.
Advised by Curio, according to Lucan see Pharsalia i. The Rubicon was at that time the boundary between Italy and Cisalpine Gaul. A fabulous race of giants on the coast of Sicily, with one eye in the centre of their foreheads. Tomyris , the Scythian Queen, cut off his head and threw it into a cauldron of blood.
See the entry for Tomyris. The Athenian artificer who made the labyrinth at Cnossos, for the Cretan king Minos. The father of Icarus , he made waxen wings, in order for them to escape from Crete. He was buried on the island of Icaria, and the Icarian Sea and the island, were named after him. The type of the artificer, the inventor and craftsman. An Israelite, taken up by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, after his capture of Jerusalem.
See Daniel i 8 and Daniel vii 10 indicates the vastness of the Angel multitude. Farinata warns him of his long exile, telling him that not fifty moons will pass before he learns how hard it is to return from banishment. Benedict visited Florence but left on June 4th leaving the rebellious city under an interdict. Dante explains here, to counter charges, presumably of sacrilege made against him.
Dante indicates he was present at the surrender of the Pisan fortress of Caprona, besieged by the Tuscan Guelphs in August He fought at Campaldino later that year. He indicates that he saw the campaigning in Aretine territory in also? Bonagiunta quotes the opening line of the famous first canzone of the Vita Nuova. Beatrice speaks his name. She refers indirectly to his work the Vita Nuova , his early tribute to her memory.
Dante: The Divine Comedy
He first saw her in May , and she died in June in her twenty-fifth year on the threshold of her second age of life. Dante, entering the sphere of Mercury that rules Gemini his birth-sign, comments on his own mercurial nature, subject to change and inconstancy. In the Metaphysics Aristotle shows that the prime Mover, which causes motion but is not itself moved, must be eternal, must be substantial, and actual, the prime object of desire, and of intellectual apprehension.
From these five attributes Aquinas builds his five proofs of the existence of God. Dante confirms his belief in the Trinity. The sources in the Testaments are chiefly: Dante refused to accept a laurel crown at Bologna in , invited to do so by Giovanni del Virgilio, hoping still to return to Florence, and be crowned there.
Apollo loved Daphne, the daughter of the river-god Peneus hence Peneian , who was changed into a laurel-tree by the river-god, as Apollo pursued her. He then adopted her laurel as the sacred tree whose leaves would crown his lyre etc.
Head of the popular party in Lucca, and the worst barrator or abuser of office in the city. The King of Israel. The son of Jesse, anointed by Samuel. The type of the pious King. Christ takes his spirit from Limbo into Paradise. Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son! He danced before the Ark of the Covenant, in an act of humility and worship.
See the Second Book of Samuel vi 6. David is the earthly ancestor of Christ, born at the time when Aeneas came into Italy, so making manifest the Divine ordination of the Roman Empire. Dante refers to the Vulgate, the Psalm of David ix The great-grandson of Ruth. The daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon, and the sister of Meleager. She was wooed and won by Hercules , and unwittingly caused the death of Hercules, through the shirt of Nessus.
Deidamia fell in love with him there, and bore him a son, and died of grief when he left. She is in Limbo. One of the people celebrated by Statius in his epic poetry. The Greek philosopher, of Aldera, d. Dante regards him as having taught that the world arises from chance arrangements of atoms.
Index IJLM
He is among the philosophers in Limbo. He failed to keep his promise to return to her, and when he did eventually return to find her she had comitted suicide, but had been transformed into an almond tree by Athene. The mythical Queen of Phoenician Carthage, probably an incarnation of Astarte the Great Goddess, who loved Aeneas and committed suicide when he deserted her. She broke faith with the memory of her dead husband Sychaeus for him. Paolo and Francesca are among her companions. Her brother was Pygmalion , King of Tyre.
See Aeneid i where he is the murderer of Sychaeus. The Cynic, Diogenes of Sinope d. He spent most of his life in Athens after being banished and died in Corinth. He called himself the Dog and held up animal life as a model for human beings, and the barbarians as better than the civilised. His task was the recoining of values. He advocated a positive asceticism in order to attain freedom, and deliberately flouted convention doing in public what should be done in private.
Originally an oak-goddess at Dodona. The mother of Venus-Aphrodite. He is in the eighth circle, eighth chasm. See Acts xvii, to whom were ascribed certain mystical writings, especially one on the Celestial Hierarchy, which were possibly composed in the fifth or sixth century.

He is in the fourth sphere of Prudence. Dionysius was supposed to have learned of the hierarchies and other matters from Saint Paul, who had seen them when rapt up into the third heaven. The Elder, tyrant of Syracuse BC. He led the Greek cities of Sicily in resistance to the Carthaginians. He is in the seventh circle, the first ring. The Greek physician and author of a work on Materia Medica particularly botany, who lived about 50AD. He is among the group of wise men in Limbo.
A native of Novara, he became head of the sect of The Apostolic Brothers, after the death of its founder Segarelli in They were purists, but were accused of heresies, such as the treating of women and goods as common. Clement V ordered a crusade against the sect in , and they fled to the hills between Novara and Vercelli, but were forced into surrender. Dolcino and Margaret of Trent, held to be his mistress, were burned alive at Vercelli in June He is in the ninth chasm as a sower of dissent. He was born at Calahorra in Spain of noble parentage. As a young man he became a canon and preached against heresy.
He was active among the Albigensians, trying to convert by persuasion, as Simon de Montfort was perpetrating his massacres. He preached throughout Europe and died in Bologna. Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican. His mother Giovanna Guzman dreamed before his birth that she was whelping a dog with a burning torch in his mouth that would set the world on fire. His godmother had a dream in which she saw a star on his forehead illuminating the earth. He tried to convert the Albigensian heretics, and stimulated the study of theology in the universities. His initially benevolent rule became despotic he claimed the title Dominus et Deus , Master and God and led to his murder after a palace conspiracy.
Domitian was accused by Eusebius and Tertullian of Christian persecution, but there is little or no evidence extant. He mutates into a serpent. It may be Buoso degli Abati who is intended. His son Simone caused Gianni Schicci to impersonate his father, Buoso, and forge a will. He appears as a six-footed serpent. Forese Donati , his brother, predicts his end. He went to Rome in , and induced Boniface to bring in Charles de Valois to broker a peace in Florence between the exiled factions. Charles favoured the Blacks, and Corso then tried to gain supreme power.
Suspected of intrigue with his father-in-law Ugucione della Faggiuola the Ghibelline captain, and the papal legate Napoleone Orsini, to overthrow the government, and become lord of Florence, he was condemned to death when the plot was discovered on October 6th He fled through the Porta Santa Croce but was overtaken and killed by Catalan mercenaries in the service of the King of Naples. He was said to have thrown himself from his horse and been lanced to death on the ground.
He was nicknamed Bicci Novello, and died on July 28 th He is among the gluttonous. She is mentioned, as being in Paradise. She is in the sphere of the Moon, appearing to Dante there because of her neglect of her vows. She had taken the habit of the Poor Clares in the convent at Florence, and was forcibly abducted from there by Corso her brother in or thereabouts, and compelled to marry Rosselino della Tosa, a turbulent noble of the Black faction.
She died shortly afterwards. The son-in-law of Michel Zanche , whom he murdered.
He was a member of the famous Ghibelline family from Genoa, and the murder took place at a banquet to which he had invited his father-in-law. He was still alive in , the date of the Vision. Zanche is in the eighth circle. He wants to torment Ciampolo. He was a follower of the Ghibelline leader Pier Traversaro. Pier, aided by the Mainardi of Bertinoro, obtained power in Ravenna and drove the Guelphs out. Guido was one, following Pier to Ravenna, and still alive there in His invective against Romagna.
Bribed by the French, Buoso leader of the Cremonese, treacherously allowed Charles of Anjou entry to Parma, in , at the beginning of his campaign against Manfred , who had organised its resistance. He is in the Ninth Circle. Cacus The three-headed shepherd, son of Hephaestus and Medusa. As an enemy of Evander and Hercules he is an enemy of Rome. Cadmus The son of the Phoenician King Agenor, who searches for his sister Europa, stolen by Jupiter in the form of a bull. Caecilius Caecilius Statius the comic poet d. He is in Limbo.
Cain The son of Adam and Eve , who killed his brother Abel. Calfucci An ancient Florentine family, a branch of the Donati. He died for the faith. Camilla Inferno Canto I: Camino, Gaia da The daughter of Gherardo da Camino. Camino, Gherardo da Captain-General of Treviso from till his death in when he was succeeded by his son Riccardo.