Make Em Laugh: 35 Years of the Comic Strip, the Greatest Comedy Club of All Time!
Gurian was introduce to Berle by Rodney Dangerfield, whom Gurian worked for as Dangerfield first began to gain a national profile in the United States.
Dr. Jeffrey L. Gurian
Gurian has also provided jokes to be read by individuals such as the Mayor of New York City, and wrote jokes for stage scripts for Jackie Mason. Gurian spent four years researching the history of the club in order to complete the manuscript, research that included interviewing about fifty of the significant comedians to work at the club, including Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy, Ray Romano and Jerry Seinfeld, who first started their stand-up careers at the club.
Comedian Chris Rock, wrote the forward for the book. He is also the co-author of the book Filthy, Funny and Totally Offensive.
Books | Skyhorse Publishing
In , Gurian released a book entitled Make 'Em Laugh: In , Gurian began sitting in with comedians for a weekly appearance on the Ron and Fez satellite radio show in a segment he named Jump Around, He has an online channel: Podcast smart and easy with the app that refuses to compromise. Manage episode series Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers.
Listen in, Laugh and Share! Soul Joel Presents Our 52nd Episode, which means we've been doing this podcast for 1 year!!! We welcome our long time friend James Mattern, who warmed up the audience for Richie Byrne's special. Tune in, Laugh and Share! Soul Joel Presents Episode Listen in, Laugh and Why does Vinnie have so much anger? Find out what he confronts Richie about Steven talks about the first big show he did was when Mark Ricccadonna pulled him out of the audience at a show, not knowing he was a comedian.
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Mike comes in giving the boys advice after listening to previous episodes. The fellas discuss having kids and doing comedy, traveling, and stories from the road!
- Make ‘Em Laugh by Jeffrey Gurian and Richie Tienken (Skyhorse Publishing, $) |
- Listen to Audiobooks written by Jeffrey L. Gurian |
- Nessuno - p. III (Italian Edition).
Please listen, comment to give us your feedback, and share this wit Richie and Jackie discuss how they might be related and their Irish-Cathollic upbringing. Jackie tells the boys about how she first heard of Richie Byrne and how they might be related. Listen in, laugh, and Originally from Texas living in New York City. Xorje has a story, like no other.

This is a must listen! Listen in as David takes Richie, Mark and Joel on a ride. Carole discusses doing 22 USO tours with Mark, performing for the troops. They bust on Joel while telling some fun stories from the road. Listen in, Laugh an Craig discusses getting sober, being at a Marilyn Manson Concert and meeting the biggest Seahawk Fan at a bar in Vegas. You'll want to hear this episode. Listen in, Laugh and share! Soul Joel Presents The boys are back in town together! Mark returns from his Summer Tour of 11 different states, warming up a comedy special in Nashville, and headlining the Borgata.
Richie tells DeMayo about the gig in Bayonne, where the booker got them confused. Find out why Joel is so quiet in the beginning Vinny kills from start to finish, catch your breathe, get ready to laugh! Listen in, laugh, and share. She's the only guest that listened to all of our episodes before coming on and brought her OWN drink in studio.
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Listen in, Laugh, and share! Mark, Richie and Joel solo in studio The boys tell tales about their trip to Nantucket Mark and Richie have a "me" spa day! Listen in, Laugh, and share with others! Rhonda hits the ground running early in this episode, telling the guys all of the big musical acts she's opened for including Anita Baker, Diana Ross, and Aretha Franklin. And Jerry — you ask him and this is so great — about one of his early jokes. To go back and have that experience again. A lot of them — they look back very fondly on those days. And they look back very fondly on those days.
As a matter of fact, there were very few Black comedians. When Eddie Murphy came into the club — in , Eddie was like the Elvis of comedy. He was the biggest star in the world. So whenever he would come to the Strip, Richie was managing him at the time, they were thrilled to have him there. So Eddie walks in one night and he says — are there any Black comics I can see?
And in those days, there were really very few. But Chris Rock was 19 and he was setting up chairs in exchange for stage time. That was his deal. Now Chris had never performed before — maybe 6 people at 3 in the morning because he used to do late night which is a special show they had there. But it was Friday night and the place was packed. Chris goes on and he kills it. And he hears Eddie laughing from the audience because you know, he has a very distinctive laugh.
And Eddie was waiting for him when he got off stage. They sat in this little booth there. And they sat there for hours talking and Eddie gave him his phone number and said call me. Waited a couple of days. And in those days, he was working at Catch and he said — I heard Eddie Murphy likes you. And Chris says — like yeah, he gave me his number.
He says — well, did you call him? If Eddie Murphy gives you his number, call him. So he called him that night. He went to the movies with Eddie and his mother and his entourage. And it was so long ago, Spike was selling t shirts in the street. And then Eddie invited him to come to L. Just how great he was.
Make ’Em Laugh: 35 Years of the Comic Strip, the Greatest Comedy Club of All Time!
New York Magazine did a great article on him. Patrice, to me, was a comedy philosopher. And when they wrote that thing about him in New York Magazine, it brought up a lot of feelings for me. Because it was something like — the comedian that all comics feared. One of the reasons they feared him is that most comics act in a very immature way. I never got that.
And I never had that relationship with Patrice. We used to hug each other, man. As big as he was — I used to love seeing him. And he asked me to be his co-host on the Black Phillip shows. Me and Dante Nero was his original co-host and then he asked me to join them — not only because we got along and we saw eye to eye.
But our approaches were very different. We came from opposite ends of the universe. He could never meet women using the things that I said and I could never say anything that he said to any woman.