Hard Times in Dragon City (Shotguns & Sorcery Book 1)
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A buddy comedy starring these two would be awesome. I really like the mix of gunpowder weaponry and magic, which makes for a really good change from most other fantasy novels that I come across in my reading. Some really wonderful sights and sounds in the city, and it also has a very rustic, frontier town feel to it.

With some great pacing, a very exciting murder mystery, an even more excellent detective-protagonist, I can say with confidence that Hard Times In Dragon City is an amazing novel. You are commenting using your WordPress.
Advent Reviews Day Hard Times In Dragon City by Matt Forbeck | Shadowhawk's Shade
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Sixth of the Dusk. The Republic of Thieves. The Wax and Wayne Series. The Wheel of Osheim. Kings of the Wyld. A Court of Wings and Ruin. The Rose and the Thorn. The Empire of Ashes. Matt Forbeck's Brave New World: The Road to Death.
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