
EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia

Although published as fiction, it is better described, says the publisher, as a novelistic travelog based on the author's journeys through Russia during Stalin's rise to power.

‘EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia’

Cummings — was among the most influential, widely read, and revered modernist poets. He was also a playwright, a painter, and a writer of prose.

  1. EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia.
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  3. EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia!
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  6. EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia | Open Modernisms;
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He spent three months in a French detention camp and subsequently wrote The Enormous Room, a highly acclaimed criticism of World War I. He spent the rest of his life painting, writing poetry, and enjoying widespread popularity and success. Madison Smartt Bell is the author of seventeen novels, his most recent being Behind the Moon.

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  3. EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia by E.E. Cummings!

He was always pushing the limits of the typewriter. Usually, Cummings employed his creative urges in the service of poetry, which resulted in brilliant work, much of which is still read today, still fresh, and still like nothing anyone has written.

A Journey Through Soviet Russia

Perhaps prose was the only way he could deal with the rising Soviet monster which Cummings—himself a radical embodiment of creativity—instinctively abhorred. Cummings traveled to the USSR in the summer of for 36 days. He took what must have been copious notes, and then when he returned, he wrote EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia , which, after nearly 50 years out of print, has been reissued.

Joseph Stalin, Leader of the Soviet Union (1878-1953)

But Cummings saw it clearly, though he said he did not go to the Soviet Union with any specific agenda in mind. Early in the book, he has this conversation, which he transcribed in his idiosyncratic style with a hotel clerk:. Frank Bures is a contributing editor at World Hum, where his stories have won several awards. I started this book twice, but had to return it to the library before we moved. I hope to find a copy down here and pick up where I left off.

Eimi: A Journey Through Soviet Russia | Common Knowledge | Duke University Press

It's a bit tough to read--as its prose is much like cummings poetry, with minimal structure and punctuation. Jul 20, J. Alfred rated it liked it.

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  • Cummings would let his readers read him," complains an early critic. This book is substantially more difficult, at what seem like important parts, than the lyrics, because the lyrics are over sooner and there's less of a feeling of distressed bewilderment about fourteen lines than there is about pages. But, this is really a fascinating document, if you're interested either in twentieth century poetry or twentieth century world history.

    Cummings, poet, travels to Russia duri "If only Mr. Cummings, poet, travels to Russia during the early part of Stalin's reign because he'd heard, like everyone else in liberal circles at the time, that it was the new thing humanity was doing, the beginning of the happy ending, or something like that.

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    His journey was a mess of frustration and fear and bizarre ideologies bouncing menacingly past one another, and here he is telling everyone about it in IF you have patience, and a large willingness to be bewildered, this is a good book for you. Jan 03, Esther marked it as to-read Shelves: Cumming's journal about his journey through Soviet Union. Dec 10, Shane is currently reading it. Aug 04, Paul Sonnenberg rated it it was amazing. Terrifically off putting at first, but builds to a virtuosic crescendo that took my breath away.

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    Jan 07, Comrade K rated it it was amazing. Richard rated it it was amazing Mar 12, Tim rated it really liked it Jan 26, Zeno Vernyik rated it liked it Mar 22, Jared rated it really liked it Nov 22, Vicki rated it liked it Nov 11, Naranovich rated it it was amazing Dec 03,