Vintage Beer: A Tasters Guide to Brews That Improve over Time

It took usually a year or so for the beer to make it over to Russia. Now breweries are aging on-site and releasing aged versions of their beers and they are a year or two old by the time they ever hit the liquor store shelf.
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- Vintage Beer: Discover Specialty Beers That Improve with Age!
When people are around its fun because you are drinking the beer together and you are talking about it. You have a whole new vocabulary for all these flavors.
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How has beer culture changed since you started writing about breweries and brews? Everybody has, even just the average Joe, know the different beer styles.
You know, they know the IPAs, they know what hops taste like and the difference between hop flavor and aroma. Just drink what you like. Patrick Dawson gives a list of easy-to-follow rules that lay the groundwork for identifying these cellar-worthy beers and then delves into the mysteries behind how and why they age as they do.
Vintage Beer: Discover Specialty Beers That Improve with Age by Patrick Dawson
Beer styles known for aging well are discussed and detailed profiles of commonly available beers that fall into these categories are included. There is also a short travel guide for bars and restaurants that specialize in vintage beer gives readers a way to taste what this new craft beer frontier is all about.
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Vintage Beer : A Taster's Guide to Brews That Improve over Time by Patrick Dawson (2014, Paperback)
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A Taster's Guide to Brews That Good candidates for cellaring are either strong, sour, or smoked beers, such as barleywines, rauchbiers, and lambics.