Un amor de fantasia (Deseo) (Spanish Edition)
This play is vibrant exploration of the lost love affair between America and Cuba. La Habana y asimismo, da pauta de entrada a los nueve personajes que se ubican en la escena bailando en su tiempo teatral para contarnos parte de sus vidas Una "paleta de pintor", llena de colores y emociones Collage musical creado por el propio autor-director, que incluye Aquellos ojos verdes, en la voz de Nat King Cole y Mambo No. Los uniformes verdes militares desaparecen en dos de sus personajes, Orlando y el Joven.
El malabarismo maligno de someter, intimidar, amenazar, dominar y ultrajar de Orlando es descubierto por Preston, quien no se presta a dicho juego. De lamentar, que las temporadas teatrales de las obras de Nilo Cruz sean tan cortas. Retrata el comienzo del caos. Sin embargo hay toques, momentos, de humor. Zully Montero y Anna Silvetti. Un bravo por ella. Bonito final que se me antoja esperanzador. Desde el 5 hasta el 15 de noviembre. The sister of one of the servants has a child who is affected by the same disease.
The doctor explains the main symptoms of this infection and suggests that to avoid child mortality she should write to Queen Victoria Eugenia so that research on this disease can be carried out. The Queen and the Princesses were part of the cast. The story begins in Paris in When Adeline dies she has hopes to take her place but her widower, Hector Hulot Hugh Laurie , merely suggests that she could be the housekeeper for his daughter Hortense Kelly Macdonald. She refuses this insulting offer and returns to her neighbourhood where she lives in poverty.
She meets a penniless artist, the irresistibly charming Wenceslas Aden Young , whom she saves from starvation and encourages to cease his efforts to become a sculptor. In return she expects to possess the young man or, at least, to experience the loving tenderness she has been denied for so long. Meanwhile, Hortense meets Wenceslas in an art gallery and decides to marry him. At the beginning of the film, Adeline Hulot dies, seemingly of tuberculosis. La Cousin Bette by Max de Rieux Coughing, handkerchiefs covering the mouth, haemoptysis and death fill the documentary.
It shows the tragedy that tuberculosis involved for Poe and his family. Dashiell suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and finally from lung cancer. Alborada de sangre Chile. Amanecer en Socorro Spain. In Spain it was broadcast by Spanish Television on 20 July The doctor who attends him diagnoses him with pulmonary tuberculosis after hearing him cough. He begins the journey in a stage-coach, where he meets a young woman called Rannah Hayes Piper Laurie and stops in Socorro New Mexico to catch the train to Colorado Springs.
Both of these events will change his journey. The only clinical manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis shown by the protagonist is coughing. This leads the physician to perform a check-up and to diagnose the condition via auscultation and thoracic percussion. He is also told to go somewhere with nice weather and live a decent life eating three meals a day, which takes him to Socorro. Rannah gives him some cough medicine containing alcohol and for some time he remains free of coughing fits. Bill Richard Gere and Abby Brooke Adams , a young couple, decide to leave poverty and the harsh life they lead in the Chicago of behind.
When harvest time is over, the young and handsome owner, who believes they are brother and sisters, asks them to stay on because he has fallen in love with Abby… public Synopsis. Starred by a very young Richard Gere. The landowner suffers from an illness that, because of its slow development and its potentially deadly character, seems likely to be tuberculosis , although this word is never mentioned. How long do you think I have left? Since they were kind-hearted they decided to wait until he died a natural death.
Biography of the legendary American musician and composer Cole Porter Kevin Kline , an icon of the music of the 20th century who was at his most glorious during the golden age of classical Hollywood. Porter looks back at his life as if it was one of his spectacular shows, with the people and events of his life playing the role of actors and actions in the scenes. Several productions are presented together with his music throughout the film. His elegant and overloaded past is brought to light, including his deep and complicated relationship with his wife and muse, Linda Porter Ashley Judd.
A character with terminal tuberculosis , Patrick Murphy, the child of his friend Gerald Murphy, appears twice in the film. Cradle of Crime USA reissue title. Calle sin salida Spain. Hugh "Baby Face" Martin Humphrey Bogart , a notorious killer, returns to one such dead-end street, his home as a boy, hoping to see his mother, and Francey Claire Trevor , an old girl friend. Dave Connell Joel McCrea , an unemployed architect, also lives on the street, but dreams that one day he and Kay Burton Wendy Barrie , the girlfriend of a wealthy man, can have a better life.
His friend Drina Gordon Sylvia Sidney , who has loved Dave for years, struggles through a strike, hoping to earn enough money to keep her kid brother Tommy Billy Halop from turning into a criminal along with his friends on the street. Martin finds his mother and Francey, but becomes despondent when his mother slaps and rejects him and he learns that Francey is a prostitute.
Martin yearns to stay in one place, but, despite plastic surgery on his face, his finger prints cannot be changed and he is trapped by his past crimes. That same afternoon, the street kids beat up Philip Charles Peck , the son of one of the wealthy apartment owners, and take his watch. Although Tommy gives the watch back, the boy's father, Mr. Griswold Minor Watson , the brother of a famous judge, wants to press charges when Tommy wounds him slightly with a knife.
Tommy wants to run away, but Drina begs to go with him. When Spit, the leader of Tommy's gang, informs, Tommy hides while Drina talks to the police. Meanwhile, Martin is killed by Dave, who stops Martin's plan to kidnap Philip. Because Dave will now earn a large reward, he thinks that he and Kay can start a new life, but lets her go when he realizes that she is only interested in a year of high living with him.
He and Drina convince Tommy to give himself up and, although Mr. Griswold refuses to drop charges, Dave offers to use his reward money to hire a good lawyer to keep the boy out of reform school. Nominated for four Academy Awards in Tuberculosis hovers over Dead End as one more element of the setting. The story takes place in a time when tuberculosis was a serious problem in the USA because there was no etiological treatment for it. Three cases of pulmonary tuberculosis emerge along the story, all of them affecting people of disadvantaged social status and manifested exclusively by coughing.
Gabriel Dell because he has tuberculosis. In one of the scenes, he mentions that he coughs because he has this disease. The dame in the kimono: Hollywood, censorship, and the production code. The University Press of Kentucky; British film censorship in action, The film is about a bed that is possessed by a devil that devours all who dare to sleep on it. Henri Le Vert France and Switzerland. Heinrich el verde Spanish translation.
The story takes place in Munich during Carnival. Henri wants to protect the girl and challenges him to a duel. While he is waiting, memories of his childhood and youth cross his mind, among them memories of his cousin Anna Florence Darle , from whom he received his first kiss of love, and who died of tuberculosis , abandoned by him as well.
The fatal outcome of the duel leads him to join her again. The Magic Mountain English, unspecified. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini Flavio Bucci , a secular humanist, and Naphta Charles Aznavour , a totalitarian Jesuit.
Several details related to tuberculosis sanatoriums can be observed in this film: Der Zauberberg by Ludwig Cremer. A flashback takes the action back to New York, where he played the piano at a jazz club where Sue Claudia Drake , his girlfriend, sang before taking the decision to move to Los Angeles to try her fortune in the film industry.
Later he decides to join her and, while hitchhiking, he is picked up by Charles Haskell Jr. Edmund MacDonald , who is on his way to Los Angeles and offers him a ride. One night Charles dies suddenly and, for fear of being accused of murder, Al decides to get rid of the body, impersonate him and keep all his belongings. At a petrol station he picks up Vera Ann Savage , a real femme fatale who suffers from tuberculosis and who decides to blackmail him. Before meeting Al, Charles had driven Vera in his car.
All of them are freely available at link. Documentary aimed at GPs that sets out the steps they can follow to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in their patients: It stresses the fact that the sooner the diagnosis is reached, the better the response to the treatment. Vance Pin Money and Carey Wilson. Three stories dealing with the search for a diamond that brings only misfortune to its owner: In South Africa, a miner Charles Stevens loses his life for stealing a diamond he has found. Before he dies, he gives the stone to Musa, a local girl. The gem becomes known as the Shah diamond and ends up in a New York City jewellery store window, where Cecile Gwen Lee , an upper-class matron, admires it.
Her husband Conrad Nagel leaves her when he discovers that Jerry John Roche , a family friend, has given Cecile the diamond under the pretence that it is a glass trinket. Musa, now Cecile's maid, is again the recipient of the gem. The diamond is stolen by a gang of thieves. Larry Lawrence Gray , who really loves her, secretly gives her money to go to a sanatorium for her lung disease tuberculosis to be cured.
Instead, Tillie uses the money to buy the diamond. Tillie accepts a modest diamond from Larry and becomes his wife AFI. Diario de un cura rural Argentina. A young priest arrives in Ambricourt, a village in the north of France, to take charge of his first parish. He lacks pastoral experience and puts all his efforts into winning over his potential parishioners, which he does not succeed in doing, and is even ignored and rejected. In addition, he has health problems and ends up being diagnosed with stomach cancer. This is beyond doubt, and in the opinion of virtually all the critics, a worldwide masterpiece of cinema.
The story is told by the priest through his diary. The presence of tuberculosis in the film is limited to one comment, when he learns that he has stomach cancer, the priest says: A story of love and death that takes place in a tuberculosis sanatorium of Palermo, La Rocca, during the summer of At the hospital, he meets Marta Lucrezia Lante della Rovere , a former dancer of La Scala and the ex-lover of an SS member, who, in spite of her tuberculosis, retains her charm, causing him to fall in love with her.
Angelo outlives all of them, but to the cost of his love. The Counterfeiters English, international. The film dramatizes facts related to the counterfeiting of English pounds and American dollars carried out during the Nazi regime at the end of World War Two. Not only paper money was counterfeited, but documents such as passports were also forged. Their work was considered of such importance that they were granted relatively special treatment in spite of their ethnic origins and they were moved to an isolated area of the camp.
Aware of the methods used by Nazis to eliminate their people, survival was what motivated most of the members of the group. This desire was stronger than that of boycotting the production, which could have precipitated the end of the conflict; this was only done by Adolf Burger August Diehl , a Czech communist who used to work in a printing office and who was willing to die before collaborating with the Nazi regime and giving up his ideals. Life as opposed to principles was the moral dilemma.
The forging of pounds sterling was a success; so much so that even the bank of England believed they were real, the Nazis distributed a larger quantity than in the store of the agency issuing them. Salomon Sorowitsch Karl Markovics was an excellent forger and a character that belonged to the lower circles of Berlin, getting arrested in He managed to survive thanks to his skills as a painter, which he took advantage of in Mauthausen bydrawing portraits of Nazis and their families and making propaganda murals, which allowed him to once again come across the policeman who had arrested him in Berlin, Friedrich Herzog Devid Striesow , who was responsible for the forging in Sachsenhausen, and with whom he developed a relationship of mutual dependence.
Salomon seemed sullen, but deep inside he was kind hearted; he survived, but he also helped others to do so too. Based on real facts. Salomon tried to help Kolya Sebastian Urzendowsky , a Russian boy who suffered from tuberculosis , to survive. The boy looked pale, and had a fever, coughing fits and anorexia. Sally realized that as soon as the Nazis found out they would immediately and efficiently eradicate the source of infection, which eventually happened, by a shot in the head. In his attempts to help Kolya get better Sally would force him to eat and protect him by using his own blood to make his cheeks look rosier, and, when the situation seemed hopeless, begging his jailer for the medicines doctor Klinger August Zirner thought would be effective.
Ernst Wilhelm Borchert as W. Susanne, full of understanding, agrees to share the flat, while something similar to love begins to grow between them. After declaring their love for each other, Susanne tells Hans that she does not know him and would like to know more about his life, work, studies… While looking at a panel where several chest X-rays are displayed, the doctor recalls a day in his former life:. The patient had tuberculosis.
We had arranged surgery. The professor did not arrive. I had to tell the young patient how we all wanted his surgery to be postponed. A strange challenge to test myself. Then I decided to skip the rules. The experienced nurse was against it. But I operated on him and then … I suddenly felt completely calm, completely confident, as if I had done it times before. To support herself and her infant son Dinty Wesley Barry , Doreen labors as a washerwoman until, at the age of twelve, Dinty becomes the family's breadwinner by selling newspapers.
Meanwhile, in Chinatown wealthy opium smuggler Wong Tai Noah Beery kidnaps Judge Whitely's daughter in retribution for the judge's sentencing of Wong Tai's son to prison. Dinty, whose work as a newsboy has familiarized him with the Chinese underworld, leads the police to Wong Tai's hideout and saves the judge's daughter from a fearful death. To show his gratitude, Judge Whitely adopts Dinty, whose mother has recently succumbed to tuberculosis, and Dinty begins life anew AFI. Law and Order by Edward L. Frontier Marshal by Lew Seiler Frontier Marshal by Allan Dwan The main characters are real, and real events are recreated in this and other films about them and the topic, generally involving much fantasy.
He coughs from the very first sequences of the film. His cough is often dry and appears twice in considerable fits, one of them ending in hemoptysis, and the other accompanied by severe dyspnea. Curiously, in the last part of the film he stops coughing. At certain times he looks sweaty and his eyes become rheumy, as if he had a fever. He knows that owing to his condition he has only a short time to live, expressly mentioned in the film. Because of his illness the doctors advised him to go west to a dryer climate.
The tuberculosis of "Doc" Holliday in the cinema. Laennec Pierre Planchar This austere doctor, a native of Brittany, confronted a tuberculosis epidemic with a high mortality rate that affected hundreds of patients seeking help for their health problems at the Necker Hospital in Paris. The invention of the stethoscope allowed him to advance considerably in the diagnosis of the illness. He put all his energy into fighting this disease, until he himself became affected and decided to return to his native land.
The invention of the stethoscope allowed considerable advances in the diagnosis of pneumonia and tuberculosis to be made. Laennec died of tuberculosis at the age of The story takes place in the 30s in a village of Connecticut. Dr George Bull is charged with negligence for failing to carry out an inspection when there was an outbreak of typhoid fever. The real reason, however, is a different matter. Part of the population is convinced that Bull has been having an affaire with a widow. While the elderly women of the village whisper about the shameful things they must be getting up to, the widow is reading Alice in Wonderland to George.
To silence the puritans, it seems best to quieten them and ignore their vicious tongues, and Bull does so by marrying the widow and leaving the village after winning recognition. He leaves on a train, the same train with which the plot opened. The revolution of September ends with the establishment of the Republic following the overthrow of Isasbella II. The Royal Family is in exile in Paris.
Two years later, the Queen renounces in favour of her son, young Alfonso. Queen Mercedes dies shortly after the wedding. Alfonso XII died of tuberculosis in After getting completely soaked in a rainstorm, Mercedes starts to feel bad "it's a constant ailment" and goes to Aranjuez to get some rest. She has a fever the doctors takes her pulse ; she doesn't want to eat, and she looks poorly Although she tries to hide her health status from Alfonso on a boat trip, she begins to hear strange noises and sees the light around her fade, until she faints.
A few days later she dies. The clinical picture is not solved in the film; it lasts for weeks and coiuld be considered a tuberculosis, although the character does not have a cough. The action takes place in and concludes with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Humour, pity and love are mixed in the film. The protagonist, doctor Akagi Akira Emoto , works as a doctor in a fishing village, having as accomplices young Sonoko Kumiko Aso , a prostitute he takes in at the request of her father, who dies of hepatitis, and who from that moment onwards will take care of him, the owner of a geisha house Keiko Massuzaka , a morphine-addicted surgeon Masanori Sera , and a drunken Buddhist monk Juro Kara.
The doctor, aided by his great patriotic spirit and a large dose of humanity, begins a crusade against a hepatitis epidemic that has broken out in Japan and that the authorities refuse to acknowledge. Because of this he becomes known as Doctor Liver. The film essentially focuses on the hepatitis epidemic, although it also broaches other problems of the same nature such as typhus, smallpox, malaria, cholera, flu, pneumonia, the common cold, and tuberculosis. The Story of Dr.
A cinematographic biography of German doctor Paul Ehrlich. The first part shows his work at a hospital, of which he is not very satisfied; his first contact with syphilis; his relationship with Emil Von Behring O. Kruger and Robert Koch A. Bassermann , his work-relationship with the latter after succeeding in staining the tuberculosis bacillus; his suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and his recovery in Egypt, and his role in the discovery of antidiphtheria serum.
The second part of the film focuses on his effort in fighting syphilis and the discovery of Salvarsan.
The film is based on an idea by Norman Burstine and on letters and notes belonging to the Ehrlich family. Robinson was posthumously awarded a special prize in recognition of his achievements in cinema and his career of over 50 years. Filmed almost entirely in a studio, it reconstructs the oppressive atmosphere of Berlin.
Very early on in the film, there is a sequence that recreates the conference delivered on 24 March by Robert Koch before the Physiological Society of Berlin, where he announced the discovery of the etiologic agent of tuberculosis. One of those present at this announcement was Ehrlich, who, thanks to a culture provided by Koch, was able to stain Mycobacterium tuberculosis and prove its acid resistance.
The film recreates the anecdote of how serendipity favoured him with the accidental overheating of a preparation, in this case, as opposed to what really happened, caused by his wife. This event is thus dramatically reinforced with the presence of Emil Von Behring. Later, Ehrlich faints at a party due to his pulmonary tuberculosis. He therefore goes to Egypt with his wife to recover. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. Tokyo, after World War Two. However, the doctor finds a bullet.
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The patient is a petty gangster who suffers from tuberculosis. From then on, the doctor, recalling his own past, will attempt to save him despite the violent confrontations that arise between them. The former contracts tuberculosis and gives up the fight to win the heart of the young woman, who marries the doctor. Moham is admitted to a tuberculosis sanatorium from where he runs a radio programme as part of the campaign against tuberculosis.
Made with the collaboration of the Indian Agency responsible for the fight against tuberculosis. It achieved considerable success, both because of the actors chosen and because of the appeal of the musical acts. There are four other films with the same original title, though not the same plot, that were premiered in , , and respectively. It focuses on the years between and and tells of his artistic evolution and relationships with different characters of the time.
A film made for TV and performed by amateur actors. This political comedy is a satire of communist ideology. The action takes place during the first years of the decade of the 50s of the last century in the German Democratic Republic. Tuberculosis forces two patients with opposing ideals to live together in the same room at a sanatorium. After many confrontations they arrive at the conclusion that they are not so different and might even become friends. In , the film received several awards at the Berlin International Film Festival: Year of Enlightment undefined.
The Year of Awakening English, international. They are 16 and 8 years old respectively and orphans, their father having died in the recently ended Civil War. The story takes place in Barcelona during the 40s. Dani Fernando Tielve , a fourteen-year-old boy who has lost his father in the Civil War spends the summer idling about his neighbourhood. Susana Aida Folch , daughter of Anita Ariadna Gil and Kim Antonio Resines , is a pretty fifteen-year-old girl who has been confined to her room because of tuberculosis and who lives expecting the return of her father, who is supposedly carrying out a secret mission in Shangai.
The Carpenter's Pencil Europe, English title. The action takes place in Galicia, starting in Santiago de Compostela not long before the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. A group of the Civil Guard are investigating him because of his left-wing political affiliation, and the report made by Corporal Herbal Luis Tosar , who had been in love with his girlfriend since he was a child, is a determinant factor for his arrest after Franco takes control of the country. Nevertheless, he manages to survive in the Galician prisons he is confined in. The story is told by Herbal, who tells it to one of the girls of the club where he works as a cleaner.
The girl picks it up and gives it to him: Three characters could be linked to tuberculosis. The first is the Corporate, who opens the film with a coughing fit and who once thought he had the illness until Daniel told him that what he really had was angina pectoris. The second one is a painter who goes to portray the patients at the psychiatric hospital where the protagonist works.
Upon seeing his former works the following conversation takes place:. All the prisoners are checked by the prison doctor when they arrive, and therefore the doctor listens to his chest. The story begins in during the Spanish Civil War. Pau commits suicide and Manuel and Ramallo part after sealing a pact of silence regarding these events. In , Francisca Antonia Torrens , a girl who had witnessed the cruel childhood scene, has become a nun and works as a nurse at a tuberculosis sanatorium. From that moment on, the hidden passions of the protagonists, who face the disease in different ways, will emerge: Manuel seeks shelter in religion, whereas Ramallo ignores it.
His body, his feelings and his consciousness, are all fragile. The man will distance himself from what up to then seemed to make up his daily life and, thus, by taking that step of detachment, he will study the reasons for such fragility. A regular midday business trip inland turns into a different journey altogether. When he reaches his destination, Juan Desouza, finds that the man travelling next to him fails to wake up. Secretly, as if it was a game, he decides to assume the identity of this man, to make up a profession, to find a place to stay the night: The only detail related to tuberculosis in this film are some old letters the protagonist finds in a house and that have stamps bearing the Cross of Lorraine, a symbol related to tuberculosis.
The doctor who sees him tells the family, after studying the appropriate images, that he has a tumor and that its aetiology, which is nothing but a tuberculous granuloma that will require long-term treatment, will be clarified by the performance of a biopsy.
The doctor dismisses this form of tuberculosis as an illness related to immigration. Encephalic tuberculosis in HIV-negative patients is an increasingly frequent disease in developed countries, especially among immigrants, and can present a pseudotumoral symptomatology.
Jimmy Karlsson and Kjell Sundstedt.
La Casa de Las Fantasias : (the House of the Fantasies)
Elina Natalie Minnevik is a nine-year-old girl who lives in the north of Sweden in the early 50s. She belongs to the Finnish-speaking minority. Her father died of tuberculosis some years ago but she believes she can still talk with him in the marshland that is behind her house. She is also sick with tuberculosis, owing to which she has missed school for quite a long period and has had to repeat a whole academic year. Her new teacher, Ms Tora Holm Bibi Andersson , believes she is careless and negligent and sets about to turn her into a neat and tidy schoolgirl.
This involves speaking perfect Swedish, without using Finnish expressions and, above all, respecting people of authority. Elina repeatedly wanders about the marshlands trying to get in touch with her father. One day she sinks into the mud and is almost swallowed up. This is when she realizes that she is not alone, but that she is loved and needed. When she goes to school the following morning everything is different. This is a story based on the life of Dorothy Day Moira Kelly , a woman of extraordinary faith who is remarkably committed to the most important social causes of her time.
She was born in Brooklyn in and grew up in Chicago in the heart of a Protestant family. In she moved to New York where she pursued her career as a revolutionary journalist, made contributions to several publications and supported the feminist movement. She had a series of lovers; she was made pregnant by one of them and had an illegal abortion. She married, but the marriage only lasted one year. In she became pregnant again and decided to have the child. The birth of her daughter triggers a spiritual change in her.
She becomes a Catholic and the deep faith she feels moves her to tirelessly help the disadvantaged through her deeds providing shelter, feeding and clothing the needy and publications. She spends time in prison for opposing the Vietnam War. Her work lives on in the form of shelters and dining halls and, above all, in her struggle for peace and justice public synopsis.
Several sets of infectious symptoms are mentioned such as: In Spain it was released during the 18th Experimental Film Week of Madrid which took place from 21 to 28 November, The film comprises two stories about life in Poland during World War Two; in fact, in Spanish it was even called Heroica.
Dzidzius will witness how his patriotism will force him to cross the German lines once again to contact the AK headquarters in Warsaw. The second part, Ostinato Lugubre , begins when the Warsaw Uprising has already been quenched. The story takes place in a prison camp at the foot of the Alps.
The prisoners of the Uprising will find themselves together with the Polish prisoners of the defensive war. The action takes place in one of the barrack huts for officials, where two different sets of experiences and two completely different worlds will be thrust together. While the officials of the Warsaw uprising are conscious of their efforts and heroism, they have been defeated again so they are aware of the need to leave romantic heroism behind they ironically say that they have come to the camp to have a well-deserved rest. Lieutenant Zawistowski Tadeusz Lomnicki manages to escape from the prisoncamp, raising the hopes of the prisoners; however, few of them know that he is really hidden in the loft of a barrack hut and that he is sick with tuberculosis , from which he finally dies.
Cara a cara Spain. Faccia a faccia Italy. Brad ends up becoming a member of the gang and, subsequently, its leader. The story takes place in New York in autumn during the early 20th century. Earl Headley Mace Greenleaf discovers an effective treatment for tuberculosis. In a wealthy household, Winifred Thompson Marian Swayne is playing the piano when she suddenly begins to cough and faints. She is seriously ill with pulmonary tuberculosis.
She is visited by a doctor who tells the family that by the time the last leaf has fallen the young woman will be dead. Headley passes by and asks the child why she is doing that and she tells him. The doctor tells her he has discovered a serum to treat consumption that might save her sister. He uses it on her and Winifred is healed.
Love arises between the patient and the bacteriologist who cures her. The film can be viewed at link. The film reflects the effects of tuberculosis on the population of the time when it was filmed and the expectations there were of finding a treatment that would be really effective. Family Diary USA, original subtitled version. In Enrico Marcello Mastroianni , a young journalist, receives a phone call informing him of the death of Dino Jacques Perrin , his younger brother. Enrico recalls how after years of separation they met again, how he became infected with tuberculosis and had to go to a sanatorium while his brother suffered from an incurable disease.
Cobb, based on a short story with the same title that was published on 13 May in the Saturday Evening Post. Robert Vorhis falls in love with Marie, but because a rejected suitor tells him that Marie's reputation is stained, he goes to California with his parents to forget her. Helene contracts tuberculosis , and when Marie, seeking the location of a hospital for consumptives, asks several men their address, she is arrested for streetwalking. Robert's father, Judge Vorhis, acquits her, but upon returning home, she discovers that Paul and Hans have been killed in battle and that her sister has committed suicide.
El Club de la Pelea Argentina and Mexico. El club de la lucha Spain. The film tells the story of The Narrator Edward Norton , a nameless young man who suffers from insomnia. To fight it he attends support group meetings for alcoholics, people with cancer, people with tuberculosis , people with parasitism… One day he meets Tyler Durden Brad Pitt and everything starts to change. They establish a secret club where businessmen can fight in order to release their frustrations. This situation is not well received by The Narrator.
The plot begins when the famous Scottish playwright J. Barrie Johnny Depp sees how his latest play captivates and surprises the refined English society of the 19th century. Barrie is a literary genius, but is bored with always dealing with the same topics in his novels and therefore urgently needs to find a new source of inspiration. One day, he unexpectedly finds it while taking a stroll through the Kensington gardens in London with his St. There, Barrie comes across the Llewelyn Davies family: He amuses the children with magic tricks, dressing up, and creating imaginary worlds of kings and castles, cowboys and Indians, and pirates and shipwrecks.
He turns hillsides into galleons, sticks into powerful swords, kites into fairy godmothers and the children of the Llewelyn Davies family into The Lost Children of Neverland. At first, his drama company seems reluctant. Its loyal producer, Charles Frohman Dustin Hoffman , fears that Barrie might end up in penury with this childish fantasy, but Barrie begins with the rehearsals, shocking the actors with his strange demands: When Barrie is about to present the world of Peter Pan , a tragic turn forces him and his loved ones to come to terms with what living really means.
Kaczmarek and received nominations in six other categories: Sylvia suffers from tuberculosis , although this word is never mentioned in the film, and dies of it. When I think of your mother, I will always remember how happy she looked, sitting there in the parlour watching a play about her family, about her boys that never grew up. She went to Neverland. And you can visit her any time you like if you just go there yourself.
Fires on the Plains English, international. Fuego en la llanura Spanish translation. The plot develops in the Philippines in early The Japanese army is in the process of being defeated; it is beating a retreat and fighting desperately in the jungle. The men are afraid of the Americans, who they try to flee from while they suffer the ravages of malaria and other infections, together with food shortage. The position they are in is so bad that they even engage in inhuman acts such as cannibalism. Tamura Eiji Funakoshi is one of these men. It is considered to be a film of high artistic and historical value.
The hospital sends you back and you obey? There's no room here for consumptives like you! Tell 'em you have nowhere to go. In the thick of war, your comrades gave you five days' food to take to the hospital. Three days later you returned, saying they'd pronounced you cured. TB cured in three days? I could've done that long ago, but I've got no hankering for TB germs. Her mother's brother, Sidney Bentham, is a wealthy financier, but has isolated himself from all his relatives.
Ethel and her pal, Jimmy, the newsie, set out to find Bentham. They happen to arrive at his home, and Bentham, who has heard of his sister's death, repents sufficiently to take Ethel into his home. Jimmy, too, finds shelter there and the two plot to reform Bentham, who is bent on destroying his brother on the stock market. Short films under the same title were released in two of them , and Lewis as Daddy Lewis. Deep in financial difficulties, Henry forges Edward's name on a stock certificate in order not to get into debt and is caught.
Edward, in revenge for being jilted, sues. When Ruth pleads for Henry, Edward offers to withdraw his charges if she will "pay the price. A few years later, Edward dies from tuberculosis that his weakened system, resulting from his dissipated life, could not combat. Traces of consumption in their son Walter, plus other evidence, lead Henry to suspect that the child's father was Edward, and Ruth admits that he is right. Henry drives her and the boy away and lives alone with his legitimate daughter Emily until Emily runs away to find Ruth.
Other films under the same title were released in and After announcing their engagement they get married. Upon returning from their honeymoon her performance, far from the strict court protocol, pleases her husband and wins over the restless Hungarian nation. The Count of Andrassy Walter Reyer confesses her his love, but Sissi, although attracted to him, remains faithful to her husband, and together they enjoy a second honeymoon in the Alps.
Sick with tuberculosis she recovers in Spain under the care of her mother, Duchess Ludovika Magda Schneider. Back with her husband they go to Italy where they are received coldly, but the manners, friendliness and charm of the Empress win the heart of the Italians, after which they return to Austria. This film results from the combination of Sissi , Sissi: Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. Cara de guerra Mexico. Nacido para matar Argentina.
A group of recruits is being trained at Parris Island, a boot camp of the American Navy. However, not all the young men are able to endure his methods in the same way public synopsis. Nominated for an academy Award in the category of Best Adapted Screenplay The other half have got TB. Set in New York between and Manhattan is controlled by merciless gangs. The background of the story is the Civil War and the riots in the poverty stricken district of Five Points. Amsterdam wants to take revenge on Bill, the man who killed his father.
It was nominated for ten Academy Awards in The infectious pathology common to the time is mentioned. Thus, when Amsterdam asks:. Aullidos de terror Argentina. After suffering an overdose of the drug that prevents her from becoming a werewolf, Brigitte is locked up in a centre for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. Without her dose, her transformation begins to speed up. The situation gets even worse when she is also haunted by the ghost of her sister and by another lycanthrope public synopsis.
Sequel to Ginger Snaps by John Fawcett link. Joan saves Rodney White Raymond McKee from killing himself because he is a victim of the white plague. Impressed with Joan's faith, Rodney adopts her, taking her out West with his aunt Prudence Martha Mattox in hopes of recovering his health. Rodney is only injured, however, and with the aid of the hermit Dr Norman Cecil Van Auker , he recovers. Some time after a series of murders begin to take place, all of them of men and sharing a common feature: John Wrathall based on the homonymous play by Cecil Philip Taylor.
A good university lecturer, he motivated his students, he advocated freedom of thought and he was against the banning of books. He fulfilled his duties as a family man by looking after a neurotic wife, two children and a mother who was sick with tuberculosis and suffered from dementia. A good soldier during World War One, he became friends with a Jewish doctor and psychoanalyst, alongside whom he fought on the front and who treated his psychological problems. He was against the National Socialist Regime, which he thought of as something temporary, and he did not join the party in spite of pressures from his father-in-law and of the fact that taking this step would help him to progress at university.
However, the publication in of a romantic novel in which a man killed his wife out of pity put him in touch with the Nazi Regime in For fear, no doubt, and also, why not, out of self-respect, he agreed to write it. He joined the party and even became a member of the SS. He broke up with his wife and married a former student who had become his lover while still at university. It is pulmonary and said to be chronic of course! Nevertheless, later on, he finds her in bed, not looking well at all and coughing, which is when the good woman tries to kill herself by ingesting the pills she takes.
Shortly after, she dies. Ulmer made other educational films for the National Tuberculosis Association such as: They are all freely available from link. The animation part coincides with the narrative segment where the tuberculosis germ speaks while his fellow germs act on the lung. Also released in Spain. The action takes place during World War One. The plot revolves around the hardships endured by a group of French soldiers in the German prisoner-of-war camps. This is a film with high social content.
The film was nominated for an Academy Award in the category of Best Picture In this classification, tuberculosis is considered a disease typical of the intellectual classes. War involves a democratization of the disease because it brings all germs together:. Emily's only close friends were her brother Branwell and her sisters Charlotte and Anne. Emily began writing poems at an early age and published twenty-one of them, together with poems by Anne and Charlotte. The slim volume only sold two copies, and the failure led all three to begin work on novels: Emily died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty, and never knew the great success of her only novel Wuthering Heights " G.
French as Charles French. Shirley's socializing enrages Pearson when he finds her in the company of Alexander Chapman Robert McKim , a drunken wastrel, but after a bitter quarrel, they reconcile. Shirley befriends Morgan, making Margery jealous, who goes to Pearson for consolation and advice, but instead rekindles Pearson's own jealousy. Later, at a dance in the Hunter home, Chapman reappears uninvited. Morgan, aware of the situation, removes Chapman to the garden where the latter says insulting things about Shirley.
Morgan knocks Chapman out, then returns to the house just as Jim Webb Clyde Benson , a poor man with consumption , enters the garden. Upon seeing Chapman, Webb kills him in revenge for a past conflict, but when a servant discovers the body, Morgan assumes that he is guilty and seeks council from Shirley. The film, which is a true legend in the history of the Wild West, finishes with the duel between Wyatt Earp and Doc Holyday against the Clanton gang. The main characters are real and in this and other films about them and the topic, real events are recreated, generally with a considerable degree of fantasy.
Doc was a dentist and suffered from tuberculosis which eventually led to his death. Wyatt suggests a healthier atmosphere than that of the saloons, and later tells him he should go to a hospital. When Wyatt and Doc meet for the first time in the film, Doc says: My Darling Clementine and Gunfight at the O. J Med Mov ; 1 4: The Magnificent Seven have to rescue Quintero Fernando Rey , a revolutionary Mexican leader who is in the hands of Colonel Diego Michael Ansara , an unscrupulous man known to his victims as a tireless punisher.
Set in the 19th century, this is the third part of the series opened by The Magnificent Seven It was filmed in Spain. Scott Thomas , one of the seven, suffers from tuberculosis , which shows up in his coughing. The Heart of an Actress. The Morals of an Actress. Girard, Paul Weigel and Maie B. Havey as Mabelle Harvey. Peggy remains in New York to maintain the couple's income, but gradually becomes desperate when in the letters sent to her by her husband he asks for more and more money. Joe's letters actually are being intercepted and rewritten by millionaire Harlan Quinn Alan Roscoe , who has designs on Peggy and wishes to portray Joe's situation as hopeless.
After receiving a particularly alarming letter, Peggy consents to sell her honor to Harlan, but then Joe arrives, fully recovered, just as the villain knocks on her door. The two men fight until Peggy's stepfather, a drug addict who has been acting as Harlan's dupe, shoots Quinn. The story begins in Pauline Parker Melani Lunskey and Juliet Hulme Kate Winslet , two teenagers from New Zealand, meet at school and become best friends, both sharing a passion for writing and an extraordinary imagination.
Juliet falls ill of pulmonary tuberculosis and spends several months at a hospital.

This prevents them from seeing each other as they used to, so they start to exchange extremely long letters. Their families begin to suspect that there is something more than mere friendship between them; they spend too much time together, and they sometimes go hand in hand very lovingly. The film is based on real events, on a murder that took place in in Christchurch, on the east coast of the South Island New Zealand.
She spends several months in a tuberculosis sanatorium. When Pauline visits her, risk of contagion is mentioned: The title of the documentary Hitchhiking Vietnam: The author describes certain experiences she lived in Vietnam related to tuberculosis. Si no amaneciera Spain. La puerta de oro Mexico. At a hotel on the Mexican border, Georges Iscovescu Charles Boyer , a Romanian gigolo, is waiting for his visa to be able to get into the States.
This is what his lover Anita Dixon Paulette Goddard , who he hopes to join, did. The problem is that he ends up falling in love with Emmy. Told with many flashbacks, the plot is highly topical. No one is admitted with El guerrero solitario Argentina. El aventurero de medianoche Spain.
The story takes place in the thirties, during the Great Depression in America. Red Stovall Clint Eastwood is a country singer, sick with pulmonary tuberculosis , who intends to travel to Nashville, Tennessee, and perform at the Grand Ole Opry , where he might have the last chance of his life to succeed. With the excuse of taking care of him and keeping him company, his fourteen-year-old nephew Whit Kyle Eastwood decides to go with him. Together they will begin a journey during which they will share kilometres, dreams, and lots of adventures.
Due to the pulmonary tuberculosis he suffers from, he coughs, presents haemoptysis and finally dies. George Lessey as George A. The film shows the devastating effects of tuberculosis in the USA at the time it was filmed and how a small town worked together to fight the illness. The Edison Company made several films about tuberculosis for informative purposes: Thomas Edison's tuberculosis films: La hora de las pistolas Spain. La hora de la pistola Mexico.
The action begins in Tombstone Arizona on 26 October The two groups face up: Billy and the two McLaury men are killed, and Morgan and Virgil are wounded. The whole scene and its consequences are witnessed by Ike Clanton, who is unarmed, and by the rest of his men, who do not intervene.
As from that time, the showdowns between both groups follow one another until Wyatt kills Ike. The location shots were filmed in Mexico. John Sturges had directed the same story in Gunfight at the O. And he also drinks. He has coughing fits and dyspnea. In one scene the physician checks up on his health and they start talking:. J Med Mov ; 2 1: After abandoning his studies in the eighth year he became affected by tuberculosis while a sailor on a boat transporting infected cattle for the troops fighting in Europe during World War Two.
He spent four years in hospital and survived thanks to smuggled antibiotics and at the cost of losing one of his lungs. In spite of the fact that the doctors had given him two months of life, he was the only patient in his ward to survive. Hunchback of the Morgue USA. The Hunchback of the Morgue English, undefined. Javier Aguirre, Alberto S. Insua and Paul Naschy as Jacinto Molina. The story takes place in Feldkirch, a German village. Gotho Paul Naschy is a hunchback who is in charge of a morgue.
She is his only friend and he is in love with her. When she dies of tuberculosis Gotho goes insane and steals her body with the sole purpose of finding a way of bringing her back to life. Every seven seconds English translation. Cada siete segundos Spanish translation. Every 7 seconds a person died in the world because of the effects of tuberculosis.
The plot focuses on a family made up of a couple, their two children, a girl of around 12 and a boy of around 10, and the grandfather. They catch seal for a living, which is not easy, since the rising of the sea water temperature is causing the ice-cap to melt, which is why they now survive by fishing shrimp and cod. The mother dies of tuberculosis and her son also contracts the disease, which is why he is sent to a tuberculosis sanatorium in Jakobshavn Ilulissat. In the city, he finds a world that is completely unknown to him.
Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Nocturno de amor Argentina. Pasiones privadas de una mujer Spain. The composer, who possessed an excellent technique and great romantic sensibility, managed to win the love of Aurora, a controversial character at the time, since her way of dressing and her love affairs defied the prevailing social and moral mores. It is interesting to note the relationship, not only at a professional level, that existed between Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt Julian Sands.
We have an excellent physician. The sun will bake that silly cough out of your lungs in no time. Based on the books Surely You're Joking, Mr. It is the beginning of a love that will continue at Princeton University while he studies physics, achieving brilliant results. During this period, they wanted to get married but their financial situation prevented them from doing so. Ignoring his family, who believed he might become infected, Richard marries the young woman and accepts a government post, becoming involved in the Manhattan project at Los Alamos.
Arline goes to a sanatorium in Albuquerque where Richard visits her every weekend. The screenwriter Patricia Broderick is the mother of the director Matthew Broderick. The story develops during World War One. Henry Lambert Wilson , a young man from a wealthy French family, suffers from tuberculosis and is admitted to a sanatorium for treatment.
El Color del Deseo
When he is released he attempts to join the French Air Force but is rejected because of his medical history. Following the Dunkirk disaster, England falls into German hands in July It is occupied and becomes a fascist state associated with a puppet government and a large number of collaborators. Pauline Pauline Murray is a nurse who flees from the confrontations between the Resistance and the new rule.
In order to exercise her profession she is forced to join the Nazi party, but will end up not accepting this new situation. The filming took ten years. Told using the voice-over technique and filmed in granular black and white.