The Nine Lives of Chloe King: The Fallen; The Stolen; The Chosen
She goes to class most of the time , fights with her mom, and crushes on a boy…or two. As Chloe discovers who she is—and where she comes from—it is clear she is not alone. Someone is trying to get her. And they will stop at nothing until they do. Chloe has nine lives…but will nine be enough? First released as a trilogy in , this bind-up edition arrives just as the new ABC Family original series The Nine Lives of Chloe King , based closely on the original novels, premieres in June The Lying Game 2: Never Have I Ever. Down to the Wire. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 2: The Hammer of Thor.
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Brian and Chloe trade love promises. They go to prom formal together. Alyec goes with Amy. Kim goes with Paul. She plans to lead the Mai between college classes. In the books, I liked it. It was a clever way to end the story. It made sense and I was romantically satisfied. In the Tv-Show, not so much but of course it was supposed to be another season to wrap things up.
Brian never did much to me. Never felt like a real love interest. He was funny and cute but I always felt him more like a friend. His "death" was a bit of a shock but I wasn't too sad about it to tell you the truth. I have to admit that I hoped she would fall in love with Alec and they would end up together.
I liked his character on the tv-show very much. Amy and Paul actually made sense here. They looked very cute together and Paul seemed to be less shy, more capable of keeping up with Amy. That's the only things I would have changed from the books. It made more sense this way in the tv-show. Oct 07, Jennifer rated it it was ok Shelves: My personal Pandora's box, is cliffhangers. This personal Pandora's box, had some help from TV. I Netflixed through the series, and found it shockingly shallow.
But it ended, with a cliffhanger, wit My personal Pandora's box, is cliffhangers. But it ended, with a cliffhanger, with the apparent death of a main character. And of course the show got canceled, so I was left in cliffhanger limbo. So I did what any compulsive about endings person would do, I went to the source. I thought the TV show was trite So romantic, the beeping of the heart rate machines, I'm sure it can be quite melodic.
And I have to get this out of my system, after a night of cat-aerobics, she notices some telltale blood on her panties Hello, period , and her first thought is, wow, I must have broken my hymen during that big jump.
Would you write that? As a girl, I can say, that yes, it may be something we think or talk about You should warn someone! That's awkward and weird and we don't want to read about that, unless it's a historical romance, or arranged marriage, because they can write that into the plot. In the TV show they gave her love triangle a substance, where you didn't know who you wanted to win or lose, in my opinion. But in the book, she so sexually objectifies the two boys in her life, that it seems less girl power and equality, and more just kind of heartless and shallow.
She has a scene, where she makes one of her boyfriends take french fries from her mouth, in part because she wants to make-out because she thinks he is hot, and in part because she doesn't want to have to listen to him talk because she thinks he is too stupid to converse with. The book itself has such an odd pacing. It read more like summary of a book, that just glossed over the details, adding just enough to flesh it out, but it was all so insubstantial. There was a story to work with here, a race of ancient cat people under a curse looking for a prophesied leader, along with an order that's bent on wiping their species out.
But if you are like me about endings, you'll want to know Oct 31, Maili Lampe rated it really liked it. The Nine Lives of Chloe King My friends and I always used to joke around about what it would be like to be part cat part girl. Having paws being able to leap from place to place and running fast, what could be bad about it?
Chloe King was once a normal teenage girl. Although she was originally adopted from Russia and her father had left her and her mom when she was young, she had a normal life. She had two best friends, Amy and Paul, and they did everything together. While at the vast tower, Chloe looked over the edge. She slowly fell off and her friends panicked and ran down to inspect her presumably dead body. Chloe was surrounded by black, then she woke up. She stood up and went over to Amy and Paul, who were flabbergasted by the fact that she was alive. Ever since then, things had been strange in her life.
Amy and Paul had started dating, the hottest guy at school, Alec Ilychovich, had asked her out. Thing at work were starting to get pretty spicy too. She had met a guy named Brian and they had hit it off! The Nine Lives of Chloe King by Liz Braswell is a thrilling novel that has edge and mystery but also is very relatable. Chloe falls in and out of love, deals with school, and goes through life with a single mother. Near the end of the story, Chloe realizes how much she truly appreciates her mother, having raised her alone because her dad left, and acknowledging how hard it can be to raise a daughter especially one who is half cat by birth.
The theme in this novel is very relevant. There is a lot of loyalty that is not concealed by that events of the story. Chloe is faced with the option to leave her mom and go be with the people of her kind, that are part cat just like her, or she can stay with her mother and try as hard as she can to be part of both worlds. When Chloe finds out that she is the leader of her kind by birth from her real mother she has to try and come up with a way to be a strong courage filled leader, and be the daughter and best friend in the human world.
That is very hard for Chloe because she falls head over heals in love with Brian, who also brings complications of his own to the mix. Can Chloe survive all of this? Will she be able to have a unchallenging relationship with Brian? Who does Chloe pick, her adoptive mother or her own kind? Jul 30, Annemarien Faraminan rated it liked it.
I figured since I liked the TV series I may like the books. I took the new omnibus featuring all three novels, hoping I could get a head start on the series before it further progressed. However surprise, surprise it was completely deferent. At the beginning of the book they introduced Chloe as a no I picked up The Nine Lives of Chloe King because of all the new television series. At the beginning of the book they introduced Chloe as a normal high school girl who lives with her mother which has no clue about anything.
Then you learn that she was adopted by her parents from the former USSR, and that her father left when she was a child. Later they introduce her two best friends Paul and Amy, who happen to be dating. Then finally you are introduced to Alyec, Brian and the whole Mai world. All that happens switches not only her perspective on things but her life as well. Now about the characters: Chloe was not your usual lovely female lead that you fall in love with. Chloe's behavior was completely childish. She was balancing her newly discovered abilities, two boys at the same time and doing a horrible job.
Then her friends Paul, Amy where not very likable either and Kim. To me her friend Amy was totally annoying, no concept of what friendship is or fashion. Paul was a bit better and more of a geeky boy. By far my favorite character was Kim she was interesting, funny, and more of a friend then her regular friends. I think a sequel of Kim life would be great.
The Fallen; The Stolen; The Chosen
Alyec was completely gorgeous, but ignorant and self center while at least Brian was more of a practical, everyday interesting guy. The Mai history seem interesting to me and definitely had potential for a great story. The Mai characters had so much potential and so interesting that it was a shame that we did not get to know more about them and the history of each person.
Also her family history was explored much which leaves you a little hopeful for more information. I was just a little sad that they did not go into that history as much. Overall the book was a bit boring, but it was OK. Jul 14, Christa rated it it was ok Recommends it for: I love the TV show, so I've decided to read the books. Seems good so far. I just hope my godkids read it when I'm done Well, I change my mind about giving it to my godkids.
They're too young for the content. The first and second book Fallen and Stolen were decent, but the third book Chosen didn't do anything to complete the story. I definitely like the actual TV show better. Braswell failed to develop the other characters and she introd I love the TV show, so I've decided to read the books. Braswell failed to develop the other characters and she introduced characters and situations that had nothing to do with each other or enhanced the story. For example, what was the purpose of Chloe having a pet mouse named Mus-mus?
If Braswell was trying to shape Chloe's character by showing that a cat could have a mouse as a pet, then this was totally lost on me. Either way, the three books wasn't bad, but they weren't great either! Watch the TV show and feel much better that this idea was taken from Braswell and revamped.
Jun 14, ZoeMeow rated it really liked it. I read this in part because of the TV show coming out, and found that, indeed, it is very good. I think it could have used a little bit less foul language, which I found a bit shocking, but oh well. They're 16, it's kind of expected. This book gave me a chance to laugh at the astonishment of my friends, who seemed to think that it was insane that I finished a page book in under 2 days.
I love the idea of cat people. That's incredibly awesome, and now I want to turn into a cat person. The Mai I read this in part because of the TV show coming out, and found that, indeed, it is very good. The Mai are my new heroes. The only bad thing about being a catperson like Chloe is the slight problem of the people trying to kill her I love Brian, and the other characters are cool too.
Overall, pretty good book, although I have to say I liked the second half better than the first half. Jan 25, Pauline C rated it it was amazing. Middle school- high school Reading level: On her 16 birthday she finds that she has claws! Later Chloe has a blue-eyed murder trying to kill her and a secret that even she doesn't know about. Aug 28, Kiki rated it it was amazing Shelves: Oct 24, Julie H. In the midst of a 1,mile multi-phased move last summer, we stopped for the night at a hotel to sleep and give our freaked-out cat some "away time" from highway driving.
She's only four and probably shouldn't have been driving anyway. While channel flipping at the hotel, I came upon an episode of a show I'd previously neither seen nor heard of titled "The Nine Lives of Chloe King. While browsing through my local bookstore recently, I happened upon this particular edition. It's the all-in-one volume which contains the three novels comprising the series: Despite the fact that it weighs in at nearly pages, this YA series is a fast read for several reasons: I would consider adding a fourth reason to that list--namely, that Chloe King is believeable as a high school freshman.
While her particular circumstances i. No doubt, a good many details had to be handled differently or skipped altogether to render the plot appropriate for ABC Family channel, but the book achieves a measure of verisimilitude that I readily welcomed. So here's the gist. Chloe and her best friends Amy and Paul are highschool freshmen living in San Francisco. As Chloe approaches her 16th birthday she goes through a number of physical transformations that she does not understand at all.
Her biological changes and the untruths she needs to tell to cover them are paralleled by the budding romance between the two other nodes in her childhood friend possee. Thus, as Chloe is unsure what is real and therefore what to share with former BFFs Amy and Paul, the easy comeradery the three formerly enjoyed is made increasingly awkward by Amy and Paul's evolving relationship and its own accompanying sets of pressures--most notably the fact that Paul's Korean parents have recently divorced and his dad is now dating his secretary who is considerably closer to Paul's age than his Dad's.
It should also be noted that there's a subplot of traditional cultural values vs. The entire first book deals with characterization, establishes Chloe as a likeable, imperfect, yet profoundly decent person, and only the very last few pages even give a name--but no explanation--to the dawning realization that she is something other than human. The second book provides full explanation of Mai culture and its origins as well as a better understanding of the Ten Blades whose task it is to rid the unaware world of the ever-dwindling numbers of surviving Mai.
In both the second and third books, Chloe increasingly learns to trust her instincts, who her true friends and family are, and that while she can't put the genie back in the bottle she must do better by all of the people in her life. This series is classic YA fiction. I found Chloe to be an highly enjoyable protagonist. Her friends and, indeed, a good many other characters in the stories are quirky and distinct enough to sustain interest. While I might like to have had more backstory on The Rogue, I'm also not unduly pressed that he remains shrouded in mystery.
All told, I'd recommend this book and series to any reader from middle school on in age. And now that I've read them all, I'd be more interested in watching the full run of the TV series for the sake of comparison. Nov 09, Melyssa Winchester rated it liked it Shelves: Celia Thomson Series or Standalone: Doing it that way may have nailed this book right from Title: I look at them separately even before I crack the book open for the first time. Though I am also known for going into the book first on most occasions. The original premise alone, whether from the book or show aspect was fantastic and pulled me in wanting to know more.
It was all over the place. Characters with no real depth or character growth was another nail in the coffin here for me. Loved the idea of the character and even his purpose here, but there was no depth there at all, nor was their growth and that bothered the hell out of me. So what did I like? He worked for me. It worked for me and the relationship that he has with Chloe throughout, even at the points where the character depth was aggravating, was like the one bright spot. The peace she brokers, was great.
The Nine Lives of Chloe King
That was a nice touch. It was penned well and considering that I came into it after watching the show, was an alternate ending to that and one I liked much better. Apr 06, Abbie rated it liked it Shelves: Okay so I really had a hard time rating this book because it is an omnibus and I had different feelings for each of the individual stories. Also, I hadn't seen the series so my review is based solely on the book. What I basically did was rate each story individually, then solved for the mean score. The Chosen I rated this 4 stars because I liked it a lot. I liked the concept of Chloe dying and becoming reborn with a whole new personality and kick-ass abilities.
She was still pretty whiny but she Okay so I really had a hard time rating this book because it is an omnibus and I had different feelings for each of the individual stories. She was still pretty whiny but she had this funny way of showing it. I did not enjoy Amy and Paul's characters that much because they seemed more self-centered and shallow than Chloe. Then in came the two boyfriends who are polar opposites but are totally swoon-worthy.
Alyec was the sexy, fun boyfriend who just happened to be a cat person like Chloe, while Brian was the shy, sensitive boyfriend who was actually an undercover spy and son of the Tenth Blade Order sent to kill Chloe. As Chloe began to accept her new powers which included the inability to become intimate with a human for fear of killing them she also gained a dangerous stalker, the Rogue, who wanted nothing more but to see her dead.
Luckily she had managed to fight him off with the aid of her boyfriends. Now we move on to The Stolen I rated this 3 stars which centered around Chloe's developing knowledge about the Mai and the Order. She found herself isolated from everyone in the Firebird headquarters with her Mai adopted father Sergei and her new friend Kim, until her safety could be secured. Chloe's torn between Brian and Alyec but mostly it was pretty boring stuff. The action came when Chloe's mom gets kidnapped and they went on a rescue mission to save her.
Chloe gets killed in the process and was reborn once more. This came as a big shocker to everyone because it meant that she is The One, the true Pride leader sent to protect the Mai. She escaped with her mom and returned home. In the final book, The Chosen I rated this 3 stars , Chloe found herself faced with the responsibility of taking over as Pride leader even though she had no idea what to do and had enemies at every corner trying to kill her.
Amy and Paul broke up, Chloe had school stuff to worry about, Brian was left for dead in an alley, and she and Alyec were drifting apart. Anyway, everything ended with a happily ever after when Sergei was killed by the Rogue; the Rogue was killed by Dmitri Chloe's body guard ; and Chloe succeeded in forming a truce between the Mai and the Order after she sacrificed one of her lives of course this was after she told the cops it was Brian's dad behind the multiple murders. I liked it overall but I was just a little pissed at why Amy got Alyec in the end.
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- The Nine Lives of Chloe King eBook by Liz Braswell | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster UK;
- The Nine Lives of Chloe King: The Fallen; The Stolen; The Chosen by Liz Braswell | LibraryThing.
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Yeah, kinda bitter I know. But at least peace was restored and the whole Mai-human mating curse was lifted. Dec 24, Rebecca Perkins rated it did not like it. Like many people I purchased the book because I saw the wonderful tv show. The show was the only reason I picked up the book and why I attempted to soldier through it. In the first book we are introduced to the main character, Chloe King, and she is very unlikable from the start. She is self centered, irresponsible, and has none of the qualities of a good main character. Most of the first book was just an introduction i Like many people I purchased the book because I saw the wonderful tv show.
Most of the first book was just an introduction into a normal teenagers life as she throws away friends and lusts after two guys at once. The "love triangle", if that's what you want to call it, seems forced. Chloe seems to have no deeper feelings for either of the guys and just wants to throw herself on them ASAP. There was no slow introduction of feelings and no romance.
Just a horny teenage girl with feline abilities. In the second book, as far as I've read, Chloe shows no changes and doesn't grow as a person. Brian and Alec are still just her playthings and she still doesn't come close to choosing one of them. The Mai cat people race are introduced a bit better and the reader learns about some of the lore and history, but most of the interesting bits are still drowned out by Chloe's lackluster character. Half way through the second book I gave up the will to finish reading it and the third novel. The tv series is so much better and has more likable characters than the book.
In the show, Amy and Paul Chloe's best friends are cute and caring with great developments in their characters as the show progresses. In the book they are kind of like the side kick you never wanted. Amy just annoyed me and personally I wouldn't want her as a best friend. The love triangle is also more believable in the show.
As it progressed you could see how Alec's feelings for Chloe became apparent and how Brian liked her from the start. Due to Chloe not constantly throwing herself at the boys and actually dealing with the decision of who to choose, I enjoyed the constant "Who is she going to be with?! Burn the books to keep warm. Or don't buy it at all. The tv show pulled me in, whereas the books made me want to jump off a building without any Mai powers.
Mar 02, Majanka rated it did not like it Shelves: Book Review originally published here: There was a show based on these books? On to the books. We meet Chloe King, a regular girl. Until she falls down a cliff of some sorts, dies and…comes back to live. Chloe meets two guys shortly after another, and immediately falls for both of them yep, you can already Book Review originally published here: Chloe meets two guys shortly after another, and immediately falls for both of them yep, you can already see where this is headed.
So now Chloe has to lead a clan of cat-people while going to high school and trying to figure out who to date. The plot is ridiculous. Chloe is a horrible, self-centered, egotistical person. Her friends are bland, boring, and suffer from the same characteristics as she does. The book has potential, and I liked the whole cat-people part.
Aug 05, Sara rated it liked it. The three books together make for a book so large that it takes two hands to hold and isn't going to work in the bathtub. If you've got an e-reader I'd suggest buying the digital copy even if it is more expensive. Aside from a little blood she is just fine. Chloe then starts to develop. She becomes confident with her sexuality and she develops strange catlike powers and finds herself being chased by an unknown assailant.
I had a hard time getting through the first of the three books in the series.

Chloe is self absorbed and fairly unlikeable. She bounces from boy to boy and treats her friends badly. The plot also moves very slowly. Chloe doesn't find out who she is and the reader isn't given any answers at all until the last few pages and that still isn't much. The mytholgy is different from much of what's out there Appropriateness: In the first few chapters Chloe drinks and gets hot and heavy with a stranger she met in a bar although there is no sex. She does have a nice relationship with her mother although she isn't totally truthful There is also a minor subplot about Chloe getting her period that would turn off male readers.
Feb 10, Christi rated it really liked it. The Fallen Is the first of the trilogy. Braswell does a great job of building the characters and creating the atmosphere. At the end of this book there were so many more questions then answers. And by so many I mean it was a book of questions. Questions about what Chloe was and about the relationships between everyone. It was a great start to the series. There was so much action, so much excitement, yet it was still building the story. Through the entire series The Fallen Is the first of the trilogy.
Through the entire series there was a constant building of the relationship, but in this second book I think there was the most inter-relationship building. The web that Braswell built is so intricate. The Chosen The third and final book was, I think, the fast read of any of them. A lot of questions were answered, but at the end I was still left with so much un-answered. In a way I can't decide if it was the fact that I still had questions, or if I was so attached to the characters that I didn't want the trilogy to end.
Detailed plot synopsis reviews of The Chosen - The Nine Lives of Chloe King 3
There is so much that happens through the three books, All I can say is that they are such a fun, easy read. A great guilty pleasure read. I wish Liz Braswell would continue the series. I feel that there is still so much that she could do with the story. But for all my looking, I saw no glimpse of more books to come. Jan 05, Shannon rated it liked it. Story was good but really upset how things turned out: I actually liked the show better than the book. View all 10 comments. Aug 19, Amy Jones rated it it was amazing. The Nine Lives of Chloe King is about a teenage girl who learns she is a descendent of an ancient society made up of God - like beings.
Specifically referred to as the Mai, this group of supernatural cat people are said to be the children of Sehkmet.
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- The Nine Lives of Chloe King by Celia Thomson.
Not only does Chloe discover that she isn't human she also learns that she is the Chosen One, a very special figure in her ancestral legacy. If this isn't overwhelming enough she finds herself at the top of the hit list for The Order of the Tenth Bl The Nine Lives of Chloe King is about a teenage girl who learns she is a descendent of an ancient society made up of God - like beings.
If this isn't overwhelming enough she finds herself at the top of the hit list for The Order of the Tenth Blade. As it turns out most humans aren't aware of the existence of the Mai but those who are aware are much less than enamored by them. Because of this Chloe is faced with danger around every corner she turns. Sometimes the danger is the eminenent threat of The Order of the Tenth Blade against her and sometimes the threat is the danger she herself poses against the human beings she has grown to love in her previously assumed human life.
In this edition the author has bound together the three books in the series and I must say I enjoyed being able to jump straight from one installment to the next. It is well known that this series has been adapted for television.
Detailed Review Summary of The Chosen - The Nine Lives of Chloe King 3 by Celia Thomson
The first season has just wound down on ABC. The TV series and the book series similarities end with the basic plot explained above. It is true that many of the same characters are present but they have been interpreted a tad differtly. There are a few characters that you will only find in the book and likewise, the TV series. I felt the characters personalities were more individual in the book and in some ways more complex contrary to many reviews I read before reading the book myself. Having said that, I still enjoy the TV series and look forward to seeing more. As a parent, teacher and a young adult writer I feel it necessary to raise a few red flags to parents in regards to recommending this book.
First, the "F" word is used way more than is necessary. Second, there are several instances where the adult characters in the story allow and facilitate the consumption of alchohal by minors. Not including those exceptions, I felt the book was written with the young adult reader in mind. It was engaging and creatively unique and I look forward to reading more books by this author. I give the Nine Lives of Chloe King 5 stars! I don't really know what to say about this book Ok, I guess after watching the series the book seemed kind of dry!
Don't get me wrong i usually prefer the book version over any film or tv series version big exception the Vampire Diaries series!!!: Some of the following might be considered spoilers!!!! To begin with, Chloe seems rather selfcentered and egotistical. Her relationships with her friends are completely superficial and everything she does I don't really know what to say about this book Her relationships with her friends are completely superficial and everything she does seem to be for her own benefit, even when it appears that it requirs a sacrifice on her part she usually gains something.
That is something the author is trying to remedy towards the end with Chloe's willing sacrifice of one of her lives to ensure peace, but the general feeling was for me at least already predetermined! So what is the story about? To cut aa long story short, Chloe is about to turn 16 and the day before her birthday she decides to skip school and go to San Francisco's Coit Tower to celebrate with her two best friends Paul and Amy. When she accidentaly falls from the top of the tower, an apparently lethal fall, she appears to be unscathed.
The Nine Lives of Chloe King: The Fallen; The Stolen; The Chosen
Everybody assumes it was a miracle, but in the following days Chloe starts to develop some unnatural physical powers and she inexplicably starts acting like a cat in heat, being attracted to an even weirder variety of young men. While the story goes on Chloe is introduced to the Mai society and her enemys, while she is told that she is the uniter. The one person who according to an old Mai legend is supposed to bring peace between Mai and those who try to eliminate them!
And as if that wasn't enough Chloe has 9 lives at her disposal to achieve this admirable deed!