The Academy: Book 1
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Set preferences to see our top age-appropriate picks for your kids. Would-be princesses show grit, wisdom in empowering tale. Shannon Hale Fantasy Sign in or join to save for later. Parents recommend Popular with kids. Based on 15 reviews. Based on 52 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this book.
Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Adult Written by Lollipop June 17, It starts off sounding like it's going to be an apocalyptic type of novel. But, then it turns into something so strange and magical.
I don't want to give a lot away, but let's just say that it involves angels, demons, sentient animals, people transforming into animals and maybe vice versa. There are a LOT of unknowns at this point, as this is only the fir Do yourself a favor and buy this book! There are a LOT of unknowns at this point, as this is only the first book in the series. The book says at the end that the next installment will be released on April 19th. I will be first in line to get it!!! This book left me always on the edge of my seat, wanting more.
The end was extremely suspenseful, and I am actually feeling bit of anxiety that I will have to wait a few weeks for the next one. Normally, I would say to anyone who likes suspense, or anyone who likes fantasy, etc.. I almost forgot to tell you The author gives all of his proceeds to a non-profit called Doctors Without Borders. They provide medical supplies to people in need. So, by purchasing this book, everyone wins! You get an amazing book to read, and people in need get the medical supplies they need to get better.
Jun 30, Joe rated it liked it Shelves: Saw this free on Prime so I thought I would give it a try. I will be generous and say that the story is inspired by Harry Potter and Hunger Games, it may not be fair to say any time kids live in a dorm it is stealing from Potter.
Some interesting ideas and a few fun and well written scenes, but punctuated with extreme violence that seemed out of place. It is possible the author was trying to create a juxtaposition between the tone and the content, but I suspect that he just missed what he was ac Saw this free on Prime so I thought I would give it a try. It is possible the author was trying to create a juxtaposition between the tone and the content, but I suspect that he just missed what he was actually trying for. I will check out the sequel, because I am interested in the characters.
I also hope that this very depressing world will somehow be redeemed at the end of the series. Aug 15, Anari rated it it was amazing. He's a 15 year old boy who's world is crumbling around the edges. The book begins as Wolf flu, a virulent virus, is beginning to devour the human race. Asa is immune, but the loss of his mother is a cruel blow. Life has much more instore for our protagonist, however. He is kidnapped and sent to 'The Academy' for what can only be described as the most exacting, gruelling, torturous and extreme of training regimes.
The Academy is a secret organisation with a secret agenda, but it is quic Meet Asa. The Academy is a secret organisation with a secret agenda, but it is quickly apparent that there is plenty of money stored between its walls. Genetic manipulation allows Asa to grow wings in his first week and that is only the beginning of where his DNA and a few injections might take him.
This had me gripped from the word go. Think of a gigantic, futurist game zone where the inhabitants are the players and where life and death are a common everyday occurrence. It's gritty, it's thrilling and you won't be able to put it down for a single second. Feb 19, Chameleon rated it it was amazing. I have to commend the author's creative capacity with The Academy.
This book has a really dynamic plot and I was really enthralled from the get go on the things I felt like I was encountering for the first time-ever.
Asa is a unique teenager, and following Asa as a character was fun. There's so much mystique behind this secret organization. I'm left with so many questions about what's going on. The author, Chad Leito, did a great job of creating that wonder. Is The Academy good or bad? What are t I have to commend the author's creative capacity with The Academy. What are they up to? Many clues are throughout, so you can make up your own presumptions. But I'm really interested in reading the next installment. Tons of climactic events throughout, many second guesses.
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It felt like the ride of a lifetime. The Academy also seamlessly infused themes from other genres like coming-of-age drama, sci-fi fantasy The descriptors were solid and visually stimulating as well. All around phenomenal body of work with this one. Nov 09, Molly rated it it was amazing. A fantastic read and proceeds go to charity, what more could you ask for?! Love how descriptive the author is, I really felt like I was in the book. From the beginning I felt pulled in, compelled to read further, to know what was going to happen next.
Be prepared to immerse yourself into this fantastic world that is being built around you as you read. Be prepared for sa A fantastic read and proceeds go to charity, what more could you ask for?! Be prepared for sadness, courage and impossible situations that oddly, make sense. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and the fact that the proceeds are donated to Doctors Without Borders?
How could you not buy it? And thank you for the awesome universe you created in this book. Sep 07, Kris Richards rated it it was amazing. The characters are believable with flaws and imperfections and the dialogue is smooth and feels natural. The premise and ideas feel original and fresh Not like the awful Mortal Instruments series.
The violence was visceral and yes, it did jar a little in places, but violence does naturally show and feel uneasy and out of place. Does that make sense? I hope so… Anyway, this is a great novella with a storyline the reader feels invested in. Dec 26, Devin rated it did not like it. Sorry, I wanted to like this but when the janitor raccoons and lunch lady polar bears showed up, I was out. Bad editing, bizarre story lines, and weird narration I don't need to be told things times! I cared more about the lunch lady polar bear hope you are ok, Cindy!
Oct 02, Emily Bessas rated it it was amazing.
Pennyroyal Academy
I loved these books. So far i would say absolutely read these books. They are extremely intense tho with lots of things that hook you into the book. I love intense books, that hook you in and make you want to keep reading and that is exactly what these ones did for me. These are very good books and i highly recommend them.
Oct 14, Tom rated it did not like it. Needs to give the reader a little more credit as well don't need the description of a character every time they're mentioned, eventually we know them just by the name. Apr 07, Yasi Deravi rated it liked it. Interesting book just give it a chance. I think of this book as having two halves. First half was very boring; it was a chore to get through this book. Around halfway through the book, it picks up steam. This book reminds me of The Bone Season. When he arrives at the Academy, he finds that he is not exactly welcome there and is not sure why that is.
My recommendation is stick through the book; it really does become more int Interesting book just give it a chance. My recommendation is stick through the book; it really does become more interesting. Sep 29, Jessica Edler rated it really liked it.
Vampire Academy (Book 1) by Mead, Richelle | Penguin Random House South Africa
Very descriptive It was a very good book, but borders on the too descriptive for its own good. While I am not sure what I expected when I started this journey, it wasn't it, and it proved to be disturbing on a certain level and intriguing. Will be continuing the series. Aug 02, Aeokie rated it liked it Shelves: Jan 02, Connor rated it it was amazing. Wow this book is really worth reading.
It's only on kindle as far as I know so you might as well sample it but I warn you that once you start reading you won't be able to stop. Might have gotten into trouble a couple of times because of that. Yes there are some typos and things but does that really matter? It didn't change the story of the book for me. Feb 28, Gabby rated it really liked it. Need I say more? I liked it, but there were moments, especially towards the end, where this book was too dark for me. I haven't picked up the sequel yet. Very Ender's Game meets The Testing type storyline and writing. Jun 18, Douglas Cook rated it really liked it Shelves: The steering wheel of the old Volvo vibrated beneath his hands, the suspension unable to keep up with the rocky terrain beneath the tires.
Every once in a while he saw a pair of eyes staring out at him from the thick woods that surrounded as he passed on the unmarked stretch of land. It still smells like her, Asa thought. The cracked red leather on the seats, the chipped mahogany dash and the matless floorboards all reminded him of her. Through the speakers in the car that she had bought, a late-night radio program was playing.
It bothered him to hear about the pandemic going on, but he found that he was not able to reach up and turn it off. The voice was vibrant, cheerful and seemed almost mocking when juxtaposed with such serious subject matter. Jaime Harrett from the Dritt Institute of Technology. Harrett, how are you doing this evening?
Dritt PM had been a nightly news station his whole life.
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It was completely absurd and unnecessary. How Tech Is Changing Childhood. Want personalized picks that fit your family? Set preferences to see our top age-appropriate picks for your kids. Book review by Julie A. Carlson , Common Sense Media. Sexy, mean-girl vampire story has strong language, bullying.
Richelle Mead Fantasy Sign in or join to save for later. Based on 2 reviews.
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Based on 18 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this book. A bit about Russian folkore and Catholic and Greek Orthodox religions. Neck biting, hand-to-hand combat. Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox.
User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Adult Written by helsingmusique November 5, I really loved this book as a teenager I haven't read it in a few years, but it was a good book, an interesting story. Things were well explained and it was not difficult to get into a book, I t Adult Written by miktx September 10, Good book but some things might bother some parents The book is fine. As a story, I liked it. Teen, 14 years old Written by mcashd55 February 18, School For All This book was absolutely great.
I truly enjoyed it.