Robot Walker
The device takes corrective actions when the user comes across the type of busy area, obstacle or incident they want to avoid. She or he comes into contact with a 'standard' walker, with a few additions such as the display or bracelets and does not need any kind of computer literacy. The robot simply guides them so that they have a nice, safe experience. Shopping is recommended as a useful way for elderly people to exercise and is viewed as an important activity for prolonging their autonomous mobility.
It also provides them with good opportunities to interact socially. For these reasons, shopping centres were considered by the DALI project to be a typical environment an elderly person would ideally visit. Picking up the c-Walker at the entrance, the elderly shopper selects the profile most suited to them on its simple touch-screen and the shops to visit. The c-Walker then recommends the best course to the user and guides them using visual, acoustic and haptic tactile interfaces. Furthermore, it can connect with remote sensors, such as surveillance cameras, and with other c-Walkers deployed in the environment to gain remote knowledge of the presence of anomalies, crowded spaces or hazards.
The device is equipped with brakes and motorised wheels. Haptic armbands tell users when and how to turn. They can also call for assistance if necessary.
DALI has been very much a user-driven project. The scientists spoke with focus groups of over 50 elderly people in Spain and the UK who explained their mobility needs so that features helping them could be incorporated into the robot. For one thing it further mechanizes American military operations and expands their capacity, as well as helps perpetuate the military-industrial complex.
And the robots will require an unknown amount of resources to produce. All of which should probably put acquiring a giant robot walker somewhere nearer to the bottom of our agenda at the moment. CT does mention that the thing could have useful private sector value, like perhaps aiding in repairing water mains or carrying out humanitarian missions. And at least they'll maybe spare a couple pack mules from the line of fire in military operations. But still, nobody's talking about the real concern here: And nobody wants that.
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Robot Walker
Armed with a pneumatic flipper and axe. Series 6 Heat Finalist and winner of the 'Best Engineered' award in the same series.

Competed exclusively in The Third World Championship. Armed with a horizontal spinning blade. Arrived at Series 10 as a shufflebot and qualified under these grounds, but only one side of the shuffling system worked in testing. Following this issue, Apex was hastily reverted to its original two-wheel drive system before filming began. Walking mechanism consisted of a rectangular frame moving in an elliptical pattern, and a turntable for turning round with a zero-degree circle.
Frame equipped with spikes and steel claws.
Robotics/Types of Robots/Walkers - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
First walkerbot to win a battle in the main UK Series championship. Top speed of 40mph, armed with cutting jaws and a rear drill. First walkerbot to appear — and win a battle — in Robot Wars. Four legs operated by hydraulics and featuring 'ski-lift' feet.
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Feet were used to lift and clamp opponents. As a 46kg robot, the eight-legged Mammoth was 0.
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- Walkerbots;
Used two strips of metal as 'feet' and tubes as stabilisers. Entered into the Middleweight Championship in both series of Extreme despite being a lightweight. Chassis made out of a lorry tyre. Armed with an electric hammer mounted on a degree rotating turret.