Medo de Médico (Portuguese Edition)
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The cheapest things are the most expensive ones. The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see. For those who know how to read, a dot may be a letter. He who makes a basket, makes a hundred of them. If you want it done, do it yourself. Otherwise, ask someone else to.
dou·tor |ô|
He who knows, knows. He who doesn't know, claps his hands. If marriage were a good thing, there would be no witnesses. Ajoelhou, tem que rezar. Amor com amor se paga. Dos males, o menor. Muito riso, pouco siso. Hope is the last one to die. Hunger is the best seasoning. Necessity makes the frog jump. At night all cats are brown. Our union makes us stronger. Life begins at 40! The one who kneeled, must pray.
Love should be paid with love. Each head, a different judgement. Each monkey on its own branch. Every one for himself, and God for all. After the storm comes the easiness. God writes straight by broken lines.
Money doesn't sprout on trees. Better droping than dry. Better preventing than fixing. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It's like exchanging six for half a dozen. While there's life, there's hope.
Literature fiction
Too much alms, the saint will be suspicious. Children raised, doubled work.

The one who left, lost his place. Some bad things come for good. Much laugher, short wisdom. Don't cry over spilt milk. Don't put the cart before the oxen. O barato sai caro. Tal pai, tal filho. Has any cat bitten your tongue? The sun rises for everybody. A bent stick will never be straight. By its fruits one knows the tree. Pepper in someone else's eyes is refreshing. To eat and itch, all you have to do is begin.
The more one has, the more he wants. He who warns is a true friend.
“Mais Médicos”: a Brazilian program in an international perspective
Who keeps quiet, agrees. Consequences of falls in older people living in the community. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Foram identificados inicialmente artigos potencialmente relevantes. The falls in the elderly are a frequent problem with significant physical, psychological and social consequences. The aim of this study was to make a systematic review about the consequences of falls in older people living in the community.
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Only articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish were considered for this review. It were found the following consequences: Fractures and fear of falling were among the most cited consequences. The knowledge about physical, psychological and social consequences of falls in elderly people is important, because it will help to delineate preventive and rehabilitation strategies of these repercussions. Health of the Elderly. Foram utilizados os descritores: Durante a busca, houve o cruzamento dessas palavras. No estudo de Berg et al.
No entanto, o estudo de Johansson et al. De forma similar, no estudo de Johansson et al. Por outro lado, Berg et al. De acordo com Berg et al. O rearranjo familiar estava presente em um dos artigos encontrados. Assim, a amostra do estudo foi composta pelos casos mais graves de quedas. Rev Neuroc ;12 2: Walker JE, Howland J. Falls and fear of falling among elderly persons living in the community: Am J Occupational Therapy ;45 2: Characteristics associated with fear of falling and activity restriction in community-living older persons.
J am can geriatr society ;50 3: Prevention of falls and fall injuries in elderly persons: Prev Med ;23 5: Carvalhaes N, et al.
Sociedade Brasielira de Geriatria Gerontologia