Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet - Health Learning Series
However, it is incorrect to suggest that the carbohydrate content was low. Instead, carbohydrate came from other food sources and there was a wide range in the level of consumption which was based on location and season. Based on research examining the types and quantities of food our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate, the meat portion was lean and included ostrich, bison including the organ meats and seafood. It also included fresh fruit, insects, and non-starchy vegetables. Yet, modern lifestyles mean that we spend most of our day-light hours at work, rather than hunting and gathering.
Most of our food is hunted down between the aisles and gathered in a large shopping trolley!
The Paleo Diet – What is it?
It is simply not possible to find the appropriate foods the variety or the type of food in the modern era to match the Paleo Diet of the past. Furthermore, when the affordability of this type of diet was assessed, based on a US diet model, the results suggested a 9. Agriculture came only approximately 12, years ago, so individuals and whole communities in Palaeolithic times worked together to hunt, gather and then cultivate crops. This new period is termed the Neolithic era and although the change in diet was not sudden, there is proof from this period that humans continued to evolve and at a more accelerated rate than during the Palaeolithic period.
Gene studies of this period indicate starch consumption from genes that code for amylase production and milk consumption from genes that code for lactase which is persistent after weaning and into adult years which could have only occurred after humans had developed dairy practices.
Although the food types and quantities suggested in the Australian Dietary Guidelines ADGs differ from Palaeolithic dietary patterns, many of the same fresh choices are emphasised. Unfortunately, we know many Australians do not eat the recommended two serves of fruit or five serves of vegetables each day.
The most recent dietary survey suggests that only 5. In summary, the precise diet consumed by Palaeolithic man would be difficult to replicate today. While the ADGs are based on strong evidence from more than 55, studies, a Palaeolithic diet has been studied in very few people and not over the long term. Public Health Nutrition, 13, pp N Engl J Med. Kuipers The feasibility of a Paleolithic diet for low-income consumers. Nutrition Research Volume 31, Issue 6, pp doi: Updated Results, http: The Palaeolithic diet has been suggested as a solution to modern day diet-related diseases.
Excluding whole food groups is not wise, and strict followers may risk falling short on key nutrients. These foods contain beneficial nutrients, and are high satiety food choices. Seven studies from examine the effects of a Palaeolithic type diet [i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,vii]. These are all small, short-term studies, some of which even lack a control group! The most recently published study reviewed the satiety effects of the Paleo diet compared to the normal diabetic diet with 13 patients who served as both the treatment and as the control group over two consecutive three-month periods.
Weight loss was not recorded in this study. There are problems with the dietary methodology in these studies i. There are simply not enough good quality studies to suggest a Paleo diet would be advantageous. Furthermore, a feasibility study in the US suggested a 9. The modern Paleo diet has been tested in very few people and only over the short term.
Participants often drop out of the studies because the diet is difficult to adapt to and it is reportedly more expensive. While the emphasis on fruit and vegetables, and high- quality food choices rather than processed options is a positive feature, the diet fails to provide all nutrients as per current recommendations and excludes foods and whole food groups.
A Paleolithic diet confers higher insulin sensitivity, lower C-reactive protein and lower blood pressure than a cereal-based diet in domestic pigs.
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Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet - Health Learning Series
Hypothyroidism is much more common. To make matters worse, thyroid problems can have an autoimmune component. While a thyroid not functioning properly can negatively impact the whole body, a thyroid that is properly treated and addressed can restore normal function to the body.
Lifestyle and diet are often necessary to stabilize a thyroid condition, and in some cases, medication or hormone replacement may also be necessary.
Discover more about the thyroid: They produce hormones that regulate stress response, reproductive hormones, blood pressure, and metabolism. The adrenal glands also regulate the body clock, and when adrenal hormones get off balance, it can result in sleep problems, insomnia, and even appetite disturbances such as having no appetite in the earlier part of the day and then eating with greater intensity throughout the afternoon and evening.
Sugar can be problematic when it comes to adrenal stress hormones, and ditching healthy sleep and exercise habits can increase long-term problems. Discover more about adrenal health: Refined sugar, junk food carbs, and high omega-6 vegetable oils are the biggest dietary culprits that lead to type 2 diabetes and chronic conditions. While type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, both forms of diabetes can be managed with a Paleo diet plan filled with healthy proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vegetables and fruits.
Discover more about blood sugar and diabetes: The Paleo Diet and Diabetes: Is It a Drug? When we understand that cancer, regardless of the type, is abnormal cell growth and reproduction, we can begin to address cancer prevention at a cellular level.
Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet - Health Learning Series : M Usman :
The Standard American Diet, or SAD, is filled with hydrogenated oils, oxidized food, and refined sugars and carbs that all contribute to cellular confusion. Cancer prevention and treatment have their roots in a health-protective diet. Discover more about cancer prevention: Could it be that mainstream nutrition advice for heart health is wrong? Mainstream nutrition advises plenty of whole grains and vegetable oils and warns against saturated fats and cholesterol.