Lart de saber escoltar (Catalan Edition)
They live adventures while they walk around all the continents and planets. With them, children will discover some of the most interesting places in our world, and on their space trip they will know the planets of the solar system, what is gravity, how does a rocket work and much more. Both books have flaps full of curiosities. Besides, the world atlas contains a memory game and the space atlas brings the pieces to build a rocket. She is an entire artist! All the children fell in love with her illustrations.
We would like to know which is her secret and we ask her where does she take the inspiration from. Marta answers many things: Sometimes I just like to stare at what is happening around me. A rainy afternoon inspires me , a trekking on the mountain breathing fresh air , or a walking on the beach. Also the form of the clouds , a nice combination of colors, the smell of a cake just baked.
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And most of all, I got the inspiration from the people I cross with, I like to imagine how are their lifes, just as if they were characters of a story. Thus, the nature and the people are the main source of inspiration for Marta. What makes an illustrator special is its look, everyone brings a different look. If you want to know her better, take a look at her website: Marta has been with Somnins since the beginning.
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Her illustrations and designs have accompanied us so many times! She has boundless imagination and a contagious joy. Marta recognises that creative jobs are opportunities to show your own perspective about everything in life. The task of the illustrators is a constant challenge that anyone resolve on a different way, and she explains it with a culinary metaphore: A word of emotions Un mundo de emociones. Such a big project has meant a challenge for Somnins, but thanks to the team that has developed the project, the challenge has become extremely easy. A mainstay of the team has been Carme Dolz, the great writer of the collection.
Every week she gives us a story full of emotions. I always liked looking at reality, at people, and I like trying to figure out what they think or how they feel. Walking through the mountains, sailing, swimming and enjoying the nature awakens my senses and makes me pay attention to details. And also nature gives me a lot of ideas! A more creative pedagogy is required to develop a better understanding of the sensory part of our personal reality. I would never stop creating, developing new projects, and learning!
L'art de saber escoltar
On November 25 was held the 17th edition of the charity dinner for Rett Syndrome in the W hotel in Barcelona. There was a good turnout and we took part with a donation of books published by Somnins. The purpose of this annual dinner is to raise awareness and to let people know about this disease and the needs of the girls who suffer from it. Its aim is also to raise money for therapies to improve their treatment and promote their autonomy on their daily life. Rett Syndrome is a genetic neurological disease that can affect children, especially girls.
This disorder can be accompanied by a progressive deterioration in psychomotor functions, symptoms of autism and a progressive loss of language. The children affected by this syndrome are totally dependent, and the association is committed to improving the quality of their life and to promote a meeting environment for their families.
Somnins is very committed to the world we live in, and we always keep an eye on the welfare of children. We feel very proud to collaborate with this kind of events with our work and to help make life easier in different social realities. We would like to thank the Catalan Association of Rett Syndrome for its task and the girls and their families for their strength and courage to go ahead.
We will attend with the Association of Catalan Language Publishers with plenty of energy to promote our culture around the world, supporting the slogan chosen for the project: We would like to congratulate the illustrators chosen by the Institut Ramon Llull to represent our country in the fair. Congratulations to all of them and go ahead with the task of make the world know the Catalan talent. We would also like to take part in this important mission of flooding Bologna with Catalan culture, and will land with funny, creative and quality projects brand Somnins.
When facing the blank, she affirms that she catches the inspiration from the combinations of colours. Creativity is felt everywhere, especially in children books. Sigrid cannot imagine herself making anything else other than illustrate: Sigrid never stops, she keeps on creating always. It is of course very fortunate to work on what one like, as it is as well not to take away from the children world.
As well as the idea that everything is possible. If you would like to know her better, take a look at her drawings and check how they make possible what seems impossible. In this link you will find many of her works http: Hace ya un tiempo nos fijamos en el arte de la Pendeja. El proyecto promete, y mucho.
Esperemos que pronto pueda ver la luz y lo podamos compartir con todos vosotros. Podemos contemplar el mundo y ver las cosas por primera vez. The Catalan Agency for Tourism of the Generalitat de Catalunya wants to promote the destinations specially sensitives to family tourism. This catalog has represented an exciting challenge for Somnins.
Somnins joins the initiative of the Museums Department of Sant Cugat village to bring art to people with disabilities. We are very happy we could contribute our grain of sand in this project so encouraging.
- Cercador de normativa. Portal Jurídic de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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The Project Fem un Museu We build a Museum is a cultural initiative with seven years of existence that has a main purpose: It is a place to build a more fair and inclusive society. They are 12 pairs of artists who work for a more creative and sensitive world. And our title Create your own characters served as a starting point for setting up a session that has culminated in the creation of characters made from clay that give life to some highly original stories. We could admire their work on an exhibition oppened last june, which was a success.
We are convinced that this project will not stay here but go much further. Ecouraged by the success of Create your own character , we have created a new title with the most creative illustrations by Marta Dansa. In this book, the youngest can create very funny figures from basic geometric shapes. They will have to add stickers on a circle, a square or a triangle following a pattern and they will see how the basic shape will be transformed into a completelly different figure. An original way to play with geometric shapes and to explore all the potential they have! But it does not end here, we offer a second level of transformation.
On the figure just created, the volcano, if you add some more stickers, it will become a dragon. Thus, we offer pairs of colorful figures with different degrees of difficulty. When you have completed all the figures, you can let your imagination fly and keep on playing adding stickers on the sceneries you will find at the end of the book.
This book contains 10 pages with over stickers well classified. You can already find available two more titles edited by Somnins on the Super Prota website. One of them is about a pirate adventure with a very ecological and intriguing mission. And the second one is about a brave princess who has to break an ancient curse. On the book A Pirate Adventure , we encourage children to live an exciting adventure sailing on a ship with the mission of rescue the sea turtles that Captain Longtail is holding captive. The story can be personalised with the name and also by adding a photo.
The fantastic artwork of Anna Clariana get immerse our character in the dangerous world of pirates overseas. The story A Very Happy Princess is designed to customize the name and, optionally, the photo of all the girls who wish to become princesses for a day. A princess that will be very down on earth and in no way a snob, because she must free her kingdom from an ancient curse.
From the stand of the Institut Ramon Llull and the Editors Association in Catalan Language, we had the opportunity to meet international editors again. And also a great moment to enhance our visibility and commercial ties at the same time that we become aware of new trends on publishing firsthand. We come back willing to preparing the fair next year edition, in which Catalonia will be the guest of honor!
From a place where we felt very welcome, we were able to meet publishers from France, Italy, Belgium and United States, among others. Bologna offers a relaxed atmosphere and it is very pleasant to work in it, despite the hardness that could seem to be present in such a big fair as this one.
We discovered really attractive works of german illustrators, the guest country this year. We also found very interesting proposals in digital media, the fair has dedicated a whole pavilion to show them. We love to exchange views and feelings with colleagues all over the world! We already have the first copies of The turtle and the hare and The cicada and the ant. The two first titles of a personalized fables series with patterns that you can cut and past, following the scrapbooking method.
En definitiva, mostrar un sentiment de ciutadania global compatible amb la identitat local. Llengua catalana i literatura, Llengua castellana i literatura, Llengua estrangera.
Les funcions del processador de text serveixen per organitzar el text, per gestionar-lo, per modificar-lo, corregir els errors i millorar-lo. Cal tenir en compte que sorgeixen noves escriptures.
Escriptura de contes breus i altres textos basant-se en models observats i analitzats i aprofitant les emocions que provoquen les imatges i altres missatges audiovisuals. Llengua catalana i literatura, llengua , castellana i literatura i primera llengua estrangera. Comprendre i extreure informacions rellevants de textos escrits i audiovisuals adequats a l'edat i presentats en diferents suports. Haver mecanitzat que abans d'escriure s'ha de pensar i, un cop escrit, s'ha de revisar. Aplicar-ho a tot tipus de textos.
Participar adequadament en interaccions a classe amb les nenes i nens i els mestres en diferents situacions comunicatives. Redactar amb claredat i ortografia adequada als seus aprenentatges. Reconeixement d'articles, connectors, noms, adjectius i verbs en un text.
Online Free Download Books Lart De Saber Escoltar Catalan Edition
Diferenciar els temps verbals: Progressiva autonomia en l'aprenentatge: Coneixement de diferents tipus de text: Coneixement de les normes treballades. Lectura silenciosa de textos narratius: Escriptura de textos breus seguint models treballats a l'aula amb una finalitat comunicativa, utilitzant, quan calgui, els recursos que ofereixen les TIC o d'altres llenguatges.
Tenir capacitat per observar el funcionament de la llengua: Mostrar autonomia progressiva en l'aprenentatge: Escriure frases i textos curts significatius en situacions quotidianes i escolars a partir de models amb una finalitat determinada i amb un format establert, tant en suport paper com digital. Mostrar un cert grau d'autonomia a l'hora de resoldre les situacions d'aprenentatge.
Coneixement del funcionament d'una biblioteca-mediateca. Transformacions d'oracions en un text per ajustar el significat a les intencions del que escriu. Reconeixement en un enunciat del grup nominal i del grup verbal: Els pronoms i els seus referents. Escriure textos de tot tipus: Coneixement del funcionament d'una biblioteca virtual per trobar-hi novetats, recensions de llibres, opinions de lectors, recomanacions d'obres, de temes o d'autors.
Coneixement dels autors dels llibres llegits, trobades amb ells per parlar dels llibres. Saber respondre i formular preguntes referides als textos que s'han llegit o mirat. Escriure textos funcionals, narratius, literaris i audiovisuals coherents. Utilitzar programari per comunicar-se amb l'exterior: Tenir capacitat per revisar i millorar els textos d'un mateix o dels altres. Mostrar progressiva autonomia en l'aprenentatge: Gaudir amb la lectura de textos tradicionals i de la literatura infantil adequats al cicle. Elaborar textos escrits senzills tant en suport paper com digital segons un model i tenint en compte el destinatari, el tipus de text i la finalitat comunicativa.
Els diferents aspectes i dimensions que constitueixen l'entorn s'interrelacionen i interactuen. Identificar i valorar elements del patrimoni. L'energia, les seves fonts i com es transfereix, per tal de valorar la necessitat d'utilitzar-la racionalment,. D'aquesta manera, els i les mestres podran adaptar el programa a les necessitats reals de l'alumnat, per ajudar-los a superar els obstacles i assolir els objectius establerts. Reconeixement dels diferents tipus d'aliments.
Reconeixement de les diverses etapes de la vida. Observar l'entorn i identificar relacions senzilles entre els elements que en formen part, distingint els elements humanitzats i els naturals. Ordenar temporalment alguns fets rellevants.
L'art de saber escoltar by Francesc Torralba Roselló on Apple Books
Observar i identificar les propietats d'alguns materials i relacionar-les amb els seus usos, fent-se preguntes que permetin obtenir informacions rellevants. Desenvolupament d'actituds de consum responsable. Analitzar i descriure elements naturals i humanitzats del paisatge de l'entorn proper i establir comparacions amb altres tipus de paisatges. Analitzar l'impacte d'algunes activitats humanes sobre els recursos i en particular sobre l'aigua. Riscos del consum de tabac i alcohol. Explorar i percebre, i Interpretar i crear. Reconeixement d'instruments musicals i de veus masculines, femenines i infantils en audicions musicals.
Reconeixement de manifestacions culturals, populars i tradicionals de Catalunya i de la seva imatgeria. Reconeixement de petites formes musicals, de qualitats del so, d'instruments i formacions instrumentals i vocals en peces musicals. Recerca d'imatges que ens ofereixin tot tipus de moviment: Reconeixement de costums, tradicions i estils de vida propis i d'altres companys i companyes. Reconeixement dels valors comuns en les diferents manifestacions de la diversitat i dels valors de les dones que han estat tradicionalment marginats per la societat. Aquest sentit es presenta des de dues vessants: Els diferents apartats presenten de forma integrada conceptes, procediments i actituds.
Els primers permetran a les nenes i nens sentir-se competents en el pla motor. L'alumnat ha de construir el seu coneixement a partir de diferents tipus d'activitats: Explorar les possibilitats i recursos expressius del propi cos per comunicar sensacions, emocions i idees.
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Plantejar-se i resoldre problemes. Diversitat en les formes de treball. Reconeixement dels nombres en situacions quotidianes.