Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity: Servant Leadership as a Way of Life
In addition to a primary focus on servant leadership, the book addresses three interwoven aspects of social responsibility: Modernist and postmodernist notions of the will to meaning are considered against the philosophical notion of the will to power. The book examines the everyday existence of human values in a time when we inhabit a world filled as much with unwarranted cruelty as with the disarming nature of authentic and life-affirming love.
The book asks the question: Can ultimate forgiveness change the heart of violence?

The hope of the book is that people of all ages and creeds come to a deeper understanding and of personal and collective responsibility for leadership that helps heal the heart of the world. Hardcover , pages. Published November 26th by Lexington Books first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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To ask other readers questions about Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity. Lists with This Book. Sep 30, Beth Armstrong rated it it was amazing. Allow me to begin by saying that I am not one to hand out 5-star ratings easily. Know this is a powerful and profound book, one that, like a good steak, requires time to chew.
Allow yourself time to sit with the ideas Shann presents. Better yet, start to live into them and see the profound impact this will have on your life and the lives of those around you. A fruitful book that delves into Servant Leadership especially in the face of the current atrocities that are occurring in our societies.
I thought that the spots on forgiveness came later in the book and could have been broader and deeper. I appreciate the writing style of Shann Ferch as he has a descriptive and poetic style. In the church world, servant leadership gets talked about a lot.
Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity
For women, that often means that we are the ones expected to do the serving. Sh A fruitful book that delves into Servant Leadership especially in the face of the current atrocities that are occurring in our societies. Shann Ferch went a long ways toward rehabilitating the term servant leadership for me. I'm not all the way there, but much further down the road! This book needs to be read by all of us.
Feb 10, Mark rated it it was amazing Shelves: In this expansive analysis of servant leadership, Shann Ray Ferch examines a humanist model of leadership, and some of its models in the modern political landscape. The author finds in servant leadership a paradigm for both personal development and an attitude toward leadership that is both humble and empowering, yet capable of great strength.
Using the work of Robert Greenleaf as a foundation, Ferch lays out essential characteristics of servant leadership, which flows naturally from the belief In this expansive analysis of servant leadership, Shann Ray Ferch examines a humanist model of leadership, and some of its models in the modern political landscape. Using the work of Robert Greenleaf as a foundation, Ferch lays out essential characteristics of servant leadership, which flows naturally from the belief in the dignity of individuals. As he puts it, " Ferch quotes from Vaclav Havel: This is a powerful book, full of Shann Ray Ferch's own personal experience, enlightenment, and grace.
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- Forgiveness and power in the age of atrocity : servant leadership as a way of life.
- Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity: Servant Leadership as a Way of Life.
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Parents, community leaders, politicians, and businessmen can all benefit from a full understanding of the attitude and practice of servant leadership, and this book provides a rich examination of how these principles have played out in different parts of the world. Jul 21, Tim rated it it was amazing. It took me a year to read this book because I would read a few pages or a chapter and stop to let it sink in. A view of servant leadership as practiced by the author with references throughout to great leaders like Mandela and MLK. I look forward to reading this book again at some point and would not hesitate to recommend it.
I'm left inspired and with much still to ponder. Feb 23, Anna B rated it liked it.
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- | Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity | | Shann Ray Ferch | Boeken;
- Servant Leadership as a Way of Life.
An interesting read for a class on corporate justice in America. Dec 21, Brent rated it it was amazing. One of the best books I've read. Robert Mullen rated it it was amazing Jun 14, Joan rated it liked it Mar 25, Ryan Treft rated it really liked it Apr 26, Kelly rated it it was amazing May 27, Marinus Waruwu rated it liked it Dec 01, Natalie Morris rated it it was amazing Nov 04, Debbie Brown rated it really liked it Nov 19, Ryan rated it it was amazing Sep 26, Irma rated it it was amazing Aug 27, Finding libraries that hold this item The greatest figures in history, both human and divine, led with forgiveness.
In this book, Shann Ferch uncovers the beauty and grit of vulnerable leadership, forgiving leadership, servant leadership.
Forgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity: Servant Leadership as a Way of Life -
The power of leading with forgiveness offers high hope for our world's atrocious history and terrifying future. Shann gets to the heart and soul of what it means to embrace and practice servant leadership. In these, the most cynical of times that our world has ever known, this book points the way toward a more hopeful and compassionate world-a world where misplaced power and aggression are countered by Martin Luther King's unarmed truth and unconditional love-through the power of servant leadership. Shann Ferch has written a remarkably comprehensive and convincing exploration of forgiveness as the ground of healing and service, and then applied it to the principles and activities of leadership in the contemporary world.
I enthusiastically recommend this volume to those who are not only interested in leadership studies, but also in the deepest dimensions and possibilities of love and the human condition. It is a remarkable antidote to the cynicism underlying some of the new purely pragmatic and frequently inhuman leadership theories. One cannot read this book without experiencing a reflective resolve to live with greater intentionality and purpose. Benton Read this book if you are ready to live a new horizon. It is unsettling and worthy of every precious moment to read-each page creates an asymmetrical balance of joy, tears, laughter, and resolve.
To end atrocity through love and forgiveness You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.
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