
Family Brain Gym:30 Transformational Techniques for a Better Life at Work, School and Home

Not much fun, especially when you crash — which inevitably you will. What do you do then? And what about when you retire? Sure, you may well carry on working in a part-time capacity, which I think is a good thing, but you will need other interests in life when work becomes less important.

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Is she talking about hobbies? But we all need interests we can fall back on. Throwing darts at a picture of your boss is a satisfying way of cultivating all three de-stressors at once. One way to avoid being incessantly available is to make it clear to your colleagues that you will reply to emails within 24 or 48 hours.

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Quite so, but texting is based on different parameters — to send a text is to expect a quick, even immediate reply. But fear not, remember point two - just say no. You have to rely on your own intuition.

The Science of Habits and Creating Routines

We are witnessing a generational shift in our attitudes to work. Millennials those born after are more likely than their elders to blur the lines between work and home. For some, that might involve virtual meetings by Skype, for example rather than real ones, the opportunity to work from home when they want to and, ideally, a no-recrimination clause in their contract that would be activated when they tell their boss to shove it when she asks them to work next Sunday.

Step away from the email Earlier this year, a report circulated that a French law banned employees from checking work emails after 6pm. Topics Life and style Happy for life. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Loading comments… Trouble loading?

Taking a walk everyday at lunch could be considered a routine if you think of it as something you need to do for your productivity. Or it could be a ritual if you think of it as a way to break out of the mundane and enjoy nature. While we're focusing on habits and routines here, most routines could be turned into rituals with a change of perspective.

But what makes high achievers' routines so powerful? As it turns out, we're creatures of habit and can use that to accomplish whatever we want. In The Power of Habit: Making coffee is just one small routine, but the daily consistency of it helps keep me going. Imagine if other, more powerful tasks that can empower you to accomplish big things came as easy as making coffee? This is the power of routines.

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The small repeated actions can have an exponential effect. By implementing routines in the morning and evening, you can prime yourself for maximum productivity each day. Ferris's and Robbins' morning routines both include meditation, while mine and many others include starting the day off with a fresh cup of coffee. Regardless of your morning schedule, here are some of the best ways to start your day and prepare for success. Aside from a few exceptions, such as Winston Churchill who liked to say in bed until In those early hours, they can execute the routines that prepare them for the rest of the day while the rest of the world is asleep.

Even if they aren't naturally morning larks—the opposite of night owls—they've trained themselves to wake up early for the many benefits an early rise can bring. Those include increased productivity with fewer distractions in the early morning, greater creativity because you can work when your mind is fresh, and less stress if you use that extra time for meditation or quiet contemplation. It could make you happier, too: Researchers in one study found that morning-type individuals reported higher levels of positivity and well-being. Even if you're a night owl, you can train yourself to become a morning person by waking up 20 minutes earlier every day and soaking in some sunlight as soon as you wake.

If there's one habit you should adopt to improve your life, it's making your bed every day. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another.

And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made. And a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. Affirmations are positive statements you can use to reframe how you think about yourself and the day to come.

They are a way of visualizing the good things that will come to you that day and overcoming negative self-talk. In his book The Miracle Morning: When you actively design and write out your affirmations to be in alignment with what you want to accomplish and who you need to be to accomplish it—and commit to repeating them daily ideally out loud —they immediately make an impression on your subconscious mind.

Your affirmations go to work to transform the way you think and feel so you can overcome your limiting beliefs and behaviors and replace them with those you need to succeed. Your aim is to affirm and visualize the things you want to happen. As you focus on these things, you begin to believe that you can and will achieve them, which then enables you to take action on them.

Although it might sound New-Age-y to some, affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement. As clinical psychologist Dr.

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There are few things more transformative than exercise. Exercising in the morning increases blood flow, releases endorphins, and strengthens your body. It prepares you for the coming day, increases your overall energy levels, and helps you remain in optimal health. Numerous studies have shown that exercise is key in fighting depression and anxiety, and a Finnish study suggested that exercise is even correlated with increased wealth.

Implementing a daily routine of exercise will prepare you for maximum success through the day.

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And it doesn't even have to be a full gym workout to reap the benefits: A brisk walk in your neighborhood, a 7-minute workout , or a quick yoga session could get you going. Need more motivation to get moving? Try tracking your activity automatically with Zapier, an app automation tool. These logs of your runs or workouts can help you see your progress and challenge yourself to keep at it. Gulping down a Diet Coke and McGriddle on the way to work is a terrible way to start your day.

The fuel you consume in the morning has a significant effect on your ongoing performance—and thus, it should be the best fuel possible.

12 Morning and Evening Routines That Will Set Up Each Day for Success

Dietician Lisa De Fazio recommends staying away from high-sugar, high-fat breakfasts and instead suggests a healthier choice , perhaps:. Think good carbs and fiber plus some protein. Those foods will give you energy and satisfy your food cravings while setting the stage for good decisions all day. This one may seem a little extreme, but many people swear by taking cold showers each morning. It's similar to athletes who take ice baths , although slightly less frigid.

Why a cold shower? Because it can increase blood flow, burn away unhealthy fat, and release dopamine into the body. Like exercise, it kick starts your body. This is why Tony Robbins plunges into 57 degree water every morning. These might seem like minor things—waking up early, making your bed, saying your affirmations, exercising, eating a good breakfast, and taking a cold shower—but taken together into one consistent routine you do every day, you're well prepped to face anything that happens after.

A morning routine takes the stress out of the start of the day and puts you on the best footing from the get-go. Of course, customize your morning routine for your own preferences. The close of each day is just as important as the start. By implementing evening routines, you ready yourself for the next morning, recharge with a restful night, and minimize the resistance you encounter in getting things done. Determining your objectives for the coming day does two things. First, it allows you to identify your most important tasks in advance—before all the pressures of the day arrive on your doorstep.

Ideally, the first few hours of each day should be spent conquering your most challenging task. Second, it allows your brain to begin thinking about those tasks as you fall asleep. In their book Organize Tomorrow Today: Identifying daily priorities might seem like an obvious or insignificant step to take, but writing your most important tasks down the previous night turns your subconscious mind loose while you sleep and frees you from worrying about being unprepared.

It can be easy to lose sight of victories after a long day.

Brain Gym to Integrate the Left and Right Hemispheres

Taking just a few moments at the end of the day to reflect on and celebrate your wins puts things into the proper perspective and gives you encouragement for the coming day. It helps you overcome the discouragement that often comes with setbacks. In addition to asking at the start of his day "What good shall I do this day?

  1. 1. Step away from the email!
  3. Mind Chi: Re-wire Your Brain in 8 Minutes a Day, Strategies for Success in Business and Life.
  4. Looking for other ways to read this?.
  5. Zen Habits author Leo Babauta puts it this way:. If you reflect on the things you did right, on your successes, that allows you to celebrate every little success. You can do this in a variety of ways, including jotting things down in a blank Moleskine notebook, a gratitude journal, or an an app on your phone.

    You can automatically track your productivity with RescueTime and Zapier as well: