Donnas Poems From The Heart Vol #1
Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Regards Reader - There are those who would love to rid themselves of painful memories, to forget nasty pasts and mistakes. They say its hell to live with those memories. I say its hell to live without them. I have no memories of my past, my friends or family. I owe my life to the Fae who discovered me bleeding and nearly dead at their doorway.
They saved me and offered me a Regards Reader - There are those who would love to rid themselves of painful memories, to forget nasty pasts and mistakes. They saved me and offered me a new life, regardless of my past. My special knowledge of herbs and healing has been needed to save the Shields countless times. They are my brethren, my family, yet I am alone.
No matter where I search or what questions I ask, I discover nothing to open a doorway in my mind of locked memories. Until I catch a glimpse of a woman who seems as familiar to me as breathing. Though she claims to not know me, our bodies know each other. Yet, I agonize over what she keeps hidden in the depths of her haunted hazel eyes. I fear the dark thoughts that lurk in my heart, and wonder at any black deeds in my past.
If what I dread comes to pass, death will not come swift enough. Above all, I must keep Danielle safe. She is the only one that has quieted my soul and shown me what serenity was. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Warrior's Heart , please sign up.
Lists with This Book. I loved this series!
Reclaim My Heart
This is exactly the type of story that readers want and expect from Donna Grant. Gabriel has never remembered his past but when Jayna arrives at Stone Crest Castle, he can't help but feel like she's tied to his memories. With the final confrontation against the Great Evil looming over the Shields, Gabriel doesn't have time to be distracted by one innocent woman.
I would highly recommend this series to fans of the PNR genre. I total love this last book and as far as last books go it was perfect, everyone got a happy ending and lots of babies.
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Great series Donna grant can't wait to finish your dark world series, just about to start dark warrior. Feb 26, Sandy S rated it it was amazing. The Shield series focuses on a group of ancient warriors, all from different realms and times, hoping to rid the world of The Great Evil. With the help of the Fae, the Shields must locate and gather the Chosen.
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It is said the Chosen were sent as infants to other realms, to protect them from the evil. Each warrior had hidden a painful and terrible past only to be confronted with the reality that some things are not as they appear.
Found near death years before, Gabriel is nursed back to health by the Fae, only to discover his memories are gone and the little that he does remember, are of blood, death and betrayal. When his memories finally return, Gabriel knows that his past has finally caught up with him, and retribution and revenge are only a few of the things on her mind. Donna brings together a world of warriors and fae, shapeshifters and demons, omnipotent powers and immortal beings. She mixes a little of the Scottish Highlander with the fantasy of otherworldly beings and pulls the reader into a maelstrom of the power of love.
If you like a little bit of fantasy with your Highland warrior The Shield series by Donna Grant is the perfect read. Feb 10, Patricia rated it it was amazing. A Warrior's Heart is the final in the Shields series and all I can say is this, it went out with a bang. From beginning to end, you will be captured into a magical world where evil tries to take over good.
A truly captivating story filled with such vivid imagery where you'll believe your watching a movie and bring on the popcorn. The characters were flawless leaving the reader without a doubt their suitability for each other. The story was fast paced, gripping and a story you'll not be putting d A Warrior's Heart is the final in the Shields series and all I can say is this, it went out with a bang. The story was fast paced, gripping and a story you'll not be putting down once you begin reading.
May 06, Vicki rated it it was amazing. A Warrior's Heart is the final book in The Shields series It had me hooked from the very first page! I was looking forward to Gabriel's book since the beginning!
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He is the strong, sexy, quiet warrior who feels lost when he cannot remember his past. He is a loyal friend and warrior who has a fear of learning who he was before he lost his memory. This wonderful book had me on edge wanting to know what would happen next!
You will not be disappointed in A Warrior's Heart!
Another 5 star Donna! Such a great ending, but I am sorry to see the series finished! Oct 28, Avey Shannon rated it it was amazing Shelves: I am so sorry to see this series come to an end and I will miss reading about the Shields and their loves. Grant was able through her wonderful way of writing, for you to feel the trust and love they felt for each other as a family as each one overcame the obstacles in their lives. Jan 19, Jessie H. We find out Gabriel's back story! This was an appropriate ending to a great series. I enjoyed this book but I wanted to slap Danielle for the first half of the book.
It was very fast-paced and full of action. Read all four parts of this sensational volume and look for the full volume of Firestorm in March Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem?

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Firestorm by Donna Grant. He could barely breathe as he watched her… Dimitri is a dragon shapeshifter who lives to protect the secret of the Dragon Kings from the human race. Bound by a bond stronger than blood to the Kings, Dimitri uses his strength and prowess to defend a thousand-year-old secre Volume 1 Volume One of an exclusive four-part volume by New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant.
Kindle Edition , 94 pages. Published February 14th by St. Dark Kings 10 part 1 of 4. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Firestorm , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 15, Donna Maguire rated it it was amazing Shelves: I am totally in love with the Dragon Kings and really do need to have one of my own!
I loved this book which is the first in the latest release, it drew me in and kept me completely engaged. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy books, believe me these Dragon Kings beat vampires, witches and wizards hands down! Already looking forward to the next book and working my way though any books I have missed too, cannot get enough of them!
Alice Coleman rated it it was amazing Feb 14, Jennifer McNeill rated it it was amazing Sep 12, Claudia rated it liked it Feb 21, Jeanine rated it really liked it Sep 04, Vanina Veronica rated it it was amazing Aug 24, Kristine McDonald rated it really liked it Jan 29, Sabrina krauss rated it it was amazing Feb 21, Kamy rated it it was amazing Dec 29, Tamela Mund rated it liked it May 19, Lucie Nelson rated it it was amazing Feb 14, Lori Long rated it it was amazing Jun 29, Heidi Brown rated it it was amazing Aug 13, Val rated it it was amazing Feb 19, Lorena rated it it was amazing May 22, Angela Crisafulli rated it it was amazing Mar 02, Jackie rated it it was amazing Apr 16, Erika Palumbo rated it it was amazing Jun 07, Lorena rated it it was amazing Feb 15, Evelyn Carrillo rated it it was ok Apr 07, Cheryl Martin rated it it was amazing May 31, Nicole rated it it was amazing Jun 01, Janet Lombardi rated it it was amazing Apr 26, Jun 13, Margaret rated it liked it.
And I ached for you. Faith Reynold stumbles upon an ancient skeleton that appears it comes from a dragon, she's completely taken aback.