Devil is an Irishman: Four Stories of Encounters with the Devil
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Dec 26, Lynn Senior rated it liked it. I met the author on my recent trip to Ireland. He was definitely a character and definitely has upheld the Irish tradition of storytelling well. Greg Meyer rated it it was amazing Dec 06, Ashie rated it liked it Aug 04, Simon Flynn rated it really liked it Sep 23, Loren Smith rated it really liked it Feb 20, Melissa rated it liked it Aug 03, Linda G rated it it was amazing Sep 21, Ciara Quinlan rated it liked it Oct 31, Please discuss this issue on the article's talk page.
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And of course, a tall and handsome music critic Sam. With the romantic ocean shore as the background, love has no choice but to flourish. The story is written with skill and humor, and I have to share a couple of quotes from it. The first one is how the story starts: Stark , he marveled, forgetting his coffee. He looked from the dress in his hand toward the back door of his house, putting two and two and two together. And getting a mess. Low laughter started in the back of his throat. A runaway dog, a naked bicyclist, and the sudden appearance of a dress all pointed to one thing: After that, the story really takes off and becomes a swift and charming tale of love and self-discovery.
A few months ago, Blake was possessed by a powerful demon. Although Blake himself blacks out during such episodes, he is aware of the consequences and terrified of what he had become. Elise is a vampire, has been for 70 years.

She is a recluse and lives in an abandoned tunnel under a New York metro station. When she meets Blake, she recognizes his evil rider. She wants to help this particular human. Blake pulls at the strings of her heart she had thought extinguished for half a century. Unfortunately, to exorcise such a powerful demon is not easy, even for a mighty vampire. The demon fights back, and the passion that springs between these two doomed lovers seems hopeless until the very end. I cared for the protagonists and I enjoyed reading their tale.
He feels compelled to help them. From the moment he stops his carriage, all his carefully laid plans go astray, and the beautiful teacher finds her way into his heart, no matter how much he resists it. Victoria, a sharp-tongued spinster, is used to managing classrooms of boisterous children in the orphanage where she works.
She resists her attraction to the duke as much as he does. After all, she knows that nothing will come of it. And so does her treacherous body. This one was a classic Cinderella story, average in every way but still a nice read. The hero Quentin is much older, over The wedding bells were tolling just as the story ended. Oct 12, Aimee rated it really liked it Shelves: I read this one just for the Jeaniene Frost story. I really liked it.
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The one problem I had with it But it doesn't give enough time to bond with the characters properly. Although, I must say, given the length of the story, the characters were surprisingly well fleshed out. The other stories were entertaining as well.
Four Dukes and a Devil
Enough to keep my reading, at least. I got a sample of some new autho I read this one just for the Jeaniene Frost story. I got a sample of some new authors that I'll definately be checking out later. I enjoyed all the stories in this anthology. Of course the one by Jeaniene Frost a Cat and Bones short was my favorite and the only paranormal of the bunch. One story had what I considered an inappropriate explicit sex scene for its genre but the rest of the story was great. Each story had well fleshed out characters, humor, romance, strong women, and felt complete, not rushed.
Feb 27, Nicole marked it as to-read Shelves: Blake's dilemma is that he's possessed by demon Xaphan. Elise is determined to save Blake - and needed Mancheres' help in the process. This is a good short read. But I somehow hoped to read more. Jul 15, Amy rated it it was ok Shelves: First off, this anthology mixes genres - 3 regencies, 1 contemporary, and 1 paranormal. I hate that, as I typically only read historical romances. That probably would get at least 3 stars, but even so, she had too many cameo appearances from characters in her other novels. Dec 08, Mel rated it it was amazing Shelves: Nah, ini versi modern-nya.
Bedanya, yg nyolong baju ceweknya adalah seekor anjing. Deal to Pay by Jeaniene Frost Terbaik dari semua anthology di novel ini. Blake sudah tidak berniat hidup lagi krn tubuhnya dirasuki oleh The Irish Duke by Cathy Maxwell Awal cerita lumayan, sayang kandas di ending dgn begitu mudahnya Miss Rogers menyerahkan diri.
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Blake sudah tidak berniat hidup lagi krn tubuhnya dirasuki oleh iblis kejam. Elise berusaha membantu Blake utk melenyapkan iblis tsb, dibantu oleh Mencheres, master Elise. Tapi siapa yg menyangka Elise dan Blake malah jatuh cinta satu sama lain. Menjelang maut menjemput Blake, Elise hampir tidak sanggup menahan godaan demi menyelamatkan kekasihnya.
Catch of the Century by Sophia Nash Sebenarnya ide cerita lumayan menarik. Miss Victoria yg angkuh ini mirip Cinderella yg bertemu Prince Charming. Sayangnya karakter Victoria yg galau membuat saya kurang terkesan. Yg tidak dinyana, akhirnya tumbuh cinta juga antara India dan Quentin. Tetapi India galau apakah Quentin mau terikat pd dirinya atau tidak. Lumayanlah utk ukuran novella. Jun 17, Winter Blanc rated it liked it.
This is going to be short. I liked the first story. Tolerated the second one. Thought the fourth was splended. And the fifth was spectacular. My biggest complaint is that the five stories weren't all set in the same time. I've only ever read one other book like this but all those stories took place during the same time period.
It really threw me for a loop when the first story was in Jane Austin England and the second in modern somewhere in America or close I don't recall for This is going to be short. It really threw me for a loop when the first story was in Jane Austin England and the second in modern somewhere in America or close I don't recall for sure but it wasn't England. Otherwise my complaints are all just basic.
I liked some bits of the stories I didn't like other bits. The fifth was absolutely my favorite though. This book was great for lazing around the house reading. The stories didn't feel too rushed despite their length and they had satisfying ends. All in all a pretty good read. Nov 16, Anastasiaadamov rated it liked it. I was plesantly surprissed with third story being Jeannine Frost story.
This story showed me what to expect and I liked it. First story was not bad but I guess it took me a while to get into the romance genre. Second story was missing something to be interesting to me - without historical, comic or supernatural elements it felt way too bland: And the last story had potential for something good. Mar 03, Gemma rated it liked it Shelves: This was an odd grouping of stories, not much of a common theme. Three regencies, a contemporary, and a paranormal. Not all had a duke in one book, the duke was a dog named duke!
Most too short to really get a feel for the characters before they were over. I've never read general romance before if that's what you call this genre , and am usually an urban fiction sort.
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The five short stories were an odd combination. Four stories that had something to do with a duke, ranging from period romance to haunted houses, then a random break for a story about vampires and a demon. Each story was decent, but I don't know how the publisher came up with this particular compilation. May 10, Katrina Berry rated it really liked it. Frost continues to put into it by giving us these lovely novellas to keep our cravings fed.
This is nicely done with endearing characters and a short but complete story. Of course, getting the opportunity to read more about Cat and Bones makes it even better.
Jan 22, Cs rated it liked it Shelves: I really liked the excerpt from Maxwell, Nash, and Warren.