Cool Names for Boys
Avoid being a statistic with these great baby boy names that are unique, but not too "out there. Danish for "father of peace," the name has been rising steadily, ranking at No. And if you're a big Guns 'N' Roses fan, consider spelling it "Axl.
This name comes from the black semi-precious stone or you can go with jet engine if you're a lover of air travel. Defined as "to cause to lose one's way," it doesn't get much more bad boy than this. Although the name has not made the top 1, list in the last years, it is on the rise. Playing card, winning a point, fighter pilot, skilled person The English surname from the town of Ash is now the th most popular name for boys with a surge credited to actor Ashton Kutcher. It was the No. Scottish for blond, and identified with rocker David Bowie and Alamo hero Jim Bowie, this name also has never made the top 1, list, but definitely carries a bad boy cache.
See More French Boy Names. See More Italian Boy Names. See More Irish Boy Names. See More Spanish Boy Names. Michael may have become the most popular angelic name on earth, but the archangel Gabriel, who announced the birth of Jesus, has given his own name extra honor. It carries weight, "Dr. Randy is your buddy that will help you move. My sons name is Mykol which is another cool way of spelling Michael, we call him Kol.
If anyone likes, feel free to steal. It used to be that I never heard it around but seems that it's coming back into style lately. My sister is pregnant - not sure of gender though - she's thinking of Harry if its a boy but she's open for suggestions, I don't honestly like the name very much and have been trying to find something We're looking for something classic, long but can be shortened. Our son is Archibald! But only ever used fully when naughty and is normally Archie or baldy as a nickname.
Congrats on 5, Anna! Alfie is super cute! I love it, and then maybe Wiley or Obie. Personally, I am still stuck on Walt, for some reason. Best wishes to you and your soon-to-be bundle of joy! I'm pregnant with 5 a boy And am struggling. But can't choose a winner lol. As a kindergarten teacher, I find naming your child Turd abusive. In the hopes of being unique you've saddled your child with a name that means feces? I love vintage names and wanted something diff and sexy yet meaningful. Its fits him so well with him being so strong at the age of 1.
He definitely has a name to live up to lol.
Unique Baby Boy Names
We just named our sons twin boys! So far we've received great reactions about the name, everyone loves it! I'd love to see it on this list! I am obsessed with the name Ezra. I don't think my husband would ever go for it, though. I also really really love Chester but I don't think North America is quite ready for that one to come back yet I could see it flying in the UK! My oldest son's name is Guy and we are complimented on it constantly.
It seems everyone who ever knew a fella named Guy remembers them as fantastic. For added fun his girlfriend's name is Hazel.

My daughter's name is Elaina. Son is due October first!! Hudson is in the running for sure, but we haven't found that perfect one yet: The spelling is "Francis" not "Frances" for boys. I was recently accused of my name "Merl" getting dangerously close to hipster. I love vintage retro names. When we were searching for a name for our son nine months ago I was very adamant about his name not being one of the top for the simple fact that I don't want him to be known as number 2 or 3 or by his last name. We fell in love with Tobias Richard and it fits him perfectly!
You definitely cannot go wrong with "old fashion" names: We don't have a boy yet, but his name is ready for him when he decides to come. We chose Amos Dean. Both are family names, and are pretty retro. Maybe not the best for everyone, but we love that they are seldom heard.
And are much easier than say, Homer, or Mervin. You have two of my favorite names on the list: I think they would be charming twin names! I'm glad you love retro names like I do! I don't know that Delmer would be my own first choice, but I do love Del! And June is adorable.
60 Hipster Baby Names for Boys & Girls That Sound Effortlessly Cool
Thanks for stopping by! I love retro names!! My son's name sort of falls under your "not ready for yet" list. His name is Delmer Elmer? We love it though and it fits him perfectly! It is also a family name. He goes by Del and Elm. I am looking for more retro names for future children! My daughters name is June.
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Cool Baby Names
For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Inspired by the biblical Noah, this Hebrew name means "rest and comfort. A traditional Welsh name, meaning "noble" or "warrior. A German name that means "head of household. A Hebrew name meaning "ascended. A Hebrew name that means "God gives.
Another biblical Hebrew name, Issac means "to laugh. A Hebrew name that means "name of God. A Hebrew name that means, "Yahweh is salvation. A Hebrew name that means "joined" or "attached. This is a French boy name that means "olive" or "olive tree. This is a classic English name with origins from the Old English word "ceorl," meaning "man. A Latin name that means "youthful.
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A Latin name that means "venerable. A Hebrew name that means "may Jehovah exalt.
Retro-Cool, Hipster, Vintage Baby Names for Boys | WeHaveKids
I think we see a theme here. This is a Hebrew name that means "Jehovah has healed.
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A Hebrew name meaning "God has given. A popular German name that means "bright" or "famed.