Contratación local (Spanish Edition)
Th e recru itm ent of mo re local staff fo r t he Mi ss ion was positive; efforts in that regard should continue, in or de r to r ed uce the high vac an cy r ates f or local personnel.
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The Committee is of the view that the Offi ce of Hu man Resources Management should play a leading role in resolving the. Officers could be expanded and more local staff could fill vacant General Service international posts available at the United Nations Office at Nairobi. Growing numbers of staff members: Most frequent English dictionary requests: Please click on the reason for your vote: This is not a good example for the translation above. The wrong words are highlighted.
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It does not match my search. It should not be summed up with the orange entries The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Thank you very much for your vote! You helped to increase the quality of our service. Similar vacancy status reports have also been designed [ Es obligatorio el uso [ A vacancy management module has [ The project to establish a centre began in the [ Este dato refuerza la idea de [ This data gives support to [ Incluye testimonio sobre problemas [ Organize professional recruitment examinations on behalf of the UN Examinations [ The Logistics Advisor is [ See examples translated by hiring of staff 13 examples with alignment.

See examples translated by hiring staff 12 examples with alignment. See examples translated by hiring of personnel 8 examples with alignment. See examples translated by recruiting personnel 7 examples with alignment.
See examples translated by employ people 2 examples with alignment. The European Union called on the Secretary-General to establish specific administrative procedures and rules for staff recruitment and humanitarian supplies. Ongoing efforts of the Secretariat to recruit staff expeditiously.
Translation of "contratación de personal" in English
OPS would continue to enjoy considerable flexibility and delegation of authority in the recruitment of staff. In late , recruitment of staff was frozen due to funding constraints.
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Such shortcomings should be addressed through the recruitment of staff with the necessary expertise. The recruitment of staff remains a concern and a priority. The Advisory Committee expects that increased efforts will be made to expedite recruitment of staff for special political missions. The anticipated unencumbered balance in is due mainly to the delayed recruitment of staff.
contratación de artistas - English translation – Linguee
Our third observation concerns the recruitment of staff. The delayed recruitment of staff also reduced the requirements for travel.
Recruitment of staff for another newly created section for planning, compliance and monitoring is ongoing. The recruitment of staff for both Departments is proceeding with deliberate speed.