Angels of Rock - Erotic Short Story for Women
Then when she doesn't recognize him, which is a breath of fresh air, he's more intrigued and insists on walking her to work. Skye's apprehensive though, Spencer never treated her like this, but she kinda likes it.
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Ash tells her at the front doors of the hospital that he will see her around because he wants to figure her out. That scares her though, no one can truly figure her out. The only one that knows her that well is Bean, she's put too many locks on her heart to just let any smile in. And if he slips past the locks, he'll surely run, right? Skye Summers is an emergency room doctor that just got engaged to a wealthy, well to do man. When she quickly hurries away in search of coffee to distract her from the train wreck she walked in on, she runs into Ash and his friends at the local coffee shop that she frequents.
Ash is in a really popular band called Angel Fire, and is in town for a concert. All of the men in Ash's family fall in love at first sight when th Skye Summers is an emergency room doctor that just got engaged to a wealthy, well to do man. All of the men in Ash's family fall in love at first sight when they meet their one that they are supposed to be with.
All Ash has ever wanted was to find his "one", so when he meets Skye his gut screams to him that she's his "one" Now all he will have to do is convince her. Skye hasn't had the easiest life. She has many demons from her past that need to be slain. The only person that is close enough to Skye to know all of her secrets is her foster brother, Bean, but he has just as many secrets of his own.
Can Ash help Skye stay her demons so they can overcome her past? Will Skye or even Bean let Ash in close enough to try? This was my first book from Ellie Masters, it darn sure will not be my last. OMG what an amazing book. Ellie Masters has totally outdone herself with this story. I must admit I was expecting a rock-star romance book but got so much more. The characters seem to come to life and their issues became so real as I continued to read page after page.
The couple had so many issues going against them, in both the private as well a OMG what an amazing book. This book will grip your emotions and have you feeling happy, sad, carefree and devastated at various time. This reader hopes this is the start of an awesome series to come. I cannot rave enough about this author!! I am a new reader to this author and OMG a true fan for life! This was an amazing read and had my attention the whole way. The way the characters came to life for me and could really connect with them.
Skye and Ash have so many things stacked against them but you cannot help rooting for them and praying they find their happy ever after. I was surprised and overjoyed this was not just another rock star romance but a true romance of two people finding I cannot rave enough about this author!! I was surprised and overjoyed this was not just another rock star romance but a true romance of two people finding one another but can they hang on to one another is the question.
I will not give spoilers. But you must one click this book today and hang for an emotional ride but a ride worth taking. Ellie Masters has hit a homerun! Lindsey — 3 Amigos Wicked Book Review She has a way of sucking you into her dark world of sin, sexiness and romance. Each chapter and turn in this book leaves you shocked and yearning for more.
I fell in love with the characters Skye and Ash in every way from the moment they met. The sadness and emotions from Skye's past leave you running wild, heartbreaked and makes you bleed right along with her. ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
I love this book! I started reading and was pulled in from the first few pages. Love Ash and Skye's story. Ash is a member of a rock band and meets Skye. Skye has no idea who Ash is. Will they find themselves as friends, lovers or enemies? Well you just need to read this book and find out. No spoilers from me lol. There is way too much to say about this book, but can't without giving anything away. There was a lot of complexity with both Skye, Forrest, and Ash. Each have their secrets, which add to not only the story, but to the depth in which each of them show their love.
Ellie's writing style is incredible. There is humor, passion, and sinful pleasure behind her stories that won't let you put the book down. I loved the book, and look forward to more from Ellie Masters. Ellie Master's nailed it. This was so good I read it twice to make sure I didn't miss anything. Loved this book can't wait to see what Ellie Masters has up her sleeve next. Mar 13, Heather rated it it was amazing. Obviously we know this is a love story and one surrounding a rock band, but OMG is it so much more! First off, I absolutely love how the couple meet!
Skye has no idea who the band is or why they think they are above everyone else. When the band members take the last remaining open seats in a coffee shop leaving two elderly women to stand, she takes action and puts them in their place. She had a horrible day after seeing something that can never be unseen and that was the last straw. Ash aka Blaze takes off after her intending to return the backpack she left behind, but instead his life changes in a way that he never expected.
The idea that he convinces her to take him with her for her three day getaway is a little far fetched, but nonetheless the connection between the characters makes this work. Skye gets to know Ash without really knowing who he truly is which is what Ash finds most attractive about her. Once she learns his true identity though their perfect little bubble is popped.
It was one of those things that leave you laughing and shaking your head at the same time. Skye's story is absolutely heart breaking. To survive what she did and still be a functioning member, a doctor no less, of society is something that needs to be commended. I'm glad the author didn't paint her as a survivor who had no issues and had overcome everything. The author clearly did her research on PTSD and painted a very realistic picture of what this looks like. God my heart broke for him. Whatever happened to Daniels? Can't wait to read what's next for this band! And hopefully another glimpse of this couple because wow that epilogue was just amazing!
Jul 05, Nickie Sale rated it it was amazing. This book will rip out your heart, it will make you cry, angry and make you smile. Dr Skye Summer is a survivor of the most terrible abuse as a child at the hands of her foster father and engaged to a man who cheats on her and only wants to own her. Ash is the lead singer of very successful rock group and can have any women he desires. But, when a chance meeting brings Skye and Ash together, Ash realises that this is the women he wants to be with and Skye sees Ash as a man she can just have some This book will rip out your heart, it will make you cry, angry and make you smile.
But, when a chance meeting brings Skye and Ash together, Ash realises that this is the women he wants to be with and Skye sees Ash as a man she can just have some fun with. But, the chemistry between them scares Skye, she can't respond in the way that either Ash or herself wants and her reaction is to run.
Ash, is determined to pursue Skye and show her that she can have real love in her life, but Skye finds leaving her past behind an impossible task. There are several twists and turns in this book which keep you on your toes and make this compelling reading. You are taken into darkness of what happened to Skye and her foster brother Forest in the past, the life of a rockstar, where one move brings hoards of press and groupies running to you, the assumptions of the rock group to which Ash belongs and the walls that both Skye and Forest have built around themselves to survive.
Feb 11, Doris rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a powerful book that may have triggers for some people. I think when a book is well written it affects people, hence the trigger warning. Ash gets a taste of the real Skye, ER Dr. This tongue lashing both pisses him off and excites him at the same time. Find out how these two come tighter amidst the back history.
Nov 03, Karen rated it it was amazing.
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. It is half rock star and half adults who deal with having been horribly abused in foster care. I think the subject was handled gently but I was disappointed that a doctor was not willing to get therapy.
Forest was a handful but amazing. Special place in hell for those who abuse innocent children. Wow How you not love a rockstar love story, especially when he is sweet, funny charming and the best guy around? Skye finds him hard to resist so much so she put her own happiness after his, she is a selfless doctor with riggers from an abusive past but with the help of Ash, she is able to live again.
Feb 11, Downward dog rated it really liked it Shelves: The opinions expressed are my own. This is an emotional, feel good rockstar romance. Skye is a doctor working in the emergency room when she first meets Ash. When Skye meet Ash, she has no idea he is a big rockstar and treats him like she would anyone else. Skye grew up in foster care and has to work hard for everything she has achieved. Her childhood was a nightmare and t http: Her childhood was a nightmare and the only good that came out of it, is her foster brother, Forest.
Skye is hard working, trustworthy, spunky and has character. Her past has made her a driven person, yet she is still haunted by it. After all the pain she has suffered, she deserves some happiness. Ash is sexy and nice and chases after Skye. He grew up in a normal family and has a great outlook on life. He is down to earth and unspoiled by his success.
Heart's Insanity (Angel Fire Rock Romance, #1) by Ellie Masters
Ash is caring, protective and patient with Skye and wants to help her. Skye and Ash have an immediate bond and he never gives up on her. Skye has a hard time understanding what a famous rock star would see in her. This is an entertaining story with lots of chemistry between Skye and Ash. Her writing is fluid and strong. She conveys thoughts, feelings and emotions almost effortlessly. This book will turn you around, spin your head, break your heart and heal it, all before it ends.
Skye Summers is an emergency room doctor, who through hard work determination and the love of her brother, Bean, has worked from the depths of hell to get where she now is. Skye suffered a tragedy at a young age, and then had a horrific time growing up. As an adult, she has trouble getting close to people and sharing intimacy, due to her circumstances.
Ash Dean is the front man and lead singer of the super popular rock band, Angel Fire. He lives his days singing, touring, recording and writing songs. Determined is a good word to describe Ash. Can they make it three days, getting to know each other, spending time in such a close area without breaching the main rule?
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Ash is a man that is easy to fall in love with and with whom you feel better just by being in his presence. Skye is struggling to overcome her demons and get the good in life. The two of them together just make my heart sigh, they are that great together. Hearts Insanity is my first read from Ellie Masters, it will not be my last. I don't typically read a lot of Rockstar books and after reading this, that's going to change.
When a book can make you cry, want to kick one of the characters butts, then you know your in for one hell of a read. Skye Summers is a doctor with a past that will break your heart. Skye is one of the strongest female characters I've read. Although for the life of me I cannot figure out why she would be with Hearts Insanity is my first read from Ellie Masters, it will not be my last. Although for the life of me I cannot figure out why she would be with person like Spencer. Ash Dean aka Blaze is the lead singer for Angel Fire. Love hard to find, the kind of love you fought to keep.
Loved everything about this book. The story, the characters, the twist, the edgy, but still gorgeous writing. An angel and a demon fight dirty for the soul of one sexy-ass rock star. And I do mean fight dirty. My first book by this writer.
Fiery Temptation
So not my last. Apr 07, Samuel Black rated it really liked it Recommended to Samuel by: Certainly worth the read! Firstly, thanks to B. This hits all my happy rockstar buttons. Even though this will be a series, this short novella is perfect as a standalone. And what's not to like about sex, rock n' roll and a bet between an angel and a demon?
Zee and Cash scorch the pages as they scorch the sheets. There were a couple of editing hiccups about two or three , namely missing apostrophes, but nothing jarring. For a freebie, C Firstly, thanks to B. For a freebie, Cash: Angel, Demon, Rock Star is a damn fine and sexy dark tale. Mar 24, Jane Harper rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a great story with a twist I didn't see coming - though obviously something was not as it seemed.
And especially as a free read, don't miss this one.

It's as if the author either didn't want to write those scenes, or didn't think her audience wanted to read them. Some readers won't like that, though I persona This was a great story with a twist I didn't see coming - though obviously something was not as it seemed. Some readers won't like that, though I personally didn't miss it, there was plenty here to hold my interest. While this type of book is not my typical genre, I found the characters and the story line to be very interesting.
Feb 27, Micha rated it really liked it. It was better than I thought it would be. Just the right length, nothing was unnecessarily dragged out. Definitely will check out more of this author's work. Mar 25, LauraSt rated it liked it Shelves: I will just quote GR on this one His very own personal sinner.
Somehow the concept was very, very appealing. Jan 13, Furio rated it liked it Shelves: The lead is well rounded and sexy and his interaction with both his antagonists is well thought of. Where the story loses focus is in the supernatural moments: I understand the author is going for ambiguity and trying not to give background information which could slow the plot but the end result is confused and detracts from the story.
The supernatural element assumes a fairly traditional judeo-christian worldview: Jul 18, Teri rated it liked it Shelves: I liked it but it was weird. Quick free decently hot read. Oct 19, Lisa rated it liked it. I love paranormal, so was keen to read this. It could have done with being longer, especially to establish the demon and angel better It was at times confusing It was an okay read, didn't blow my socks off, but kept my interest for the hour or so it took to read. Apr 26, Lenna Wright-Berry rated it really liked it.
Well what can I say it was good. Guardian Angel and a demon take a bet to find out who wins the Cash the rock stars soul. I was a bit confused as to who was the demon and who was the angel, but it was total opposite then I thought who was who, angel was a tattooed pierced surfer man, Zee. The demon was a blond hair blue eyed, Rosie.
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She, Raina, and Kathleen will need each other now more than ever. She did finally have a boy interested in her, but the e-mails from her secret admirer, Shy Boy, recently stopped coming.
From the Hardcover edition. Lurlene McDaniel began writing inspirational novels about teenagers facing life-altering situations when her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. About Angels in Pink: Also in Angels in Pink Series. Also by Lurlene McDaniel. See all books by Lurlene McDaniel. About Lurlene McDaniel Lurlene McDaniel began writing inspirational novels about teenagers facing life-altering situations when her son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes.