Amir Khusrau: Selected Poems
Amir Khusrau Selected Poems - 9781479297207
Karan rated it liked it Jul 07, Kundan marked it as to-read Jun 09, Alpesh Raval marked it as to-read Jul 17, Abhimanyu Singh marked it as to-read Oct 02, Mikhail marked it as to-read Jun 24, Neil Singh marked it as to-read Jul 03, Laura Crosby added it Dec 28, Shantanu Singh marked it as to-read Jan 08, Aditi is currently reading it Apr 23, Manny marked it as to-read Jun 04, Pallavi Das marked it as to-read Jun 07, Khalid Saif marked it as to-read Jun 15, Ahmad Shah marked it as to-read Jun 17, Katelyn Shaver marked it as to-read Jun 22, Aamirah marked it as to-read Jun 29, Tanvika marked it as to-read Aug 27, Aishwarya marked it as to-read Sep 05, Muhammad Ahmed Quadri added it Sep 11, Shubha Gupta marked it as to-read Nov 28, Amir Mahmud Safa marked it as to-read Dec 14, Dana Vollmer marked it as to-read Jan 28, Khalid added it Feb 01, Ashiq marked it as to-read Feb 11, N marked it as to-read Feb 12, Pritesh Shrivastava marked it as to-read Feb 13, Renee marked it as to-read Apr 02, Gangeyyo Bhattacharjee marked it as to-read Apr 23, Areeba Imam marked it as to-read May 26, Jemma marked it as to-read Jun 02, Parul marked it as to-read Jun 30, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
He was an iconic figure in the cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. He was a mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi.
The roots for tabla invention are found in India. The carvings in Bhaja Caves in the state of Maharashtra in India shows a woman playing Tabla and another woman performing a dance, dating back to BC. Taals has developed since the Vedic or Upanishad eras in India.
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