A New Kind of Hustle: How to Find Success in the Midst of Obstacles
Third, it encourages growth--this mentality forces you to adapt and improve on a constantly recurring basis. Every problem you view or solve this way makes future problems easier to handle, forming a positive cycle of reinforcement. Unfortunately, there's no magic switch you can flip in your brain that suddenly makes you see all your problems in this light. If you want to adopt this mindset, you'll have to take the time to retrain your brain.
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It is possible, though it will take consistent effort over an extended period of time to see the results. Most of us react negatively to problems when they take us by surprise. You're on your way to work on a route you always take, and you get a flat tire; this event is completely unexpected, and can make you feel like the day is ruined. However, your work commute almost always has some kind of problem in it--they're usually just so small you don't notice. For example, there might be extra traffic, you might have forgotten something at home, or you might not have enough of a charge on your mobile device to listen to music.
Even a rogue red light can interfere with your commute. Problems are a given--only the intensity of the problems are a variable. If you can learn to accept problems as a normal, regular, and completely unavoidable part of life, you'll have taken your first step toward handling them with more grace and objective understanding.
Our first impressions often define our reactions to new situations, so in order to start seeing problems as opportunities, you have to avoid making first impressions altogether which is easier said than done. Let's take the flat tire incident in the above section; your first impression might be "I'm going to be late" or "This is going to be a pain" or "This is going to cost me money I haven't budgeted. Prevent yourself from forming these immediate thoughts by simply thinking of the problem itself: Practice this on small-scale problems, like spilling a drink, and work your way up.
It's our instinct to form first impressions, especially in urgent or problematic situations, so you'll be fighting against nature on this one. Once that initial reaction stage has passed, you can focus on distancing yourself from the problem. We often have a highly self-centered view on the world, leading us to think of all the bad ways a problem could affect us.
But if you think of the problem as a separate entity, unrelated to you, you'll do a better job of tempering your emotions and thinking about the problem objectively. One helpful strategy to do this is to describe the problem as if it were happening to a friend: The best piece of advice I ever received about dealing with adversity came from a friend who had seen more than her fair share of adversity.
82 Inspirational Quotes That Will Motivate You To Succeed
I was going through a difficult period and complaining mostly about how I was unable to overcome the pain of the situation I was in. Not only did I feel as though I'd failed at the situation but I was compounding it by feeling like a failure for not being able to stop the pain. What she told me has stuck with me. Very simply it was, don't try to run away from the pain. Instead sit in it and ask, "What is this experience and the pain trying to teach me.
Success - sprawdź! (str. 5 z )
Nowhere are we quicker to pass judgment than when it comes to judging ourselves. I've especially noticed this among entrepreneurs who are ruthless at blaming themselves when something goes horribly wrong. You may very well have made a bad decisions, hired the wrong person, blown the negotiation, dropped the ball, not followed your instincts, and, as if that's not enough, now you beat yourself bloody as a result. It makes little sense. If you knew someone who was the single most important person in your life or your company and they made a horrible mistake I doubt that your first response would be to start flogging them for it.
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There's always time to ask what you could have done differently, it's called learning. However, the less you judge yourself the more likely you will be to take the next risk, and the one after that. We don't stop moving forward because we've faltered. We stop moving forward because were afraid. Withhold the judgment, learn the lesson, and, if success is your objective, expect to have to repeat that same cycle many times over again.
Lessons aren't of much use if we keep repeating our past patterns.
Famous People Who Found Success Despite Failures
Life isn't an academic test where the simple knowledge of how to solve a problem is enough to get the grade. It's about putting into practice what you've learned. One of the best ways to do that is by writing a long letter to yourself that captures exactly what you were feeling and what you learned from your adversity. When you find yourself falling into a past pattern read that letter again. One of the most amazing things about adversity is how often we forget what it felt like. In some ways that's a good thing, otherwise we might never take another risk. But when we recognize the patterns that created the problem emerging once again it's a good idea to remind ourselves of what it felt like and what we learned because of it the last time around.
When you were in grade school you'd likely jump through flaming hoops to get praise and a gold star.
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Well, learning and growing only gets harder as you get older. And, in case you hadn't noticed, often there's nobody around handing out gold stars. Acknowledge your own efforts and resilience. Celebrate the lessons you learned. After all, you earned them.

I'm not going to suggest that you forget those times that you hit rock bottom. They are powerful reminders of what you have achieved and invaluable parts of who you are.
They have shaped you and strengthened you.