Two for Tuesday
From that point forward the Two Lunch Tuesday program has seen more and more success as more schools and PTA parents join in the joy of leading the children by example of giving through Two Lunch Tuesdays. In KTNV aired a segment during their nightly local news. This interview is what really built the momentum and exposure in our community.
Bradenton Yacht Club - Two For Tuesday
The full article and news clip are located here: In the Nevada State PTA held their national convention in Las Vegas where they asked Pastor Cody to share about how the program started, and how the success has continued. Pastor Cody shared what a blessing that these sandwiches have been to so many people and the impact it makes on the homeless out on the streets. This award was in recognition of Broken Chains as a result of the impact that this program has had; not only on the homeless, but also on those involved in the schools, and in the PTA with their involvement in the program.
One of the special things that happens with many of the schools is that the kids provide not only lunches, but share something personal that is unique in each lunch.
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From a personal, handwritten note, providing a message of encouragement, to a hand drawn picture to bring a smile to any face, they all receive a personal touch. The students not only provide physical food for the homeless, but a heartwarming personal touch to bring light and cheer to those who often live with so much hurt and pain. This is in addition to the program that the original school, Del Webb, still takes part of in making sandwiches for Broken Chains Ministry volunteers to distribute to the homeless.
The students at Del Webb still make sandwiches twice a month that Broken Chains Ministries picks up and distributes for them to the homeless. The program has not found confinement to just the Las Vegas valley. He asked how he could start the program in his community to feed the homeless. Now as a result of the effectiveness, and following the examples of the schools in Las Vegas, parents, students, schools and volunteers in the Reno area now have connected and are helping grow the success of Two Lunch Tuesdays in that city. The program has become so big in Las Vegas that Broken Chains Ministry is now partnering with other organizations and supplying them consistently by giving these lunches through our charity networks.
This in turn helps to multiply the effectiveness that the students, PTA and other volunteers have with this program to feed those in need whom they serve on a consistent basis. Some of the other organizations that now receive these lunches from Broken Chains Ministry includes:.
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This is in addition to those lunches that we hand out the second Tuesday of the month on the streets directly to the homeless. The volunteer PTA parents are the ones that drive the success, and help to engage the schools administration in the consistency of developing the program with the students. Also, it needs to be mentioned that in no aspect of this program do the schools pay for the lunches.
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The kids bring everything as donations and then build and give them out. The involvement of the children is what touches the hearts of the homeless and those of us involved in distributing the lunches.
- Tea for Two Tuesday.
- How to achieve a Safe Workplace.
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These kids are so dedicated and involved. Origin of Tea for Two Tuesday: This special day was created by the tea lovers at Holiday Insights, in March, Up to this point, we have not found any holidays or special days recognizing Tea. So, we thought it was about time!
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Two for Tuesdays
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