Slow Moon Rising ( Book #3): A Cedar Key Novel (The Cedar Key Series)
I liked having the different perspectives of the family members. This entire novel revolves around the Claybourne family and their lives over many years. The members of this family face many things such as divorce, cancer, infertility, losing loved ones, alcoholism, past affairs — the list goes on. I also thought the ending to this novel was way too drawn out and depressing. The final event that took place was real and difficult and very hard to read. It is not enjoyable for me to read a book revolving around such hardships in the life of this family without a really good sense of hope and spiritual growth throughout.
This novel touched on that hope here and there with an out-of-nowhere, one-time, deep spiritual discussion towards the end , but the overall feeling was just dismal. Slow Moon Rising was well-written in the way that it wrapped up all of the storylines from the Cedar Key series, but it lacked the hope and grace that I have come to expect from Christian fiction. Read my complete review here: Jun 14, Laura rated it liked it.
Eva Marie Everson Publisher: And one chance to make it right. Their unique paths will l Title: His youngest daughter was still at home, and she got along fine with her new stepmom, but not all the other daughters were as accepting. As the years passed, the family started facing the truth of their real mother—what she was and what happened and how that affected them. Marriages struggled—and fell apart. Lives were not all a bed of roses—unless one included sharp thorns. And yet… will they take that one chance to make it right? The story does progress, but the time jumps — in years — were jarring, as were the sudden character POV changes.
It is the history of a family. Jun 24, Ibjoy Hannabass rated it it was amazing. This has been a most heartwarming series. I love the way Ms. Everson takes every day family situations and weaves them together for our enjoyment. The Clayborne family is a pretty much disfunctional family, with each member having his or her own secrets and problems they struggle with.
In this last book in the series, those secrets come to surface. Each of the four Clayborne siblings are so different, and deal with situations in their own way. But in the end, it is their relationship with the Lord that matters most, that helps them heal and deal with their past. Anise has her work cut out for her to join the family, especially when she married their dad before she even met her step-daughters.
She handled their reactions well. I really like Anise, she was a simple lady but full of wisdom, and loved Ross Clayborne with all her heart, and it clearly shows in her actions. This is a wonderful and heartwarming series that I highly recommend. Reading this series really made me think about some issues in my own life, and I appreciate Ms. There are many things going on, the series covers many years, and the author pulls it altogether in the last book like a pro! This is a must read, so pick up your copy soon!
I received this book from the publisher Revell to read and review. Jun 06, writer A stunning cover drew me to read this novel.
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Ms Everson's story kept me reading. My first experience with the Cedar Key series, I was surprised when the story first changed to a new character's view and placement in another year. Definitely an interesting, in depth understanding of the characters resulted from the author's technique. As the story progresses, the reader is offered installments from the interconnected lives of the several Claybourne family women.
A contemporary novel featuring fami A stunning cover drew me to read this novel. A contemporary novel featuring family secrets and suspense that piqued my curiosity. Dealing with nitty gritty real life issues, I appreciated Ms Everson's willingness to tackle them head on. No whitewashing realities of life in today's culture. These several entwined stories compelled me to keep reading as the characters worked out struggles, relationships, issues, baggage, and their faith.
A reading experience of realistic situations with inherent emotional responses through years, secrets, and distance separating family members. A satisfying ending that left this reader reflecting on the impact of secrets and life choices on the lives of those around us. An ending that allows readers to draw their own conclusions.
Ms Everson's style and descriptions are secondary to the relational focus, but definitely some writing gems in the midst make for increased awareness and appreciation of her writing ability. Considering summer's extended reading opportunities, I would recommend Slow Moon Rising as a novel worth delving into. Characters that pull you into their lives.
Situations that could be your own. Read Slow Moon Rising when you want to steal away into a great story Jun 22, Veronica rated it really liked it Shelves: This is an interesting, emotional book that tells the story of four sisters and their step-mother over a little more than a decade. We get each of their perspectives as the story switches between them, jumping ahead in time with each one.
Anise falls for a man over twenty years her senior in a whirlwind courtship and finds herself a step-mother to four women. Kimberly, the oldest, and Heather, the third, are married with children and have seemingly perfect lives, but not is all as it seems. Jaym This is an interesting, emotional book that tells the story of four sisters and their step-mother over a little more than a decade. Jayme-Leigh is a doctor like her father with a great husband, but has a secret pain she hasn't shared with her family.
The youngest, Ami, has been burdened with a secret her mother shared on her deathbed. Through the years, their getaways to their summer home in Cedar Key has brought renewal and healing, but also may be the key to a secret that could tear their family apart. I really liked the different perspectives and that we learn more of each of their stories and of the family as a whole as the story progresses.
It is well-written and the characters became very real to me. I found myself really liking some of the characters and feeling very frustrated at one in particular! Though this is the third in the series, I didn't feel lost at all for not having read the first two. This book deals with a lot of issues, which I found interesting, but also felt draining for me.
I get too emotionally involved when I read! I did enjoy it and plan to look for more from this new author to me! I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review. Jun 16, Lindsey Silvestrini rated it it was amazing.

Doesn't this cover just call to you and make you want to read Slow Moon Rising? This was one I was really looking forward to reading! It was more than I could have ever hoped for! The love story between Anise and Ross is one of the most beautiful I've ever read.
Slow Moon Rising (Cedar Key, #3) by Eva Marie Everson
I think what sets it apart is that it's not your traditional love story. It's a "May-December" romance between two people that have lived lives, aged accordingly and did not meet in their youth. I think we often forget that not every love Doesn't this cover just call to you and make you want to read Slow Moon Rising? I think we often forget that not every love story starts out as high school sweethearts or meeting a gorgeous prince right out of college.
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I like that Everson wrote something so different yet so much more true to life than most. Her characters are so loveable, especially the graceful Anise and her beloved Ross.
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Ross's daughters are much more complicated and as the story is told from each of their perspectives, their different layers are exposed. It was almost several books written in one. At first I didn't like this because I was so caught up in the love story of Anise and Ross that I was annoyed to be pulled away to read someone else's story.
But soon I was equally invested in each daughter and their own loves and heartaches. This was one of the deepest most compelling stories I've read in a long time. Everson so eloquently describes life and all it's complexities and how different families are built. It's not all beauty and roses but that's what makes this story even more amazing. Slow Moon Rising is a great summer read and one that will leave your heart full and you wishing it would never end.
Jun 17, Rosie rated it liked it. Not a favorite, but a sweet story nonetheless! I wasn't sure what I expected to find in Slow Moon Rising but what I found certainly wasn't the picture in my head. I had to force myself through the first few chapters and I struggled getting into the story, particularly when we kept changing point of view every few chapters. While I'm glad to say it got easier to read as I went, I never fully connected with any of the women aside from Ami. She's my not-so-secret favorite.
I loved Eva's vivid descrip Not a favorite, but a sweet story nonetheless! I loved Eva's vivid descriptions and attention to detail in the setting. Anise's little hometown in Maine, Ami's world in Atlanta, and my favorite, Cedar Key, Florida came to life in my imagination. Eva also did a superb job making her characters as real as they come. Their struggles, their problems, and their lives are under no circumstances perfect. Slow Moon Rising is the third and final in the Cedar Key series. I haven't read the earlier books yet, but it didn't seem to take away from the story.
If I had read the previous books, some things in the story might have made more sense. I don't recommend this book to younger teens. This novel is definitely more on the adult woman's side of the spectrum--something I didn't know when I requested the book. I received this book from Revell in return for an honest review of my opinions, which I have done.
The cover photo and even the title give the book an eerie feel. The first several chapters are told from the point of view of Anise then the narrative switches to the different daughters and Anise. There are buried family secrets that hold destructive power over the whole family. Slow Moon Rising is a novel that delves into the complexities of family relationships. What we do both good and bad has long reaching effects on those around us. The ironic part in this instance is that the transgression that was committed was long before most of the daughters were born yet it has been a dark cloud over an otherwise seemingly perfect family.
Everson brings this story and the Cedar Key series full circle, showing just how powerful the act of telling the truth, seeking forgiveness and bestowing forgiveness can be in all our lives. This was a wonderful stand-alone series that I think many of you will enjoy. Mar 07, Melissa rated it it was ok. I want to start by saying that I loved the first two books in the Cedar Key series. It felt very thrown together and none of the characters were very well developed.
Sad to have the series end this way. It almost seems as if Everson had quite a few ideas for future novels, but was forced to condense them all in this one. There are too many characters for any depth of plot, and much of I want to start by saying that I loved the first two books in the Cedar Key series. The Claybourne sisters have experienced much of the highs and lows of their lives through the mirror of their vacation home in Cedar Key. When their mother passed away, the four siblings had a difficult time moving forward.
This is especially evident when their father meets Anise, a much younger woman, and they quickly decide to get married. As the years progress and Jayme-Leigh, Kimberly, Heather and Ami experience their own joys and sorrows, all of the women must come to a place of acceptance and family https: Jul 20, Sherry Carter rated it really liked it. I loved this book and was quickly caught up in the story. Eva Marie creates characters I'd love to have as friends, puts them in difficult situations, and then lets them respond with honest emotions that we might all experience.
I've heard this might be the last book in this series but I hope someone can talk Eva Marie into writing another one because I want to spend more time with the Claybourne family. I was exc I loved this book and was quickly caught up in the story. I was excited for Ross and his new wife, Anise, but the complicated relationships they face with his four daughters, Ami, Jayne, Kimberly, and Heather honestly reflects the dynamics of family life. As Eva Marie wove in struggles, heartbreak, and a secret that could test the family's love, I shed a few tears because I've walked through some similar situations.
Above all, it's a story of love, faith, and forgiveness. Eva Marie writes about real life and that's why I love her books. Slow Moon Rising is no exception. I'd definitely recommend it as a great book to read relaxing on the beach or in a comfy chair. Jun 21, Kate rated it liked it. Does one really know the implications that secrets possess? His fate is approached with great thought and reasoning. Anise Kelly, owner of Calla Lilly, a floral shoppe specializing in the creation of equisite floral designs, is in search of that which holds no barrier, but what she finds is something quite different indeed.
When a secret arises from the dusty memories the family is shaken. Will they surpass the chal Does one really know the implications that secrets possess?
Slow Moon Rising
Will they surpass the challenges or succumb to its reality? A novel of faith, secrets, family, strength, and unquestionable love Slow Moon Rising shines with personable characters, believeable dialogue, and realistic scenery. Although it did not hold my attention throughout as the previous two books in the series I did enjoy this one as well. I was challenged in my faith by this inspiring fiction novel and will recommend it to others. I received a complimentary copy from Revell Publishers for this blog tour for my review.
May 18, Lady Jane Grey rated it it was amazing. Be careful when reading her work; you'll start reading and not think you are too involved, but when you are interrupted and have to go away from the book, you'll realize you are hooked! It is one of those quiet, peaceful things, sort of like a lazy afternoon. It is always a pleasure to read this author, but I gobble my treat up too quickly and am forced to wait patiently for the next one.
I'm extra sad to finish this one because it is the end of the Cedar Key novels. They can a Love this author! They can all be read on their own, but I love "seeing" friends from the other books in the background. This one in particular reminded me of "The Joy Luck Club" where the women told their stories in a series of short stories that all went together.
Nov 04, Alycia Morales rated it really liked it Shelves: Once again we join the Claybourne family, this time visiting the four sisters Kimberly, Jayme-Leigh, Heather, and Ami and their step-mother, Anise. The family is hiding a secret, and one daughter in particular wants to know the truth behind the lies and the cover ups.
As always, Eva Marie provides a compelling story that brings the reader straight into the written world. Slow Moon Rising may be a meandering read, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth turning the pages. Just as it takes time to reveal any family secret in the real world, the truth slowly rises throughout the novel. This is definitely a beach read, especially if you'll be visiting Cedar Key. Jun 27, C. I was glued to the pages to find out what happened to all of the characters. There were some twists and turns that I didn't see coming which made for an engrossing read.
The author did an excellent job in wrapping up this series triggering some unexpected emotions both good and sad.
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I don't want to give away any details as this story is too good to ruin it for you. If you enjoy a family saga with romance and real This is the third and final book in the Cedar Key series. If you enjoy a family saga with romance and real-life situations, you'll love this book along with the rest of the series. You will want to start at the beginning as this trilogy should be read in order. Feb 06, Jessie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Aug 08, Tina Hunt rated it it was amazing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Cedar Key series by Eva Marie Everson and this third book was such a marvelous way to bring it to a close. I'm just sad it's done. This family is so real and the issues that they deal with so raw. The theme of healing and second chances was so beautifully presented. This is the kind of book I would have recommended when I was a counselor. As I was reading it, I was already thinking of people I could and would be giving it to as a gift. I am so thankful that I was able I have thoroughly enjoyed the Cedar Key series by Eva Marie Everson and this third book was such a marvelous way to bring it to a close.
I am so thankful that I was able to check these books out from our public library through their e-reader program. How exciting that this gospel message is so available. May 11, Chris rated it liked it.
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I liked this the least of the books in the series. Too many characters and moved too quickly through each story to really get an understanding of who each character was. If you read the first book, you at least had some background on the overall story and a deeper look at some of the characters like Kimberly and Heather otherwise the pace of this book only let you skim the surface of who each character was, their relationships within the family and what their individual stories were.
In her lyrical, evocative fashion, Eva Marie Everson weaves a tapestry of complicated relationships that, when complete, reveals the most beautiful work of art there is--family. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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