
Reluctant Revolution

Organizers of Evolution Weekend say it's a chance for people of faith to challenge the assumption that evolution and religion are incompatible.

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That's what Charles Darwin did. His theory that nature — not God — was responsible for the marvelous variety of life on Earth was heretical. But then a young butterfly collector forced Darwin's hand. And in honor of his th birthday, England is issuing commemorative stamps, coins — even quilts — in honor of its hero.

The Reluctant Revolution

But in parts of the U. Ira Flatow speaks with Darwin's great-great-grandson, writer and director Matthew Chapman, about the ongoing battle over teaching evolution in public schools and how Darwin's legacy continues to evolve. Charles Darwin revolutionized the way scientists think about how life on this planet evolved.


Twenty years after spotting the strange lizard, scientists have discovered its secret. Charles Darwin is credited with developing the theory, but some scholars say Darwin's contemporary, Alfred Russel Wallace, deserves credit, too. Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio player. The "Reluctant Revolutionary" Charles Darwin is most remembered for his revolutionary theory of evolution.

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As a child, he hated school, but Darwin loved to read and to explore the natural world. Throughout his life he was constantly experimenting — with seeds, plants, worms, gases, and Galapagos flora and fauna — to understand the science of life. Subscribe to Daily News Email. Darwin's Very Bad Day: Taking Darwin Personally Listen. Too Big To Publish Listen. Celebrating Darwin's Evolution Revolution Listen. Browse archive or search npr.

The Saint - Season 5, Episode 4: The Reluctant Revolution - www.newyorkethnicfood.com

In the Galapagos Islands, he noted the different species, such as tortoises, seemed to be adapted to the natural environment of each island in order to survive. It took years for Darwin to write and publish his book.

The Reluctant Revolutionary (Trailer)

In , Darwin entrusted his wife Emma with an outline of his theory. At that time he was already aware of its revolutionary nature: His theory of evolution and natural selection also challenged the idea of a natural order or that man was somehow special. He was challenging core religious belief systems that had prevailed for centuries. The greenhouse in the garden of Down House, where Darwin did some of his experiments with topical plants. For the conflict-shy Charles Darwin, married to a deeply Christian woman, these ideas were too daring.

Darwin himself had long ago lost his faith, and with the passing of his beloved daughter Anne Elizabeth, he stopped attending church. And thus he waited and sought to make his theory fool-proof by transforming Down House into his private laboratory. Darwin may never have published his research if not for a letter received in in which the naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace described the very same theory of natural selection that Darwin had come up with.

Darwin could no longer hesitate. It was finally decided that Darwin and Wallace would present their work at the same time as joint paper that year at the Linnaean Society. In November , when On the Origin of Species was finally published, Darwin did not escape criticism, both from the Church and from the scientific community.

Darwin: The "Reluctant Revolutionary"

Down House offers a unique entry into the mind and life of a man who changed the way we see the world we live in, despite his reluctance to do so. Charles Darwin was buried in Westminster Abbey London in Ebba Olofsson holds a Ph. Skip to main content. Charles Darwin Evolution Down House.