Quiz- Antimicrobials Number of questions: Quiz 2 Number of Questions: Quiz- General Pharmacology Number of Questions: Quiz 3 Number of questions: Quiz- Cardiovascular Pharmacology Number of Questions: Quiz- Endocrinology- Embryology Number of questions: Quiz- Endocrinology Physiology Number of questions: Quiz- Endocrinology- Pathology Number of questions: Quiz- Endocrinology- Pathophysiology Number of questions: Quiz- Endocrinology- Pharmacology Number of questions: Quiz- Renal physiology Number of questions: Quiz- Renal Pathology Number of questions: I recommend OnlineMedEd without hesitation.
How to Slay the “Step 1” Beast
I like the way that each topic is structured. It makes learning and looking for specific information easier for review and on wards. The length of the videos are perfect for my daily schedule, but also because I can binge watch and get ahead if I have time to. OnlineMedEd is my primary source for study during my clinical year of PA school.
Williams almost always presents the information with a heavy emphasis on clinical reasoning. As a result, the didactic knowledge within the lesson is much easier to learn, practice and retain because the relevance of that information to the patient problem is obvious from the beginning. Although I am challenged by the clinical medicine, I never feel lost or disinterested with Dustyn's lessons like I have been with many too many lessons and reading assignments in my program.
- More East Than West.
- Girl, Youll Be A Woman Soon;
- USMLE STEP 1 Materials – TUSOM: Owl Club;
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I am always eager to try the clinical questions after the lessons and find the explanations to be reinforcing. OnlineMedEd has become the anchor to my learning and I use access medicine, textbooks and articles to add specific details to the fundamentals I learn from OME. I thought OME was an invaluable resource and fully attribute it to my high scores on boards. Planning on reviewing again before intern year starts.
Thank you so much!!!
Dustyn Williams, MD
Viewing or downloading Notes, Audio Files, or Whiteboard Graphics will affect your monthly file access quota. Just because someone is a great doctor doesn't mean they're a great teacher. He created OnlineMedEd because this is the content he wishes he had when he was in your shoes. I got my first choice for Dermatology and first choice for prelim year as well. I think the results speak for themselves. Challenge Questions Board style vignettes you can take by topic or mix and match to prepare for the test.
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- USMLE Review (General).
- A Song for Alice Loom;
- online USMLE Step 1 - EL HUSSEINY'S USMLE Preparation Program;
- How to Slay the “Step 1” Beast.
- Resources for Residents: Steps 1-3 & Subject Review.
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