No ponto de mira (HQN) (Portuguese Edition)
Si todo va bien, acabaremos la fase dos y podremos comenzar la tres, el registro de producto. El proceso se acaba con la fase cuatro, cuando se controlan posibles efectos secundarios. Alonso lo tiene claro. This profile has received 9 visits in the last month, from a total of 3 visitors. Profile last updated Apr More translators and interpreters: Or create a new account. Close Member since Dec '07 Working languages: Send email More actions Give feedback. The Greek Government has set the same price for diesel fuel and heating oil, causing the price of the latter to rise from 0.
The result has been a sharp fall in demand for heating oil, which has led to a fall in government revenue and the creation of an incredible situation in Greek cities: Greek consumers are now forced to burn in their fireplaces and stoves any wood, paper as well as other inappropriate materials which come to hand. This has created clouds of smog over Athens and other Greek cities. Have the Greek authorities been asked when they intend to take serious practical measures to stop the unprecedented degradation of the environment in Greek cities?
Has a proposal been put to the Greek authorities to deal rationally with the price of heating oil in order to restore a normal situation on the market, to secure revenue for the government and to eliminate the hazardous smog clouds hanging over Greek cities? The Commission has an ongoing legal case on airborne particles PM10 infringement with the aim of urging Greece to keep the period of noncompliance as short as possible.
While the press has recently reported about some upcoming initiatives of the Greek Government to reduce the taxation on fuels, the Commission is not aware of any initiative in this respect. The equalisation of heating oil has been decided by the Greek Government, in consultation with the. Such changes arise from greater scientific precision of the boundaries of the areas affected. Is the Commission aware of the fact that Parliament has not adopted any legal proposal to set up an EU PNR system and has refused to vote on such a proposal for months? Is the Commission aware of the fact that its role under the Treaties is to propose legislation and not to present the legislative bodies with a fait accompli?
The Commission published the call for proposals as it considers that the collection, processing, analysis and exchange of PNR data is necessary to effectively prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute terrorist offences and serious crime, and thus enhance internal security. The call for proposals is a stand-alone funding action within the ISECprogramme. Unlike the legislative proposal, which would make it obligatory for all Member States to set up a competent authority to collect, store and analyse PNR data, the call for proposals aims at supporting individual Member States that voluntarily set up a national PNR system on the basis of national law.
Komisijos reglamento EB Nr. Vadovaujantis reglamento EB Nr. Komisijos reglamentu EB Nr. Does the Commission not think that this ban on importing poultry from third countries into the territory of the European Union is disproportionate and has a negative impact on the European Union market, and that this possibly makes production more expensive and has a negative impact on the end consumer?
Does it not think that we need to change the established practice so that the producers could, having fulfilled relevant conditions, bring such poultry offspring into the European Union? There is a well-defined procedure in place for listing third countries for imports of all or certain commodities covered by this regulation.
Detailed information is available on the Commission's website http: Hungary requested the extradition of Francis Tobin from the Dublin authorities, but they refused, citing legal reasons. Public opinion in Hungary is dissatisfied with the failure to resolve this situation. For Hungarian public opinion and the Hungarian authorities the main thing is not that Francis Tobin should serve his sentence in Hungary, but that he should serve it somewhere. It is unacceptable that legal loopholes should make it possible for the culprit to live out his days unpunished.
In the light of the above, what instruments does the Presidency have at its disposal to help this case to reach a conclusion that satisfies not just the law but also the interests of justice, thus ensuring the proper functioning of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? The European arrest warrant, which replaced the previous system of extradition between the Member States, is based on the principle of mutual recognition and trust. Besides the European arrest warrant, there are also other legal tools which aim at the strengthening of freedom, security and justice in the European Union.
The tragic case raised by the Honourable Member relates to a bilateral case which has been dealt with by judicial authorities in the Member States concerned. It is not for the Council to comment on decisions taken by national courts. In the light of the above, how does the Commission plan to intervene in the Tobin case during this Presidency period, particularly since Ireland has just assumed the Presidency of the Council? What measures does it propose to take to enable this case to reach a conclusion that satisfies not just the law but also the interests of justice, thus ensuring the proper functioning of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice?
The Commission sympathises with the distress of the parents of the children who died in this tragic case. It also recognises that respect for the European Judicial area. Once aware of the case, the Commission immediately responded. The EU instruments that could have been applied to settle this case were not implemented in time or at all by the Member State concerned. Borders should not be an impediment to carrying out criminal proceedings and to enforcing the outcome.
The Commission will publish a report in mid including the state of implementation of this framework Decision. The Commission understands that all legal procedures in Ireland have been exhausted after the matter was judged by the Supreme Court of Ireland, whose decision is final.
Therefore, with regard to the essential respect for the independence of the judiciary and of judicial decisions, the Commission has no competence to further intervene in this case. Wird die Kommission die polnische Regierung in der Angelegenheit um eine Stellungnahme ersuchen? Welche Schritte wird die Kommission einleiten, falls sie diese Beihilfen als mit dem EU-Recht nicht vereinbar bewerten sollte? An enterprise from the region of Mittelrhein has stated that the Polish Government is supporting the export of windows and doors made in Poland to the European internal market. This support is said to be financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund.
How does it assess the fact that the Polish Government is supporting the export of windows and doors made in Poland to the European internal market? Will the Commission request a statement from the Polish Government on this issue? The Commission services are currently analysing the complaint and are aware of the fact that the measure in question is based on ERDF support. As part of the assessment, the Commission services requested information from the Polish authorities, which it recently received. If the Commission finds that incompatible aid has been granted, it orders the Member State to recover the incompatible aid from the beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries will then be required to pay back to the Member State's budget the amount of the state aid received together with applicable interest. Red tape and bureaucracy often a hinder those intending to apply for European Union funding. At the start of this Parliamentary period, it was recognised that red tape and bureaucracy were affecting economic growth and adding to administrative costs. What provisions are envisaged under this new programme Horizon to tackle this problem and what measures are in place to ensure easy access to the programme and that the programme, from start to finish, is straightforward for those who are applying to it?
What measures has the Commission in place to give recognition to suitable projects of research and innovation and to inform researchers about the opportunities that are available to them under this programme? Small and medium enterprises SMEs are essential for the economy and economic recovery. To that effect, can the Commission provide information concerning the measures that are in place under the Horizon programme to assist and support SMEs with limited resources and limited capacity for innovation?
This will make it easier for participants to identify where funding opportunities exist and make access to the programme straightforward. Changes to the Financial Regulation have removed the need to report and recover interest on pre-financing and have paved the way for online, paperless completion of all transactions. A rigorous system of peer review by external experts is used to identify the best proposals for funding. All calls for proposals are published in the Official Journal, and on the Commission's Participant Portal. Horizon will include a dedicated instrument encouraging single SMEs, or SME consortia, to submit their most innovative ideas.
Beneficiaries may access coaching services via the Enterprise Europe Network. The new European Tobacco Directive is causing concern to those in the European Union who are trying to quit smoking. While many sellers and users of vaporisers are in favour of the introduction of legislation and improving standards, they are concerned about this particular proposal as they believe that the proposed limits are too low for those who are trying to quit smoking. Given that people who use vaporisers are concerned about the proposed reduction in the amount of nicotine contained in electronic cigarettes, could the Commission provide further information on the background to this particular proposal?
Furthermore, has the Commission heard those reports which suggest that a decision in favour of a maximum nicotine concentrate limit of 4mg would put pressure on those who use electronic cigarettes to purchase their cigarettes, with a higher nicotine level, on the black market? The sales of electronic cigarettes have increased substantially in recent years and the products are often placed on the market without appropriate control.
Member States take different approaches how to regulate electronic cigarettes. According to the Commission proposal, electronic cigarettes above the suggested nicotine threshold would still be allowed on the market, provided they have been authorised as medicinal products. Therefore, the risk of illicit trade of such products is considered limited.
New technologies may help to facilitate freedom of expression, but they may also be used as an effective means of restricting it. This is the situation in Belarus, where the regime is restricting freedom of expression on the Internet by filtering content, blocking access to websites that criticise the Belarusian authorities, spying on users and conducting cyber attacks on independent websites, including altering their content.
The report states that the Belarusian authorities are planning to tighten their grip on citizens' access to the Internet. Above all, the government is seeking to develop specialised software that will enable it to track nearly all of the activities of every Internet user in the country. European companies are supplying equipment that helps the Belarusian authorities to spy on their citizens. The use of this equipment has already led to several waves of arrests of moderators of online opposition groups and services.
Journalists and activists who express their opinions online have been subject to criminal prosecutions for libel. It was later confirmed that the software was used to spy on and persecute democratic activists. The Commission considers that such action would require a more in-depth study of the issues raised in the report and will therefore reflect further with the High Representative.
This could entail monitoring the export of products or services that might be used for censorship or mass surveillance online. Inwiefern ist das am Zu dieser Initiative erfolgte eine informelle Konsultation der Kommission. The Commission has not been formally consulted on the draft paper prepared by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and the provincial governments of Hessen and Bavaria who are solely responsible for its content and recommendations. The Commission has been informally consulted on this initiative.
It did not agree with some of the elements of the paper and provided informal comments and suggestions. These regulations state that the applicable social security legislation is that of the Member State in which the professional activity is carried out, in line with the territoriality principle. However, that principle does not apply when workers are posted to another Member State. What does this prior authorisation consist of? Who has the power to issue such authorisation? What conditions must a service provider meet in order to obtain such authorisation? Subject to what conditions?
In particular, is there an EU rule which specifies under what circumstances a posting period may be renewed, the period of time which must elapse between two posting periods, and whether it is possible to complete a series of consecutive posting periods?
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
The Honourable Member is advised to consult the Guide, which contains answers to all his questions. Fishing protected areas cannot be established in a unilateral and protectionist manner in breach of fishing rights and at the expense of other Member States. Even more seriously, these areas, which aim to conserve marine resources and ecosystems, can accommodate wind farms, oil fields and other activities that harm the environment. These same reports, citing sources from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, raise the possibility of changes to the quotas allocated to fishing vessels operating in fishing protected areas.
Could the Commission confirm whether it has received any request or proposal from a Member State to establish fishing protected areas in its marine space, particularly in the Gran Sol? What requirements must be fulfilled to declare certain marine areas as special protection areas, in accordance with the common fisheries policy and the historical rights of the Member States? Will establishing these fishing protected areas lead to changes in the allocation of fishing quotas?
It is the responsibility of Member States to designate protected areas in the waters under national jurisdiction and to establish conservation measures in order to protect vulnerable and endangered habitats and species. These may of course include fisheries management and control measures along with those affecting any other economic activity. This submission has not yet taken place. Once received, the Commission will need to assess the management plans to see if they are adequate to ensure the attainment of the conservation objectives for these areas. Measures foreseen in such management plans that would restrict or prohibit fishing activities in protected areas would need to be adopted at EU level whenever the area would lie beyond the 12 miles territorial sea limit, if they are to apply to vessels other than those flying the flag of the coastal Member State.
Decisions on quota allocation rest in any case with the Member States. Welche Alternativen werden hier vornehmlich genannt? One of the main initiatives announced by the Commission in its action plan on European company law and corporate governance is an information campaign on the European Company SE Statute and possibly the European Cooperative SCE Statute. Why does the Commission propose to restrict the campaign to the SE and why is it only possibly considering a campaign for the SCE?
Does not the Commission agree that it is precisely European company forms which undertakings hardly ever choose for their business such as the SCE that ought particularly to be publicised and popularised? In announcing the information campaign on the SE, the Commission explicitly mentions involving employees. Will information also be provided for female employees? Ought not female employees of European forms of company to be informed about their rights and duties on a footing of equality with undertakings?
In the consultations, stakeholders displayed hesitations about the European Private Company SPE ; the Commission mentions that they were keen to explore alternative measures — what alternatives are mainly referred to here? Why is the Commission evidently continuing the negotiations on the SPE even though the Member States and also stakeholders are either hesitant about the Statute or even reject it? The action plan on company law and corporate governance specifies that the Commission will launch an information campaign to increase awareness of the European Company SE Statute.
The Commission plans to draw lessons from the experience of SE campaign before launching a similar action for other legal instruments such as the European Cooperative SCE Statute. The Commission would like to assess in more detail the reasons for the relatively low popularity of certain company law forms such as the SCE.
One reason might be that cooperatives, which in many Member States make up only a relatively small proportion of registered companies, are small in size and have strong roots in local communities; therefore it might be difficult for a European cooperative form that is supposed to have cross-border activities to be used more frequently.
The Commission attaches the highest importance to the principle of non-discrimination. Therefore, the Action plan refers to the involvement of employees regardless of their gender. The Commission is in the process of considering whether there are possible alternatives to the SPE. It has to be stressed that a number of Member States and stakeholders remain positive about a continuation to arrive at the objective pursued by the SPE.
Therefore, the Commission has not considered it appropriate to withdraw its proposal. Wenn nicht, wo sieht die Kommission den Fortschritt der letzten Jahrzehnte? Inwieweit kontrolliert oder beobachtet die Kommission laufend die Einhaltung von Kodizes zur Corporate Governance? Danach sind in der Tat konstante Verbesserungen festzustellen. A number of questions remain outstanding in relation to the promised initiative for improving corporate governance:. Although the Commission recognises the need to introduce at least improved reporting on corporate governance, it is only considering making a recommendation to the Member States.
If not, what progress can it identify in recent decades? To what extent is it continuously monitoring or observing compliance with codes of conduct for corporate governance? What is its view of the idea of introducing a system for monitoring compliance with national codes of conduct for governance and publishing an annual report on the progress achieved? Is it considering the introduction of a framework directive for corporate governance for cases in which there is no deviation from the applicable code of conduct?
How does the Commission intend to encourage enterprises to improve reporting on corporate governance without sanctions or penalties for non-compliance? Although shortcomings in the practical application of this principle have been identified, in particular shortly after the introduction of this approach on EU level, the level of compliance appears to have increased. The Commission receives regularly updates from the national bodies in charge of monitoring compliance with national corporate governance codes and the information received shows indeed constant improvements in this area.
Given the variety of national corporate governance frameworks, the Commission considers that national bodies are best placed to monitor compliance with the national codes. Most of the competent national bodies publish annual reports on the application of the codes. Given the great variety of companies within different Member States, with different sectors and different sizes, the Commission does not consider it appropriate to introduce uniform rules in this respect at EU level in the form of a directive or of an EU corporate governance code.
The Commission does not consider introducing a framework directive, but it intends to put forward binding rules regarding issues where full compliance is considered necessary such as for example related party transactions. The Commission intends to provide guidelines on how to improve corporate governance reporting and will cooperate closely with the national bodies in charge of monitoring corporate governance in order to encourage a better level of compliance through appropriate incentives encouraging a better quality of reporting.
The nature and detail of the information provided has led to the assessment of whether the criteria for exceptionally mobilising the Solidarity Fund for the forest fires in Valencia taking longer than initially envisaged. The assessment is currently in its concluding phase. The Commission intends taking a decision in due course on the application relating to Valencia.
Okoljsko-energetski vidiki plinskih terminalov v severnem Jadranskem morju. Komisija dejavno spodbuja tak dialog. Italy is planning to build two gas terminals in the Gulf of Trieste. Slovenia opposes the projects, and is supported by the Italian local authorities in Trieste. Opposition to the construction of the terminals is based not only on procedural and bureaucratic difficulties; there are also strong environmental arguments against their construction, such as the failure to take account of the cumulative impact on the environment and the risks posed by mercury, which over the centuries accumulated on the seabed in the Gulf of Trieste as a result of earlier mercury mining operations in the region.
This latter element is particularly worrying, both from an environmental point of view and in terms of public health for the people living in the area. In addition, as far as the energy aspect is concerned, the construction of these terminals is not a priority, given that plans exist for two new gas pipelines from Asia to central Europe. Given that the existing procedures are already in progress, it is possible that construction of the terminals could begin before Slovenia has the opportunity to take legal action. I would ask, therefore, what the Commission intends to do to ensure that construction does not begin before Slovenia has the chance to pursue legal measures.
The choice of a particular project, its location and enforcement of national rules are matters of national competence. It falls primarily to national authorities to ensure that the relevant procedures required by EU environmental legislation are respected. Therefore the Commission considers that the best solution should be obtained by way of dialogue between all interested parties. The Commission has actively encouraged such dialogue. According to the information currently available, no development consent has yet been granted to the gas projects in the Gulf of Trieste.
As concerns the alleged failure to take account of the cumulative impacts on the environment and of the health risks posed by mercury which accumulated on the seabed of the Gulf of Trieste, the Italian authorities have informed the Commission that the cumulative impacts of the projects as well as the potential health risks deriving from mercury have been taken into account in the framework of the environmental impact assessment EIA procedures which are still ongoing.
In addition, the Italian authorities have recently informed the Commission about their decision to extend the environmental impact assessment procedures to better take into account the potential effects of these projects. In the framework of the ongoing investigation, the Commission has assessed all the information brought to its attention in relation to this matter. This MEP would like to know what measures the European Fisheries Control Agency has implemented in terms of controlling and inspecting irregular and illegal fishing activity in each Member States since its establishment.
She also requests information on the number of offences and open cases as well as the number of judgments handed down. The response from the Agency will be forwarded to the Honourable Member as soon as possible. Las medidas financiadas abarcan todo el espectro de posibilidades que ofrece el FEP. Can it provide details of the types of subsidies and their purpose, and confirm that their use has been appropriately monitored and verified?
This plan is implemented by way of an Operational Programme describing in more detail the way the national authorities intend to translate the opportunities offered by the EFF into practice. Both are prepared in close consultation with regional and local economic and social partners.
The Commission confirms that the use of the funds in Spain is appropriately monitored and verified. The European Fisheries Fund EFF provides funding to the fishing industry and coastal communities to help them adapt to changing conditions in the sector and become economically resilient and ecologically sustainable. Funding is available for all sectors of the industry — sea and inland fishing, aquaculture the farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants , and processing and marketing of fisheries products. The plan must define priorities, objectives, public spending estimates and deadlines.
This is then followed by an operational programme describing in more detail the way the national authorities intend to translate the opportunities offered by the EFF into practice. Managing Authorities in each Member State are directly responsible mainly for: Leaving aside the controversial question of whether state companies should be sold to private individuals, will the Commission say:. In the event of a sale of the Hellenic Sugar Industry, will the Greek quota sugar also be transferred?
The Union allocates sugar and isoglucose quotas to Member States. Transfer of these quotas between Member States is not allowed. However, it is a Member States' competence to allocate its national quota to approved undertakings producing sugar or isoglucose established in its territory.
The implementation of the restructuring and compliance with other measures is therefore a Member States' competence. Korkean edustajan, varapuheenjohtaja Catherine Ashtonin komission puolesta antama vastaus.
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How are the Member States going to ensure the highest possible level of transparency in the implementation of the ATT and what level of transparency can they accept? Will the Member States pursue an obligation to publish annual reports on arms transfers? The Arms Trade Treaty ATT has the potential of making the trade in arms more responsible and transparent, thus contributing to reinforcing global peace and security. The EU has been at the forefront in the promotion of transparency in the international arms trade.
It publishes, annually, a comprehensive report on exports of conventional arms including data on arms exports by all EU Member States. At present, the provisions of the draft Treaty foresee an obligation by States Parties to report on arms transfers to the UN Secretariat. Although they have not been charged with any crimes, they are being held indefinitely in poor conditions. Their situation is the subject of much media attention, yet a solution does not appear to be imminent. In light of this, can the Commission confirm whether it is aware of these cases?
In addition, will the Commission consider liaising with other partners involved in the situation to attempt to resolve the matter for these prisoners and tell me what is being done to end the Israeli policy of administrative detention? They have not been charged with any crimes yet and are being held indefinitely in poor conditions.
The Commission is indeed aware of the cited cases. The EU will continue to engage Israel in order to promote humanitarian protection of detainees in its territory. Il ministero dell'Interno ha preso le distanze dagli eventi, affermando che all'origine dell'aggressione vi potrebbe essere la frustrazione di un gruppo di sfollati dal Nagorno-Karabakh. Il ministero dell'Interno ha avviato un'indagine, ma finora non si hanno informazioni concrete da riferire. His car and others in his entourage were subjected to heavy stoning, followed by physical attacks.
Nine people were injured with no intervention by the local police, while a photographer was briefly detained. He was released only after handing over his camera. Has she already made representations to the Azerbaijani Government with regard to the above situation? Although there seem to be conflicting reports on what actually happened, it is clear that Musavat party members were hit and injured by a mob. The Ministry of Interior has distanced itself from the events, claiming frustrated Internally Displaced Persons from Nagorno Karabakh likely to be behind the attack.
This argument seems debatable. An investigation has been launched by the Ministry of Interior, without any concrete information to report to date. Spetta agli Stati membri fissare per la suddette autorizzazioni una congrua durata, che consenta al prestatore di recuperare il costo degli investimenti e ottenerne un giusto rendimento. Given that, in Italy, many seaside tourism facilities are composed of privately owned buildings, comprising constructions featuring a wide range of services such as swimming pools, bars, restaurants and so on, can the Commission clarify whether the year period specified by the Spanish regulations could also be applied to the situation in Italy, given the economic importance, the geographical distribution and the features, including structural features, of Italian seaside tourism businesses?
It is for the Member States to set the appropriate duration of such authorisations. This period should be such as is necessary to enable the provider to recoup the cost of investment and to generate a fair return. The year period specified by the Spanish regulation does not concern authorisations granted specifically for the purpose of exercising a service activity but rather a compensation following the reversion of the territory to the public maritime domain. The draft reform seeks to ensure legal certainty for owners of buildings in view of the ambiguities found in the current legal framework for shoreline property in Spain.
Legal proceedings have been under way for years in Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany, and some 15 complaints have been lodged in the United States. The European Medicines Agency must now take practical measures to allay the concerns of people in Europe. What measures is the Commission planning to take to improve the monitoring of these types of contraceptive pill and make it easier to get feedback on the side effects? Following this review the Commission will take regulatory action if necessary.
The European Medicines Agency now possesses much stronger responsibilities in the monitoring of signals related to the safety of products i. The Agency's new Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee performs the assessment of signals and recommends, where necessary, a regulatory action at EU level. The issue of combined oral contraceptives and its upcoming review indicates the robust functioning of this reinvigorated pharmacovigilance system.
Almost two years have passed and still the same regrettable situation persists. The GCC states are extremely important regional and world powers. We refuse to accept that this situation is due to any financial constraints. We conclude, therefore, that it is a political decision, and one which we do not share and would like to see reversed as soon as possible. The new Delegation should be operational in the second half of this year, and will complement the work of the existing Delegation in Riyadh, which will continue to cover relations with the GCC Secretariat and with Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia for the time being.
For many years, the ZZMK has been pointing out failings that have a direct impact on rail safety to government institutions. However, in spite of the representations made to the Polish Ministry of Transport and the Office of Rail Transportation the Polish rail safety body , no real or effective action has been taken to improve safety on the Polish rail system. Do the Commission and its appropriate subordinate institutions — specifically the European Railway Agency — intend to take action with regard to the appalling and unacceptable state of safety on the Polish rail system?
The Commission is aware of the poor railway safety figures in Poland. Moreover, Poland has a relativelly high number of level crossings, with most of them passive; this negatively contributes to the railway safety figures. Therefore the Commission will ask the European Railway Agency for a technical opinion on this subject, including a field visit.
Following this, the Commission will decide whether it is necessary to take appropriate measures. Can the Commission also confirm that, following the suspension of negotiations, no more budgetary commitments will be made to Iceland from the IPA budget lines?
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In all other respects, cooperation continues including on the implementation of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. In consequence payments will continue to be made in accordance with underlying contractual provisions. No new budgetary commitments are foreseen at this stage for the remaining part of Toutefois, dans une communication interne sur ce sujet, Netjets affirme: In een interne mededeling over deze kwestie schrijft Netjets echter het volgende: Wij stellen voor een vrijwillig ontslag aan te bieden aan gezagvoerders met gateways in de zes landen waarin de werkgever de hoogste socialeverzekeringstarieven moet betalen ….
Op welke manieren kan cockpitpersoneel zijn rechten tegenover deze praktijk doen gelden? De Commissie kan zich niet mengen in de besluiten die door particuliere ondernemingen worden genomen, zoals het aantal personeelsleden dat zij aannemen en vanuit welke lidstaat zij hun werkzaamheden uitvoeren.
Dit betekent dat elke lidstaat zelf mag bepalen hoe zijn socialezekerheidsstelsel eruit ziet, welke soorten uitkeringen worden verstrekt, aan welke voorwaarden moet worden voldoen om in aanmerking te komen voor deze uitkeringen, hoe deze uitkeringen worden berekend en hoeveel premie er moet worden betaald. De EU-wetgeving beperkt zich, middels haar collisieregels, ertoe te bepalen welke socialezekerheidswetgeving van toepassing is. Zij zorgt er ook voor dat alle personen die onder dezelfde wettelijke regeling vallen dezelfde rechten en plichten genieten ongeacht hun nationaliteit of verblijfplaats grondbeginselen van gelijke behandeling en non-discriminatie.
Vliegtuigbemanningsleden kunnen, net als andere werknemers, hun rechten doen gelden, bijvoorbeeld bij kennelijk onredelijk ontslag, discriminatie of enig andere kwestie op het gebied van arbeidsrecht en de verhouding met de werkgever, via nationale gerechtelijke procedures. However, in an internal communication on the matter Netjets states the following: The Commission cannot intervene in the decision making of private companies, for example how many staff they employ and from which Member State it operates its business.
This means that each Member State is free to determine the details of its own social security system, including which benefits it provides, the conditions of eligibility, how these benefits are calculated and what contributions should be paid. It also ensures that all persons falling under the same legislation enjoy the same rights and obligations despite their nationality or place of residence principles of equality of treatment and non-discrimination.
Flight crews can defend their rights, e. In line with the framework agreement between Parliament and Commission, the Commission will inform Parliament of its intended follow-up to this resolution within three months. How does it intend to optimise the level of coordination between the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, on the one hand, and the Connecting Europe Facility, on the other?
Could it clarify and define the energy sectors which might not be eligible for funding under the cohesion policy? Could the projects implemented in the convergence regions benefit from this funding? The proposed European Territorial Cooperation Regulation already sets out the possibility for interregional cooperation to support cooperation activities and exchange of good practices within certain investment priorities, covering in particular the shift towards a low-carbon economy.
For this reason, the setting up of another specific EU-wide programme aiming to foster cooperation does not seem to be necessary. In addition, there are cooperation activities and discussion fora organised in this field via the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. The Commission will assess the appropriateness of these arrangements when appraising the draft Partnership Agreements. Recently, in the British media, there has been concern raised over the exclusion of Northern Ireland residents from buying online products and the additional cost of posting packages to Northern Ireland.
Could the Commission provide information on whether it is lawful to exclude residents of the UK from buying products due to their geographical location? Are there any legal provisions regarding these disparities in EU competition law? Are customers not protected by EU consumer protection legislation? Selling practices and prices of related services, such as for example delivery, are normally subject to market forces and commercial decisions taken by economic operators. Where customers are based in the same Member State as the service provider, the lawfulness of any differentiated treatment depends on how the Services Directive has been implemented in national law.
The legal assessment is the sole prerogative of the competent national authorities, rather than the Commission. EU competition law, which can be applied by the Commission and national competition authorities, prohibits anti-competitive agreements and abuses of a dominant position which may appreciably affect trade between Member States. If there is no such effect on inter-State trade, national competition laws may nevertheless apply. EU budget — Common Agricultural Policy. EU budget — Negotiations with the European Parliament. EU budget — Budget allocation for each Member State.
European budget — Less funding for the Connecting Europe Facility. EU budget — Budget cuts for trans-European policies. Systematic delay in tax rebates to companies. Members of the Commission and Working Time Directive rules. Fish discards in waters covered by the CFP. Functions hosted in Brussels for the benefit of EU diplomats.
EU military staff posted to non-EU headquarters. EU decision-making under qualified majority voting. EU employees claiming diplomatic immunity. Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission. Initiatives to support speech and language therapy. Final allocation of funds to Greece under the general programme entitled Solidarity and management of migration flows Solid. Merkies to the Commission. State of the shipbuilding industry in the EU. Chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea.
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Impact of the climate and energy package on the mining machinery industry. Debate on the climate and energy package. New case of violence against women in the Maldives. The tax evasion of large companies once again. Catalogue of old trees and other forest-related measures. Positive action plan to counter discrimination against people on grounds of their sexual orientation or gender. New multiannual financial framework for and youth unemployment in Europe.
Protecting democracy and fundamental rights. Re-examination of the decision for closure of unit 3 and unit 4 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The effect of electrosmog on bee behaviour. Child labour in the Uzbek cotton industry. Hezbollah on EU list of terrorist organisations. Public consultation by the Commission on the extraction of shale gas.
Alleged presence of foreign jihadists in Syria. Harmonisation of the laws on the disposal of asbestos and on compensation for individuals with severe asbestos-related diseases. Restructuring of tax services in Greece and European best practices. Timing and other provisions related to the new carbon leakage list. ETS for greenhouse horticulture businesses. EU funding available to alleviate the costs of immigration from other Member States.
Review of the European Disability Strategy. Free trade agreement with Thailand and child labour in the canning industry. Costs incurred by the Greek Government for the construction of the mosque in Athens. European Commission investigation into possible state aid for Dutch clubs and the situation in Spain. European Commission investigation into possible state aid for Dutch clubs. Clarifications regarding Transparency Register review. Inclusion of persons with disabilities in EU external action.
Presence of caesium in boars in Valsesia and the European Union's nuclear policies. Vaccination against infectious diseases. Exclusion of biologists from the field of human genetics. Barriers to free competition between various clinical genetics and human genetics professionals. Legal situation of Alevi assembly houses in Turkey. Tackling unemployment at a time of crisis. European Tourism Indicators System and animal welfare. Cost-effectiveness of investments in energy efficiency projects in public buildings. Changing the tax system to encourage supermarkets to redistribute food.
Combating the problem of food wastage — VAT. Joint investment in the technologies of tomorrow. Possible funding for companies active in the road transport, removals and warehousing sector. Possible funding for the creation of a refuge for women who are victims of violence. Application of the modulation of direct payments in the transitional period. Additionally, no cases have been reported to the Commission […].
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Moreover, as the Commission has admitted that there is no monitoring system and that the aid recipients themselves do not report issues that might call their aid into question, can it explain what measures have been taken in order to ensure that the countries benefiting from development aid are in fact on the road towards institutional stability, better access to education and a level of freedom of speech or expression that is at least on a par with that of the EU?
The Commission regularly monitors the progress of its partner countries in areas such as good governance and financial management. It has a comprehensive programme of independent evaluation of its programmes and the final reports of these strategic evaluations are published on its website at http: Hat die Kommission in der Zwischenzeit weitere Untersuchungen vorgenommen oder plant sie dies? Die Kommission gibt ebenfalls an, dass sie bereit sei, diese Informationen zeitnah mit dem Parlament zu teilen.
Wann wird die Kommission dies tun? Juni mitgeteilt wurde. Daher wurden auch keine weiteren Studien zu dem Thema in Auftrag gegeben. Quand la Commission compte-t-elle le faire? Informatie over en onderzoeken naar ecocombi's LZV's. Heeft de Commissie in de tussentijd aanvullende onderzoeken uitgevoerd, of is zij dat van plan? Beschikt de Commissie nu over informatie die haar in staat stelt een grondiger inzicht te ontwikkelen in de effecten van ecocombi's op de infrastructuur, verkeersveiligheid, het milieu en de verschuiving tussen vervoerswijzen?
Voorts zegt de Commissie dat zij bereid is dergelijke informatie te zijner tijd met het Parlement te delen. Wanneer gaat de Commissie dit doen? Aangezien in deze bepaling de bestaande betekenis van de richtlijn wordt behouden, heeft ze dus geen economische of andere gevolgen. Derhalve is geen opdracht gegeven tot aanvullende onderzoeken over dit onderwerp. De Commissie blijft bereid informatie over ontwikkelingen en ervaringen op het gebied van proeven met lange vrachtwagens met het Parlement te delen, zodra zulke ervaring beschikbaar wordt.
Has the Commission undertaken any further studies in the meantime, or does it plan to do so? Does the Commission now hold information that allows it to develop a more in-depth understanding of the impact of LHVs on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift? If so, what are the expected impacts on infrastructure, road safety, the environment and modal shift?
When will the Commission do so? As requested by the Parliament on numerous occasions over the past year, the Commission did however take the opportunity to clarify the text of Art. Since this provision merely preserves the existing meaning of the directive, it has no economic or other impact. Therefore no further studies on the subject have been commissioned. La Commissione vieti l'utilizzo dell'aspartame. It therefore appears that aspartame, already accused of causing cancer, is also responsible for other illnesses. Based on the conclusions of this full re-evaluation, the Commission will, if needed, take appropriate measures to ensure that the use of aspartame as a sweetener remains safe for the consumer.
La Commissione provveda a risolvere il problema dei ritardi di pagamento della pubblica amministrazione in Italia. In Italia occorrono giorni per saldare una fattura, in Germania 37 giorni, in Gran Bretagna 43, in Svezia La Commissione intende aprire una procedura di infrazione nei confronti dell'Italia per correggere questa situazione? Nei mesi di dicembre e marzo la Commissione ha scritto al Ministro dello sviluppo economico, delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti chiedendo delucidazioni in merito ad alcuni aspetti della normativa italiana.
La Commissione ha indicato al governo italiano di essere disposta a discutere riguardo agli ulteriori aspetti tecnici con gli enti nazionali competenti. The difference between Italy and other European countries in terms of the time taken by public administrations to pay their suppliers is constantly increasing.
Does the Commission intend to initiate infringement proceedings against Italy to remedy this situation? The Commission is currently undertaking a legal analysis of the clarification received by the Italian Government, to verify whether the national measure conforms with the directive. The Commission has also informed the Italian Government about the Commission's availability to further discuss any technicality with the competent national authorities. Should the legal assessment reveal non-compliance with the requirements of the directive, the Commission, in its role as Guardian of the Treaty, may take the necessary action, including where appropriate infringement procedures.
La Commissione protegga il miele europeo. Quali controlli sanitari impone la Commissione a tali importazioni e con quali risultati? La Commissione ritiene che le norme di etichettatura per gli organismi geneticamente modificati autorizzati nell'UE sancite dalla relativa legislazione. Recent decisions on the labelling of honey, and the decision to review the proposal for a directive — following the impact studies undertaken by the Commission at the request of the European Parliament — highlight the need to apply rules to protect the European honey sector.
What public health controls does the Commission apply to these imports, and what have the results been? Does the Commission not believe that more restrictive labelling is needed for imported honey, to ensure full and complete visibility in cases where it includes ingredients containing GMOs? Traceability rules apply to honey as to any other foodstuff. Chiusura di stabilimento a Bari, iniziative europee per il suo rilancio. Un noto produttore giapponese di pneumatici ha comunicato pochi giorni fa la sua decisione di chiudere, entro il , la sua fabbrica a Modugno, in provincia di Bari Italia , dove lavorano attualmente persone.
Proprio questa svolta nella strategia di fabbricazione, insieme alle perdite di bilancio, starebbe alla base della decisione di chiudere l'impianto di Modugno. Qualsiasi aiuto concesso all'impresa cui fa riferimento l'onorevole deputato costituirebbe un aiuto di Stato ai sensi del trattato e dovrebbe essere autorizzato dalla Commissione. In view of the competition from producers in the emerging countries in the premium tyre sector, the company has switched its production priorities to concentrate on different product segments. It is this change of manufacturing strategy, together with the loss of profit, that appears to lie behind the decision to close the Modugno plant.
What other measures does the Commission intend to take to revive industrial activity and employment in the industrial zone of Modugno? Any aid to the company to which the Honourable Member refers, would constitute state aid in the sense of the Treaty and would have to be authorised by the Commission. Prior to such authorisation, no EU funds can be allocated. As far as the European Social Fund is concerned, the ESF programme can intervene through measures aimed at fostering the requalification of workers in mobility or at adapting their skills to possible changes in the production system.
In line with the shared management principle used for the implementation of cohesion policy, the selection of individual projects to be co-financed by the ERDF or the ESF is the responsibility of the managing authorities of the aforementioned programmes, at regional and national level. Caso di sottrazione internazionale di due minori. In seguito alla separazione di un cittadino tedesco, residente in Belgio, e di una cittadina olandese, due minori di 9 e 6 anni sono stati portati via dalla madre dal luogo di residenza abituale in Olanda.
A conclusione del procedimento svoltosi dinanzi al tribunale competente in Olanda, la sentenza ha stabilito il divieto per la donna di lasciare il paese senza il previo accordo del padre, avendo i genitori l'affido congiunto dei figli. Following the separation between a German man, resident in Belgium, and a Dutch woman, two children aged 9 and 6 were taken away from the mother from their place of habitual residence in the Netherlands. At the conclusion of the proceedings before the competent court in the Netherlands, the woman was prohibited from leaving the country without the prior consent of the father, given that the parents shared custody of their children.
Despite the ban imposed on her by the judgment, the mother took the children, presumably to France, since when the father has not heard from them. The Commission is therefore not in a position to advise on concrete measures that could be taken to resolve the case in point. To this end, it provides for a maximum period of six weeks for obtaining a decision from the court on the return of the child, starting from the lodging of a return application, and a one-month deadline for the transmission of documents to the court with jurisdiction or the central authority in the Member State of origin of the child after a non-return order is issued.
Un cittadino italiano e una cittadina britannica hanno contratto matrimonio in Italia, ivi stabilendo la residenza coniugale. In effetti l'articolo 8 del regolamento CE n. An Italian man and a British woman were married in Italy, establishing their marital residence there. A son was born to the couple. This has led to a conflict over the applicable jurisdiction.
In this case, the child has never been in Italy, is a British citizen and has his habitual residence in the United Kingdom, where he has lived ever since birth. Based on this assessment, the Commission will examine the need of any further legislative action. What does it think the new conditions for the financial assistance programmes should be? Large financing needs in single years can be a source of vulnerability for market access at reasonable terms, especially when debt levels are already high as it is the case in Ireland and Portugal.
Re-establishing private funding is a key objective of both programmes. Both countries are currently subject to an economic adjustment programme. The programmes aim at restoring fiscal sustainability, enhancing economic growth and safeguarding financial stability. The Greek army has reportedly promised not to intervene, and the Greek Government has turned to private security firms rather than trust the underpaid Greek police to keep order.
It should be noted that as regards the visits of the Troika, the Commission is responsible for ensuring security of the Commission representatives within the Troika. In order to ensure their security when travelling or staying in Greece, security measures are carried out by the competent Commission services in close cooperation with the Greek police authorities and with the security departments of the other Troika members on the basis of security assessments conducted in view of each particular mission.
Depending on the identified safety and security threats, security measures can range from discreet monitoring actions up to a more visible close protection scheme. This increase in borrowing in an election year when they should have used State grants, subject to credit criteria, to service their loans is a violation of the very essence of the democratic process. With their loans from the banks which were totally dependent on the State and funding from European funds , the two parties enjoyed a financial advantage in the elections not only in terms of advertising but also in providing transport for their voters.
They were thus able unfairly to influence the free expression of the will of the Greek people. Does the Commission consider that it has honoured the commitment referred to above? Regarding the expected recapitalisation of banks, the European Commission has followed up on its commitment to put measures in place to ensure that the principles of fair treatment, impartiality and independence from political influence are observed.
The measures put in place in the context of the recapitalisation of core banks, according to the memorandum of understanding, Paragraph 3. Safeguards to ensure stability and viability of the financial system , include the appointment of monitoring trustees in all banks under restructuring the major part of Greek banking system. Even in the absence of an approved restructuring plan, the trustees are currently verifying proper governance and the use of commercial basis criteria in key policy decisions including lending. This includes also monitoring lending transactions with political parties.
The case has raised a storm of controversy, so it must be clarified as quickly as possible. In this connection, could the Commission please answer the following questions:. What scale of irregularities does the Commission suspect in this case? The Commission has no information on the details of the ongoing Central Anti-Corruption Bureau investigation or on the specific projects, which — potentially — may be affected by irregularities. It is therefore impossible to indicate in monetary terms any sums affected.
The Commission expects to receive this information from the managing authority, if made available by the investigating authorities. The Commission recommends not certifying expenditure related to projects, which — potentially — may be affected by fraud or irregularities. Due to the recent refusal of the prosecutor to provide the managing authority with more details about the ongoing investigation, the certifying authority itself decided to withdraw the most recent payment claim. The programme authorities should liaise with the relevant national authorities to obtain the information necessary to identify the projects concerned.
Under EU legislation, the certifying authority is responsible for certifying that expenditure declared complies with applicable EU and national rules. Therefore, the Commission has to carry out additional verifications. Until these verifications are completed, the Commission will not process future applications for interim payments. The Commission has at present no information on the details of the specific projects, which — potentially — may be affected by irregularities. According to the latest information available to the Commission, the investigating authorities refused to share any detailed information on the ongoing investigation with the managing authority.
In these circumstances it is not possible to indicate precisely when such information will become available to the Commission. El plomo y el polonio son elementos de radiotoxicidad muy elevada, que se acumulan en el organismo y pueden suponer un riesgo para la salud de las personas que los ingieren.
Lead and polonium are highly radiotoxic elements which remain in the body and pose a health hazard if ingested. Dicalcium phosphate, an additive used as a calcium supplement, is present in the food chain because it is used to feed animals intended for human consumption. Nevertheless, Ercros will continue to run the plant in Flix to produce dicalcium phosphate for animal feed. Is the Commission aware of this situation? Is the Commission going to ask the Catalan Government and the Spanish Government to launch an investigation with a view to eliminating any potential risk to human health posed by allowing dicalcium phosphate manufactured by Erkimia to enter the food chain?
If it is proven that the dicalcium phosphate contains radioactive elements, will the Commission charge Ercros with committing a crime against public health and failing to comply with the relevant legislation? The Commission is aware that the processing of identified, specific source material may result in significant levels of radio nuclides in effluents, residues, waste materials and products.
The Commission is also aware that dicalcium phosphate which can be used as food additive and feed material may contain traces of the radio nuclides present in the original phosphate ore. EU food law requires feed and food to be genuine and safe. There is no specific legislation on the presence of natural radionuclides in feed and food. The safety of phosphates as food additive was assessed by the Scientific Committee on Food, resulting in no specific concern.
The directive requires that authorisation of consumer products containing radioactive substances is subject of prior justification and entrusted the regulatory control to Member States. The company is also going to close a plant in Cartagena, Murcia, and carry out further restructuring. Ercros has issued a labour force adjustment plan and is due to begin negotiations. Ercros is going to continue to run the plant in Flix that produces dicalcium phosphate for animal feed, despite the fact that tests carried out by the laboratories of the Commission for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity CRIIRAD in Valence, France, and the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety IRSN in Paris have shown that the phosphate produced by Ercros contains radioactive elements, with the result that the nearby river and the surrounding area are now contaminated.
Does the Commission believe that any EU funding should be strictly conditional on the industrial reconversion of the company in order to prevent further environmental pollution and ensure that the company stops manufacturing radioactive phosphate?

The Commission is not aware of the redundancies in Ercros' plants. While the Commission is deeply concerned with their social and economic consequences, it has no powers to interfere in company decisions to close plants but it urges companies and stakeholders to anticipate restructuring as far as possible and to manage it in a socially responsible way. This includes the objective to enhance the support to SME and innovation and entrepreneurship competitiveness and access to financing.
The Commission is not in a position to comment on the remuneration of directors in individual cases. The Commission also considers that executive pay restraint is important when companies face challenging economic conditions. Social housing, as a tool for tackling poverty and social exclusion, comprises a series of measures that offer access to housing for those of our fellow citizens who would not normally be able to afford any.
Such schemes exist in most EU Member States as a social investment helping to boost growth and employment. In this context and in the light of the exceptional social conditions facing Europe, will the Commission say:. As regards exchanges of best practices, how does it view the adoption of such schemes in Member States that are subject to a fiscal adjustment regime and report alarming social indicators, such as Greece?
How compatible are cuts in social investment sectors, such as social housing, with the objectives of the EU strategy for reducing poverty and social exclusion? Are any appropriations available from the European Structural Funds to boost funding for social housing schemes, given the rapid increase in the number of households that cannot afford housing? The size of social housing stocks is different in the Member States but they all have supported housing schemes. Member States have the primary competence for implementing housing policies.
The Commission supports them addressing housing problems through its general social inclusion strategy and monitors the implementation of relevant actions as well as housing market imbalances. The Package explores a set of good practices how Member States may improve access to affordable housing and thus preventing homelessness.
The EU Funds can finance social housing investments for marginalised populations, homeless services, deinstitutionalisation and reintegration programmes. The seller must give consumers information about the goods or services that they are thinking of buying. This includes a description of the goods or service, the price of the goods or service, delivery and any cancellation rights, and information about the seller.
However, what is the situation when an online company such as Amazon acts as a service provider and not the seller, and the seller is outside the EU? What obligations does the service provider have to consumers, who are not always made aware that they are buying goods or a service from a seller outside the EU? The suppliers must comply with the information requirements provided in the Distance Selling Directive also where they use an intermediary for marketing their products to EU consumers. Member States have transposed the Distance Selling Directive into their national laws and are responsible for ensuring adequate and effective means for enforcement of the consumer rights under the directive.
These will normally provide for the identification of the supplier of a good or a service that is subject to the contract. Following the recent horsemeat scandal which has caused outrage across Europe, it is clearer than ever that consumers should have better information about the meat products they buy, including how the meat is produced.
Given that the Commission places great emphasis on animal welfare and the role of consumers, can the Commission state what actions it will be taking to ensure that full traceability information is available in meat production for the benefit of the consumer? To date, there is no indication on the subject which raises a safety issue, as horse meat can be destined for human consumption.
However, the falsification of labels misleads the consumers as regards the content of foods and therefore constitutes fraud in food labelling. Indeed, under existing rules,. A comprehensive system of food safety rules is already in place at Union level, including traceability requirements for foods of animal origin;. Food business operators are primarily responsible for ensuring that the products placed on the market comply with Union food law requirements, while national competent authorities are responsible for enforcement by conducting appropriate controls and imposing dissuasive and effective penalties.
The Commission has been active both on political and technical levels in coordinating the pending investigations in the Member States concerned. Depending on the assessment of the findings, the Commission will decide on an appropriate course of action. Zelfmoorden na huisuitzettingen in Spanje. In sommige lidstaten, waaronder Spanje, komt de tragische situatie voor dat mensen zelfmoord plegen nadat zij uit hun woning zijn gezet. De Spaanse overheid neemt geen enkele maatregel tegen dit probleem, en de Raad heeft Spanje er geen specifieke aanbevelingen over gedaan.
Ondanks het Commissievoorstel voor een richtlijn over woningkredietovereenkomsten COM , waarover momenteel wordt onderhandeld, zijn veel gezinnen met een hypotheek het slachtoffer geworden van oneerlijke gedwongen verkopen. In afwachting van de goedkeuring van de richtlijn zou een bijzondere procedure moeten worden ingevoerd om de woonrechten van woningeigenaren in de hele Unie te waarborgen. Gaat de Commissie vooruitlopen op de goedkeuring van de voorgestelde richtlijn en snel maatregelen nemen om huisuitzettingen te verzachten en een groeiende maatschappelijke crisis een halt toe te roepen, onder meer door een einde te maken aan nationale regelgeving die op straat gezette mensen verplicht hun hypotheek door te betalen nadat zij uit hun woning zijn gezet?
Gaat de Commissie dit aspect opnemen in haar landenspecifieke aanbeveling voor het Europees semester? Schuldvereffeningsprocedures vallen in principe onder de bevoegdheid van de betrokken nationale autoriteiten. Het voorstel wordt op dit moment besproken in de Raad en het Europees Parlement. De Commissie wil hierbij een constructieve rol spelen. Het beter aanwenden van de woningvoorraad is een van de punten waar de Commissie rekening mee houdt wanneer zij huizenmarkten analyseert. In eerste instantie blijven de lidstaten echter bevoegd voor het opstellen van een huisvestingsbeleid.
Voor Spanje is in deze aanbevelingen eveneens verwezen naar de behoefte om het woningbezit fiscaal minder voordelig te maken ten opzichte van huurformules. De Commissie blijft in haar aanbevelingen een bijzondere nadruk leggen op de huisvestingsproblematiek. Some Member States, such as Spain, face the tragic situation of people committing suicide after having been evicted from their homes. The Spanish Government is not taking any form of action on this issue, and the Council has not sent any specific recommendation to Spain with regard to it. While financial institutions that receive EU bailout funds own houses that are empty, neither the Member States nor the Troika are pushing to have these buildings put on the rental market or in the social housing stock.
While the real problem for the financial sector is the level of debt within the construction sector, several Member State governments have let households pay the heaviest price of the crisis. Notwithstanding the Commission proposal for a directive on credit agreements relating to residential property COM , currently under negotiation, many families holding mortgages have been the victims of abusive foreclosures.
Will the Commission anticipate the adoption of the proposed directive and act urgently to mitigate evictions and stem a mounting social crisis, avoiding national legislation that would force those evicted to continue making mortgage payments even after they have been ejected from their former property? Will the Commission include this aspect in its country-specific recommendation for the European Semester? Debt settlement procedures are in principle within the jurisdiction of the national authorities concerned.
However, the proposal is currently under discussion in the Council and the European Parliament. The Commission intends to play a constructive role in this process. Using the housing stock better is one of the considerations of the Commission when analysing housing markets. Still, the design of housing policies remains the primary competence of Member States.
Several Member States e. For Spain, the CSRs also referred to the need of reducing tax-induced bias towards home-ownership, as opposed to renting.
The Commission will continue giving a special prominence to housing issues in its recommendations. Chiarimenti sulla normativa italiana in materia di OGM. Alcune notizie apparse sulla stampa italiana fanno riferimento a una richiesta ufficiale di informazioni della Commissione europea al Governo italiano e alla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia in merito alle leggi nazionali e regionali sulla coltivazione di sementi geneticamente modificate.
Potrebbe la Commissione fornire un aggiornamento sullo stato della procedura, precisando in particolare:. La Commissione sta attualmente esaminando tale risposta. Se del caso si avvieranno i procedimenti appropriati. Reports in the Italian press refer to a formal request for information from the European Commission to the Italian Government and the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia regarding the national and regional laws on the cultivation of genetically-modified seeds.
In its request, the European Commission seems to be asking the Italian authorities to provide answers on the validity and applicability of certain rules concerning, among other things, national authorisation for the cultivation of GMOs and the regional ban on cultivation of GMOs in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Can the Commission provide an update on the status of the procedure, stating in particular:. If so, on the basis of the answers given, whether it deems it appropriate to proceed further and how? The Commission is currently assessing the reply. Appropriate proceedings will be initiated if and as necessary. The proposed guidelines also seem at odds with the recent Council conclusions on the Multiannual Financial Framework, which state: