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The Story of a Strong Woman. Balboa Pr Publish date: Description This book touches on the highlights of his memory of his mother. With the help of his brothers, he put it all to paper to share with Lillians family. You may also like: The Story of a Strong Woman NEW Harold and Lillian: Authenticity Shipping Payment Returns Support Authenticity All the books, movies and music discs sold in our store are authentic.
Shipping We offer combined postage for additional items at no extra charge. Dispatch of items is arranged by AusReseller. Payment policy Payment is expected within 3 days of the sale. We only accept payments through PayPal. PayPal accepts all major credit cards. We can provide an Australian tax invoice inclusive of GST on request. Bids for World's Fair Buildings.
Meade, the representa five of the navy department in the board of control, indicates that quite a large number of contractors are willing and anxious to obtain the job. Ihe pro'jjosals are in two parts, one for furnishing all the Inbor and materials required for the erection and completion of the founda- tion, and another for furnishing all the labor and materials required for the erec- tion and ccjmpletion of the upper portion of the structure.
All the work is to be completed within twelve calendar months. The bids will probably be opened to- morrow. Local labor men have haen asked by prominent laborites to keep an eye on the awards to see whether it is not possible to secure the full measure of their demands for an eight-hour day and minimum scale of wages. The officers of the bank collected the money and the jewelry and brought it near Hanging Rock creek. Kershaw county, to bury it. They were captured by Sherman's men and forced to give up their treasure.
The soldiers m turn appointed one of their own number, named Rhodes to bury it. Among the treasures was a gold pitcher presented by the ladies of Charleston to Calhoun. On his death bed a few days afterward Rhodes said he had buried the money near an old mill. Last Friday night, however, it was secured by a Mr. Rhodes, brother of the man who buried it and a Mr. Swag- gart, both Northern mtn. They have dis- appeared. Carl Benson Pleads Guilty. Carl Benson, the defaulting cashier of the Scandia bank, was arraigned this morning. Benton, waived the reading of the indictment charging his client with grand larceny in the first degree and taking!
Benson entered a plea of guilty to grand larceny in the 8e3ond degree. He was remanded to jail to await sentence, uiitil next week. The Bell telephone directors today declared a regular divi- dend of H per cent and an extra dividend of G per cent. New Yobk, June Haight, the founder of the firm, died Ju.

Much sympathy was expressed for them when their failure was made known late tonight. It was a great surprise. Bad for the Elliotts. EDio'tt was that submitted by Attorney James Miles yesterday afternoon. He' said he was standing withiu eight feet of Osborn and fired two shots in rapid succession, one of which took effect in the mouth, causing the blood to flow.
Osborn then returned the shot, retreating while the man at whom he fired dodged behind a woman. Witness saw Elliott fire toward the north and at the same time Hughes fell. Osborn retreated to the hat store, shootina at Patsey, who followed him in, also firing. The Growing Cotton Crop. The reduc tion of area is attributed in some districts to concentrated contraction on account of low prices, but it is evident that it is mainly due to unfavor.
Planting de- layed by earyl rains, drought in the latter half of April followed by continued drought in May, germination arrested, re- planting active, defective stands cor- rected, are the features of the record fre- quently and almost universally reported. The general condition is the lowest tor June since though it is only a frac- tion lower than that of and , the latter a year of good yield through favor- able later conditions.
Cummiug vas a defendant Cummmg in that case charged Lord De Roos with cheating. Us lordship sued C ummmg for damages, and the jury, as in ihe recent case, gave n verdict for' the defendant, substantial y affirming the truth of the charge. Ladv Middleton, sis- ter of Sir William, is saul to be seriously affected by the verdict, and unable to leave her apartments. Irregularities in the lapal Finances. It now appears that one of tae pope's trust- ed employes has been a persistent specu- lator in Argentine securities and had to go to the wall when the republic failed to meet Its obligations.
Auither was guilty of the still less pardonable offense of in- vesting in Italian bonds, although as he acted through a broker, the uot compromised. The report is gener- ally discredited among the firms engaged in that business in this city.
Murder mayhem
Special Rates for Soldiers. Kentucky at the Fair. Indejjcnd- ently of the state exhibits, the manufac- turing interests of Louisville propose to be represented by individual exhibits of the leading lines, such as tobacco, leather, whisky and lumber. Smuggling on Government Vessels.
Nkw Yobk, June The total value of the articles runs into the thousands of dollars. Matched for a Fight Chicago, June Many delegates are arriving to attend the prohibition state convention which con- venes here today. There are two factions in the convention and a lively time is an- ticipated. One faction favors a single idea platform, that is one devoted lo pro- hibition and nothing else. The other fav- ors a multi-idea platform, onejtouchiug on woman suffrage, the tariff, silver question and immigration.
The leading guberna- torial candidates are Rev. Work, Dav- lon; E. Big Fire in Philadelphia- Philadelhia, June Manayunk, known as Campbell's mills, was discovered to be on fire shortly be- fore 10 o'clock this morning, and the en- tire plant is doomed. The mill is de- voted to the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods. Davis left for the West this afternoon. Poridexter, a well known col- ored woman of Washington City, commit- ted suicide yesterday. The cornerstone of Lawrence university new observatory, Appleton, Wis. Joseph White was sentenced to state priacni for a term of twenty-five years at Boston for a felonious assault upon a child 3 years old.
The race for the royal hunt cup at Ascot today was won by Laureate II. It is generally believed that Bill Mat- thews, the negro who attempted to rape two young ladies at Millport, Ala. Bishop Knight's Funeral and Successor Milwaukee. The funeral serv- ices for the late Bishop Knight will be held at All Saints cathedral, commencing at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Ton Broeck, of La Cro. To Forget His Sorrows. The wedding was private, only ten persjus. They dej arted in a happf mood amidst the congratulations of their friends for Sir William's Scotch estates, where the honey- moon will be pas.
The Kaiser Learns Baccarat. Green, one of the daring men who sailed on the Fenian shi] Jackmel for Ireland in with arms for the Irish insure jctionists, fled from CiiicRgo last night in terror.
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Hunt- ed from his home and family in New York, Green has been mercilessly " pursued from town to town throughout tl e West by em- issaries of a murderous ging, which he believes seeks his life. In fear of his life. Kipley of the circumstances and f. There were no developments until last Thursday nigh. Being fully convinced that at last the time had come when the thugs would I'reak in or. For six hours he waited and listened expect- ing every moment tahear his enemies ap- proach. At 4 o'clock in ths morning he heard stealthy footsteps on the stairs. Tht strange men have scarcely left his path since.
Dazed and disheartened with no jirospect of re- lief the unfortunate fellow disappeared last night. Earlj in the morning trains from t le north and south brought in a great nu nber of visit- ors, and by noon fully -itrangers had arrived. In honor of the occasion the city was elaborately aud hat dsomely dec- orated and the day is ono of the most memorable in the city's history.
The procession formed on Priuceton street and after an hour's parade proceeded to the Confederate cemetery where the statue was unveiled and the gravos of the Confederate dead decorated. The ora- tion was delivered by Gen. Johnson, and was an ablt and eloquent address. He paid a glowiig tribute to t Oth the North and South and urged that all animosities and bad feelings, engen- dered by that terrible sanguinary strife.
The prospects for the building of the Seventh avenue incline railway are very b'right. One of the things necessary to make a success of the scheme was the dis- posing of a large number of lots by the Highland Improvement company at a nominal sum, whereby the working peo- ple might be enabled to own their own houses. It was decided to put lots, twenty-five feet each, in the vicinity of Twenty-second street on the market and a plat was accordingly made.
Within the past few days Meshrs. Thus far they have disposed of over lots. It w desirable to dispose of lots, in order to put the company in fair shape. The lots are sold at an average price of f , one-fourth cash aud the balance in one aud two years. Although the land was purchased by the present owners about four years ago there will be no profit in the disposal of these lots for them. It was necessaay to start the ball rolling and sacrifices had to be made. A New Liumber Industry. Duiuth has a chance to receive the ben- efit of a large lumber manufactory " and distributing yard to be built by Tona- wanda parties.
These men are looking to the head of the lakes for a distributing point, and the advantages of Duiuth properly presented will bring them here. Senator Ransom made a brief address, at the conclusion of which the President said that it would be impossible, at this time, to definitely ac- cept the invitation. The delegation then presented the President with a book made of Southern pine, inside of which are samples of North Carolina's produc- tions of cotton, mica, tobacco, and on which was inscribed the formal invitation to the President and cabinet.
Reed, of Iowa, to be chief justice of the court of private land claims. Stone, of Colorado; Henry G. Fuller, of North Caro- lina, and William W. Murray, of Tennes- see, to be associate justices of the court of private land claims. Rey- nolds, of Missouri, to be attorney of the United States for the court of private laud claims.
Yeomans, whose wife ia the sister of Mrs. G rover Cleveland, were married here today. The former became the wife of Joseph Reed of Beatrice, Nelj. Hamil- ton of Denver.
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A Split in the Oh irch. All of the suspended ministers, except A. The dispatch also states that they are camping out in the woods, about three miles from Spar- kill. They have a horse and covered wagon which they either hired or pur- chased. An otficer has been sent to Spar- kill. This would appear to bear out the theory of the friends of the missing man who believe that he wandered away in a fit of temporary aberration of the mind.
FoBT Wayne, June A meeting of the grand olBcers of the various orders has been arranged for this evening at which Frank Sweeney of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association, will attend. The session will be secret, but it is understood that it is called to consider some grave questions that may result in calling a general meet- ing of the organizations tomorrow. Only about seventy-five delegates were present at the opening session. President Hicks, of Indianapolis, read the annual report, which showed the order to be in good con- dition. The verdict gives general satisfac- tion.
We will store your stoves for the sum- mer. Call at West Superior street or send order by mail or telephone ALD is at No. W IH 74 Marquette. OS rt cloudy l.. VilUnin T k'londless It'loutly. BO Kain T it'loudloss.: June Fair; cooler; westerly moruiiii;. Beginninj,' today The Herald will is. Ely, Soudan, Northern Pacilic Junction and otlier out- side points will hereafter get the paper on the eyeniag and within a few hours of publication. The Evemnij Herald will reach all the outlying cities and towns at the same time Dnluth's morning papers do, and with later news by a whole day.
Two editions a day, twelve hours ahead in time, the best telegraphic news service in the world, furnishing news when it is new — these are some of the points that justify the largest circulation at the head of navigation. There are people in this city who would make us believe that because they are not coining dollars in wild speculation as they were last fall, the city is rapidly going to ruin. Happily such is not the case, as may be seen by a glance at the bank clear- ings of sixty-two cities for May and for the first five months of the year in the years from 1S.
What is this story? How was it in other large cities? New York's decrease from May of was Buffalo, De- troit and Worcester are the only Eastern cities showing increases, Buffalo, ;f;2,,- ; Detroit. Buffalo's good record is prob- ably due iu great measure to the intimate trnflic and business relations she holds with Duluth. The Northwestern cities make almost as gloomy a record, with the exception of Chicago and Duluth. Minneapolis showed no change. All the cities of the Middle and Western South showed de- creases except Nashville, whose gain was f 9 X , Along the coast and in the far South the situation was equally as bad, except in one or two in- stances.
The Canadian cities of Montreal and Halifax showed no variation in the interval of a year. The business of the past five months shows the same general state of affairs. Is there anyone who will have the hardihood, after glancing over these figures, to say that Duluth is not more than holding her own in the business world? This surely means that bnsincss was exceedingly dull throughout the country last month. Is there any clearer proof that business everywhere has been depressed for some time?
And Htill in the face of this, with no real estate hilarity, Duiuth shows a decided advance. IngersoU upon that brancli of the subject, that a single lect- ure is not adequate to the needs of an un- abridged revelatiou, and after the manner of oongrc8Hmeu he should be pennitteil to extend his remarks in the record. IngersoU has not given critical study to the tjuestion of authorship and his state- ments were left by Mr. Donnelly iu a more dilapidated condition than the rav- eled sleeve of care. The evidence against Shakespeare and for Bacon rests on no one point, but is cniiHihitive in its nature and comes from innumerable internal and external sources.
Bnt so strong and corroborative are the circumstances marshalled by Mr. Donnelly that the candid hearer must place the Durilen of proof on the other side. The sage was happy, too, in his argument for the belief in an intelligent first cause and the immortality of the soul, the portrayal of the life of Shakespeare, the wonders that have come from Bacon's discoveries, and the customs of England in the Eliza- bethan age.
These lectures have given the whole subject a new interest and the plays a new meaning to our people. Reference has been made in many of the papers in this district to an interview of Senator Day's that appeared in some Duluth paper. I did not see the original interview, bnt some of the com- ments that have come under my notice have been such that I feel in duty bound to state what was said between us so that no injustice may be done Mr.
On my returr from Washington I met Mr. Day at the Merchants hotel in St. In the course of our conversation I stated to him that I would not be a can- didate for any office at the close of my present term, and that I had determined to withdraw from politics,' so far as seek- ing of accepting any office was concerned, for some years to come. While the above was said privately, it was in no sense confidential and I need hardly add that it was said seriously and in sincerity. Very truly yours, John Lind. Being the only member returned from Minnosota. John feels lonesome now, but two years are a long time.
Most American towns have their trace of Pogramism. Fretjuently it finds ex- pression in having something or other that is the "biggest in the world. Providence has the big- gest gasometer in the world. Kalamazoo grows more celery than any other place in the world. Ni- agara is the most famous cataract in the world.
After all, these claims are rather modest. The Duluth editors ought to get to- gether in a local association for the fur- therance of their own and the public good. The National Editorial associa- tion meets in St. Paul next month, and most of the members are expected to visit Duluth. If anything is to be done to make things pleasant for them here and cause the delights of Duluth to lin- ger like a"ne,. The local newspaper boys should salute the problem. Better drop off one bunjc hole. A hand-mo-down divorce snit is the next of kin. It is an inspiring sight to a iiewspa ier man to see his paper universally sub- scribed to and especially to see that it enters all the homos of all classes.
Last night 1 happened to be walking along 'I'hird street just behind Tlui Herald car- riers. My route led from Sixth avenue east to Fourth avenue west. I walked along the lower side the street and in all that distance there were not half-a-dozen houses at the door of which did not lie a Uera'. My word took mo a few afternoons ago to a part of the west end where the fine houses are not so numerous, but where honest, sturdy and thrifty day laborers reside in scores. There is some satisfaction in being on a jury after all. There are as many characters as persons in the jury panel.
There's the man who believes the judges, sheriffs, clerks and all the officers have a porfional malevoieuco towards him, and that other- wise he would be free; this man is very numerous. Another knows it all and needs no explanation of anything, others exhaust every means to escape by en- deavoring to so answer questions of the counsel as to induce a challenge. The methods of counsel, the quick rulings of the court, the severe snubbings too fresh lawyers get, the antiquated and cumber- some practices in rogue, are all of interest to a juror.
That William Shakspere could be the author of the Shakspere plays was, I think, pretty well refuted by IngersoU in his lecture favoring that side of the case. Under the best circumstances there is but little pleasure to the man of business to spend his time on a Jury and occasionally something happens that puts him out of sorts with the whole world. There is a man on the petit jury at this term of court who has gained among his fellow jurors the reputation of being the meanest man in the coun';y.
Whenever a case is given the jury for deliberation he flatly refuses to cast a vote until he has a good square meal, and in each instance he has won his point, although on one oc- casion it took him over an hour and a- half. His argument is that he cannot de- liberate on an empty stomach.
One wouldn't complain if he thought that by giving of his time he was doing some service to a poor man, for in most cases the poor man doesn't figure. It is generally the well-to-do against the well-to-do. The poor man doesn't of'on ai peal to the higher courts, for the reason that it is too expensive and he can:: Occassionally he furnishes a case which s'une lawyer is willing to take on the pro. This is what Duluth needs more than any other thing.
Beautify the home sur- roundings and it will have an influence for good cm you self and everybody in your neighborhood.
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One man beautified a piece of j roperly in a very unpromising part of this city. Today it is one of the most sightly parts of the city and all through the ta. An Additional Sleeper to St. Paul and Minneapolis on their night trains, thus giving increased accommodations to our patrons. The city office 3. Louis block will be open for sale of tickets and reserva- tion of berths from Depot oflice fot t Fifth avenue west, telephone Sam- ples free at Max Wirth's. Forty acres in section , adjoin- ing townsite of East Superior, way below the market.
Miss Garner is now the Cumming woman. The Hhakesiteare family with the end of a sawbuck. The first of May is past and still gold moving. Law VKBs like ball players have their inns. It is nutritious and palatable; a particular favorite vrith children, and a most excellent article for fam- ily use. Served as a drink or eaten as Confectionery, it Is a delicious Chocolate. The genuine is stamped upon the wrapper, S. Sold by Grocers everywhere. J'iup Cnlf and I. A flue cclf Shr. All made iu c'ongivss.
Sole Agents, Duluth, Minn '3? Big money to active persons of both sexes. Senc stamp for catalogue. Take this line between St. Paul, Min neapolis and Chicago. With tourists, land-seekers or immigrants, in fact with all the traveling public, "The Northwestern Line" stands first. ROOM W. It will stop a cough in one night. For Sale by S. Boyee, Druggists, Flioenix Blls. Over miles shorter to Mon- treal Boston and New En- gland points than any other Una Over 70 miles the shortest lino to any point east of Detroit.
Stordiu-k was mi llu' stand. He said he had! He had been diK'ked about 4lHK bushels on l. In ISiHJ he shipped to Minneapolis and lost his grade on two- thirds of the wheat he shipped without cleaning. On the other hand, he had gained over 1 X 0 bushels in grade on the state inspection. On the crop of he lost loot bushels in weight also lost in grade. He said that he thoujjht if Mr. Robinson of the Northwest- ern company, was placed on the stand to testify against him, ho could prove that such was not the case.
The witness demurred against bringing the books of his company down and plac- ing them on the stand against those of the Northwestern company, saying the books were not his property. He tiually consented, on condition that his company did not object, and Mr. Childs was asked to subpoena Mr. Robinson, requiring him to bring the books of his company with him. Stordiick denied that he had cast any blame on the inspection department in Connection with his loss in weights and grades.
The witness admitted in this connection that he tixed his own stai. Clausen wanted it extended there to find out where the real fault was, and to clear his department of charges against it. Barrett wanted it carried to the country, as did also John Day Smith, who said that be had noticed a peculiar sensi- tiveness every time the country buyer was touched, and it was time to probe to the bottom. Moore op- posed the extension of the investigation to the country on account of the lack of funds. These buyers, he said, were only buying for the terminal men, and it was useless to investigate the little fellows and let the big ones go.
The debate continued for half an hour, and waxed exceeding warm at times. Barrett took the place of Mr. Erwin, who was ntit present. It was finally de- cided, on motion of Mr. Sevatson, to fol- low out the investigation on the lina sug- gester by Mr. Clausen gained a signal victory for the inspection department all the way through, and the final stroke capped the climax. The first witness of the afternoon was It. The witness produced slips returned by Julius S. Smith, merchant exchange weighmaster at Buffalo, in which the lat- ter reported the shortages found in the cargoes of these vessels.
The "Western Reserve," loaded from elevator D at Du- luth, on one occasion was bushels short. The oflBcials were at a loss to ac- count for this. A few months afterwards the vessel was laid up for repairs and the missing wheat was discovered in the lining of the steam- er. On another occasion a vessel had a shortage of 8M5 bushels, but the wheat had only been damaged by water, and bushels were afterwards dried and sent to the elevator in Buffalo.
The Duluth shippers, the witness said, expected a shortage of forty pounds to bushels in wheat sent to Buffalo. Each cargo was generally twenty-five bushels short, and of late the Duluth par- ties made very few complaints. Scott, weighmaster for the board of trade of this city, said that he had seen a great deal of dirty wheat shipped from Duluth. He testified that he was acquainted with Frank H. Irons, of Minneapolis, who had a room in the chamber of commerce. He knew that Mr. Irons received G XX a year for making the wheat prices for all the private elevator men in the Northwest.
He said there was a pool whereby all these private elevators agreed to be gov- erned by the. C, Boston Tea Tarty. Young Folks History of Germany. The senior class of the Duluth High scluuil will hold its graduating exercises at Temple Opera house Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Wells; literary course, Willis Katon, Alice H.
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Morton Miller, Mary B. White, Mabel White; scientific coarse. Ran- dall; general course, Charles A. Music - Orchestra Invocation Rov. Randall "lass prophecies David W. Music Orchestra Honors arconliiiK to rank. Oh, ancient time, why liastcn so? May we fondly ever prize, Ever cherish and withhold Those dear ties t f friendship old That we now rocoRnize. Yet our band has smaller Jjrown. Some have left for earthly homes, Some for homes in heaven. The Saturday club has arranged for a. The first will be a "Sermonette on. Simonds' parlors tfimorrow after- noon at.
Among her subjects are the following: Several Christian laymen of St. Paul and vicinity have organized a Bi'. There is no charge for admission or at- tendance. The highest class of talent is expected and the subjects to be con considered are spiritual. Prominence will be given to the follow- ing topics: Use the great specific for "cold in the head" and catarrh— Dr. Murphy returned from his Michi- gan trip yesterday. Paul, are looking over the city.
The German Singing society is mak- ing arrangements to give a picnic next Sunday. K largo number of Wett Duluthiaus at- tended the Temple last evening to listen to the lecture. Luira Davis, who has been visit- ing Mrs. Filliatrault for the past week, left for her home in Camden, Minn. Dennett, room 11, Silvey block, West Duluth.
New and second-hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. A large number attended the mum so- cial at. The parlors were thrown open to the merry gathering and with various gamee the hours sped quickly on. Considerable merriment was created during the mum part of the program, as each one was fined for talking out in meeting, and it is safe to say the ladies, as well as the gentp, tried tor once to keep quiet. It cost five cents to laugh and ten cents for attempt- ing to speak during an interval of twenty minutes.
There was quite a collection and the receipts go to the Ladies Aid so- ciety of the Second baptist church. The Ladies Relief corps will give a camp fire at Normanna hall next Tuesday evening. Bronson will leave for Minneapolis next week for a month's visit. Frazer is out again after an attack of the grip.
All the Indies present were requested to sign the World's Womans Christian Tem- pierance Union petition, and nearly all attached their signatures to the paper. The children's day entertainment at the Second baptist church, occurs at An interesting program will be carried out. Transfers liloil yesterday and furnished by the courtey of the register: W'estern Land association to J F "raij?
Wlieu she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave tbem Castoria. Nothing more durable for suit. Ebioson, West Superior street. Save Your Ice Bills. Don't buy a refrigerator until you have seen the Guriiey hardwood refrigerator, best in the market. Five walls, mineral wool fitting. Ebicson, West Superior street. More Books for the Library. The public library, of this city, is con- tinually and rapidly increasing in size, the additions to it are being made with great care.
Their titles and the au- thor's names are herewith given: C, American Boys' Handy Book. Bicy- cle, 2 vols. Days aud Nights in the Tropics. Saginaw, Port Huron, Detroit and To- ledo passengers can go via Ashland to Manitowoc and take Flint A Pere Mar- quette railroad day steamer to Ludington or via Milwaukee, and tha evening steamer both of which ctmnect with through trains thus reaching destination prompt- ly and on low rates. Download ebooks google books online Marikana: Free download of audiobooks Slaughter on a Snowy Morn: Free iphone ebooks downloads Deadly Dads of the UK: PDF by Bruce M.
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