Manual para Líderes (Spanish Edition)
The PIP cause receives moral support by international organizations. Examples of these are the Socialist International the largest organization of political parties in the world , including fifteen political parties which are in power in Latin America.
As reported in numerous media, the PIP's leadership and active members participated in anti-war protests and mobilization to resist the Iraq War and oppose the U. The Washington Post wrote in August that "on this island with a long tradition of military service, pro-independence advocates are tapping the territory's growing anti-Iraq war sentiment to revitalize their cause.
Navegación de portales
As a result, 57 percent of Puerto Rico's 10th-, 11th- and 12th-graders, or their parents, have signed forms over the past year withholding contact information from the Pentagon. For five years, PIP has issued opt-out forms to about , students in Puerto Rico and encouraged them to sign—and independista activists expect this year to mark their most successful effort yet. It was written three years earlier, in , but it still noted that "some groups like the Puerto Rico Bar Association and the Independence Party have registered strong protests against the deployments.
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In an attempt to draw attention to Puerto Ricans' lack of elected representatives, even the usually pro-U. Federal Courthouse here on Feb.
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Puerto Rico has been said "There is no place in the territorial limits of the United States that provides such an advantageous base for exporters. The flag's green color stands for the hope of becoming free, and the white cross stands for the sacrifice and commitment of the party with democracy. The party's flag is based on the Nordic Cross flag design. Nordic Cross flags, or Latin cross flags, are a common design in Scandinavia and other parts of the world, and in theory, the PIP's emblem belongs to this family of flags.
Puerto Rican Independence Party
United States citizens residing in the U. Although Puerto Rican residents elect a Resident Commissioner to the United States House of Representatives , that official may not participate in votes determining the final passage of legislation. Both the Puerto Rican Independence Party and the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico officially oppose the island's political status quo and consider Puerto Rico's lack of federal representation to be disfranchisement.
The remaining political organization, the Popular Democratic Party , is less active in its opposition of this case of disfranchisement but has officially stated that it favors fixing the remaining "deficits of democracy" that the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations have publicly recognized in writing through Presidential Task Force Reports.
Manuales para las lecciones de la Primaria
This chart shows the electoral performance of the Puerto Rican Independence Party in all senatorial elections since From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Puerto Rican Independence Party. Politics of Puerto Rico Political parties Elections. Social justice Democracy economic industrial representative Labor rights Mixed economy Welfare Trade unionism Fair trade Environmental protection Negative and positive rights Secularism Social corporatism Social market economy.
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