Hannelore Takes Note
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She can do an uncanny imitation of Hayley Mills. Her laughter is so loud that it startles small children. She does not always drink milk, but when she does, she drinks chocolate milk. Trivia About Hannelore Takes Note.
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Medical spas were designed to offer medical-grade aesthetic services in the relaxing and pampering atmosphere women and men have come to expect from a spa. Once again, Leavy recognized that this sector of the industry needed the support and structure of an organization dedicated to helping it grow successfully and it needed to be distinguished from the day spa industry.
This new organization focused on providing consumers and industry members with the education to ensure the highest standards of care. I came from the medical world, so I needed some way to learn more about the spa business.
Hannelore Takes Note
Having an active association has given me the extra support needed to succeed. The IMSA was the first spa industry association that offered an active mentoring program and a medical spa malpractice insurance program. It has also become heavily involved in legislative matters.

As each state in the United States sets its own standards for the practice of medicine, every day brings a new set of proposed legislation. Skip Williams, vice president of the Las Vegas, Nevada-based spa development firm, Resources and Development, first spoke with Leavy while the two were sitting on a park bench outside an industry conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey. With a growing international membership, Leavy was invited to address major industry conferences in China, Italy, Germany, Jamaica, and South America.
Due to her longevity in the industry and her commitment, she has developed an incredible body of knowledge from which others can draw benefit.
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Leavy has always been at the forefront of industry innovation and development. For over 20 years, she has encouraged and supported new thinking in an industry that thrives on innovation.
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She is a supporter of media, having conducted hundreds of interviews and quoted in most, if not all, major newspapers and magazines around the country. She has also appeared on various radio and television shows over the last 20 years. She also wrote many articles for trade and consumer magazines and created a number of industry publications.
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In addition, many books on the subject of spa include a quote or forward from her. Industry leaders describe Leavy as dedicated, tireless, unselfish, and knowledgeable. She is an outstanding consensus builder.
Everything she has done has been based upon her principles. She is the beacon of integrity and openness. In the mids, Leavy predicted that American day spas would embrace the idea of wellness just like destination spas had a decade before.
Leavy believes that this trend brings less of an emphasis on external beautification and a stronger focus on prevention and maintenance, on a local basis, without having to travel to a resort spa. National Committee for UN Women. These days it is easier to see how important what we do is — but all those decades ago, there were just a few voices.