From Geordie Land to No Mans Land
No man's land - Wikipedia
From Geordie Land to No Mans land was written to inform his family, friends and anyone buying his book of the real life events that occurred. How an ordinary man survived 4 years in the front line experiencing the horrors of war that most of us could not imagine, enduring many privations such as mud, cold, hunger, thirst and fear of imminent death all around him.
George maintained his spirit by forming a close bond with his fellow Geordies even refusing to be transferred to Hospital in case he could not return to his original unit. His description of the intensity of shell fire that we have seen in pictures of the battlefields of Flanders and the Somme bring to life how men endured the unendurable, how men lived as animals, how men coped with all the privations of the battlefield.
What he doesn't describe is how he coped with life immediately after the war, when he returned to civilian life.
His post war diary did detail the problems his family faced with sickness and lack of money, but as we are now aware of the post Falklands and the Gulf wars the physiological effects on men is a story in itself. Coping with ordinary life after 4 years of war living on the edge in fear of imminent death would have been a major issue for George and his family.
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Kindle Edition , pages. Published September 16th by AuthorHouse first published September 14th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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- 'From Geordie Land to No Man’s Land' memoirs unite families.
- From Geordie Land To No Mans Land.
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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. This was a fantastic read, I could really imagine how George felt in the trenches. The detail and description behind his story is amazing.
What gripped me most was his humour and positive approach to everything. A funny, but sometimes sad story.
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Steve Lawrence rated it it was amazing Feb 07, Cullen rated it it was amazing Jun 04, Nick Langdon rated it it was ok May 31, Tracey rated it it was amazing Sep 02, Kim rated it it was amazing Jun 24, Paul Blastock rated it it was amazing Aug 21, Download our rate cards for all the prices of our print and digital products. Darren was appointed editor of the Chronicle in September , following a six-year spell as editor of the Evening Gazette in Teesside.

He has held a number of senior roles on regional newspapers across England, Scotland and Wales over the last 15 years and is now editor-in-chief of Trinity Mirror North East. Home News North East News. Both his friend Ted and his nephew Geff were also originally from Jesmond.
From Geordie Land to No Mans Land
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