Dog Stories: Heartwarming Dog Stories For Kids And Adults, Guaranteed to Make You Say, “Awwww!”
Atticus wandered off when his owners were showing off his adorable siblings to buyers. Atticus probably wouldn't have sold for a good price because he has two different colored eyes. Not a good thing for buyers of such an expensive breed. He wandered off because his already mega curious nose was drawn to the smell of meat in a neighbor's garden - but he got lost and ended up in a ditch - freezing, hurt and hungry. Both Atticus and Hazel befriend the local vet. He helps them deal with their new life as pet owner and pet. And Hazel helps the old doc by working off Atticus's bill and by breathing life into the old vet practice again.
Atticus is your typical dog. Mega happy to be alive and to belong to Hazel and to have food and get to play and to just be. And he gets in a lot of trouble! She never used to care for anything. Since she left her parents, she always had to look out for only herself. And now here's this little guy who requests all her attention and love and time. And she loves it. Finally someone who loves her madly. If only she would find a guy like that too! I loved reading about every moment in the new life of our two darlings and their new friends!
There were so many funny moments, moving moments, sad moments, heartbreaking moments, adorable moments. I had lots of tears in my eyes! Every little Atticus moments is just beyond beautiful. He's sooo amazing and a menace of course! It's not your typical romance. Hazel doesn't meet her guy until very late into the book - it's mostly about Atticus and second chances and finding yourself and helping others and starting again and ugh nuff said So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following I would be ok with it if one British character would use it, but everyone uses it!
I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love her books, but But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great! Some weeks or months ago I saw that cover on many of my bloggers friends. I crossed my fingers because I really wanted to read his story. I am a dog owner and I just know how they can sometimes seem so human. Atticus has an incredibly expressive face and you can read all his emotions. We begin with Atticus POV as a puppy.
That of a very curious and adventurous pup who will follow a scent just to be thrown into a dire situation. See and smell everything. Experience the world through his eyes. Atticus is really smart and empathic. He may be behaved…when he wants. At heart he is good, generous and mischievous. The second chapter if from Hazel Roundtree I kid you not! That chapter I was really, really apprehensive as Hazel was a mess. She barely survived and was not an inspiring human being. What have I done requesting this book? I really dreaded going on with my read. Floundering around, landing in crap situations, not learning my lesson, and repeating.
Even if the female character is past her teen she still had to grow up. She had to become confident. She had to believe in her strength. Live through her own eyes and yes through Atticus eyes and not wait for a man to make her feel worthy. Hazel will stumble upon Atticus and will save his life. But Atticus will also save Hazel. Shouldering that responsibility will give her life a new purpose.
They all were like onions with many layers you had to peel to get to the core of their story. Dr Peel the grumpy veterinarian but who hid a heart of gold; Bernard the homeless who had a complicated past but was so selfless …. I cried when Atticus was lost and miserable.
I huffed and puffed when Hazel was such a mess. I smiled when Hazel decided to save Atticus and that no one would hurt him. Over her dead body! I laughed at Atticus shenanigans as it reminded so much of my dog. I cried again when some moving moments happened in the book. I rejoiced each time Hazel achieved something. This is a feel good and insightful coming of age story. One that will leave you all warm and fuzzy inside.
Atticus: A Woman’s Journey with the World’s Worst Behaved Dog by S. Bennett
One that will make you want to adopt Atticus or at least follow him on IG. A huge thank you to Sawyer for writing this story, documenting Atticus shenanigans on IG as they always lift my mood and for sending the book!!! And follow him on Instagram! Now one last quote for dog owners as it will certainly remind them of some mischief their own dog did: His tail wagging, his mouth grinning, and the end of the toilet paper roll in his mouth.
Atticus: A Woman’s Journey with the World’s Worst Behaved Dog
I snagged my phone, whipped the camera out, and took pictures of it all while laughing my ass off. Atticus grinned and wagged his tail, elated that he delighted me with his bad behavior. Beware Of The Reader Facebook: Beware Of The Reader Facebook group: Beware Book Boyfriends Alert Instagram: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
This is not a romance book.. Don't go into the book thinking that it's a romance because you won't like it. Especially to animals lovers This book was more about love, friendship and the journey of a woman that learned to love and turned out to be agreat human being. It's just amazing how a puppy changed the life of a woman. How this pup gave love to a woman when she needed the most.
Hated the heroine in the beginning. She would get stoned, drink and 4. She would get stoned, drink and smoke like a chimney. She wasn't painting a good picture for me. I wanted to choked her. But her love for the puppy that she rescued won me over, I loved how she went mama bear on chuck's ass I was cheering for her.
I wanted to be there helping her. I wanted to be her friend so I could helped her when she got kicked out by her only friend. Loved reading his POV. Reading his POV made me laugh and it made me cried. I was swooning after this adorable pup. This old man was a cranky s.
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- What They Didnt Know.
- best Dog Stories images on Pinterest in | Dog stories, A dog and Animal rescue.
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His friendship with the heroine was everything. Sure he started as an asshole but like me he sure warmed up to the heroine. And they started as friends. And for me the real hero of the story was Atticus. I loved this book. I cried, I smiled big. And cried hard again. When the tiny human is born, Hazel will have completed her journey.
View all 6 comments. Jun 30, Ian rated it it was amazing Recommended to Ian by: Sometimes you pick up a book that you just love from the first page to the last. If you want a life affirming book about a woman and her dog, look no further. May 15, Kate's Corner rated it it was amazing Shelves: Be aware there is hardly any romance in this book but that worked for me.
And I could quote the hell out of Atticus and what he got to tell us. Atticus was a curious puppy and one day he escaped his pen and went a wandering. He wandered into trouble and it was a tough call. I love Atticus, he is bat Spoiler-ish! I love Atticus, he is bat shite crazy and hilarious. He reminds me of my dog who can be cheeky and not very well behaved, but Atticus is impish, mayhem and well he makes life interesting.
Here are some of my favorites. It seems in those early days all I did was eat, sleep, poop and pee. It was an easy life, but not very exciting. But I hold it. Like tonight for example. Now Hazel Roundtree has been down on her luck. She was drunk or stoned most of the time in the beginning. She thought about leaving the puppy to die 3.

She decided to save the puppy so that it may get run over by a car on the highway. Seriously what is wrong with you? Although she quickly changed her mind she took the puppy to the vet and so a chance encounter with a dog changed her life. Saving Atticus leads her to Oley Peele the vet that helps Atticus. Hazel finally takes responsibility for the dog but there is an incident, and not only does she become homeless but also jobless thanks to that little shit Chuck. But she has an ornery knight in shining armor. As I said there is hardly any romance although at the end of the book Hazel does find someone.
This is about friendships. They become a family. Hazel is on a journey to find herself and although her ex husband wants to get back with Hazel she has enough self-respect to say no and move on with her life. This book is about becoming the person you want to be about loving yourself first and foremost.
About overcoming shame and guilt and reconciling with family. Hazel has amazing character development and in time I started to really like her. She must adjust to Atticus at the beginning with his antics. Let me pick it up and chew on it. Or walking along, making progress, and ooh… a bubble gum wrapper. Let me also pick that up and chew on it. Seriously this book broke my heart, it gave me all the feels and well I needed a couple of tissues. The book roughly takes place over a time span of seven years.
We get to see how Hazel overcomes her past and concentrates on a life that she wants to live. This takes place in the present. But that is a part of life. We get a sweet epilogue from Atticus that takes place 3 years later. This is one of my favorite books this year.
See a Problem?
View all 4 comments. I have to give Hazel credit. Her life is a hot mess, but she takes full ownership of her flaws and the poor choices that led to her depressing circumstances. I loved the chapters written from his point of view that give glimpses into the motives behind his crazy actions as well as his amazing intuition and loyalty.
The ragtag family Hazel creates is more supportive than many dysfunctional families that people are born into. I fell in love with Oley, the crusty old veterinarian, from his first scowl. Bernard is the ultra wise homeless man who, oddly enough, is amazingly resourceful and perfectly content with his indigent lifestyle. They are an unlikely trio, but I treasured their bond. A warning to readers. This delightful book is one hundred percent heartwarming. Recommended for fans of: Jun 19, Heidi McLaughlin rated it it was amazing.
My favorite story by Sawyer, hands down. Not only for animal lovers! ARC received for an honest review. Welp, this book was not what I was expecting. And I am not saying that in a bad way. I am saying that in an "OMG this book is so much more than I was expecting" way. I was expecting a sweet and fun book about a dog called Atticus. And whilst I got that, I got so much more. What we are given is so,so much more. It is a tail - yeah, I didn't misspell that - of unconditional love, of finding our way ARC received for an honest review.
It is a tail - yeah, I didn't misspell that - of unconditional love, of finding our way when all hope is lost, friendship and family. I love, love, love the story from Atticus' POV. I know we think that dog's can't understand us, but gosh I wish they are thinking like him. Though I know when it comes to food, they are allll thinking like him. Another thing I wasn't expecting was all the emotions. Oh god, the feels! I spent plenty of time reading Atticus through tears - I didn't sign up for that Miss Bennett!
Another thing this book has done has made me miss my Rani girl a lot this week. She crossed the rainbow bridge last year and it has made me think about her a lot. Full of funny, sad, heartwarming, loving moments, run out and buy a copy of Atticus - you won't be disappointed. Oh, and make sure you follow real life Atticus on Instagram atticuscrazydog.
May 21, Lexxie un Conventional Bookworms rated it it was amazing Shelves: Atticus was such a heartwarming story! Hazel was so lost, until she found Atticus as a puppy. And finally, she found the self confidence she needed to take charge of her life. Full review to come. May 15, Lisa rated it it was amazing.
I have a cold, black heart. I pride myself on it. But this book brought me to tears. Happy, sad, everywhere in between. This isn't just a book about a dog. I mean, he's a huge part of this story and provides some hilarious comic relief. But this book is so much more. Down on her luck, losing hope, and having lost her way, Hazel Roundtree is just trying to get by.
Trying to make another buck, survive another day in a life she never imagined she'd be living. Then one day, o This book, y'all. Then one day, on her way to get a pack of cigarettes and cup of coffee with the last of her money, she stumbles upon a pitiful ball of fluff, trapped by barbed wire and crying in pain. In his eyes, she saw everything she felt about herself.
Fear, desperation, fading hope. And she knew, in that moment, what she had to do. This book is about not just the journey of Hazel and Atticus. The supporting characters play roles just as important. Oley, the grumpy vet who helps Hazel when she takes a hurt, filthy puppy to him and begs for his help. Bernard, the homeless man who comes to the bar where she works.
Charmin, her friend and co-worker. And so many more. Because in life, we are who we are based on our experiences and what we make of them. Of our relationships and how we let them affect us. What we do in the face of adversity. Join Hazel, and Atticus, as they navigate life's ups, downs, and in betweens. And maybe bring a couple tissues for the ride. Jun 09, Irene rated it it was amazing Shelves: Bennett is going down as one of my top 10 books for The storyline is beautifully written, emotional, sweet, heartfelt and it will bring out all the feels.
I can't express how much I loved watching Hazel and Atticus together. Their meeting sets off a change in Hazel, she never thought a dog would bring so much joy and love into her life. Then add Oley the grumpy old vet who takes Hazel in, offers her a home and a life that she never thought she would ever have and a plot that will have you laughing one minute and sobbing the next. And you have the perfect read. This book truly touched my heart, I connected with Hazel and Atticus and I couldn't get enough of them. Thank you to author S. Bennett Women's Fiction though men will like it too.
But after reading Atticus: Atticus was everything I love in a book and so much more! I smiled the whole time, even when I was crying. Hazel is basically a loser in a dead-end life. Hazel is flat broke, miserable, and sees no hope in her future. Atticus is a curious little pupper.
Next thing you know, Hazel is walking by a ditch to spend her last few cents on cigarettes and hears a whimpering puppy. She finds the pup covered in slimy mud and wrapped in barbed wire. Both of them wet and hurt and shivering, they wait at the local vet for them to open. When the angry old vet Dr. Hazel will have to work it off. He can read her moods and knows who is friend and who is foe. Hazel leans over me, and I smile up at her while she pets me. I give a little woof of acknowledgment. Now that she had something to care about, to get excited about, and something she needed to be responsible for, Hazel began to clean up her act.
She worked days at the vet to work off her bill and hid the dog in the back of the bar at night while she worked. Until Atticus caused a little too much trouble. A cranky old veterinarian, a worthless bartender, and a homeless guy. Hazel had it in a pan while the oven was pre-heating. She went to the bathroom… and the opportunity presented itself. I try to ignore her for a little bit, but that never quite works because I love her too much.
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He smells amazing, especially his butt. I watched earlier as Hazel tried to help Liz change a poopy diaper. My mouth watered, and Hazel gagged. But I just listened to the sample included on my blog , and I have to check it out for a re-read because I am not ready to leave Atticus. It never felt quick or rushed. How can you not love Atticus? I think Atticus may be a new all-time favorite. If you are a dog lover or any animal , you will especially love Atticus. For goodness sakes, she poops right in front of her doggy door when I leave because she is mad at me.
Until I had this dog, I never really understood how smart and in-sync an animal can be with its owner, and I think that made Atticus even more special to me. This was such a strong story about how love and family can come in the most unlikely forms. Monks at the Saint Bernard Pass, a dangerous, snowy divide between Switzerland and Italy, bred them for hundreds of years—perhaps even as far back as —to rescue travelers who got lost and buried in the snow. They traveled in pairs so that when they found a victim, one dog could dig them out and sit on them for warmth while the other headed back to the monastery for help.
Barry managed to reach the boy, revive him, and keep him warm until rescue arrived. But even then, nobody could get to them. So Barry allowed the child to climb onto his back and pulled him to safety, inch by inch. Barry was so effective as a rescue dog that after his departure there was always one dog at the monastery named Barry—a tradition that persists to this day. Just one look at Bud Nelson is enough to tell you that he was the greatest dog who ever lived.
Horatio was the first man to cross America by car in the year , with his hilariously named co-driver Sewall K. Crocker and, of course, Bud. That made Bud the first dog to cross the United States by car. At the time, the automobile was still in its infancy, meaning that driving was neither safe nor fun. The car was a roofless monstrosity with little to no suspension to protect them from the mostly unpaved roads, and it would have made a lot of noise while belching out noxious smoke.
But Bud Nelson was braver around the thing than some people would have been back then. He was given the goggles to protect his eyes and sat there looking just as happy as he does in the photo, all the way across the continent of North America. After a while, Owney began to follow the bags, first in mail wagons and then on mail trains. He started to rack up miles, traveling through the county, then the state, and finally the whole United States.
Mail clerks were happy to let him do this because they realized that no train Owney traveled on ever crashed, making Owney a good-luck talisman. As part of a publicity stunt, he traveled around the world on a day-long, Jules Verne—style trip aboard an ocean liner. In this way, he traveled across America, Europe, and Asia, and all the way back. In , the World Cup was being held in England which, to the English, was kind of a big deal. Maybe the reason they were taking it so seriously was because they had a feeling they might win—which they did—so you can imagine how bummed they were when the World Cup was stolen just four months before the matches started.
There was a frenzy to find the cup and avoid international embarrassment, and it was eventually found by a plucky collie named Pickles. Pickles was being walked by his owner when he sniffed something out in the bushes—what Pickles had found was the missing World Cup. In the aftermath of Pickles finding the Cup, his rise to fame can only be described as meteoric. He later went on to star in several TV shows and even the movies.
Rolf was either the smartest dog in history or the center of a scam that fooled a nation—specifically Nazi Germany. Either way, then, he was pretty awesome. According to the Nazis, Rolf could talk. To put this into context, the Nazis backed a lot of hair-brained schemes during World War II, and one of the most hair-brained was trying to train an army of super-intelligent dogs to share their ideals. Apparently, Rolf was able to talk by tapping his paw against a board and using a sort of special dog Morse code to communicate with humans.
It was using this code that he was able to converse, appreciate poetry, express his pride in the Nazi regime, and vent his blinding hatred of the French. Apparently, he even expressed an interest in joining the war effort and fighting on the front lines. There are plenty of stories of dogs who stood vigil for dead masters for years afterward.
Hachiko and Greyfriars Bobby have had numerous books and even films made about them. But the loyal dog who was most famous during his own lifetime is probably the least well-known. He was found on the verge of death by a kiln worker who took him home and nursed him back to health. Every day, Fido waited for his master at the same bus stop, refusing to move until he stepped off the bus—and this at a time when Italy was being bombed almost daily.
Fido, ever vigilant, still turned up to wait for him.