Die Hochzeit von Auschwitz: Eine Begebenheit (detebe) (German Edition)
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The Wedding in Auschwitz by Erich Hackl
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Als ob ein Engel: Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. I can't even begin to describe what a terrible book this was. What I thought would be an inspiring story turned into a collection of thoughts.
Half the time I didn't understand who was talking. It read as if a bunch of people still not sure how many were discussing the story and trying to sort out all the details to it. I wouldn't suggest this book to anyone. I had a hard time g A little nervous to start this one because it has terrible reviews! I had a hard time getting through it and skimmed a lot of it.
Oct 18, Adrienne rated it liked it. It was Okay for the part I read but it got kinda dull around the middle so I decided to put it down. In The Wedding in Auschwitz Erich Hackl worked up the material of his interviews in the same way as a film director might have done for a documentary. The language used is simple and matter-of-fact as suits the topic. The narrators are alternating all the time.
Most of them remain nameless throughout the story of Marga and Rudi, but their identity uses to be revealed through what they say about their relations to the protagonists. This narrating technique necessarily makes it difficult to grasp at once who is currently speaking.
The Wedding in Auschwitz is a good read for everybody interested in life under the Nazi regime and in the concentration camps. I hope that you'll like it! Sep 13, Colleen rated it it was ok. I did not enjoy reading this book. However, I did like the story. The story is told from several different points of view. Half the time I couldn't figure out whose niew it was until midway through their story.
I also felt the story lacked emotion. I felt as if I was reading from a history book instead. So much more could have been done in the way the story was told.
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I really feel like this book could have become a popular read. Mar 13, Melissa Blanco rated it liked it. I chose this book out of a list given to me to read for a university course titled "The Origins of Nazism: Shoah in cinema and literature".
I was spoiled majorly by the summary on the back cover of the book, so I started reading it without a bit "bummed". The story is original and very interesting but the way it's written is very confusing. There are many narrators and nobody specifies who is talking so the reader gets a bit mixed up.
Apr 09, Janet rated it liked it. An interesting novel, based on a true story. Slightly difficult to follow at times, as it was written from the point of view of a number of people, each with different memories of happenings, and it wasn't always clear right away whose 'voice' was coming over. Worth reading for a personal picture of events at an historic time. Jul 22, Katie Grainger rated it liked it. I found this book a little hard going and not just because of the subject matter. I kept getting confused with who was narrating which got irritating over time.

However this is a powerful little book with a very moving story. Me siento mal de querer ser traductor por culpa de los traductores del libro. Ich habe ein Buch bei BookCrossing. Nov 10, Stephonour rated it did not like it. A book that should shimmer with hope is eclipsed by terrible writing. Pei Lyn rated it it was ok Aug 02, Jody Van de Kerkhove rated it it was ok Mar 11, Erza rated it really liked it Apr 13, Anita Dollmanits rated it liked it Sep 14, Hanna rated it really liked it Mar 03, Babsi rated it really liked it May 31, Mario Wally rated it liked it Jan 04, AyaSuu rated it really liked it Feb 06, Sabrina rated it really liked it Nov 22, Medea rated it liked it Oct 26, Savina King rated it it was amazing Oct 18, Megan Smith rated it it was ok Dec 30, Maureen rated it liked it May 26, Caroline Reed rated it it was ok Jun 20,