Der Vortrag (German Edition)
This is the world posited in the natural attitude. It is a shared or common space, albeit one that could easily exist without us since it does not depend on us for its being. In Ideas , Husserl questions the self-evidence of just this world. Indeed, one of the achievements of phenomenology was to highlight the role consciousness plays in establishing the so-called objective world.
Through this seemingly dramatic maneuver, which Husserl also called the Weltvernichtung , phenomenology is able to determine the acts of consciousness that produce objects and the phenomena that refer back to them. A key tenet of phenomenology is that there is a correlation between the modes in which things are given Gegebenheitsweisen , noema and the mental acts by which we apprehend them Erlebnisarten , noeisis.
Context sentences for "Referat"
For example, every thing or person remembered corresponds to an act of memory, as every perceived object corresponds to an act of perception. In other words, whatever we are conscious of is determined by our mode of our apprehension. Examining these modes, submitting them to an eidetic analysis is the principal task of phenomenology. Phenomenology begins, as I suggested in the introduction, with what is evident to us without the mediation of concepts, which turn all specific and idiosyncratic phenomena into generic types.
One can never get behind them to arrive at their source, since they are inaccessible to us except as intuited objects or objects given in consciousness. Everything we experience is, consequently, limited to or bound by consciousness; all phenomena inhere in the subjectivity that constitutes them as intentional objects, which are correlates of consciousness.
In either case, consciousness is the parameter in which things become evident to us. But the reverse of this statement is true as well: Things are the parameter in which consciousness becomes evident to us as the basis for the known world. While Husserl never says explicitly that consciousness becomes visible in its intentional objects, he does indicate that it is concretized in its Erlebnisse or mental acts, which distinguish it not only from other egos but also from transcendental subjectivity itself.
Like the German Idealists before him, he draws a distinction between empirical and transcendental consciousness, as the following quote demonstrates: This absolute consciousness, which creates all unities of sense i.

Like Descartes before him, he finds the foundation for this system in the ego, which is evident to itself through the act of thinking and nothing else. It is inconceivable that there would be no mind or that the mind would not exist, since such a judgment would require an act of mind, which would itself contradict the very proposition it sets out to demonstrate. Again like Descartes Husserl finds indubitable proof of the ego in a negative act. Just as Descartes discovers the cogito in doubting everything around him, so too Husserl locates the transcendental ego in setting aside the assumption that the external world exists.
In both cases, consciousness emerges as the agent of these otherwise privative acts, i. Is this, however, the exclusive manner in which the ego becomes evident to itself? Does the mind emerge for Husserl only in this pared down form, albeit with the capacity to acquire predicates thanks to its newfound certainty, which makes it the bedrock for all knowledge?
English-German Dictionary
While Husserl would seem to point in this direction, he also leaves room for another interpretation, one which highlights the difference between doubting and bracketing or doubting and withholding belief in the external world. It is useful to recall that what enables Descartes to affirm the existence of the ego by doubting everything around him is that doubt clears the slate, leaving nothing behind but the I that doubts, which is also the I that thinks—in short, the cogito. This reversal whereby the act of doubting becomes the grounds for certainty occurs in the Second Meditation, when Descartes realizes that even if an Evil Genius deceives him about everything, he must still exist since being deceived is still an experience available only to thinking subjects: It directs our thoughts inwards to the world constituted in consciousness or what Rilke would call the Weltinnenraum.
What remains once the external world has been set aside is the entire sphere of our mental life, including the unities created out of diverse impressions, i. It secures a world that derives its entire sense and claim to being from our cogitationes. Sensuality becomes in this school of thought an aspect of our mental life.
Vortrag - Wiktionary
I mention these dates not because they are significant but to underscore that the poem has no direct relation to phenomenology. The collection was inspired by his work with Auguste Rodin, whom he credited with teaching him how to see the world in a new manner. In the second half of the poem, the poet catalogues the various roses in a bowl and their distinct character or personalities. And then there is a rose that has no name and no color: Und sind nicht alle so, nur sich enthaltend ,.
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