Catalina de Aragón (Ayer y Hoy de la Historia) (Spanish Edition)
Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Isabella Of Spain , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mar 05, Smith Family rated it it was amazing. One of the best historical books I have ever read. I would consider this a historical "Lord or the Rings. It reads like a novel and has to many interesting facts to be boring. It is a long book that will take a month or two of heavy reading.
Apr 16, Jessie rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was incredibly interesting to read in spite of its size and the amount of history that was covered. I really liked all the original sources that were quoted and referenced concerning the life and time of the amazing Queen Isabella. She was quite a woman. I like the way the author tried to give both sides to her complex character to testify of her humanness as well as greatness.
You are left to decide for yourself who exactly you think this woman was but by having a thorough descri Wow. You are left to decide for yourself who exactly you think this woman was but by having a thorough description of not only her life but the crazy time in which she lived, the perspective you might think you have about this woman will most likely change and probably for the better.
At least this is what happened to me. Good read for anyone who likes to be inspired by the lives of incredible people who have lived and changed the world for better or worse and usually both! Gracias a ella elNuevo Mundo fue una realidad: Feb 17, Mitchell Hebert rated it really liked it. Probably my favorite History book. After I read this book I fell in love with queen Isabella and medieval times. Its told in narrative form. May 02, Thomas Driver rated it it was ok. Walsh is obviously a prominent expert in Spanish history and has done exhaustive research in piecing together Isabella's story.
However, his analyse of the how and why I think is very biased and bigoted. Some parts of the book were downright disgusting and repulsive.
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His disparaging remarks on Jews, Arabs and women are archaic and shameful. Centro de Estudios Cervantinos. Bulletin of Spanish Studies In Ottavio Di Camillo. Arco Libros, The 'Persiles' , Princeton University, September 23rd, Spanish Prelates of Converso Origins in Rome. Spanish Contributions to Western Culture.
Visual, Scientific and Literary Formations. Concordia University, Montreal, June 4th, Poetry in Digital Process: Individuals or Monolithic State: Staged Reading of The Force of Habit ca. Ivan's Repila 'The boy who stole Attila's horse'. Poet Claudia Rankine, reading and discussion of Citizen: Graduate Courses taught in the English M.
This comparative drama seminar follows the threads that set the basis for a culture of theatergoers in Ancient Rome, Early Modern Italy, Spain and England and that still survives in contemporary plays, as well as in other media, such as sitcoms and movies. With an emphasis in classical and renaissance traditions, including Plautus, Terence, Hrostvitha, Dovizzi da Bibbiena, Machiavelli, Lope de Vega, and Tirso de Molina, it incorporates an appraisal of current research projects on Mediterranean Studies, Conversion Yatchnin or Diversifying the Classics Fuchs.
Placing our compass of navigation in the interrelation of classic texts with Renaissance Theater, it contemplates the Early Modern phenomenon of the reconstruction of theater from both a continental and a multilingual Mediterranean perspective. As Renaissance playwrights were usually fluent in Latin, and occasionally Greek, Italian, Spanish, French, and English, the course navigates a set of texts that will survey the European and American continuities and the agency of theater in contesting or establishing social contracts.
This comparative drama seminar explores key texts that have been essential to the rethinking of theatrical renderings of kingship, empire, and madness —either in a tragic or in a tragicomic note. In recent years, the U. Congress has considered their deactivations, but these have been opposed by diverse public and private entities in Puerto Rico — such as retired military who rely on Ft.
Buchanan for the services available there. Puerto Ricans have participated in many of the military conflicts in which the United States has been involved. A significant number of Puerto Ricans participate as members and work for the U. Armed Services, largely as National Guard members and civilian employees. The size of the overall military-related community in Puerto Rico is estimated to be , individuals.
This includes retired personnel.
There are no counties, as there are in 48 of the 50 United States. There are 78 municipalities. Municipalities are subdivided into barrios , and those into sectors. Each municipality has a mayor and a municipal legislature elected to four-year terms. The geography of Puerto Rico and its political status are both determining factors on its economic prosperity, primarily due to its relatively small size as an island; its lack of natural resources used to produce raw materials [ citation needed ] , and, consequently, its dependence on imports ; as well as its territorial status with the United States, which controls its foreign policy while exerting trading restrictions, particularly in its shipping industry.
Puerto Rico experienced a recession from to , interrupted by 4 quarters of economic growth, and entered into recession again in , following growing fiscal imbalance and the expiration of the IRS Section corporate incentives that the U. Internal Revenue Code had applied to Puerto Rico. This IRS section was critical to the economy, as it established tax exemptions for U. In comparison to the different states of the United States , Puerto Rico is poorer than Mississippi the poorest state of the U. At a global scale, Puerto Rico's dependency on oil for transportation and electricity generation, as well as its dependency on food imports and raw materials, makes Puerto Rico volatile and highly reactive to changes in the world economy and climate.
The Commonwealth had been defaulting on many debts, including bonds, since With debt payments due, the Governor was facing the risk of a government shutdown and failure to fund the managed health care system. They also said that "Congress must enact measures recommended by both Republicans and Democrats that fix Puerto Rico's inequitable health care financing structure and promote sustained economic growth.
Just before that deadline, the control board gave the Commonwealth government until February 28 to present a fiscal plan including negotiations with creditors for restructuring debt to solve the problems. A moratorium on lawsuits by debtors was extended to May Governor Rossello rejected this plan as unjustified and unnecessary. Puerto Rico has an operating budget of about U. Throughout those years, including present time, all budgets contemplated issuing bonds to cover these projected deficits rather than making structural adjustments.
This practice increased Puerto Rico's cumulative debt, as the government had already been issuing bonds to balance its actual budget for four decades since This sparked an ongoing government-debt crisis after Puerto Rico's general obligation bonds were downgraded to speculative non-investment grade "junk status" by three credit rating agencies.
In terms of financial control, almost 9. For practical reasons the budget is divided into two aspects: Almost one out of every four dollars in the consolidated budget comes from U. In particular, the government-owned corporations add a heavy burden to the overall budget and public debt, as none is self-sufficient. In terms of protocol, the governor, together with the Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget OGP in Spanish , formulates the budget he believes is required to operate all government branches for the ensuing fiscal year.
He then submits this formulation as a budget request to the Puerto Rican legislature before July 1, the date established by law as the beginning of Puerto Rico's fiscal year. While the constitution establishes that the request must be submitted "at the beginning of each regular session", the request is typically submitted during the first week of May as the regular sessions of the legislature begin in January and it would be impractical to submit a request so far in advance.
Once submitted, the budget is then approved by the legislature, typically with amendments, through a joint resolution and is referred back to the governor for his approval. The governor then either approves it or vetoes it. If vetoed the legislature can then either refer it back with amendments for the governor's approval, or approve it without the governor's consent by two-thirds of the bodies of each chamber. Once the budget is approved, the Department of Treasury disburses funds to the Office of Management and Budget which in turn disburses the funds to the respective agencies, while the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank the government's intergovernmental bank manages all related banking affairs including those related to the government-owned corporations.
The cost of living in Puerto Rico is high and has increased over the past decade. While some online stores do offer free shipping on orders to Puerto Rico, many merchants exclude Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and other United States territories. Census Bureau's update. The report also indicates that One of the most cited contributors to the high cost of living in Puerto Rico is the Merchant Marine Act of , also known as the Jones Act , which prevents foreign-flagged ships from carrying cargo between two American ports, a practice known as cabotage.
Instead, they must proceed directly to U. The local government of Puerto Rico has requested several times to the U. Congress to exclude Puerto Rico from the Jones Act restrictions without success.
Isabella Of Spain: The Last Crusader (1451-1504)
In the Government Accountability Office published a report which concluded that "repealing or amending the Jones Act cabotage law might cut Puerto Rico shipping costs" and that "shippers believed that opening the trade to non-U. Data were not available to allow us to validate the examples given or verify the extent to which this difference occurred. The study found that Puerto Rico received very similar or lower shipping freight rates when compared to neighboring islands, and that the transportation costs have no impact on retail prices on the island.
The study was based in part on actual comparison of consumer goods at retail stores in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Jacksonville, Florida, finding: The school was free of charge and the courses taught were Latin language, literature, history, science, art, philosophy and theology. Education in Puerto Rico is divided in three levels—Primary elementary school grades 1—6 , Secondary intermediate and high school grades 7—12 , and Higher Level undergraduate and graduate studies.
As of , the literacy rate of the Puerto Rican population was Instruction at the primary school level is compulsory between the ages of 5 and As of [update] , there are public schools and private schools. The largest private university systems on the island are the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Since Puerto Ricans pay no income tax, they are not eligible for health insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.
The city of San Juan has a system of triage , hospital, and preventive care health services. The municipal government sponsors regular health fairs in different areas of the city focusing on health care for the elderly and the disabled. In , there were 69 hospitals in Puerto Rico. Founded in , it is operated by the Medical Services Administration of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico, and is actually a network of eight hospitals:.
The city of San Juan operates nine other hospitals. These nine hospitals are:.
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The city of Ponce is served by several clinics and hospitals. There are four comprehensive care hospitals: Veterans Administration will build a new hospital in the city to satisfy regional needs. On the island of Culebra , there is a small hospital in the island called Hospital de Culebra. It also offers pharmacy services to residents and visitors. For emergencies, patients are transported by plane to Fajardo on the main island. The town of Caguas has three hospitals: Reforma de Salud de Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Health Reform — locally referred to as La Reforma The Reform — is a government-run program which provides medical and health care services to the indigent and impoverished , by means of contracting private health insurance companies, rather than employing government-owned hospitals and emergency centers.
The overall rate of crime is low in Puerto Rico. The territory has a high firearm homicide rate. The homicide rate of Modern Puerto Rican culture is a unique mix of cultural antecedents: A large number of Cubans and Dominicans have relocated to the island in the past few decades. From the Spanish, Puerto Rico received the Spanish language, the Catholic religion and the vast majority of their cultural and moral values and traditions.
The United States added English-language influence, the university system and the adoption of some holidays and practices. On March 12, , the University of Puerto Rico was officially founded, branching out from the "Escuela Normal Industrial", a smaller organization that was founded in Fajardo three years before. Much of Puerto Rican culture centers on the influence of music and has been shaped by other cultures combining with local and traditional rhythms. Early in the history of Puerto Rican music, the influences of Spanish and African traditions were most noticeable.
The cultural movements across the Caribbean and North America have played a vital role in the more recent musical influences which have reached Puerto Rico. The official symbols of Puerto Rico are the reinita mora or Puerto Rican spindalis a type of bird , the flor de maga a type of flower , and the ceiba or kapok a type of tree. The architecture of Puerto Rico demonstrates a broad variety of traditions, styles and national influences accumulated over four centuries of Spanish rule, and a century of American rule.
Spanish colonial architecture , Ibero-Islamic , art deco , post-modern , and many other architectural forms are visible throughout the island. From town to town, there are also many regional distinctions. The oldest parts of the district of Old San Juan remain partly enclosed by massive walls. La Fortaleza continues to serve also as the executive mansion for the Governor of Puerto Rico. During the s, sections of Old San Juan fell into disrepair, and many renovation plans were suggested.
There was even a strong push to develop Old San Juan as a "small Manhattan ". Strict remodeling codes were implemented to prevent new constructions from affecting the common colonial Spanish architectural themes of the old city. When a project proposal suggested that the old Carmelite Convent in San Juan be demolished to erect a new hotel, the Institute had the building declared as a historic building, and then asked that it be converted to a hotel in a renewed facility.
The paradigm to reconstruct and renovate the old city and revitalize it has been followed by other cities in the Americas, particularly Havana , Lima and Cartagena de Indias. Ponce Creole is an architectural style created in Ponce, Puerto Rico , in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
This style of Puerto Rican buildings is found predominantly in residential homes in Ponce that developed between and Ponce Creole architecture borrows heavily from the traditions of the French, the Spaniards, and the Caribbean to create houses that were especially built to withstand the hot and dry climate of the region, and to take advantage of the sun and sea breezes characteristic of the southern Puerto Rico's Caribbean Sea coast. Puerto Rican art reflects many influences, much from its ethnically diverse background.
A form of folk art , called santos evolved from the Catholic Church's use of sculptures to convert indigenous Puerto Ricans to Christianity. Santos depict figures of saints and other religious icons and are made from native wood, clay, and stone. After shaping simple, they are often finished by painting them in vivid colors.
Santos vary in size, with the smallest examples around eight inches tall and the largest about twenty inches tall. Traditionally, santos were seen as messengers between the earth and Heaven. As such, they occupied a special place on household altars , where people prayed to them, asked for help, or tried to summon their protection. Also popular, caretas or vejigantes are masks worn during carnivals. Similar masks signifying evil spirits were used in both Spain and Africa, though for different purposes. The Spanish used their masks to frighten lapsed Christians into returning to the church, while tribal Africans used them as protection from the evil spirits they represented.
True to their historic origins Puerto Rican caretas always bear at least several horns and fangs. Red and black were the typical colors for caretas but their palette has expanded to include a wide variety of bright hues and patterns. Puerto Rican literature evolved from the art of oral story telling to its present-day status. Written works by the native islanders of Puerto Rico were prohibited and repressed by the Spanish colonial government.
Only those who were commissioned by the Spanish Crown to document the chronological history of the island were allowed to write. Diego de Torres Vargas was allowed to circumvent this strict prohibition for three reasons: This historical book was the first to make a detailed geographic description of the island. The book described all the fruits and commercial establishments of the time, mostly centered in the towns of San Juan and Ponce.
The book also listed and described every mine, church, and hospital in the island at the time. The book contained notices on the State and Capital, plus an extensive and erudite bibliography. Some of Puerto Rico's earliest writers were influenced by the teachings of Rafael Cordero.

Among these was Dr. Alonso , the first Puerto Rican writer of notable importance. After this first novel, Hostos abandoned fiction in favor of the essay which he saw as offering greater possibilities for inspiring social change. In the late 19th century, with the arrival of the first printing press and the founding of the Royal Academy of Belles Letters, Puerto Rican literature began to flourish.
The first writers to express their political views in regard to Spanish colonial rule of the island were journalists. After the United States invaded Puerto Rico during the Spanish—American War and the island was ceded to the Americans as a condition of the Treaty of Paris of , writers and poets began to express their opposition to the new colonial rule by writing about patriotic themes. Cayetano Coll y Toste was another Puerto Rican historian and writer. Pedreira , described in his work Insularismo the cultural survival of the Puerto Rican identity after the American invasion.
With the Puerto Rican diaspora of the s, Puerto Rican literature was greatly influenced by a phenomenon known as the Nuyorican Movement. Puerto Rican literature continued to flourish and many Puerto Ricans have since distinguished themselves as authors, journalists, poets, novelists, playwrights, screenwriters, essayists and have also stood out in other literary fields. The influence of Puerto Rican literature has transcended the boundaries of the island to the United States and the rest of the world.
Esmeralda Santiago has written an autobiographical trilogy about growing up in modern Puerto Rico as well as an historical novel, Conquistadora , about life on a sugar plantation during the midth century. The media in Puerto Rico includes local radio stations , television stations and newspapers , the majority of which are conducted in Spanish. There are also three stations of the U. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. El Vocero is distributed free of charge as well as Indice and Metro.
Several television channels provide local content in the island. The music of Puerto Rico has evolved as a heterogeneous and dynamic product of diverse cultural resources. The most conspicuous musical sources have been Spain and West Africa, although many aspects of Puerto Rican music reflect origins elsewhere in Europe and the Caribbean and, over the last century, from the U. Puerto Rican music culture today comprises a wide and rich variety of genres, ranging from indigenous genres like bomba , plena , aguinaldo , danza and salsa to recent hybrids like reggaeton.
Puerto Rico has some national instruments, like the cuatro Spanish for "four". The cuatro is a local instrument that was made by the "Jibaro" or people from the mountains. Originally, the Cuatro consisted of four steel strings, hence its name, but currently the Cuatro consists of five double steel strings. It is easily confused with a guitar, even by locals. The Casals Festival takes place annually in San Juan, drawing in classical musicians from around the world.
In , Paoli was the first operatic artist in world history to record an entire opera — when he participated in a performance of Pagliacci by Ruggiero Leoncavallo in Milan, Italy. In the latter part of the 19th century, the cuisine of Puerto Rico was greatly influenced by the United States in the ingredients used in its preparation.
Puerto Rican cuisine has transcended the boundaries of the island, and can be found in several countries outside the archipelago. Basic ingredients include grains and legumes , herbs and spices , starchy tropical tubers , vegetables, meat and poultry, seafood and shellfish, and fruits. Desserts include flan, arroz con dulce sweet rice pudding , piraguas , brazo gitanos , tembleque , polvorones , and dulce de leche. Locals call their cuisine cocina criolla.
The traditional Puerto Rican cuisine was well established by the end of the 19th century. This is due to the frequent hurricanes that Puerto Rico experiences, which destroy crops of maize, leaving more safeguarded plants like conucos hills of yuca grown together. The tradition of cooking complex stews and rice dishes in pots such as rice and beans are also thought to be originally European much like Italians, Spaniards, and the British.
Early Dutch , French, Italian, and Chinese immigrants influenced not only the culture but Puerto Rican cooking as well. This great variety of traditions came together to form La Cocina Criolla. Coconuts, coffee brought by the Arabs and Corsos to Yauco from Kafa , Ethiopia , okra , yams , sesame seeds , gandules pigeon peas in English sweet bananas, plantains, other root vegetables and Guinea hen, all come to Puerto Rico from Africa.
Puerto Rico has been commemorated on four U. Forever stamps included the Puerto Rico Flag illustrated by a bird issued Four Puerto Rican personalities have been featured on U. These include Roberto Clemente in as an individual and in the Legends of Baseball series issued in Baseball was one of the first sports to gain widespread popularity in Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Baseball League serves as the only active professional league, operating as a winter league.
The Puerto Rico national baseball team has participated in the World Cup of Baseball winning one gold , four silver and four bronze medals, the Caribbean Series winning fourteen times and the World Baseball Classic. Boxing , basketball , and volleyball are considered popular sports as well. In the professional circuit, Puerto Rico has the third-most boxing world champions and it is the global leader in champions per capita. Since then, it has won more than 30 medals in international competitions, including gold in three FIBA Americas Championships and the Goodwill Games August 8, , became a landmark date for the team when it became the first team to defeat the United States in an Olympic tournament since the integration of National Basketball Association players.
Winning the inaugural game with scores of 92—73 as part of the Summer Olympics organized in Athens , Greece. In , the archipelago's first unified league, the Puerto Rico Soccer League , was established. Other sports include professional wrestling and road running.
The World Wrestling Council and International Wrestling Association are the largest wrestling promotions in the main island. The World's Best 10K , held annually in San Juan, has been ranked among the 20 most competitive races globally. The "Puerto Rico All Stars" team, which has won twelve world championships in unicycle basketball. Puerto Rican athletes have won nine medals in Olympic competition one gold, two silver, six bronze , the first one in by boxer Juan Evangelista Venegas.
Cities and towns in Puerto Rico are interconnected by a system of roads, freeways , expressways , and highways maintained by the Highways and Transportation Authority under the jurisdiction of the U. The island's metropolitan area is served by a public bus transit system and a metro system called Tren Urbano in English: Puerto Rico has nine ports in different cities across the main island.
The San Juan Port is the largest in Puerto Rico, and the busiest port in the Caribbean and the 10th busiest in the United States in terms of commercial activity and cargo movement, respectively. Telecommunications in Puerto Rico includes radio, television, fixed and mobile telephones, and the Internet. Broadcasting in Puerto Rico is regulated by the U. Cable TV subscription services are available and the U. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service also broadcast on the island. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This article is about the U. For other uses, see Puerto Rico disambiguation. For other uses, see Porto Rico disambiguation and Borinquen disambiguation. It has, for example, been applied to both states and territories. When used in connection with areas under U. History of Puerto Rico. Captaincy General of Puerto Rico. Climate of Puerto Rico. Largest cities or towns in Puerto Rico Census []. Political party strength in Puerto Rico. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. November Learn how and when to remove this template message. Foreign and intergovernmental relations of Puerto Rico. Military of Puerto Rico. Municipalities of Puerto Rico. Economy of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico government-debt crisis. Education in Puerto Rico. Illegal drugs in Puerto Rico. Culture of Puerto Rico. Architecture of Puerto Rico. Media in Puerto Rico. Music of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico on stamps. Sports in Puerto Rico. Patricia Gherovici states that both "Porto Rico" and "Puerto Rico" were used interchangeably in the news media and documentation before, during, and after the U.
Nancy Morris clarifies that "a curious oversight in the drafting of the Foraker Act caused the name of the island to be officially misspelled". When several priests protest, the crown requires Spaniards to pay native laborers and to teach them the Christian religion; the colonists continue to treat the natives as slaves.
It is illustrated in the very different images conjured up by the English term "commonwealth" and the Spanish version, Estado Libre Asociado literally, free associated state. The issue seems to be whether this ambiguity is a purposeful virtue or a disguised colonial vice. Rico Senate declares Spanish over English as first official language".
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Retrieved February 7, Retrieved September 25, Retrieved June 26, Retrieved January 11, April 1, to July 1, for Puerto Rico". United States Census Bureau.
Retrieved May 23, Database updated on May 8, Accessed on May 10, Retrieved August 21, Retrieved May 16, Journal of Socio-Economic Research. Retrieved May 15, Archived from the original PDF on December 22, Retrieved December 2, Diachrony, synchrony, and contact. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Res 36, 72nd Congress, enacted The Puerto Rican syndrome.
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