Build Your Own AK (Vol. I): Headspacing & Virgin Barrel Population
During Phase I test runs, the three exhaust air manifolds were monitored separately to detect the concentration of total VOC's. A portable field instrument was used to monitor the gross VOC concentrations. The moisture in the soil evaporated in the thermal processor, exiting as vapor in the air discharge stream.
To determine the amount of moisture that existed in the unit, the moisture content of the air stream was routinely monitored. The temperature of the air stream changed as it travelled through the processor. Therefore, the air temperature was monitored at the air heater outlet at each exhaust port as well as at the common header port.
An instrumentation diagram showing the location of measuring devices is included in Figure As shown, five parameters were monitored or sampled for in the field: An illustration of the sampling device is shown in Figure An open-top carbon steel sample container was used to hold the soils being monitored. Approximate dimensions of the sample cup were 3 inches long by 3 inches wide by 2 inches high. A carbon steel handle was welded to the side of the box to facilitate soil collection. A small hole was drilled into the side of the sample box, just above the handle, for insertion of the thermocouple.
The thermocouple was wired to a multi-point calibrated digital pyrometer for accurate reading of temperature. The temperature of the feed and processed soils were monitored and recorded every 30 minutes.
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When monitoring the temperature of the feed soil, the sampling device was fully submerged into a pail of feed soil. The thermocouple was allowed to stabilize and the associated temperature was recorded. When monitoring the temperature of the processed soils, the sample cup was placed directly under the discharge soil gate.
To allow the container to come to an equilibrium temperature with the soil, the sample container was filled with soil exiting the unit, and the contents were dumped into the processed so. The cup was refilled, sufficient time elapsed for the thermocouple to stabilize, and the temperature was recorded. For quality control purposes, the entire procedure was repeated. Mass Feed Rate of Soil 3. The weight of each pail of feed soil was recorded prior to being loaded into the thermal processor. The mass feed rate of soil was determined using the total weight of soil divided by the duration in hours of the test run.
The weight of the processed soils was also recorded to determine the mass feed rate of the processed soil. The weight and volume of soils, both feed and processed, were monitored and recorded to determine the associated soil density. A milliliter VOA vial was filled for each type of soil i. A milliliter VOA vial was filled with a composite soil sample of the excavated, feed, and processed soils to be analyzed for those VOC's on the Hazardous Substance List.
Sample collection was conducted at the end of each test run.
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A list of the test locations for each test run, as well as the parameters for which samples were collected is shown in Table A detailed discussion of the air sampling techniques is contained in Appendix C. A brief discussion follows. Sample test ports were installed at the following four locations: The test port locations were in compliance with EPA Method 1s. Following equipment set-up, the air sampling technicians compiled preliminary test data at all source locations. In addition, concurrent compliance tests were performed at the afterburner discharge stack during a selected low, medium, and high VOC-inlet loading condition i.
Testing protocols followed for each parameter measured are summarized in Table Standard pitot tubes were used in conjunction with inclined manometers to measure the flow at the process air inlet and afterburner inlet. Air flow in the legs of the off-gas manifold was measured via orifice plates; magnahelics were used to measure the associated orifice plate pressure differentials. The thermocouples were wired to a multi-point calibrated pyrometer for accurate digital readout.
The process air and infiltration air were assumed to be the same as ambient air. The moisture content of the ambient air was measured using a sling psychrometer and associated psychrometric chart. The moisture content at the afterburner inlet was measured using an EPA Method 4 sampling train. Three sampling techniques were used to monitor the VOC concentration in the air discharge stream: A brief description of sampling techniques is contained in the following subsections.
The CEM system measured gross VOC concentrations in the linear range from 1 to ppm by volume, dry basis relative to the calibration gas benzene. Benzene was chosen as the calibration gas instead of one of the major contaminants i. This selection was based on the following rationale: On these occasions, the major contaminants are unknown; therefore, it is not possible to pre-calibrate the instrument with a contaminant of concern. A common calibration gas that is readily available such as benzene would be used on these sites.
Specialty gases such as dichloroethylene or trichloroethylene, however, are made to order and, as such, typically require one month leadtime. The supplier suspects that the concentration of dichloroethylene or trichloroethylene would decrease over time. The total VOC concentrations were recorded using a Molytek single channel recorder. A Bruker MM1 mobile mass spectrometer was on-site on 6, 8, and 9 August Authentic standard compounds were used to mass calibrate the MM1. Manifolds 1, 2, and 3 were sampled with the MM1 during Test Runs 2, 4, and 5.
The instru- ment probe was placed approximately 2 inches from the sampling port. Each sampling interval was approximately 30 seconds. Multiple runs were made at each sampling port during a minute interval. The MM1 instrument recorded and printed a complete mass spectrum from each sampling event. The spectra were examined and analyte identifications were confirmed. Specific VOC concentrations were measured at the afterburner inlet for Test Runs 1 through 18 and at each leg of the. The major modification included an increased mass of activated charcoal to fully absorb the VOC's.
Particulate and hydrochloric acid HC1 in the discharge stack gases were collected simultaneously using a modified EPA Method 5 sampling train5 during Test Runs 8, 9, and Fixed gases were monitored for all test runs in the discharge stack gases using an EPA Method 3 sampling train. Upon arrival at the laboratory, all chain-of-custody forms were signed and samples were recorded in a bound log book. No samples were retained longer than allowable holding times i. The analytical parameters and methods are listed in Table A copy of the analytical methods is contained in Appendix E.
VOC's in the Air Stream. The vapor was swept through a sorbent column where the purgeables were trapped. After purging was completed, the sorbent column was heated and backflushed with the inert gas to desorb the purgeables onto a gas chromatographic column. The gas chromatograph was temper- ature programmed to separa-te the purgeables which were then detected with a mass spectrometer.
Samples containing higher levels i. A portion 5 to milliliters of the methanol extract was diluted to 5 milliliters with reagent water. An inert gas was bubbled through this solution in a specifically designed purging chamber at ambient temperature. The purgeables were effectively transferred from the aqueous phase to the vapor phase. The gas chromatograph was temperature programmed to separate the purgeables which were then detected-with a mass spectrometer.
An aliquot of the sample was diluted with reagent water when dilution was necessary. A 5-milliliter aliquot of the dilution was taken for purging. For convenience, Table summarizes the range of each test variable as well as the average value. A brief discussion of the independent, controlled, and response variables is contained in the following subsections. The excavated and feed soils were sampled to estimate the amount of VOC's that were lost to fugitive emissions.
Table summarizes the VOC concentrations that were determined to be present in the excavated and feed soils. With the exception of the feed soils corresponding to. Test Runs 24 through 28, the VOC concentrations listed on Table were not used in any other portion of the evaluation i. Rather, the VOC concentrations in the feed soil were "backed out" using the VOC concentrations in both the processed soils and air discharge stream, as well as the following equation: Although every effort was made to sample the process streams in a fashion that would enable derivation of a mass balance, this is not a realistic expectation, especially when dealing with a nonhomogeneous soil medium.
In order to develop a mass balance, one of the streams must be allowed to "float," its value being derived from the remaining streams. The system was reviewed to determine which stream should be designated for derivation. Moisture Content percent by weight c. Soil Residence Tine minutes 1 2 3 c. VOC Concentrations ppm by weight I 1. Not applicable- only I test run evaluated 75 minute residence time. Upon consideration of the three process streams i. First, the air stream was far more homogeneous than the soil streams.
Second, the air stream was monitored continuously over the entire duration of the test. Therefore, the air stream composite sample was assumed to be the most representative. The next decision was which of the two remaining streams was the more representative. Admittedly, this is also true of the processed soils; however, the level of confidence associated with the processed soil sample is higher than that of the feed soil.
The feed soil was generally full of clumps, moist, and irregular in consistency. In addition, the concentrations of VOC's in the feed soil were normally very high; therefore, the potential for masking of the lower concentration compounds by the higher concentration compounds existed, since the detection limits were high. The processed soil, on the other hand, was thoroughly mixed inside the processor. The flights of the screws meshed with each other to effectively break down the lumps that were inherent in the feed soil. In addition, the processed soils were dry, more regular in consistency, and the concentrations of VOC's were much lower than those of the feed soil.
With these considerations, the composite processed soil sample was assumed to be the more representative. The feed soil concentrations were backed out using the processed soil and air discharge streams. During Test Runs 24 through 28, the air discharge stream was not monitored. Phase 11 Test Runs 19 0. As expected, the moisture content of the feed soil varied with local weather conditions.
The average moisture content of the feed soils was During Test Runs 27 and 28, previously treated soils from Test Run 2 were processed. The moisture contents of these soils were The temperature of the feed soils varied from The average feed soil tem- perature was Field instruments were used to monitor the total VOC concentration in the inlet air stream the detection limit of the field instrument was 1 ppm by volume.
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At no time during the pilot study were VOC's detected in the inlet air stream. The moisture content of the inlet air stream varied with ambient conditions, time of day, etc. As shown in Table , the average moisture content of the ambient air was 1. The ambient temperature of the inlet air stream was regularly monitored and recorded. The schedule of test runs as well as a summary of the control test variables are shown in Table A brief discussion is included in the following s. The air flow rate was maintained by setting the position of the damper located on the suction side of the induced draft fan.
Although attempts were made to seal the unit, infiltration air was inadvertently drawn through the system. To determine the amount of air infiltrating the system, the flow rate was measured at two separate locations: The corresponding flow of infiltration air was determined using the following equation: As mentioned, various levels of soil discharge temperature were maintained during appropriate test runs to evaluate the effect of varying operating temperature on VOC removal efficiency. As the moisture content of the feed soils varied, however, the heat; input required to achieve the desired soil discharge temperature also varied, especially when the operating temperature was in close proximity to the boiling point of water.
Therefore, the actual soil discharge temperatures varied slightly from the target temperature. The range of actual soil discharge temperatures as well as the average temperatures are shown for Phase I and Phase II test runs in Table The soil residence time was maintained by adjusting the rotational speed of the screws.
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The range of actual residence times and the average residence times are shown in Table Two air inlet temperatures were evaluated during the pilot study: For the test runs that operated with an elevated air inlet temperature, the electrical resistance heater was set to the maximum control setting and the corresponding air temperatures were monitored. The average values for the response variables that were measured as well as the range of values are shown in Table A brief discussion and more detailed tables are contained in Appendix H and the following subsections.
The response variables measured in the soil discharge stream were the VOC concentrations, moisture content, and mass flow rate. As expected, these response variables were totally dependent on the operating conditions of the specific test runs, i. A summary table of the VOC concentrations determined to have been present in the processed soils is included in Table The VOC concentra- tions are presented in a matrix format.
Although the VOC concentrations in the processed soils are very significant, it is not possible to evaluate the effects of soil residence time, soil discharge temperature, and air inlet temperature by simply comparing the residual VOC concentrations. In most cases, the concentration of contaminant in the feed soil had a strong effect on the corresponding concentration in the processed soil.
In addition, there were cases where a specific contaminant was not determined to have been present at detectable levels in the feed soil. Therefore, a concentration that is below the detection limit in the processed soil may not reflect complete removal but absence of contaminant in the feed soil. A more effective means of evaluating the operating conditions is to analyze the VOC removal efficiency, i.
A summary of the VOC removal efficiencies associated with each set of operating conditions is shown in Table Ambient Air Inlet Temperature The moisture content in the processed soil varied with changes in the operating conditions. The moisture content of the processed soils is shown, in matrix format, for all operating conditions in Table H-l in Appendix H. The mass flow rates of the feed and processed soils were monitored regularly during the pilot study. As expected, the mass flow rate of the processed soils varied with changes in the operating conditions and moisture content in the soil.
The mass flow rates of the feed and processed soil streams are summarized in Table H-2 in Appendix H. The data collected for each location will be presented separately. In addition, to identify and quantify the VOC's that were being removed along the length of the processor, modified VOST trains were also used to sample the air streams in manifolds 1, 2 and 3 during Test Runs 19 through The VOC concentrations determined to be present in the afterburner inlet and in the three legs of the manifolds are shown in Table These instruments were used to obtain a real-time estimate of VOC emissions from the thermal processor.
A brief discussion of these modes of analysis and a summary of the data determined using these instruments are contained in Tables H-3 through H-6 in Appendix H. The evaluation of test run conditions was based solely on samples of the feed and processed soils. The portable monitor was non-functional during Test Run The moisture content of the air discharge stream was monitored at the afterburner inlet. The moisture content of the combined air stream is shown for all operating conditions in Table H-7 in Appendix H. The temperature of the gases discharging the thermal processor were monitored during each test run.
Temperatures were monitored in each leg of the manifold system as well as at the afterburner inlet. Air discharge temperatures are summarized in Table H-8 in Appendix H. In accordance with an agreement with PADER, the gases discharging the afterburner were monitored during three selected test runs, Test Runs 8, 9, and The operating conditions of the three test runs represented a low, medium, and high VOC-inlet loading condition at the afterburner.
The stack gases were monitored for VOC's, particulate, hydrochloric acid, and fixed gases i. A summary of pertinent data is contained in Table Detailed data is included in Appendix F. In the early stages of the project, a test plan4 was developed that identified key process variables and established a matrix of test conditions replicated for two different inlet air temperatures. This experimental design was selected to allow statistical evaluation of the data. The analytical approach is outlined in Appendix I. The objective of the analytical approach was to apply the multiple linear regression technique to combinations of the data base independent, control, and reponse variables to develop simple linear equations of the type: Y - response variable b0 - intercept b, The method of statistical interpretation was as follows: Identified response, input, and control variables.
Reviewed data base to identify and exclude data outliers. Applied the multiple linear regression technique to the entire data base i. When Step 4 was unsuccessful, separated data base into subgroups based on soil discharge temperature. Applied the multiple linear regression technique to the subgrouped data. Developed simple linear equations for design of a full-scale system. Inserted actual data into the appropriate equations to confirm their validity.
The objective of employing the multiple linear regression technique was to develop correlations that would support design of a full-scale system. In most cases, if not all cases, design of a full-scale system would be based upon the level of treatment required to achieve a target VOC concentration in the processed soils. The target concentration would most likely be based upon regulatory criteria, or, if nonexistent, negotiations with regulatory agencies.

Therefore, the response variable of interest was identified to be the total VOC concentration in the processed soils. The remainder of the variables were broken down into two groups: The input and control variables were identified to be: Moisture content of the feed soil percent by weight. Note that temperature of the inlet air stream was not identified as a control variable.
Upon review of the VOC removal efficiencies listed in Table , it was evident that an elevated air inlet temperature did not improve thermal stripping. In fact, in most cases the VOC removal efficiences associated with the elevated air inlet temperature were actually lower than those associated with an ambient air inlet temperature. Originally, only the data from Phase I of the pilot investigation was 'designated for statistical evaluation, as there were two replications for each operating condition i.
However, since the operating conditions of Test Runs 24, 25, and 26 of Phase II were identical to those of Test Run 1, the data from these three runs were also included in the data base. The data base was reviewed to identify data outliers. The following data was excluded from the data base: All data pertaining to Test Run 1. No detectable levels of VOC were determined to be present in the processed soil or discharge air stream. All data pertaining to Test Run 2. The trichloro- ethylene concentration in the VOST tube was not quantified.
The mass of trichloroethylene in the VOST tube was reported to be greater than 70, micrograms. All data pertaining to Test Run 4. The VOC concentra- tions in the discharge air stream were below the detection limit. These contaminants were not present at detectable levels in the processed soil or discharge air stream. Test Run 7 - dichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. The concentrations of dichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene were below the detection limits in the air stream and only slightly above the detection limit in the processed soils.
Originally, multiple linear regression techniques were applied to the entire data base using the previously identified response, input, and control variables. Initial attempts to develop correlations failed. Anticipating that an exponential relationship may exist, the data was transformed, and the data base was modified to include those values corresponding to the natural logarithm of total VOC's in the processed soil.
However, transformation of the data base proved insufficient; attempts to develop correlations still failed. Since the correlations were applicable to three distinct soil discharge temperature ranges, multiple linear regression techniques were also employed to identify the variables that were significant to the processed soil temperature.
Simple equations were developed to estimate the soil discharge temperature for a system operating at high temperatures medium and high temperature ranges. No equation was developed for the low or medium temperature runs because there was too much variance in the data associated with heat input to the system under these conditions. The significant input variables identified were moisture in the feed soil and flow rate of inerts. The significant control variables were identified to be heat rate, moisture in the processed soil, and soil residence time.
The correlations corresponding to the low, medium, and high soil discharge temperatures will be presented and discussed separately. The following legend is applicable to all equations: TK - Residence Time minutes. Mrs - Moisture in the processed soil percent by weight. Mrs - Moisture in the feed soil percent by weight. FI - Flow Rate of Inerts, i.
The correlation for estimating the total VOC concentration in the processed soil for a system operating at low temperatures is as follows: Since actual total VOC concentrations in the processed soil resulted from a system that operated within the corresponding heat rate range, its presence in the equation is implied. The fact that the heat rate is not contained in the equation, however, suggests that there is not a strong correlation between the VOC concentration in the processed soil and the heat input to the system at low temperatures.
Analysis of the regression coefficients in the equation gives an indication of the relative importance of each of the input or control variables. A positive regression coefficient implies that the VOC concentration in the processed soil increases as the value of the input or control variable increases. The reverse is true for variables with a negative regression coefficient. Obviously, for fixed operating conditions, an increase in the feed concentration would result in a higher concentration in the processed soil.
The equation also indicates that an increase in the moisture content of the feed soil would result in an increase in the VOC concentration of the processed soils. The explanation for this phenomena may be twofold. First, since VOC's are soluble in water, a higher moisture content could contain a greater amount of VOC's in solution and, thus, result in a feed soil with a higher concentration. As mentioned above, under fixed operating conditions a higher feed concentration would result in a higher processed soil concentration.
Second, if more moisture is present in the soils, the heat input to the system may be absorbed by the moisture and not contribute to VOC volatization. The regression coefficient of residence time is negative, as expected, suggesting the obvious: An unexpected phenomena corresponds to the air flow rate. It seems intuitive that in a thermal stripping process, an increase in the flow rate of air would result in greater stripping and enhanced volatization. The regression coefficient, however, suggests just the opposite; an increase in the air flow rate would result in an increased VOC concentration in the processed soil.
This may be due to the fact that inherent in the term "thermal stripping," temperature plays a major role. Obviously, under fixed operating conditions, an increased air flow rate would absorb an increased amount of heat. This may result in a lower effective operating temperature and reduce the volatization rate. Actual data from the low temperature test runs were inserted into the equation to test its validity. A summary of actual values of the natural logarithm of the total VOC's in the processed soil is shown on Table For comparison, listed also are the estimated values which resulted when the actual data from the appropriate test run was inserted into the equation.
As shown, the estimated values exhibited an average deviation i. The range of deviation was from 0. Also displayed are isoconcentration lines representing the low, medium, and high values of actual feed concentrations i. The equation is valid within the region bounded by the upper and lower boundary lines. These lines were developed by inserting the minimum and maximum values, where appropriate, of each of the input and control variables and solving for the natural logarithm of the total VOC's in the processed soil.
Attempts to develop a statistically significant equation to estimate the temperature of the processed soil were not successful. There was too much variance in the data corresponding to the low temperature runs, specifically heat rate. The actual temperature ranged from Since the equation was developed using actual values, the correlation is valid within this temperature range.
The equation for predicting the natural logarithm of total VOC's in the processed soil for a system operating at middle temperatures is: There does not appear to be a strong correlation between concentration of VOC's in the processed soil and the air flow rate within the noted range. As mentioned, the regression coefficients indicate the relative contribution of each of the input and control variables. The regression coefficients of the residence time and heat rate are both negative values.
This implies that as the treatment time and heat input to the system are increased, the VOC concentration in the processed soil would decrease accordingly. The regression coefficients of the feed concentration and feed moisture content are positive values.
This is consistent with the correlation developed for the low temperature runs discussed in Subsection Actual values from the appropriate test runs were plugged into the equation to test its validity. For comparison, the actual values of the natural logarithm of. As shown, the deviation between the actual and estimated values is within the range of 0. The average deviation between actual and estimated values is 0. For illustration, the actual and estimated values are shown in Figure , as well as xsoconcentration lines corresponding to the low, mid, and high VOC feed concentrations i.
The equation is only valid with the region bounded by the upper and lower limit lines. These lines were generated by inserting the minimum or maximum values of the variables, within the noted ranges, into the equation. An equation was not developed to estimate the temperature of the processed soil when operating at middle temperatures. Attempts resulted in an equation which was highly suspect. The equation indicated that the temperature of the processed soil would increase with an increase in the moisture content. However, comparison of actual test data indicated that just the opposite was true, as intuitively expected.
In actuality, the temperature of the processed soil increased with decreasing moisture content in the processed soil. The equation was determined to be invalid. The equations developed for the high temperature runs are valid for soil discharge temperatures betwen The equation developed to estimate the natural logarithm of the total VOC's in the processed soil for a system operating a high temperatures is: As expected, the estimated concentration in the processed soils decreases as the heat rate and residence time increase.
Obvi- ously, the higher the level of treatment, the lower the resid- ual VOC concentration. As in the case of low and middle temper- ature test runs, the regression coefficient for the moisture in the feed soil is positive. As previously discussed, a higher moisture content has the potential to contain a higher concen- tration of VOC's in solution.
Also, for fixed operating condi- tions, the heat input to the system may be absorbed by the moisture, thus decreasing the VOC volatization rate. Unexpectedly, the concentration of VOC's in the feed soil was not determined to be a significant factor in the equation. Absence of this factor cannot be attributed to low, insignificant amounts of contaminant in the feed soil as the feed concentrations were relatively high i.
Actual values of the input and control variables were inserted into the equation to solve for the estimated values of the natural logarithm of the total VOC's in the processed soil. The esti- mated as well as the actual values are shown in Table The average deviation between the actual and estimated values was 2.
For illustration, the actual and estimated values of the natural logarithm of total VOC's in the processed soil is shown in Figure Also included on this graph are constant heat rate lines corresponding to the low, medium, and high heat input to the system i. As shown, the equation is valid in the region bounded by the upper limit and lower limit. The equation developed for estimating the temperature of the processed soil for a system operating at high temperatures is: The equation is valid for a system operating with variables whose values are within the following ranges only; H: The regression coefficient of heat rate is positive, indicating that the higher the heat input, the higher the temperature of the processed soil.
Therefore, increasing either of these variables would result in lowering the processed soil temperature. It is suspected that this is due to the fact that all of these runs had processed soil temperatures well above the boiling point of water i. Within this regime, it is logical that an inverse relationship between processed soil temperature and moisture content would exist i.
The validity of the correlation that was developed to estimate the temperature of the processed soil was tested using actual data. The actual soil temperatures corresponding to each test run as well as the estimated values are shown in Table The correlation estimated the actual temperature within a deviation range of 0. A graphical display of the actual and estimated values of the soil discharge temperatures is shown in Figure Two modes of analysis were used to analyze the discharge gas in the three legs of the manifold systems: Each mode will be discussed separately in the following subsections.
This may be explained by considering the negative pressure which had to be overcome by the suction pump on the instrument. During Phase I test runs, the OVA was used in each of the three manifold lines each of which accounted for approximately one-third of the total flow. The suction pump on the OVA was obviously powerful enough to overcome the negative pressure in the lines.
The flow was three times higher at this location, and the negative pressure was greater; possibly, it was too high for the suction pump on the OVA to overcome. If the OVA is to be utilized in this capacity, the instrument manufacturer should be consulted to determine if the pump suction pressure is appropriate for the specific application. As mentioned, the1 MM 1 was not calibrated for quantification, nor was the sampling method simply placing the probe two inches from the sampling port quantitative.
The data can be used only in a relative sense, it cannot be converted to concentrations in air. Several features of the data are noted: The base peak in all samples from Test Run 2 was at atomic mass units amu , which is characteristic of tetrachloroethene.
However, since this compound was not a target compound during this run, relative quantification was not obtained. Analysis of Table ' VOC concentrations in the air discharge stream indicates that during Test Run 2, the concentration of tetrachloroethylene was ppm by volume. Trichloroethylene was the most prominent at ppm by volume. Generally, the samples from Test Run 4 contained the lowest levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Analysis of Table lends credibility to this finding as shown by the following summary of the concentrations of total VOC's discharging in the air stream: Test Run 2 - ppm by volume.
Test Run 4 - 1. Test Run 5 - ppm by volume. Aliphatic hydrocarbons were detected to be present in Test Runs 2 and 4. A portion of this response probably arose from the presence of emissions from the oil heater. Note that levels of aliphatic hydrocarbons do not drop off during baseline sampling events. The sample probe was placed inside pails of contaminated soil. Headspace sampling of feed soil also confirmed the presence of the chlorinated hydrocarbons seen during the soil processing.
Base line sampling was performed in the same location as port sampling except that the port valve was closed. As mentioned previously, the data can only be used in a relative sense; however, considerable attention needs to be given to the sampling methods and quantitative instrument calibration prior to any attempts to use this instrument for quantitative analysis. The gases discharged from the thermal processor were contained and directed to the afterburner for thermal destruction. Stack tests were conducted to determine if exhaust emissions were in compliance with Federal and state regulations.
A detailed discussion of results is contained in Subsection As discussed, the VOC concentrations in the excavated and feed soils were monitored to determine the gross amount of VOC's which escaped as fugitive emissions. A summary table showing the average concentration of the specific VOC's in the feed and excavated soils is shown in Table Based on the soil samples, this indicates "that fugitive emissions of VOC's occurred from the time of excavation to the time the soils were fed to the 'unit. The amount of fugitive emissions ranged from 4. The fugitive emissions corresponding to the average total VOC's were 9.
It is important to note that the fugitive emissions are based on the corresponding soil sample results and not air monitoring. As soil is extremely nonhomogeneous, these values represent estimated fugitive emissions only. As shown in Table , the VOC concentrations were monitored in each leg of the manifold system during Test Runs 19 through Specific VOC's are discussed separately.
Detectable levels of dichloro- ethylene were observed under the following test conditions: Residence Time - 60 minutes Soil Temperature - maximum i. Residence Time - 90 minutes Soil Temperature - maximum i. Since the dichloroethylene removal efficiency was only VOC's were still being removed, indicating that under the operating conditions, the residence time was insufficient for complete removal. Analysis of the dichloroethylene removal efficiency i.
Detectable levels of trichloroethylene were present in those test runs operating under the following conditions: As evidenced by the trichloroethylene removal efficiency i. Trichloroethylene was still being removed in the last portion of the unit. During the minute test run, the trichloroethylene removal rate increased from below detectable levels in leg 1, increased to 0. Analysis of the trichloroethylene removal efficiency i.
This indicates that at the corre- sponding temperature and residence time, a residual amount of trichloroethylene will remain in the soil. In this case, the concentration of trichloroethylene in the processed soil was 0. No detectable levels of tetrachloroethylene were determined to be present in the off- gas manifold system during Test Runs 19 through Therefore, no analysis can be made regarding tetrachloroethylene removal rates. Detectable levels of xylene were present in the off-gas manifold system during Test Runs '19 through 23, which operated under the following conditions: Residence Time - 75 minutes Soil Temperature - maximum i.
This removal trend indicates that although the volatization rate of xylene peaked in the central portion of the unit, contaminant was still being removed from the soil as it was discharged. Review of the minute test run that operated at the maximum soil discharge temperature indicates that the xylene removal rate increased to a maximum in leg 3 of the unit. The xylene removal rate increased to a maximum in leg 3 of the manifold system, indicating that contaminant was still being removed from the soil as it was discharged from the unit.
This suggests that increasing the residence time at maximum soil temperature was insufficient to completely remove the contaminant. Analysis of the minute test runs indicates that xylene was still being removed in the last portion of the unit. The test run that operated at the maximum soil discharge temperature - i. This indicates that the longest residence time and maximum soil discharge temperature attainable by the thermal processor were not sufficient to completely remove the xylene. In this case, the xylene residual was 0.
Although a residual remained, in a remedial action, this level may be more than sufficient as a clean-up target. In fact, for all five runs, the xylene removal efficiencies were The operating conditions were as follows: This indicates that the operating temperatures and residence times were insufficient to completely remove the other VOC's.
The other VOC's removal rate slightly decreased from 6. Comparison of these two test runs i. The remainder of the test runs operated at a maximum soil discharge temperature. The contaminant removal rate followed the same trend for the minute and minute test runs.
The other VOC's removal rate increased over the length of the unit to a maximum value in leg 3 of the manifold system. During the minute test run, the other VOC's removal rate increased from 1. Total VOC's were still being removed from the soil as it was discharged from the unit. This indicates that the soil temperature and residence times were insufficient to completely remove the VOC's. This indicates that at the maximum attainable soil temperature and residence times evaluated, a residual of total VOC's will remain in the soil.
However, the additional mass of VOC's removed by increasing soil temperature and residence time was relatively minute. It is important to remember that the purpose of Test Runs 19 through 23 was to determine if general trends of contaminant removal exist. The residual concentration is generally the single most important consideration in a remedial action.
Although VOC's were still being removed in each test run that was analyzed, the residual VOC concentration in the processed soil may have been much lower than required in a clean-up effort. To the fullest extent possible, identical operating conditions were maintained during Test Runs 24, 25, and 26 to compare VOC removal efficiencies and thus determine the "reproducibility" of treatment. Residence Time - 60 minutes 2. For convenience, a summary is included in Table As shown on this table, the total VOC concentrations in the feed soil were not in the same order of magnitude.
As discussed in Subsection Since the operating conditions corresponding to all three test runs were "identical," the total VOC's concentration in Test Run 26 would be expected to be greater than that of Test Run 25, which in turn would be expected to be greater than that corresponding to Test Run Analysis of Table shows this to be the case.
This lends credibility to the equations developed for estimating the total VOC concentration in processed soil for low temperature runs. If the equations hold, therefore, the treatment is reproducible if the feed soil conditions i. This is true for low, medium, and high operating temperatures. Operating conditions for Test Runs 27 and 28, respectively, were as follows: Soil Discharge Temperature - maximum i. Air Inlet Temperature - ambient 1.
Residence Time - 90 minutes 2. Air Inlet Temperature - ambient Processed soils from Test Run 2 were selected for treatment, primarily because the moisture content was relatively high i. As shown in this table, the total VOC concentrations in the feed soil vary by nearly a factor of four; however, as discussed in Subsection A comparison can therefore be made.
Analysis of Table indicates two things. First, a residual concen- tration existed in the processed soils of each run. Second, increasing the residence time reduced the residual concentra- tion significantly even though the feed concentration in the minute test run was higher than that of the minute test ruh. As a reminder, the purpose of a remedial action will be to process soil to achieve a target VOC concentration. Although a residual existed in the processed soils corresponding to Test Runs 27 and 28, the VOC concentrations i. In general, the density of the feed soil was higher than that of the processed soil.
The actual values are contained in Appendix F. For convenience, a summary of the average soil densities corresponding to the high, medium, and low temperature test runs is shown on Table As shown, the difference in operating temperatures did not significantly affect the processed soil densities. Native soil was a light orange-brown in color. Contaminated fill soils were very dark and sometimes appeared to be saturated with a black oily substance.
The processed soils were dry, homogeneous, fine particles. Due to the decrease in moisture content, the processed soils had a tendency to generate fugitive dust. Processed soils that corresponded to the black contaminated fill soils retained their dark appearance. The referenced sections are included in Appendix H.
According to 40 CFR Part , a solid waste is classified as a hazardous waste if it meets at least one of the following criteria: It meets the criteria listed in 40 CFR It is a mixture of a solid waste and a hazardous waste that is listed in 40 CFR Subpart 0 solely because it exhibits. The classification of processed soils must be on a case-by-case basis depending on the constituents in the feed soils. In this case, the LEAD processed soils are classified as a hazardous waste if any of the following criteria are met: The soil constituents exhibit any of the characteris- tics of hazardous waste identified in Subpart C of 40 CFR Part The potential characteristics would be ignitability i.
It is possible to have the processed soils that are technically classified as hazardous waste "delisted" from Federal regulations. According to 40 CFR Specifically, 40 CFR To be successful, the petitioner must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the waste does not meet any of the criteria under which the waste was listed as a hazardous waste. In the case of LEAD soils, the petitioner must demonstrate all of the following: The processed soils do not contain those compounds listed in Subpart D of 40 CFR Part in sufficient concentration to exhibit the characteristics of ignitability due to xylene or toxicity due to trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene.
The processed soils do not. Stack tests were conducted during Test Runs 8, 9, and Stack emissions were tested for VOC's, particulates, hydrogen chloride, and fixed gases. Specific regulations for nonincinerator thermal treatment processes have not been promulgated. Therefore, this section compares the results of this program to the Federal regulations for hazardous waste incineration contained in 40 CFR For the destruction of gases generated by the LEAD soils, the POHC's were identified to be trichloro- ethylene, dichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and xylene.
The performance standard dictates that an incinerator must achieve a destruction and removal efficiency DRE of Pc - the corrected concentration of particulate matter Pm - the measured concentration of particulate matter Y - the measured concentration of oxygen in the stack gas The particulate emissions corresponding to Test Runs 8, 9, and 10 were 0.
Stack tests demonstrated that particulate emissions during the three selected test runs were below the regulatory limit of 0. Since there was no equipment to control the amount of hydrogen chloride in the afterburner off-gases, precautions were taken to ensure that HC1 emissions did not exceed the allowable rate of 4 pounds per hour.
In the planning stages of the project, the feed soil rate was determined based on an assumed concentration i. The corresponding feed soil rate was approximately pounds per hour. The HC1 mass emission rates corresponding to Test Runs 8, 9, and 10 were 0. A discussion of potential equipment to control HC1 emissions is contained in Section The purpose of the pilot investigation was to test the feasibility of the thermal stripping technology. As such, the equipment was pilot scale and could only handle a relatively low soil feed rate i.
A full-scale system would be designed to handle much larger soil feed rates. A practical application would enable backhoes to directly dump the contents of their bucket into a large feed hopper. A screw conveyor, or similar piece of equipment, would be located in the bottom of the hopper to feed soil to.
As the soil may contain rocks and other large items, it would be advisable to equip the feed soils hopper with a mesh screen that would segregate larger items. The size of the thermal processor would be large enough to accommodate a high soil feed rate. The tolerance between the flights of the screws and the trough would be wide enough to process rocks or large items without jamming the system.
In the event of a jam, the rotation of the screws would be able to reverse direction to clear the jam. It would also be beneficial to equip the dome of the processor with ports for easy access in the event of a jam. As a precaution, the screws and feed system should be electrically connected to the soil discharge system.
If there were a jam or clog at the soil discharge conveyor, the screws and feed system would stop operation. This would prevent soil from backing up in the processor. An alarm system should sound when a component becomes nonoperational. A full-scale system should also be designed to operate with circuit breakers, not fuses. Although Therminol 66 was used in this application, it may be more economical to employ steam as a heating medium, depending on availability of an uncontami- nated water source and the desired soil discharge temperature.
A screw conveyor would also be used to discharge soils. The screws would have the option to 'operate in a reverse direction to clear jams. Since dust generation is likely, perhaps a fine mist of water could contact the soils upon discharge. The unit could be elevated to allow direct discharge into a dump truck or storage bin. It is important to inhibit air infiltration to the processor in order to control the amount of combustion air, temperature, etc. Therefore, provisions must be made to ensure the system is airtight. Sufficient head can be maintained in the feed hopper by ensuring sufficient soil is available to seal the unit.
However, a rotary-valve would be required in the discharge end of the processor. To preclude jamming problems inherent in the pilot study, the vanes of the valve should be constructed of flexible material such as rubber. The valves should be able to operate in both directions i.
As demonstrated, an elevated air inlet temperature does not enhance contaminant volatilization; therefore, ambient air would be utilized in a full-scale operation. During the pilot investigation, multiple air discharge lines were used to evaluate the contaminant removal trends. However, there would be no need to have more than one discharge air line in a full-scale system.
Using the discharge air as combustion air worked well in this application; however, in a long-term situation it would not be advisable. A full-scale system would most likely require pollution control equipment. To address these concerns, a number of options are available, depending on the level of control required. If particulate emissions are the only problem i. For example, the dry processed soil could be moistened with a water mist at the discharge end of the unit, reducing dust generation and particulate in the off-gases.
If the water spray was not sufficient, a mechanical separator i. For even greater particulate removal, a fabric filter could be used instead of a mechanical separator. However, since a high moisture content is inherent in the discharge air stream, it may be necessary to elevate the temperature of the stream to assure that the water remains in the vapor form.
The scrubber liquor i. However, a petition could be submitted to the appropriate regulatory agency to request that the scrubber liquor be "delisted. The correlations presented in Section 10 can be used for design of a full-scale system to treat LEAD site soils. That spiritual and moral legacy will not only bless them, but it willglorify God as well. Here's a link for a free online book on curses, breakinggenerational curses etc Be blessed You are dealing with jezebel witches. Think every day about suicide and i don't want this to be my legacy or leave them but my Harrison house publishers: Download or read Can a christian be cursed?
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