250 Cute Names for Cats
Here are some examples of less popular names now that could make a great unique name for your kitty. Find more awesome girl cat names here. Here are some less popular male human names that you might think are the perfect choice for your cat!
Cute Girl Cat Names
Check out more brilliant boy cat names here. Check out more awesome black cat names here. Find more wonderful white cat names here. We can get inspiration from nature and the world around us to think of cute names that could suit our kitties perfectly!

Check out more top cute cat names here. Lots of people use human inspiration when naming their cat, but another way to find a cool, unique name is to look at inspiration in the media. And there are more cool cat names to choose from here!
Unique Cat Names – 140 Unusual Names For Cats
Another way to find more unique names for our pets is to use inspiration from different historical periods. Historical names can also have a great story behind them that you can share with your friends when they meet your kitty! Thinking of the best unique name for your cat is tough, as everyone will like something different. Our cat care articles, tips and fun facts, delivered to your inbox.
I like the name near, or gunner. I loved him so, but he died at an early age due to a heart condition. Thanks for the inspiration!! Last but jot least the runtnwhos completely black what should we name him? I just adopted a 3 yr old dark gray with white markings tabby. I just like to hear the vet call his name. I have a ton of cats, I always struggle finding a name that fits them: I have two cats and there names are booboo and Tigger booboo is a big cat and Tigger is 5 months old. Hi we have a mom cat named Dipstick. There are three kittens one is orange,white and black.
Unique female cat names
We need help with creative names. My long hair orange tabby is Harry pawter or the kids call him ollie. I just got a gray tabby male who needs a name. Teddy was my beloved friendly, energetic and fun loving friend who passed away last november. Neko is my oldest cat, a grand old man….
My youngest cat is a female called Shanti. Very sweet and very playful. Butler, Forrest, crowley, sammy, loco, buddy, captain. Nothing was agreed on. I have a grey and white cat named Scooby. He is so full of energy and playful. I also have a tabby kitty named Jewelz. Names of our boys were: Bunnies we have now are Mr. Cinnabun, Bubbles and Lily. Dogs over the years, boys were Sassy, Barkley and Angus.
Girls were Sheba and Bailey. Our current girl is Suzie. We just rescued a kitten 24 hours ago that was bouncing all over the road with a cat food can on its head. Grey tabby with rings on his tail. He looks like a Julius for some reason. We need to know him a little better. I have five kittens picking a name for the fifth atm I have had a total of 8 one had kittens and their names were Rico Ricardo, romeo Romero, nevena marina, seraphina rain, primrose Antoinette, cecelia frost, ophelia rae, magnolia spring,. Daphne was a rescue, Chuck and Jackson are half brothers, Finnley was a rescue,Rodeo and Lasso were litter mates, Donita showed up at our house during a snowstorm and Craig was found in our barn during a thunder storm.
I had a Flash because he ran around so fast. Also had a VanGogh because his left ear was cut and had a Charity because someone dumpted her at the vet and the techs pitched in and fixed her hernia then I adopted her. Later in life had a Titus and Jasmine. Now have CatTrina Trina she is a seal point meezer. We rescued a pregnant kitty 3 years ago.
Your email address will not be published. Free Updates For Cat Lovers! Aww i just had a kitten that died it had an infection but didnt make it….
Unique Cat Names - Unusual Names For Your New Cat
So sorry to hear that. The pain is unbearable. Lost my 4month old GiGi this week. That is adorable we have four cats: I have the most adorable cat named Maxwell. Awww we had a black long haired cat named Fat Boy. He was 14 when he passed. I have a black cat named fat boy. I have a male gray and white cat named Bing Clawsby.
Is it a boy or girl?
I have 6 cats. We have 4 cats, batman, joker, Riddler, and Robin. Most of the time. His name is Cam. We had a tuxedo cat named Norman. He disappeared 6 weeks ago. We had an all grey Tonkinese called Earl Grey. We had a ragdoll wonderful personality here name was blue. Moxie is a good female Siamese name because they have attitude. They were KoKo and Yum Yum female.
Fluffars was my cat and I would like it to be passed down for any other cat that wants it. Cat called Norman or Chloe Which one is it yours. We want to call our cat Nala but it is a boy is that stupid. Not at all, Tonie. Your cat, your choice. I have 4 cats 1 u just adopted and the other three are named Henry, Teagan, And Ember! We have named our new kittens Hairy Pawter and Hufflepuff.
I have 17 cats! And we all are one bid happy family: Maddy is the girl and Leo is the boy. Call him Frankie after ole blue eyes Frank sinatra. My kitten is always moving so I believe that I am gonna name him Disco. I need names for Burmese boy brothers — they are sable colored with blue eyes. I have three cats two females Breakfast and lil Baby and Gizmo a little. Gandalf the Grey passed in This was the day my dog died and I could not help but wright this. I have a dog named Levi but it could be for a cat that is white colored ot frosted color. One for creative cat names…my cats name is jack….
Im getting a new boy cat he is big and maskulen and brave. My cat is called Most-Flair, he is a special pretty yellow cat with a special twisted tail too.
We have 4 cats, Batman, joker, Riddler, and Robin. My granddaughter named one of our cats Meowica…my fave cat name ever. I have male called Kaiser and a female called Suki x. We have 3 cats 2 black males and 1 female tiger cat. Are you a massive Disney fan? Then one of the fabulous Disney movie cats could provide a great name for your new kitty. Awesome cat names are all around you. I hope the ideas here have helped you decide what sort of name to give your kitten. Our cat care articles, tips and fun facts, delivered to your inbox. A good name for a male cat that you call insane or very sly could be Chessur from the move Alice in Wonderland with Johny Depp.
Or you could call him Cheshire. Your email address will not be published. Is it a traditional cat name? A name inspired by a character, place or even an object? Using more unusual but still super cool human style names. Awesome Male Cat Names Looking for the best awesome boy cat names?