The Touch and Other Stories
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It comes under lots of names. And yes, in this story, Midas has the golden touch…listen on. The satyr at the beginning is in an old version by the Roman Poet Ovid, so he is authentic! Bertie — August 5, Dear Eva Many thanks for the suggestion. Bertie — August 6, Bisi — August 6, Disney did a movie of the next in the series but they changed alot and left out a whole ton of important parts and characters,Like Arawn,Coll,Achren,and even Gwydyon and more. We will be doing more Welsh tales as part of our Arthur series. We could perhaps suggest the Book of Three as an Audible download.
Bertie — August 8, I think that princess Zoe probably did turn back into a human.
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- Oxford Progressive English Readers Level 2: The Golden Touch and Other Stories.
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I love your stories, use them for lesson plans in South Korea. But I did notice some mistakes Zoe is not Zoey spoken and waste written is waist also you pronounced it as Sat-tire when I think you mean SayTar in phonics. But all in all great job and can not complain for FREE teaching resources. Kevin — August 11, Dear Kevin, Many thanks for your comment and help. We are really glad that our stories are being used for teaching in South Korea. You might like to look at the power point presentation of the Hare and the Tortoise for schools. And Zoe is Zo-ey surely?
But perhaps we do need a panel of will teachers and parents who might proof read our texts. Bertie — August 12, Bertie — August 20, Charmian — August 22, Taylor I hope all your dreams come to true. Bertie — August 25, There was an ugly beast called silenus 2. From the waist up he was a men from the wais down he was a goat 3.
He stopped in front of the kings garden and fell asleep 4. The gardener pulled onto the leg and the half men and goat 6.
The golden touch and other stories
This story is terrific, thanks. I would like to listen and read stories of Poe, those are my favorite ones.
Hi Lorena, Poe might be good for Halloween. Thanks for the suggestion. But some of his stories are really really creepy. Bertie — August 30, Excuse me Bertie, but I believe that you are an imposter. I have been away on vacation, and I do not understand how my comments appeared above. Bertie — November 2, I like this story. Thanks Bertie for directing me to the Greek myths. I have heard other verisions of this story without a statry. I like satrys, I think they are fun-loving and pranksters. But that might because of the books I read.
Did I mention I like this story? And I really really like story nory! Although we wrote a version of this in our own words. Bertie — November 23, This was a great story! I enjoyed the moral of the story and how the King took pleasure in the simple things. I especially loved the accent. The mood of this story is greed because that is what Midas feels; he starts wanting more and more money. Near the end, the tone is sad when his daughter gets turned into gold.
I am a 6th grade student and highly enjoy Greek Mythology. I love all the stories and myths and was wondering if you could possibly put some more myths and stories about the Greek Olympian gods, like stories about Athena or Apollo, that sort of thing.
We will be adding more myths, but I am not quite sure when yet. They are all on our to do list! In the meantime, have you tried our Knights of the Round Table stories? Bertie — March 6, Bertie — June 8, I really liked the story. Thanks for such a nicce story…with beautiful accent, intonation pattern and charming voice…Regards…. Noor — September 14, It is thebest story ever made in the world! I loved this story its my fave love it!! Cheryl Cole — March 26, Sebastian Blake — April 5, I absolutery agree with Cory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously good story and commentary. Of course it helps that I have always loved this story. This ancient geek myth, in which Midas is cursed through greed by having everything he touches turn to gold is a Greek myth with a cruel twist. Many of the Greek myths written at the time, when the Emperors who ruled Greece like King Midas are about wealth and power. Natasha — July 11, I love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When everything King Midas touches turns to Gold, he learns how precious the real things in life are, like the touch of his daughters hands and to be able to taste drink and smell the grass.
It is a good story to build your story at Storynory. Natasha — July 27, Okay so he lost his daughter big whop! But thats just my opinion! Inkarat — October 15, OMG best greek myth ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your comment. Kind Midas is a foolish king, when he values gold more than the human touch of his family and subjects. When everything he touches turns to gold it also means that he cannot find even drink the water that is put before him. Natasha — January 2, This is a memorable greek myth.
When everything King Midos touches turns to gold he learns a very valuable lesson: Natasha — January 26, This story was a lesson to all who are greedy! This story is pretty different from the one I read on my own. But it teaches everyone who reads this the same lesson. The greek myths on Storynory are full of drama. In this story King Midas learns the value of love over gold.
Natasha — February 18, Anonyous — February 21, Thanks for listening to this wise and ancient Greek Myth. When King Midos finds that everything he touches turns to gold he learns the value and meaning of human love and kinship. You may enjoy other myths on Storynory. Natasha — March 6, Be careful what you wish for!
I hope you find more Greek myths you enjoy on Storynory. Natasha — April 27, Natasha — May 11, S SO to Danesha Them:. This story was really intresting. But what happened to the kings daughter when she turned to gold. Did she turn back to human when the curse was rid of him. Sho-Sho — June 15, King Midos realizes the true value of human love and friendship when all he touches including the food he desires to eat turns to Gold.
Natasha — July 4, Bertie — September 24, Elle — October 28, Dear Elle, I have deleted the comment you mentioned. There were some vulgar comments that have been previously mentioned by somebody else, and they have been deleted a while ago. Bertie — October 29, Elle — October 29, Elle — November 1, Great story and it also contained a moral!
Your very good at reading i like you and i like you reading thanks can you get a Meduza one please and thanks bye: Aine's — November 18, Thank you for the great story!
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My teacher told me to write that. Hi people in my class. I thought the ending was disappointing. Im in 4th grade and i ben learning about greek mythology and ever since i have been on this website i have ben going on here every week i just want to say,. Eli — December 7, I have heard about this story before but it was a little girl that what ever she touched it turned to gold. And it was a lesson. I wish I could help out in any way on this site its my favorite now lease let me know in any way how to help if possible!! Bertie — February 5, Guided Reading Groups Ms.
Alexa — February 18, Lim — February 18, Ilove personally lllllooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvve greek myths espesially this one my mom reads myths to me at night. Emily — March 4, This site is usefull. I have been through loads of greek myth sites already but this one is the best. Midas did not deserve this for he housed the satyr and the god was simply granting him a wish, he made a mistake and foolishly wished for everything he touched to be gold. Most of you who are saying things such as Midas deserved it and such know just as well that you would wish for money to.
Thanks though, because it is always helpful if visitors point out this type of thing. Bertie — April 11, There will be trouble if we ever meet! What is your real name!!!! Bertie, can I ask u something? Could you possibly make a Titanic story? That would be COOL. Plz respond Oh no! Where are my manners?!?! That was a great story and i bet if my english teacher Ms. Melvill read that she will probebly read it out to the whole of my clls 7. I will rate it 5 golden stars. The one who he says that he is who he says if wants to say what he says know matter what he says wants to — June 8, The one who he says that he is who he says if he wants to say what he says know matter what he says wants to — June 8, I like it tells that king Midas wants to be rich which was the moral probably someone say it already.
I was thinking that for this story if you can maybe shorten it. I think that when you were reading you need to put more expression and like fun voice. What happened to Princess Zoe. Did they take away the touch or did they tell him how to reverse it.
The golden touch and other stories Roderick Hunt
I gots to know.: I thought thatthey took the touch away nut I read that they told him how to revese it. I gots to Know: Hello I really love the story and I also liked the words keep up the good work natasha keep it up. I just have to know what happens to Princess Zoe! Is she still a gold statue? If she is human is she angry at her father? I had to look at it two or three times to see what you meant. Thank you and Happy New Year! Bertie — January 1, This story was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAYA — January 25, Isha — January 28, My favorite person is Zoey.
Isha — January 29, But why did midas want gold??????????????!!!!!. And where did the god come from???????????!!!!! Hi I thought that the story was cool. In the picture the dude looks really weird and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are lots of comments! Could you make this story longer? I liked it but I think it is too short. Same goes for the paragraphs. Herrobrine — April 12, Club Penguin — April 12, FDB — May 5, I like this story but it is to long and the women was telling the story was not saying the names right. And she was talking slow and to fast that I could understand what she was saying.
But i like it still but it was still to long. Only the narrator was saying the names incorrectly, other people were explaining this as well. Robert — May 21, Makes no sense and if you want the theme. Beacause King Midas wanted everything he touch to turn into gold. But it turns out to be a bad wish. Story makes no sense at all. It a Greek Myth they changed th whole story.
This story is great it teaches you about greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a great story. However, there is no way that Midas could have prevented himself from turning everything he touched to gold — like some of our commenters have suggested. I have to admit, it would be a very clever way to prevent such gilded catastrophes from happening!
LOLzz hehe this is hilar lymph nodes. I really like this story and at the same time i dont understand it. Why did the King wish for gold? Where did the god come from? Dear Ana, he was greedy for gold … and turned his daughter, by accident into gold. Unfortunately he got what he wished for. Bertie — August 29, Such an awesome story. King Midas touched something and then the thing turned into gold, which was foolish.
I really loved this story.
I have always like Greek mythology and this is my favorite story. Thank you so much for writing these! Eternity with a crow pecking at your lower intestines and growing back every day! This story is wonderful it teaches that you should be thankful for what u have and not try to have something better. This story was an interesting story. The story was entertaining.

The beast sounded interesting very interesting.