The Green Arrow Quiz Book (Superhero Trivia 7)
But which of these is the odd one out? Everybody needs to grab some grub from a fast food restaurant now and again when they're short on time. And that goes double for superheroes, whose crime-fighting makes it hard to fit in some home cooking.
Comic Super Hero Trivia Quiz Answers All Levels
Luckily for the Arrowverse heroes, there is one fast food chain that not only has outlets in every city on Earth-1 but also seems to exist throughout the multiverse. Can you name the restaurant chain? Savitar was introduced as the God of Speed who had a personal vendetta against the Flash because Barry was destined to lock him in the Speed Force in the future. To get his revenge, Savitar threatened to kill one of Barry's inner circle of loved ones.
For the best part of the season, Team Flash worked to avert this death. Can you remember who it was? And let's end where we began: Up until season 3, Supergirl's introductory narration didn't start with Kara stating her name but dived into telling us about the most important moment in her life which happened back when she was a child.
How Well Do You Know The Arrowverse? | TheQuiz
But can you remember the exact phrasing of what follows the words above? Go on and prove yourself a truly super Supergirl fan. The Legion of Doom first appeared in the classic Super Friends cartoon that ran through the s and 80s. Run by Lex Luthor and with their headquarters located in a swamp, the Legion was comprised of a huge number of the Justice League's enemies.
When Legends of Tomorrow paid homage to the group in season 2, it had a much more modest line-up consisting of three core members. But which of these villains was not part of the evil club? Martian Manhunter's reveal in Supergirl season 1 episode 7 remains one of the show's best moments. For its first few episodes, David Harewood's character was set up to be an untrustworthy character, possibly even a villain.
It was a great surprise, then, when it turned out that he was one of DC's premier superheroes in disguise. Even after being outed as an alien, J'onn J'onzz has chosen to mostly remain in his human guise - but what is the name of his once-secret identity?
DC Comics Characters Trivia Quiz
In , the four shows that make up the Arrowverse came together for the first time in one major week-long crossover miniseries. Titled "Heroes vs Aliens", it saw the superheroes of Earth-1 - as well as a dimension-hopping Supergirl - team up to face a race of vicious aliens who had come to take over the planet. Thin, ugly and recognisable for the red spots on their foreheads, these aliens were thankfully defeated and sent packing.
But what were they called? Remember how we said Arrow is basically like an origins story for the character? It's also origins story for his home city, too. At the beginning of the show. Star City went by a different name. However, come season 3 and the city had undergone so much horror and turmoil that it desperately needed a rebranding. Ray Palmer came up with shortening the city's name to Star City in a bid to make it sound a more optimistic, brighter place. But what was its original name? Again, we're looking at the show's opening narration.
Unlike the previously-mentioned two shows, Legends swaps its narrators around to give different team members a shot at introducing the show. The phrasing has also changed over time but, generally speaking, the intro always ends on the words found above. But what is the missing word? Can you work it out from the options below?

Despite decades of history, Supergirl doesn't exactly have a particularly memorable rogues gallery that is unique to her. When it came to her own TV series, then, the writers decided to pick and mix characters from her cousin Superman's rogues gallery to give her formidable opponents to fight. Bizarro, Toyman, Livewire and more have appeared on Supergirl over its first two and a bit seasons. But can you remember which of the following has yet to turn up on the series? And just as Supergirl borrows heavily from Superman's rogues gallery, Arrow raids Batman's toybox of supervillains to an even greater extent.
Fans have often joked that Stephen Amell's Green Arrow is basically Batman with a bow and arrow and it kind of does feel that way sometimes when he is pitted against yet another foe of the Dark Knight's in the comics, including Anarky, Dollmaker and even a pre-Solomon Grundy Cyrus Gold. But can you tell us which of these has NOT appeared in Arrow? The Arrowverse is usually counted as Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, but actually there is a fifth live-action series that is kind of connected.
Take the Revolvy quiz! Can you answer this trivia about DC Comics characters?
NBC's Constantine aired for just 13 episodes before the network pulled the plug on the supernatural horror show. DC fans heavily praised Matt Ryan's performance as the Hellblazer, though, and were thrilled when the character later crossed over to the Arrowverse back in But which show did John Constantine first appear on? Let's cast our minds back to the beginning of The Flash. On the surface, he seemed to want to help the city that he had damaged with his particle accelerator explosion - but secretly he had an ulterior motive for keeping an eye on Barry Allen and helping him develop his speed.
Do you remember what the secret of the original Harrison Wells was? We all know how it goes. For five years, Oliver Queen was stranded on an island - well, no, he actually went cavorting around the world but that's what he likes to tell us all the time. Anyhoo, during this exile from his home, Oliver became a very different person and began to go down the path that led him to become Green Arrow. Later, a supervillain prison was built on the land. Do you know the name of this island?
Though you might not think it, there is a lot of crossover between the Arrowverse and the divisive all-singing, all-dancing high school show Glee. Perhaps it's because of Arrowverse chief Greg Berlanti's self-confessed love of musicals, but these shows have featured a bunch of actors who appeared on Glee. The obvious ones are Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist - who got to stretch their vocal chords again in a special musical episode of The Flash.
But which of the following names has not featured in the Arrowverse?
Talk about not being original! Catman even had catarangs, much like Batman has batarangs. Thomas Blake was a famous hunter who had become bored when he took up costumed crime. What was his codename and his real name? Roy has had a long career under a variety of names. He has broken his addiction to heroin and has also gone by the name of Arsenal. He most often is affiliated with the Titans. Oliver, having found true peace for the first time ever, refused to give it up and return to his miserable life. He finally agreed to let Hal resurrect his body only.
FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate.
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If you find an error, click through to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page. Captain Marvel first appeared in Whi Question 2 of Guardian, a DC Comics superhero, was aided by a group of boys known as which? Guardian resembles an earlier Kirby and Simon character Captain America first published 13 months earlier by Marvel Question 3 of Which is the name of the hard-boiled cop that becomes the Spectre? Look up specter, specters, spectre, or spectres in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Spectre is an apparition or apparitional experience; maybe a ghost.
Question 4 of Will Everett, a promising young African-American Olympian, ultimately becomes which superhero? Amazing-Man is the name used by four fictional characters published by DC Comics. The first three are African-American superheroes and are members of the same family. Question 5 of