The Best Ways to Discipline Your Child – What Works For Real Moms - Borrow Time Book Series
Glad you liked it Vibha! Worked beautifully until one fine day my daughter asked me if the fairy was real or I had something to do with it. Her fairy left her one last gift and a note some time after that saying she had to go out of town and would try to come back soon. Thanks for sharing this valuable article. As a dad who struggles with not only self-discpline but also disciplining is that a word? My wife is a elementary educator and uses these awesome techniques regularly.
Of course, she almost always wins the race. Chris, we do that too! We set up our daughter to either race against us or the clock, and most of the time it works. I personally like to offer choices as often as possible. What we do now, not only impacts the rest of our kids lives, but also how they parent some day and so the impact they have on their kids and so on!
It really is a choice with a little bit of work upfront, but a very long lasting impact! As always, great article. Ignoring bad behavior is not positive parenting.
To me, this is just avoiding to address it. One behavior we wanted to address was the kids constantly put their clothes all over the floor in their rooms. We tried several things, but what eventually worked for us was the following: They are safe, they are just kids so we expect them to make a mess. Twice a week, they are required to clean up their rooms and this includes picking up clothes on the floor.
This has worked great for us. The nagging from us and the complaints from the kids has almost stopped. About 4, I think you and Kaila might be saying similar things but from different perspectives? For instance, Kaila says when her kids play with her magazines, she ignores the behavior at the moment , but moves the object out of reach later. By the way, I love your idea of a to-do list white board. I can see how that can help reduce a lot of the nagging and bickering… Thanks for sharing! But if I give that child the benefit of the doubt my insanity is simply a by-product, not the goal, of their behavior , I can look at the situation through their eyes.
They are simply trying, no matter how poorly, to separate from us so they can be strong enough to leave. They have to convince themselves they WANT to leave the nest so warm, so safe for all the uncertainties and demands of higher education, a tiny dorm room and life with a stranger. They have to take some pretty big steps toward really growing up in a compressed time period. With that perspective, I can be gentler in my disciplining, ignore some of the crap and be more lavish with my unconditional love during a very stressful time for THEM. During a particularly high experimentation period last year, my daughter broke her jaw and her arm in 2 separate incidents in a 2 week period.
The wailing miraculously stopped after a very short time. She pulled herself together, got up, and got on with going to bed. So, thanks for giving us more tools! I was thinking about this quite a bit after responding the Alvin the other day. In our case too, when my daughter starts getting too agitated, I just step away and let her calm down a bit and generally when she does I try to give her a hug and listen.
Love the analogy of power tools — so appropriate. I always explain that in time the idea of providing choices will become second nature because it becomes more natural the more you do it. The other day I laughed as I was in Pet Smart with my two kids and they asked for a reptile.
In unison both of the kids looked at me and said can you provide us two choices. I smiled and said, well we are not getting another pet. So we have two choices 1 we can stay here and look at the pets some more or 2 we can go to a park!!! Just a cute reminder of how used to the positive parenting practices my kiddos are.
Great articles and comments everyone. I have a 3 yr old boy who is quite aggressive, loud and gets very angry. We have moved back to Australia from the US where he was born and was all he knew, now he is home with me and since going to day care is hitting spitting and screaming a lot when asked to do something. I am currently teaching my little son everything about emotions. He is starting to distinct each emotion which means that he is one step closer to taming them. Thank you for your precious insights! Thanx for post this helpful article. If you are searching best preschool for your child then you should visit Cambridge Montessori preschool.
Cambridge Montessori Preschool is the best preschool in delhi. I love this little mini course …. I think I might be a little late in the game though as my child is almost 7 …. I have a sticky situation with my son as I adopted him and some behaviors are hard to break. My niece has three children with one set of twins. He wanted all the attention to himself. I immediately tried to explained to him that his brother only wanted to join in with the fun we were having together. That what we were doing was fun and others might want to join in and have some fun too!
8 Positive Discipline Techniques Every Parent Should Know - A Fine Parent
This worked to no avail. It was only when I pulled him close to me and gave him a gentle loving hug, kissed him on the cheek, and whispered in his ear how much I loved him and kindly asked him to please be nice to his brother did he finally stop the behavior.
He needed reassurance that he was loved. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. We've done the work for you! Use our well-curated gift guides to save time on gift shopping and spend that time with your family instead! Receive others just like it once per week directly in your mailbox.
Comments This is a great article! I loved Ignore bad behaviour and using puppets!
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So yes, these techniques work and I will try to remember a few as my family grows together. Enjoyed reading and forwarded on to my darling wife. Thanks so much for sharing Vibha Chris Melanie. Thanks for the kind words about the article, Alvin.
#2 Create a YES Environment
Such great tips, Kaila: A great article, as always. The Happiest Baby on the Block: A calm baby usually means a happy baby, which is why this book has been one of the most popular of the new parenting books. Thousands of parents have learned to rely on the soothing and sleep solutions created by Harvey Karp, MD. This new edition parenting book includes updated takes on infant sleep, bed sharing, swaddling, breastfeeding and SIDS risk. She teamed up with her ob-gyn to answer them all and the result is a funny tell-all read topping our list of parenting books for moms.
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We love the survival manual approach this parenting book for dads takes.
8 Positive Discipline Techniques Every Parent Should Know
While some books give you the basics, this guide digs further into real-life situations—you know, like changing diapers in crowded stadiums, staying awake on the job after multiple sleepless nights and how to MacGyver a diaper out of found objects. The New Dad's Survival Guide: If you dry heave whenever your baby spits up or needs a diaper change, this no-nonsense but hilarious military-style guide will help you toughen up while transitioning from average joe to new dad boss.
When your life seems like nothing but toddler tantrums, exploding diapers, bribing babies with candy and so on, sometimes all you can do is laugh—or cry. To avoid the latter, grab a pint of ice cream and settle in with these funny parenting books to have the laugh you rightfully deserve and need!
Co-Parenting Books
This sarcastic take on parenthood will save your sanity when your baby is driving you bonkers. Wise words here, and plenty of them. This funny parenting guide was written by four moms who have seen it all—and not just the blessed occasions people like to associate with parenthood. Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: Her biting wit will reel you in, but the helpful tips and worthy advice will keep you coming back for more. Parenting from the ground up is hard enough. The mom and dad dynamic is different, making it not always a sometimes tough transition for you or the children.
Be ready to tackle any situations with these stepparenting books that show you how. While stepmothers are often seen negatively in movies, this faith-based book can smooth the path when blending families. Of all the step-parenting books, we especially like this one for encouraging step-parents to take an active role in raising their step-children.
So often step-parents are asked to take a backseat, but with its active co-parenting style, this book strengthens the bond between adult and child to create a healthy and happy home life. Before you know it, baby will be laughing, talking and taking his first steps, becoming a full-on toddler!
And while this stage is super-fun, it can also present a whole new host of challenges. Think taming tantrums, tripping over toys you just put away minutes ago and training your little one to use the potty. Before you let your toddler take over, pick up some tips and tricks from these toddler parenting books. If you liked the scientific approach to parenting in the Whole-Brain Child, this follow-up for toddlers and older children may be just the parenting book you need to raise a responsible and respectful child.

Taming tantrums without trauma for parent or kid?