Spiritually Minded
Do you feel lucky? Our Word of the Year justice , plus 10 more.
Be Spiritually Minded and Make The Right Decisions in Life
How we chose 'justice'. And is one way more correct than the others?

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The clear declaration that the world does not see or know Him implies that we who are not of the world do see Him, or at least should. When we are born again, when we become one Spirit with him, we gain the capacity to carefully observe who He is and what He is doing. Such vision occurs in the heart, in our innermost being.
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Our inner man, in perfect union with God, possesses the full revelation of all He is. Within our perfected spirit is the fullness of His nature, character and goodness. So then, when a carnally minded Christian desires a visual demonstration of God or the miraculous, it is conditioned within a lack of fulfillment. From this place of spiritual deficiency, they are expecting an external observation to bring them inner satisfaction.
When a person is carnal, they hunger for carnal fulfillment, even in regard to what appears Godly. In a sense, they want God to prove Himself according to the expectations of their flesh. For the spiritually minded, inner satisfaction and fulfillment are already realities.
While the carnal person concludes they must see to believe, or believe more, the spiritual person truly sees because they already believe.
There is vision greater than the limitations of natural, carnal sight. You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.
Becoming Spiritually Minded
Being born again does not automatically result in experiencing supernatural peace in the midst of storm; it is being spiritually minded or setting your mind on the Spirit that guarantees a life of peace in spite of the storm. Sadly, many believers today are not spiritually minded but carnally minded and thus not experiencing or manifesting the peace of God in their born-again spirit. You are spiritually minded when you focus or fix your mind on God and not on yourself, on other people, or on your situation.
It is setting your thoughts and affections on God. You are spiritually minded when you are living by the word or teaching of Christ. Being spiritually minded implies letting the word or teaching of Christ saturate, dominate, control, govern, direct and guide your thoughts, words, emotions and actions.
It is minding the words of Christ that guarantees peace in the midst of any storm in life! You are spiritually minded when you let the Holy Spirit guide, direct, govern, rule, dominate or control your thoughts, emotions, words and conduct. Being spiritually minded is simply living and walking by the Holy Spirit! When you yield to the Holy Spirit to guide and govern your life, you will experience and manifest the peace of God which surpasses all understanding in the midst of your storm in life. It is not having the Holy Spirit that guarantees peace in the midst of the storm, but letting the Holy Spirit have, guide and govern you!
Music | Spiritually Minded
The Scripture testifies in Romans 8: But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Sadly, many born-again believers who have the Holy Spirit indwelling their hearts are not experiencing and manifesting the peace of God in their minds because they would not allow the Holy Spirit to control their minds. Being spiritually minded implies refusing to be controlled, dominated, influenced, ruled or governed by your five natural senses — what you can see, hear, feel, taste or touch 2 Cor.
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Being spiritually minded is not denying physical realities but refusing to submit to them or to let them dominate, rule or control you. Although the presence of the Holy Spirit in your born-again spirit produces and makes available to you the peace of God, yet you may never get to experience, enjoy and manifest it in your mind, emotions and body if you allow physical realities to influence, dominate and control you. The Lord Jesus was able to sleep well in the sinking boat in spite of the tempest because He was not dominated by the physical realities — things that were happening in the physical realm.