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Definitions of d' and n as psychophysical measures. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 30, Decision processes in perception. Psychological Review, 68 5 , Effect of mythylphenidate on inhibititory control in hyperactive children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 17 5 , Dose-response effects of methylphenidate on academic performance and overt behavior in hyperactive children. Does methylphenidate induce overfocusing in hyperactive children? Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 22, Methylphenidate and cognitive flexibility: Dissociated dose effects on behavior and cognition in hyperactive children.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 23, Hypodopaminergic function influences learning and memory as well as delay gradients. Tantam Digby John Howard: Autistic children's ability to interpret faces: The challenge of adolescents and adults with Asperger syndrome. The flavour of emotions. Opportunities and risks in e-therapy. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 12, Universism, a key to the study of Taoism and Confucianism.
The Tao of physics: An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism. Teachings of the Tao. Teasing, body image, and self esteem in a clinical sample of obese women. Addictive Behaviors, 19, Teasing in hierarchical and intimate relations. A conceptual analysis and empirical review.
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Collaborateur de Moss et Tessier. Contingency detection and the contingent organization of behavior in interactions: Implications for socioemotional development in infancy. Attachment state of mind, students' learning dispositions, and academic performance during the college transition. Developmental Psychology, 41, Another look inside the gap: Ecological contributions to the transmission of attachment in a sample of adolescent mother-infant dyads.
Attachment-based interventions for maltreating families. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78, Adolescent motherhood, maternal sensitivity and early infant development. A critical review for practitioners. Collaboratrice de Friman, Ghezzi et Williams. Assessment and treatment of elopement: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36 2 , The effects of token reinforcement on attending in a young child with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 21, Effects of three-step prompting on compliance with caregiver requests. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40 4 , The effects of blocking mouthing of leisure items on their effectiveness as reinforcers.
Tarde Gabriel Sarlat France Paris: Revue philosophique, 24, Revue Philosophique, 27, Les lois de l'imitation. L'opinion et la foule. Tardif Jacques Tardif Maurice Tardif. L'apport de la psychologie cognitive. Le transfert des apprentissages. Collaborateur de Gauthier, Karsenti et Lessard. Presses Universitaires de France.
Le travail enseignant au quotidien. La profession d'enseignant aujourd'hui. Collaborateur de Nagel et Suppes. The semantic conception of truth and the foundations of semantics. Logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research. A general typology of research designs featuring mixed methods.
Research in the Schools, 13 1 , Mixed methodology across disciplines. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2 1 , Putting the human back in "human research methodology": The researcher in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 4 4 , Collaborateur de Barrett, Hineline et Wanchisen. Generalization of behavioral history across responses in the reversal of the effects of d-amphetamine and cocaine on the punished responding of squirrel monkeys. Behavioural Pharmacology, 4, Shock avoidance but not DRL history reverses the effects of cocaine on punished behavior of squirrel monkeys.
Effects of fixed and variable ratios on human behavioral variability. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 59 2 , Shock postponement reverses the effects of cocaine on the punished pecking of pigeons. A definition and some common findings from two areas of research. The Behavior Analyst, 21, Seismic sensitivity in the desert golden mole Eremitalpa granti: Journal of Comparative Psychology, , Sex differences in the anatomical locations of human body scarification and tattooing as a function of pathogen prevalence.
Tattoos and ratings of personal characteristics. Psychological Reports, 90, Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva, 51 , On the tautology of the matching law. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 15 2 , Tautology in evolution and ecology. American Naturalist, , Statistical methods for rates and proportions. Time, rate and conditioning. Response rates at a survey. Tavris Carol Anne The mismeasure of woman. Sex differences in perspective. The mismeasure of woman: Why women are not the better sex, the opposite sex, or the inferior sex. The redbook report on female sexuality. General equilibrium model of heterogeneous local property taxes.
Journal of Public Economics, 8, Taxation and economic growth. National Tax Journal, 49 4 , Optimal taxation and the structure of preferences. The Journal of Socio-Economic, 34, Voluntary taxation in the lab. Journal of Public Economics 95, International taxation and intra-firm pricing in transnational corporate groups. A theory of optimal inheritance taxation. Econometrica, 81 5 , Optimal taxation of top labor incomes: A tale of three elasticities.
American Economic Journal, 6 1 , Voir aussi Gouvernement et Justice. What's in a taxon? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, , Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals, by a committee of college and university examiners. Systematic Zoology, 14, Clinical Psychology Review, 16, A taxonomy of helping: A multidimensional scaling analysis.
Social Psychology Quarterly, 43 4 , A taxonomy of difficulties in career decision making. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43 4 , Taxonomy of educational objectives. Aristotle, Galileo, and the DSM taxonomy: The case of schizophrenia. Functional taxonomy of stereotypic and self-injurious behavior.
Mental Retardation, 23, Helpful and nonhelpful events in brief counseling interviews: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32, Ghosts, taxonomies, and social psychology. American Psychologist, 52, A taxonomy of power in human relations. Annals of Psychiatry, 16, A taxonomy of rules and their correspondence to rule-governed behavior. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 24, Patterns of personality deviation among violent offenders: British Journal of Criminology, 26, Conceptions of determinism in radical behaviorism: A taxonomy of item response models.
The role of assessment in the revised taxonomy. Theory into Practice, 41, Cognitive basis for stimulus-response compatibility — A model and taxonomy. Psychological Review, 97, Taxonomy, methods, and future directions. Review of General Psychology, 8, On the taxonomy of giant sheep Ovis ammon Linnaeus Canadian Journal of Zoology, 69, Conscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, American Caribou Workshop pp.
Journal Higher Education 58, More progress toward a taxonomy of managerial performance requirements. The taxonomy of learning and behavioral fluency. Taxonomy and structure of Hungarian personality traits. European Journal of Personality, 8, Categories versus dimensions in personality and psychopathology: A quantitative review of taxometric research.
Psychological Medicine, 42, Ces six objectifs sont: Taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Tome 2 le domaine affectif. A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy. A revision of Bloom's taxonomy: Theory into Practice, 41 4 , Critical thinking in the management classroom: Bloom's taxonomy as a learning tool. Journal of Management Education, 27, Using the revised Bloom's taxonomy in the clinical laboratory: Thinking skills involved in diagnostic reasoning. Nurse Educator, 30, New Blooms in established fields: Four domains of learning and doing.
Roeper Review, 28, Matching functions and graphs at multiple levels of Bloom's revised taxonomy. Primus, 20 3 , Innovations in Pharmacy, 2, Applying Bloom's taxonomy to analyze the level of learning in university biology education. University of Mauritius Research Journal, 17, Questions for assessing higher-order cognitive skills: Using action verbs as learning outcomes: Applying Bloom's taxonomy in measuring instructional objectives in Introductory Psychology.
A way to reach the educationally deprived. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 2, Cultivating simultaneous student growth in both multiple creative talents and knowledge. The explanation of behaviour. Their effects on the perception of communicators of varying credibility. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 23, Fighting linguicide with bilingual education. Why interventions in dysfunctional communities fail: Canadian Psychology, 54, Genuine community ownership of northern education: From theory to practice.
Northern Public Affairs, 2, Towards constructive change in Aboriginal communities: A social psychology perspective. Principles of scientific management. Bulletin of the Taylor Society. Classics of industrial and organizational psychology. The relation between individual differences in fantasy and theory of mind. Child Development, 68, The distinction between lying and pretending. The characteristics and correlates of high fantasy in school-aged children: Imaginary companions, impersonation and social understanding.
Developmental Psychology, 40, Pretending they are real but knowing they are not. American Journal of Play, 1, Longitudinal outcomes of young high-risk adolescents with imaginary companions. Developmental Psychology, 46, Collaboratrice de Hall et Pettigrew. Race, Sex, and self-fulfilling prophecy effects in a laboratory teaching situation. Theories, methods, and conclusions. Psychological Bulletin, 92, The impact of affirmative action on beneficiary groups: Evidence from the general social survey.
White backlash to workplace affirmative action: Social Forces 73, How white attitudes vary with the racial composition of local populations: American Sociological Review, 63, Categorical and contextual bases of person memory and sereotyping. Adjustment to threatening events: A theory of cognitive adaptation. American Psychologist, 38, Asymmetrical effects of positive and negative events: Psychological Bulletin, 1 , Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: Coping resources, coping processes, and mental health. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 3, The validity of the Differential Aptitude Test for the assessment of immigrant children.
Educational Psychology, 20, Score gains on g-loaded tests: The secular rise in IQs in the Netherlands: Is the Flynn effect on g? Are adoption gains on the g factor? A competency model for the evaluation of teacher education program graduates. The Teacher Educator, 19 1 , Rethinking the quest for school improvement: Teachers College Record, 86 1 , By teachers for children. Teaching Exceptional Children, 22 3 , Learning to ask questions: Grade and school effects. Effective student use of computerized quizzes. Teaching of Psychology, 28 4 , The paradox of language acquisition. Cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder in primary care.
British Journal of Psychiatry, , Psychological treatments for depression: How do they work? How does cognitive therapy prevent relapse in residual depression? Evidence from a controlled trial. Metacognitive awareness and prevention of relapse in depression: Cognitive theories of depression viewed from a diathesis-stress perspective: Teasdale's differential activation hypothesis: Implications for mechanisms of depressive relapse and suicidal behaviour. Technique de la porte-dans-la-face: Technique du pied-dans-la-porte et persuasion.
Door-in-the-face technique, door-in-the-face procedure, DITF. Reciprocal concessions procedure for inducing compliance: Effects of initial request size and timing of a second request on compliance: The foot in the door and the door in the face. Prosocial parameter of sequential request strategies: Limits to the foot-in-the-door and the door-in-the-face? Communication Studies, 43, Self-presentation and the door-in-the-face technique for inducing compliance.
An examination of three models of door-in-the-face Compliance. Communication Research, 21, The door-in-the-face compliance strategy: Communication Quarterly, 44, The applicability of the door-in-the face technique when established behavioral customs sexist. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 9 6 , A guilt-based explanation of the door-in-the-face influence strategy.
Human Communication Research, 24 1 , The effects of delay upon compliance with socially undesirable requests in the door-in-the-face paradigm. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15, The door-in-the-face influence strategy: A random-effects meta-analytic review. Communication Yearbook, 2, Guilt and expected guilt in the door-in-the-face technique. Communication Monographs, 66, Is it really time to abandon reciprocal concessions? Communication Studies, 10, Three reasons for doubting the adequacy of the reciprocal-concessions explanation of door-in-the-face effects.
Communication Studies, 50, On implementing the door-in-the-face compliance technique in a business context. Journal of Marketing Research, 27, The psychological reality of the door-in-the-face: It's Helping, not Bargaining. Inducing compliance by a two-door-in-the face procedure and a self-determination request. The Journal of Social Psychology, , An odds-ratio-based meta-analysis of research on the door-in-the-face influence. Communication Reports, 14, Increasing response rates to telephone surveys: A door in the face for foot in the door? Public Opinion Quarterly, 45 3 , When saying yes leads to saying no: Preference for consistency and the reverse foot-in-the-door effect.
An appraisal of two sequential request strategies for gaining compliance: Effects of a guilt induction and guilt reduction on door in the face. Comminication Research, 29 6 , Fund raising on the Web: The effect of the electronic foot-in-the-door on prosocial request. A comparative Meta-analytic study.
Psychological Reports, 96 1 , Meta-analysis of foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face. Human Communication Research, 10, The moderators and mediators of door-in-the-face requests: Is it a negotiation or a helping experience? Communication Monographs, 74 3 , Reciprocal concession, perceptual contrast, or worthy person.
Applying the door-in-the-face compliance technique to retailing. Compliance employing a combined foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face procedure. Effects of the door-in-the-face technique on restaurant customers' behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, The door-in- the-face persuasive message strategy: A meta-analysis of the first 35 years. Communication Monographs, 79, Voir aussi Technique de persuasion. Technique de modification du comportement: Voir Comportement ou Changement de comportement. Techniques de persuasion Technique de la porte-dans-la-face Technique du low-ball Technique du pied-dans-la-porte Technique du leurre Technique du pied-dans-la-bouche.
Techniques de tri qualitatif: Technique of factor analysis. The study of behavior: Q-technique and its methodology. University of Chicago Press. Q-methodology, interbehavioral psychology, and quantum theory. Psychological Record, 32, Interbehavioral and quantum theoretical connections in clinical psychology. La technique du leurre en situation d'achat: La Revue des Sciences de Gestion - direction et gestion des entreprises, , Low-ball procedure for producing compliance: Mindfulness limits compliance with the that's-not-all technique. The effects of initial request size on compliance: More about the that's-not-all technique.
An application in a field setting. Psychological Reports, 91, Raising the price of agreement: A relational obligations approach to the foot-in-the-mouth effect. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, I hope I don't disturb you, Am I? Another operationalization of the foot-in-the-mouth paradigm. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41 4 , FITD, foot-in-the-door technique, foot-in-the-door technique. Self-inference and the foot-in-the-door technique: Quantity of behavior and attitudinal mediation.
Human Communication Research, 16, An attribution theory explanation of the foot-in-the-door effect. Prosocialness and sequential request compliance techniques: Does self-perception change explain the foot-in-the door effect?
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Undermining effects of the foot-in-the-door technique with extrinsic rewards. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 9, Foot-in-the-door and cancer prevention. Health Communication, 7 1 , The foot-in-the-door compliance procedure: A multiple-process analysis and review.
A foot in the door: An experimental study of PAC and constituency effects on access. The Journal of Politics, 6 2 , Fifteen years of foot-in-the-door research: Sequential request persuasive strategies: Foot-in-the-door and computer-mediated communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 18 1 , The effects of monetary incentives and labeling on the foot-in-the-door effect: Evidence for a self-perception process. A comparative meta-analytic study.
The foot-in-the-door technique versus the lowball technique. European Journal of Social Psychology, 17, Online gambling, social responsibility and 'foot-in-the-door' techniques. Extending the external validity of the FITD effect to the industrial marketplace.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16 2 , The combined effect of the Foot-in-the-Door technique and the "But you are free of technique": An evaluation on the selective sorting of household wastes. EcoPsychology, 2 4 , Technologie de l'information et de la communication TIC: E-Learning, ICT, educationnal technology, new technology, multimedia learning, information technology in school.
A computer laboratory for elementary schools. Online student evaluation of teaching for distance education: The Journal of Educators Online, 2 1 , Twenty Things to do with a computer. Educational Technology, 12 4 , PowerPoint's power in the classroom: Uses of technology to enhance education. Canadian Journal of Education, 28 4 , La Revue Canadienne de l'Apprentissage et de la Technologie, 31 1 , Mindstorms; children, computers, and powerful ideas.
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Linguistics, computers, and the language teacher. Enseigner, apprendre avec l'ordinateur. The paradox of inform tion technology in primary schools: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50 1 , Helping students build connections between words and pictures in multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, Do bells and whistles help students learn? Journal of Technology in Human Services, 24 , A developmental education approach to computer-assisted content instruction.
Journal of Developmental Education, 15 3 , Virtual mentoring in higher education: Teacher education and cyber-connections. An assessment of student preferences for PowerPoint presentation structure in undergraduate courses. For whom is a picture worth a thousand words? Extensions of a dual-coding theory of multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, The impact of presentation graphics on students' experience in the classroom.
Writing and explaining questions improve quiz scores. Teaching of Psychology, 21 2 , Rethinking school in the age of the computer. Replacing telling with interactive computer-programmed instruction. Student perceived effectiveness of computer technology use in post-secondary classrooms. Using a new text-based authoring system to create a computer-assisted introductory psychology course. Integrating the power of technology Vol. Mistaking computers for technology: Technology literacy and the digital divide.
AACE Journal, 14 3 , Multimedia information and learning. Journal of Educational Multimedia Hypermedia, 5 2 , Developing PowerPoint handouts to support meaningful learning. British Journal of Education Technology, 37 4 , The impact of multimedia design projects on the knowledge, attitudes, and collaboration of students in inclusive classrooms.
Journal of Computers in Childhood Education, 7, PowerPoint presentation handouts and college student learning outcomes. Some conditions under which integrated computer- based training software can facilitate learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 15, Research and development of Web-based virtual online classroom.
A student-accessible computerized gradebook that facilitates self-regulated studying behavior. Teaching of Psychology, 23, Bulletin Clic, 63, Powerpoint handouts and college student learning outcomes. Twelve tips for effective PowerPoint presentations for the technologically challenged. Medical Teacher, 19 3 , — Design-based research and educational technology: Rethinking technology and the research agenda. Are we asking the right questions.
Educational Psychologist, 32, Limits of PowerPoint's power: Enhancing students' self-efficacy and attitudes but not their behavior. When two sensory modes are better than one. An assessement of student preferences for Powerpoint presentation structure in undergraduate courses. University students' attitudes towards multimedia presentations. British Journal of Educational Technology, 29, PowerPoint-based lectures in business education: An empirical inves- tigation of student-perceived novelty and effectiveness.
Business Communication Quarterly, 71, L'ordinateur au service de l'apprentissage ou l'apprentissage au service de l'ordinateur? PowerPoint and pedagogy maintaining student interest in university lectures. College Teaching, 56 1 , Voluntary use of online study questions as a function of previous minimal use requirements and learner aptitude. Introducing technology in the classroom: PowerPoint as a first step.
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 10, Revising the redundancy principle in multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2 , Macro principles, PowerPoint, and the internet: The Journal of Economic Education, 30, Assessment and student learning- a fundamental relationship and the role of information and communication technologies. Open Learning, 23 1 , Teaching and learning IT in secondary schools: Towards a new pedagogy? Information retention from PowerPoint and traditional lectures. Using internet class notes and PowerPoint in the physical geology lecture.
Journal of College Science Teaching, 29, Multimedia teaching with video clips: TV, movies, YouTube, and mtvU in the college classroom. The effectiveness of computer-based quizzes in a PSI introductory psychology course. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 28, Incorporating active learning with PowerPoint-based lectures using content-based questions.
Teaching of Psychology, 36, Incorporating learner experience into the design of multimedia instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, New technology and digital worlds: Analyzing evidence of equity in access, use, and outcomes.
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Review of Research in Education, 34 1 , A free Web-based tool for constructionof self-scoring on-line quizzes. Les dossiers, , Toward a definition of four orders of competency for the use of information and communication technology ICT in education. In Computers and advanced technology in education: The impact of classroom technology on student behavior. Journal of Technology Research, 2, Educational technology research past and present: Balancing rigor and relevance to impact school learning.
Contemporary Educational Technology, 1 1 , The use of PowerPoint and student performance. Atlantic Economic Journal, 29, Changement dans le rapport au savoir et au pouvoir: Notes towards the critical study of educational technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26 1 , Computer applications in second language acquisition. Chasing dreams and recognising realities: Teachers' responses to ICT. Tracking the "invisible" online student.
Slides and teaching effectiveness. From basic features to multimedia. Learners' perceptions on the use of PowerPoint in lectures. Formation et Profession, 8 2 , Nine ways to reduce cognitive load in multimedia learning. Educational Psychologist, 38, Why do teachers need to use technology in their classrooms? Issues, problems, and solutions. A vous de voir! Avec certains fournisseurs on paie selon la place disque, donc c'est une question de gros sous. Les fournisseurs commerciaux offrent autour de 5 Mo par utilisateur.
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Un vieux disque IDE devrait faire l'affaire. La charge processeur varie uniquement pour les disques IDE car c'est le processeur principal qui pilote le disque , et pour les SCSI elle est toujours assez faible. Voir aussi Consommation et Chaleur. Les disques ne sont pas chers de nos jours et les gens sous-estiment toujours la valeur du contenu de leurs disques durs.
Ils sont un bon choix pour de gros serveurs mais pour un PC autant tuer une mouche au pistolet laser. Voir les documents et FAQs sur ce sujet. Ils n'ont donc pas besoin de pilote particulier en plus de celui de la carte SCSI principale. Je n'ai pas plus d'information mais on peut regarder sur leur site: Le mode RAID 0 n'est pas redondant du tout mais offre le plus de vitesse.
Le mode RAID 1. Beaucoup de combinaisons sont possibles mais certaines sont assez complexes. Les plus connus sont AFS et Veritas. AFS est maintenant vendu par Transarc et ils ont mis en place un site Web. La gestion de volume est pour l'instant un des gros manques de Linux. C'est l'objet de vives controverses et il n'y a que peu de choix actuellement, mais on avance dans ce domaine. Il n'y a que les clients d'Apple ou Microsoft qui utilisent des technologies vieilles de 10 ans Vous devez activer NLS pour l'utiliser.
Actually, Joliet is a city outside Chicago; best known for being the site of the prison where Elwood was locked up in the movie "Blues Brothers. Faut-il compresser son disque ou ses fichiers? Il y a pourtant plusieurs options pour les administrateurs aventureux: DouBle offre la compression de fichiers avec certaines limitations. Il est pour le moment en phase de test donc utilisable seulement pour des hackers du noyau. Voir la page de e2compr pour plus d'information. J'ai eu des rapports selon lesquels c'est assez stable et rapide.
Comme chacun le sait, Linux va un jour dominer le monde , mais pour que ce jour arrive plus vite il nous faut employer toutes les ressources. Trouver le "milieu" du disque est plus difficile dans ces conditions. Le dernier cas sert surtout pour les queues d'impression: Comme la latence est le temps moyen pour atteindre un autre secteur, la formule est assez simple:.
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Windows utilise aussi un disque pour le swap, et le rediriger peut apporter des gains de performance. Microsoft a mis un fix sur le site knowledge base. Il y a un peu de confusion entre Sun OS et Solaris.
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Nous en savons maintenant assez pour parler de placement. Notez la vitesse de chacun de vos disques dans la bonne colonne. Remplissez avec ces valeurs les tables des Appendices A et B.

Les librairies et autres gros fichiers profiteront davantage d'un disque ayant un bon taux de transfert, ce que les disques IDE offrent pour pas cher. La perte d'une telle partition n'est pas grave dans la plupart des cas, donc le RAID 0 lui convient parfaitement.
Les butineurs ont souvent un cache local qui peut grossir pas mal. Un disque de 50 Mo suffit pour avoir un shell et les utilitaires les plus courants. Dans cette section on parlera des grands serveurs. Faites une estimation du nombre de disques requis, si c'est plus que 2 je recommande fortement le RAID. La taille varie beaucoup. Je crois que l'archive de ftp. Pour beaucoup c'est la principale raison d'aller sur l'Internet. Avoir un serveur de proxy est encore mieux.
Dans ce cas les news expirent si vite que le mot de "service" se justifie peu. Soit un disque lent slowdisk , et un disque rapide fastdisk , et une collection de fichiers. Avec DOS ou autre vous trouvez toutes les partitions avec des noms comme C: D'abord vous devez partitionner chaque disque. Faites attention aux fichiers dont le nom commence par ".