Ghosts of California: The Most Haunted Locations
Most of these strange occurrences happen in Room or the dining room. Former brothel and gambling house, the Glen Tavern Inn has had a bit of a wild history. A little girl — possibly multiple children — have been heard running up and down the halls, laughing, on the second floor. Man and woman apparitions are often seen here the Union Hotel, and legend is the young woman supposedly hung herself in one of the rooms.
She has been reported to cry or talk to herself, and will sometimes stare out the windows of empty hotel rooms looking down on the street below. Alarms sound, keys jingle, and windows rattle at any hour of the night. As many as spirits are said to haunt it, and is the site of 49 deaths not including any that happened during the war.

However, one particular famed comedian — John Belushi — died of a drug overdose in and is said to have never left. Belushi made Bungalow 3 his home, but after his death many who have stayed in the room report feeling afraid to look in the mirror, as if they were being watched.
Another death of a famous photographer, Helmut Newton, occurred in when he fatally crashed his car leaving the hotel. The Grande Colonial was once a popular hangout and temporary residence to the late Groucho Marx, and is said to be haunted by him as well as a a few other ghosts.
Many stayed for long periods of time, sometimes for months. Everyone from movie actors, authors, business tycoons, presidents, and even princes have stayed at the hotel. One guest, in particular, will forever be a popular legend with the Del. Back in , a guest by the name of Kate Morgan, a young woman in her mid-twenties, checked into her hotel, alone, while she waited for her "lover" to arrive. Well, he never arrived.
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She ended up committing suicide by gunshot to the head. Some guests have experienced seeing Kate roam the halls around her former room. She's pretty harmless for the most part, but she does make herself known by making TVs turn on and off, lights flicker, and the occasional footsteps and mysterious voices. William Heath Davis had the house built in The house served as a home, hospital, and more.
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The founder of San Diego, Alonzo Horton, once stayed at the home, as well as other dignitaries. Some say the ghosts of its former inhabitants still haunt the property to this day. There is an unknown Victorian woman who has made herself known to a few visitors that also haunts the premises.
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- Reportedly haunted locations in California - Wikipedia;
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Back when the house wasn't yet wired for electricity, there were reports of lights flickering. The hotel is still in operation today and is one of the most magnificent hotels in the city. Some say that a few past guests still haunt the property. One is the ghost of Roger Whittaker. He was a gambler who was shot one day and tried to hide in room Some guests of the room have reported the armoire doors where Mr.
Whittaker was hiding opening and closing in the middle of the night. There are also reports of the bed shaking, and unknown noises and lights in the room. The Point Loma Lighthouse operated for 40 years after Guests have reported feeling a sensation of someone standing behind them when visiting, footsteps, code spots, noises, and more. Some believe it's the ghost of Captain Robert Decatur Israel, a man who once occupied the lighthouse. It was used in San Francisco around the late s as a ferry boat. He died in a fiery explosion in It was built as a "work of art," and hasn't lost its appeal in the century since its completion.
Eleven Beaux Arts arches, constructed out of 11, cubic yards of steel-reinforced concrete, rise up over the Arroyo Seco, rounding the ravine at a fifty-degree angle. You're just as likely to encounter restless spirits down below as up above, so take in the view from the Arroyo trail underneath the bridge as well.
The Most Haunted Place in Every State Gallery
But if you visit at night, be prepared for the lights to go out. Is it the work of the Woman in White, or just faulty electrical wiring? You be the judge. Rockhaven Sanitarium Sometimes, when people really love being in a place in life, they tend to linger there even after death.
The Most Haunted Place in Every State from The Most Haunted Place in Every State Gallery
Rockhaven Sanitarium is the last standing of the dozens of sanitariums that once dotted the hillsides of the Crescenta Valley in the early 20th century. It was a peaceful place for women with mild mental disorders and, later, the elderly with dementia to soak in the view and breathe in the fresh air. It was an escape from the state-run mental hospitals of the time, whose horrors included lobotomies and hydrotherapies that brought on both hyper- and hypothermia.
In fact, Rockhaven was such a nice place to live, even death couldn't discharge some of its patients.
The city of Glendale purchased Rockhaven in , but they have yet to restore, reopen, or develop it, leaving it essentially abandoned. But according to security guards, live-in caretakers, and cleanup crews, the former sanitarium is anything but vacant. Unusual encounters include lights switching on, clocks changing time, figures passing in front of windows, disembodied voices, knocking on the walls, and items appearing out of nowhere most spectacularly, a piano that had previously only been seen in vintage photographs.
Who might haunt the hallways of this retreat, once known as the "Screen Actors Sanitarium"? Perhaps it's Marilyn Monroe's mother, who attempted to escape out of a tiny closet window more than once. The sanitarium's own founder, Nurse Agnes Richards, continued to work at Rockhaven until just months before her death at age 84 in , but perhaps she never left.
To investigate for yourself, sign up for one of the occasional tours conducted by Friends of Rockhaven. Otherwise, the property is closed to the public and is closely guarded. Greystone Mansion Greystone Mansion is probably L.
There may be entities lurking around the unsuspecting at many of these San Diego attractions
However, it's surrounded by the loveliest of gardens, cypress trees, turtles, ponds, and other water features in Greystone Park, not giving any hint as to the murder-suicide that occurred within those Gothic walls in The manor's storied past is now part of its appeal. Scores of creepy films have been shot here, and the semi-annual murder mystery play The Manor actually reenacts how Ned Doheny was found shot to death, only five months after moving in with this family, in the actual mansion where the murder took place.
Is it Ned's footsteps that security guards hear during their nightly patrols? Or are they those of his secretary Hugh Plunkett, who allegedly murdered Ned and then committed suicide? You can find the garden variety of hauntings at Greystone -- footsteps, voices, doors opening and shutting, lights flickering, objects moving -- but they all seem to be a sign of unrest and distress.
Unexplained phenomena have sent more than one security guard running from the manor, never looking back. You can access the interior and hear some ghost stories during public tours conducted by a park ranger on the first Saturday of the month, December through April only. The Bob Baker Marionette Theater It's pretty common to hear ghost stories associated with historic theaters.
The Most Haunted Places in Los Angeles
What better place to hang out for eternity than in the balcony of a grand movie palace, taking in a show whenever you want? Situated under the First Street Bridge directly across from the Belmont Tunnel, the theater itself was once a run-down scene shop in a not-so-nice neighborhood near downtown. With his partner, Alton Wood, puppeteer Bob Baker transformed it into a magical performance space. Its main denizens are puppets -- and ghosts.