Feather (The Feather Trilogy Book 1)
In this instance, there are very few characters that can be talked about. Estella, Edgar, Estella foster mom, Scott and his diminutive girlfriend and the nurse that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. I have read a lot of books in my life, some I have loved and others I have hated. This I was so offended by this book, I can't even This might be one of the worst books I have had the misfortune to come across. We meet Estella as she gets ready to leave her foster mom's home for college where she's going work for her masters more on that later. Oh no, before that we have a lengthy prologue which basically tells us the story we are going to be reading except it makes it all the more pathos and attempts to make it divine it fails.
Now, there is a LOT of telling and not showing in this book. Estella says something to the effect of "I'm the perfume of life. And then, there's Edgar. That a professor is asking a seventeen year old to "date? I mean, I dunno about you guys but when you say professor, I think crusty, bookish men, not to even go near how wrong it is to have and condone that kind of relationship between a teacher and a student. It doesn't make it right if the prof is hot. Wrong is wrong, damnit. Then there is Scott. He's madly in love or so it seems, about one minute after he meets Estella with Estella until she "finds" him a girl and he falls for her at speed of a bullet.
Their characters could have been cut from cardboard, that's how interesting they were. There's NO character development, nothing of any originality - yeah, it is a blatant rip-off from Twilight but it's not a good one. Okay, whenever a character says that it has been days "since I last took a shower," I am grossed out. And what's up with her not eating? It seemed like she was existing on muffins for days.
But my biggest peeve with the book? I don't know if the author has ever taken classes at a university level or tried for a masters but if I were to judge based solely on what I've been given in the book, the answer would be a solid no. And Estella goes to class, doesn't take notes, doesn't do anything even remotely resembling schoolwork and she's there for her masters? She reads a book, a book that apparently has no name and is just an accessory to showcase her "intelligence" which I am doubting.
The classwork seems to be more suited to middle-grade if not elementary than to adults working for a masters in Environmental Science. There are so many things wrong with this book that one wonders what the publishers were thinking. I can't help but be offended by the sheer absurdity of it. Do they think, that as consumers, we will swallow down anything? Do they really think readers, even YA readers who suspend their expectations at a certain level and accept a mutable reality, will scoff at this.
I think Estella recognize the similarity? View all 11 comments. Jul 07, Terri rated it did not like it. I read the first edition, granted. But there were WAY too many errors for this to have even been published. Sentences were lacking punctuation, words, and direction. The story was hard to read this way. Also, Edgar came off to me as a gay abusive father rather than a soul mate.
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He treated her like a kid the whole time. She did act childish at times, but mostly she acted stupid and bipolar.
Hetty Feather
I grew tired of the constantly changing emotions between both characters. For example, her frie Okay so For example, her friends Scott and Sarah. She really missed them when Edgar had her locked away in the house for her own "good" and she really wanted to talk to them. Yet she doesn't care AT ALL when Edgar tells her he made them think she hated them so they wouldn't go looking for her???? Ridiculous characters, terrible writing, lack of true purpose, and terrible editing rolled into one.
Jun 01, Alicia Young rated it it was amazing Shelves: First of all let me say that I was lucky enough to win this book on a Goodreads giveaway, but it wasn't just any copy. It was signed and personalized by the author, Abra Ebner, herself. It arrived in my mailbox the day before my birthday, and I couldn't have been more thrilled. It was a perfect birthday present surprise.
I had read some of the other reviews that compared it to Twilight minus the vampires , so I was definitely curious. I had enjoyed Twilight, but ended up disappointed in the serie First of all let me say that I was lucky enough to win this book on a Goodreads giveaway, but it wasn't just any copy.
I had enjoyed Twilight, but ended up disappointed in the series as a whole. From the haunting cover art which Ebner designed herself, to the beginning pages with Poe's "The Raven" onto the preface I became completely hooked. It all worked for me right away. I connect with books on different levels, but what I am always searching for is the trifecta: What I mean by that is getting a feeling about the person as an author, and what their point of view is. I can liken that sort of trifecta to J.
Rowling, and here with Ebner. Everything about this novel was genuine for me. I believed that the characters were true to who I thought they were from the beginning. It also had interesting supporting ideas that I thought were out of the box and innovative. It is a story that I will carry with me, and one that made me want to talk about and discuss with others. I thought it was a perfect mixture of heart and intelligence. Sep 24, Marsha rated it really liked it Recommends it for: This book had the making of an incredible series. It is the story of creation, jealousy, love and betrayal set throughout time.
The story was captivating. However, the writer's execution was sometimes tedious and dragged down with meaningless minutia. While I really did enjoy it, I put it down from time to time because I was bored with the writer's inability to concisely put down her ideas in fewer pages and words.
I am in the process of r This book had the making of an incredible series. I am in the process of reading the second book; so, I hope it will be better. Mar 31, Brenda Pandos rated it it was amazing. This story is perfect for those who love adventure, lost love, mystery, suspense and angels. You can't help but feel sorry for the heroine who's empty inside, forgotten her past and unable to feel -- wanting to heal her heart.
And then add in a hero you aren't sure you can trust! Abra puts you into a world of beauty with her vivid descriptions of the powers of her characters and their surroundings.
The Hostage Bride: The Bride Trilogy, Book 1 (Unabridged)
The end leaves you wanting more! Apr 13, Heather rated it it was ok. This book started out with a lot more potential than it lived up to. The main character was very intriguing. But about half way through the book, she started to get a bit boring. And while I understand that it was written as part of a series, I don't think that is an excuse to introduce elements that never get explained.
It's also not an excuse to have a bad ending. Dec 03, Erin rated it it was ok. The premiss of the story was good and had the makings for a really good book. I just felt as though the relationships were rushed. That was my biggest complaint with the book - just too rushed, not enough development or at least believable development. The book ended on a sad note and I am hoping for a 'happily ever after' for the characters - isn't that what every girl wants? I don't know what it is, but I can't freaking stand this book.
I hate the writing. I hate that the occurrence in the story are almost word for word twilight. Get a little creative please. I can't read the same story again. So made it to page and I can't take another word of it. Mar 04, Marcie rated it really liked it Shelves: This is one of the best books i have read in a long time, i can't wait to read the next one. I definately recommend it.
Jun 19, Looksie At Looksie Lovitz: Books and Wits Blog rated it it was ok. I am probably less than pages from the end of this book I really want to, the story is interesting, but I can't stay with it at this time. I originally read this book several years ago and enjoyed it but this time it was very difficult to get through. Just read the Angelfire series. Kind of the same premise but better. Jan 02, Kelly Randall rated it liked it. This book had a very slow start.
I am hoping the other 2 books in the series don't start out this slow. I really struggled to finish this. Mar 30, Alex Ronk rated it really liked it. Ahora bien, los personajes. I thought that this book would be a gothic version of Twlight, but was sadly mistaken. This book pales in comparisson to the work Stephenie Meyer has done. In fact, I found this book this book very unlikable. Feb 11, Becky rated it really liked it. I was out on the Mobile Library Van the other day and finished the book I was reading. Not wanting to sit through my lunch with nothing else to read I scanned the shelves, after reading Lily Alone last week and talking to a girl at my Diving group, i remembered her saying how good this one was and worth a read, so I decided to give it a go.
It's been years since reading Wilson, but now I've read 2 in one month. Must be regressing back to my childhood. The cover of this book also attracted me, i l I was out on the Mobile Library Van the other day and finished the book I was reading. The cover of this book also attracted me, i like teh bright yellows and reds and the circus pictures stood out, but i also quite like children's historical books so I thought I would enjoy this one.
Hetty Feather is left at the Foundling Hospital as a baby, brought up by a foster mother when she turns 6 she must go back to the hospital to be educated and trained to be a servant - the only life waiting for her in the future. She loved her foster family and even fell in love with one of her 'brothers' obviously not related by blood and hated the idea of going back, once back at the hospital Hetty must adapt to strict diets, rules and regulations and a whole new way of life. But she refuses to be 'broken' and is determined to hold onto her memories and be something other than a servant, but most of all she wants to find her mother.
Hetty Feather is aimed at older children than Wilson's usual target I think. Hetty has a very hard life and goes through a lot, but it depends on the maturity of the child reading it. I personally really enjoyed Hetty Feather, it was a well written story, it's written as if Hetty is talking to you and she is such a vibrant, boisterous character that I really felt like she was here talking to me. I could visualize everything she was telling me and I could really sympathize with her. The story moves through her life from birth to about 12 I think.
The description really is well written and I could see it all. I was routing for Hetty throughout hoping things would work for her. Some bits were slightly predictable but others were totally unexpected. I laughed along with Hetty and felt my eyes filling up at times too. I was disappointed by the ending thinking it ended rather abruptly and I have so many questions left unanswered, it almost felt like she had filled her word count and so decided to just stop.
But I have since found out that there is a sequel to it called 'Sapphire Battersea' which I have now ordered to read as I want to know what happens next. Overall a really enjoyable read, the world really comes alive and Hetty becomes a bright spark in a dull, hard world. This is the first book in a series. I read Little Stars to my daughter first.
We loved it, realized the series existed, and here we are.
by Jane Feather
Little Stars referred to some characters and events here, which was not a problem. We enjoyed being on the look-out for those things. Overall, I was not as enamored. Hetty is young here though baby to, I think, around 10 or 12 and in less control of her life. She is also not quite the same feisty girl here as she is by the events in Little Stars , though that This is the first book in a series. She is also not quite the same feisty girl here as she is by the events in Little Stars , though that confidence does not come out of nowhere. She is bold and impulsive and a great character.
She is raised by a farming family until five, which is fun to see and heart-breaking to watch end, and is then returned to a regimented life at the Foundling Hospital. That leads to a lot of routine, though there is some adventure again before the end. They do, though Jacqueline Wilson manages a happy-for-now ending.
It is a historical novel, though the setting seems to have hard-to-pin-down flaws. Maybe not in the details, exactly, but in the slightly anachronistic viewpoints of the characters and in details that fail to fully world-build. Other than that, the crisp clean writing really works for me and is a pleasure to read-aloud. Mar 18, Poppy rated it liked it Shelves: I have been in such a terrible slump recently that has been painful to get out of.
Hetty Feather has been on my tbr for a long time, since visiting the Foundling Museum last year. I was instantly drawn to this novel, encompassing a piece of history I'm interested to learn more about, and written by one of my favourite childhood authors. All in all, it was an enjoyable novel. However I'm not taking it as any kind of truth on what life in the Foundling Hospital was like. Naturally Wilson would emb I have been in such a terrible slump recently that has been painful to get out of.
Naturally Wilson would embellish it, but it left me wanting to find out more of the truth. It also has to be said that Hetty drew lots of parallels to Tracey Beaker in my mind: Now I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, as I adored Tracey when I was a child, but it felt like Wilson had just given her a different name and put her in a different time period with Hetty.
Feb 21, Little Star Fiza rated it it was amazing. I thought that Hetty Feather was amazing!
Feather (Feather, #1) by Abra Ebner
She had loads of different adventures in her life and had to find her mother. Her real mother is just in the foundling hospital! At first Hetty thought that her real mother was Madame Adeline,a woman that acts in a circus, because she has red hair just like Hetty's fiery red hair.
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- The Bachelor List (Duncan Sisters Trilogy, book 1) by Jane Feather.
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She finds out the truth. Madame Adeline is really not her real mother. She gets really upset but after finding out her real mother is just in the foundling hospital, Hetty's re I thought that Hetty Feather was amazing! She gets really upset but after finding out her real mother is just in the foundling hospital, Hetty's really happy. Feb 22, Rimsha rated it it was amazing.
Hetty Feather is amazing! I've also read Sapphire Battersea, which is even more amazing. Jacqueline Wilson's books are awesome and I recommend children and teenagers to read them. Can't wait to read Emerald Star! Aug 03, Hermione rated it really liked it. I likes this book very much, the way it was written created an appropriate atmosphere. It's also absorbing, and the storyline is good. Feb 11, Rosie rated it really liked it. A great read, one of those books that you can curl up with and read for hours on end!
Apr 08, Abby rated it it was amazing. I liked Hetty Feather. It was an enjoyable book and I am currently reading Sapphire Battered. Feb 02, Alex Peachman rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. So much happens in it and there are some great characters and surprises. It is all told through Hetty's voice and is very easy to read - more like someone talking to you than actually reading! Jun 25, thehalcyondaysofsummer rated it really liked it. Apakah kau menamai ketika aku lahir? Aku tahu ibu kandungku pasti akan memilihkan nama yang indah untukku!
Dia tahu kalau ibunya tidak mungkin memberi nama Hetty Feather padanya, karena dia mempunyai rambut merah yang bagus dan mata biru yang indah. Dia juga tahu kalau panti asuhan menyerahkannya untuk tinggal bersama "Mama" dan keluarganya. Keluarga itu sangat baik. Hetty senang sekali keluarganya sangat menyayanginya walaupun dia adalah seorang gadis kecil galak yang tidak bisa diam. Favorit Hetty adalah Jem yang baik hati. Selalu melindunginya dan mengajaknya bermain. Jem juga mengajarinya membaca.
Mereka menemukan sebuah lubang di pohon, menamainya rumah tupai, dan bermain seakan-akan itu adalah rumah mereka yang sebenarnya. Jem juga pernah mengajaknya menyelinap ke sebuah pertunjukan sirkus, dimana Hetty melihat Madam Adeline, seorang pemain sirkus berambut merah menyala, yang Hetty yakini adalah ibunya. Tetapi semuanya mulai berubah ketika Mama membawa Martha kembali ke panti asuhan. Tidak lama berselang giliran Saul yang harus pergi. Hetty tahu bahwa Martha, Saul, dirinya, Gideon dan Eliza kecil hanyalah anak asuh mama. Ketika berumur 6 tahun, mereka harus kembali ke panti asuhan.
Ketika tiba gilirannya untuk kembali. Hetty hanya bisa menangis sedih, mendelik galak ke hampir semua orang. Menjalani hari-harinya sendirian dan menemukan Martha yang hampir tidak mengenalinya lagi. Meskipun ada Suster Winnie yang baik, Ida si pelayan dapur yang selalu memberikannya makanan ekstra dan Poppy sahabatnya yang manis, Hetty tetap merasa bosan dengan rutinitas panti asuhan dan dia membenci matron-matronnya yang jahat. Terlebih lagi dia sangat ingin menemukan ibu kandungnya kembali. Ketika hari perayaan emas Ratu Victoria, semua anak panti asuhan diberi kesempatan untuk melihat dunia luar sehari penuh.
Hetty tidak sengaja melihat sebuah tenda sirkus di kejauhan. Dia pun nekat mendatangi tenda tersebut dan berharap bisa bertemu kembali dengan Madam Adelaine, ibunya. Ya, Hetty memang berhasil menemui Madam Adeline, tapi wanita itu bukan ibunya. Ketika wanita itu ingin mengantarkannya kembali ke panti asuhan, Hetty melarikan diri. Hetty yang malang keluyuran di kota besar. Menerima ejekan sebagai anak jalanan.
Menghadapi anak-anak nakal yang mencuri sepatu botnya dan hampir diculik oleh laki-laki jahat kalau saja Sissy, si gadis penjual bunga, tidak menyelamatkannya. Hetty pun ikut Sissy berjualan bunga. Sissy mengenalkanya kepada Lil, adiknya yang sedang sakit parah dan ayahnya yang sering mabuk-mabukkan. Ketika mereka berjualan di alun-alun Regent Street, mereka bertemu dengan Ms. Smith adalah seorang penulis yang ingin menulis tentang anak jalanan penjual bunga. Sissy enggan menceritakan kisahnya sedangkan Hetty menceritakan omong kosong yang sangat imajinatif.
Smith sangat terkesan dan meyakinkannya Hetty untuk kembali ke panti asuhan setelah berjanji untuk membantu Sissy. Smith menggunakan imajinasinya sendiri untuk memastikan agar Hetty tidak dihukum karena berani kabur dari panti asuhan. Smith meyakinkan Hetty untuk melatih kemampuan imajinatifnya agar bisa menjadi penulis hebat. Suster Winnie, teman-temanya, bahkan musuh-musuhnya sangat gembira melihat dia kembali. Ida bahkan pingsan ketika melihatnya. Saat menunggui Ida di kamarnya, Hetty mendengar Ida menyebutnya anakku. Dan akhirnya Hetty pun menemukan ibunya, yang selama ini ternyata sangat dekat dengannya.
Hetty Feather membuat saya malu pada diri sendiri karena mulai merasa lelah untuk mengejar impian. Padahal impian saya tidak semustahil impian Hetty. Rintangannya tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan dengan rintangan Hetty. Mengagumkan sekali ketika mengetahui anak sekecil Hetty Feather tahu apa yang diinginkannya dan berani mengejarnya dengan semangat yang menyala semerah rambutnya. Baiklah Hetty, saya doakan kau berhasil menjadi penulis hebat. Yeah, sebetulnya kau sudah menjadi penulis hebat. Ini kisah tentang dirimu yang sudah kau tulis bukan? Dec 15, Sophia Luo rated it it was amazing.
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Mais le bonheur et l'insouciance ne durent pas! Akankah Hetty berhasil menemukan ibunya? Demikian pertanyaan yang ada di cover buku ini.
Hetty tidak menyukai namanya, dia yakin dia punya nama indah yang diberikan ibunya saat lahir. Hetty lahir pada tahun pada masa Ratu Victoria di kerajaan Inggris. Hetty sangat terobsesi menemukan ibunya, dengan khayalan dan imaginasi untuk melupakan kedukaan dan kesengsaraannya sebagai anak yatim piatu. Their meeting for one thing is no coincidence.

I really loved all the characters in this book well except for one of them considering there are a lot of demons around. The concept between good and evil and how angels and demons work is This is one of my favorite books with the angel theme and there are only a few of them which I really liked. The concept between good and evil and how angels and demons work is pretty interesting as how Nathaniel explained it to Lucy. Although I enjoyed the main characters at some parts I really hated Lucy's bratty attitude especially towards Nathaniel.
Though she knows her faults she still does them and I don't think that would be the last of it. I really liked Nathaniel's character and especially how Laurie Lyons depicted him. He's personality grounds with Lucy's personality and they are well matched. Since there are two more books in this series, there's more to the story despite them being together at the end since it's highly likely Roman is involved. I received this book in exchange for an honest review LoP or Lovers of Paranormal Apr 11, Jennifer rated it really liked it.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Lovers of Paranormal. I actually really liked this story. I liked the concept of angels and demons. Not only that but Lyons added a smidge of individuality in the way that she gave Lucy photographic memory. It helped make the book stand out more. The only thing that I particularly did not like was the rate of time. In my opinion, time passed too fast in the book. It might be because I read a lot of YA fiction where the chase is the premis I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Lovers of Paranormal.
It might be because I read a lot of YA fiction where the chase is the premise of the books. I don't know why but I just hate how she completely skipped several days or weeks into the future. I also didn't like the random point of views where the narrative will go to to Nathaniel. If was unnecessary but overall this was a good book. Dec 10, Charo marked it as to-read. Nov 29, Ramona Voight rated it did not like it. Started off with an intriguing premise; I was hooked when I realized that the wonderkind was having conversations with someone no one else could see. By the time the kissing and hugging started with Mr.
Handsome Wonderful, I realized this was nothing more than the author's desire to create college life for herself the way she wished it had been. I was surprised this wasn't marketed as young adult romance. It got silly and went nowhere very slowly. All the superlative laden reviews on Amazon had t Started off with an intriguing premise; I was hooked when I realized that the wonderkind was having conversations with someone no one else could see.
All the superlative laden reviews on Amazon had to be from friends of the author. Aug 11, Cindy Violi rated it really liked it. Feather has been a great summertime read. I read both Feather and Gates and am looking forward to the third book to see how Lucy and Nathaniel end up. I loved the characters in Feather and enjoyed the story. I would recommend it to both adults and teens alike. Laurie Lyons has done a great job and I look forward to reading more of her work!
Jan 08, Anastasia Green rated it it was amazing. This book is one of the most amazing stories I've read in a long time. I will be dreaming of perfect gorgeous angels tonight ;. Sep 26, Letishia rated it it was amazing. I set in to read a couple chapters and couldn't stop! The vivid descriptions in this book make you feel like you are right there. May 31, Mary M rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really have no idea how to review Feather, it's a little hard to do so without revealing spoiler, which I don't want to do even though sometimes I look for spoiler in other reviewers review to see whether I really would like the book.
But with Feather, honestly, the book summary explained it all. The book that centers about paranormal love. Once again, like many other reviews I'm sure have said before, unless you are expecting a book who's theme is love, I suggest you don't read it. Don't take I really have no idea how to review Feather, it's a little hard to do so without revealing spoiler, which I don't want to do even though sometimes I look for spoiler in other reviewers review to see whether I really would like the book. I tend to go for paranormal romance.
I really don't know how to express it any other way. It's those kind of book, where you love them or you hate them. With that aside, another aspect that I loved about this story was that it really made me laugh. I truly enjoy books that can make me laugh and avidly look for them. The only thing that I found not odd, but different, in a good way, was that not only did the book feel like it progressed quickly, especially in the beginning, but the relationship between the two characters went extremely fast.
Normally, I like that in a book, but I would have liked for the author to add a little detail into the part when they first meat. It's was basically love at first sight and then the next day after meeting they are already in a relationship. It went a little to fast for me. Otherwise else, I really enjoyed the book. And don't get me even started on the ending, it was tear worthy. It was good enough that a person could read the book just for the ending,in the cabin.
Genius, genius, I tell you!!! But in all seriousness, the book was amazperfgreastupendous, no word in the english language to describe how amazing it was. If you are looking for a funny, book that will make you have a new appreciation for the word love, then read this book. Maybe I'm exaggerating a liiiiiiittle bit about how good the book was, but ya this is what happens when I write a review for a book as soon as I'm finished the book.
May 11, Nina rated it it was amazing. Feather is a heavenly read, literally. Lucy has the gift of photographic memory and she can remember every conversation she's ever heard of. This obviously helps her academic grades, but it doesn't help her when she's faced with a problem that she doesn't know the solution to.
Let's not forget that not knowing something is a huge thing for Lucy as she's usually known every answer to every question. Nathaniel is every girl's dream..
Amazing eyes, a sweet and passionate personality, a complete angel Feather is a heavenly read, literally. Amazing eyes, a sweet and passionate personality, a complete angel. Too bad Lucy's the only one that can see him. Life is going great for Lucy. She has her wonderful friends, she has a wonderful future, but she's never had a guy that she's really loved.
Sure, she's dated a couple of guys that she's liked, but none of them can really compare to the mysterious Nathaniel. When the Demons realize that Nathaniel is changing a small place on Earth because of his heavenly connection, how far will Lucy go to keep him with her? Can a mortal come between the laws of Heaven and the wraith of Hell? Can she save his soul? Feather is a book that you zoom right into. Every page is written so that you just have to continue reading until it's over!
At first, it's slow. But once you read on and on, you'll be hooked. Laurie's writing style is a bit different. It's good, but it is a bit to get used to. Once you start with Feather, you'll have to continue on and read Gates. Nov 20, Aoife Sheridan rated it liked it. But then she meets Nat a guy with no memory. Now saying all that I really liked Roman and would definitely read a story from his perspective, loved his aggression.
Anyway overall an easy read. So if you like paranormal with the love story taking the lead then feather is for you. Jul 31, Tracy rated it really liked it Shelves: Instant chemistry from the very first chapter! That was my favourite part about this book, the connection between Lucy and Nathaniel! The first few chapters was Lucy trying to find out what was up with Nathaniel, i was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for the answer even though i knew what it was from other reviews and the cover it was still intense on Lucys part.
Add the local demon Roman swoon worthy hehe into the mix and you have a great mix of characters. Lucy w Instant chemistry from the very first chapter! Lucy was strong 'minded', stubborn and showed she could make the right choices even if it did hurt her to do so. I could gush alday about Nathaniel but i wont bore you with my imagination, lets just say he was worth it: Roman, even being a demon, had me liking him, maybe im just a sucker for good looks!!
Overall i enjoyed this book and i liked the way it kept me guessing, the ending was just what i wanted it to be, i was soooooo happy: I was sent this book by the author in exchange for my honest review. Apr 25, Danielle Dannie rated it it was amazing Shelves: First though, I have to say, I came across several spelling errors - although, to be fair, I had converted a pdf copy to an epub and the Calibre conversion could have caused those errors.