Consumed (The Hunger Book 2)
It is a bloody and violent story at times, but at the core it is about those who stand up to fight the fight, it is about heroes with compassion and it is about love. At times, when the suspense got too much, Jason Brant's humor came into play, making me laugh instead of run. It is incredibly well written and moves at a phenomenal pace - there is no time to breathe while reading this book. Great book — scary as heck, but very, very good. Sep 08, Rene Folsom rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm having a tough time putting into words just how much I enjoyed this installment of The Hunger series.
Maybe it's still the book-high talking, but this story was even better than the first. The relationships shared between Lance, Cass, Doc Brown, and Eifort add to this act "The sigh that escaped Lance's lips would have given anyone within earshot the wrong impression of what he was doing. The relationships shared between Lance, Cass, Doc Brown, and Eifort add to this action-packed story, leaving you holding your breath with each turn of the page. Also, if you've read Jason's short story, Lotion featured in the Apocalypse Anthology , then you'll definitely want to pick up both Devoured and Consumed.
Fast-paced action and raw violence have you cheering the characters on as you follow their adventure through a world full of monsters and corruption they never thought they'd have to experience in their lifetime. Here are just a few lines that had me chuckling out loud: Lance put his window down and leaned out. Dec 19, Jamie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Seriously, this book rocks and I had such an amazing time reading it.
It's earned Jason Brant his own folder on my Kindle because I plan to snatch up the rest of his books as fast as I can. I really try hard to make myself wait a day before posting a review that way the story has enough time to sink in but I couldn't wait for tomorrow so I've just decided to This Book Consumed Every Free Moment I Had Wow, after reading this book I just have one word to describe it: I really try hard to make myself wait a day before posting a review that way the story has enough time to sink in but I couldn't wait for tomorrow so I've just decided to throw caution to the wind and write the review now.
What I love about this book: Awesome mutant zombies or Vladdies as they're called in the book. Get it Vladdies as in Vlad The Impaler! They're mean, super strong, fast and are like these giant zombie gorilla flesh eating vampire monsters. I know it sounds odd but trust me it's very cool and totally works.
These things are mean. You know how you get when someone disturbs you when you're in the middle of a great book? Yeah, they're that kind of mean. Awesome Characters that you can relate to: There are so many great characters. Lance is not your ordinary hero. In fact he was a bit of a loser before the mutant zombie gorilla apocalypse happened. Okay they're not really gorillas but their knuckles do drag the ground at times so they're getting called gorilla's by me. Oh yeah Lance, he's just your average guy. He was down on his luck, couldn't hold a job, his wife hates him and he doesn't have a lot of confidence anymore.
But once all hell breaks loose he's exactly the kind of person you would want on your side. He's a great guy. He's not super strong nor really fit or anything and he's not a very good fighter but he does his best and cares about people which is something I can totally relate to and once Cass entered the picture his confidence shot through the roof.
He might not be the best zombie killer out there but he is the best kind of person to have as a friend during the apocalypse. Doc Brown Gonna go back in time is a great character too. I love how can just take charge and gain control of a situation. He thinks about everyone along with every situations from all angles. He also happens to be one of the last doctors left in the US if not the world. Eifort who is ex-military since there is no more military, at least not around these parts is a wonderful character too.
She's small but deadly with a rifle. All of the characters have an incredible amount of depth to them especially considering how action packed these books are. They're an unlikely group of heroes who have become family to each other and to me in such a short amount of time.
I simultaneously look forward to and dread the next books. I can't wait to read them but I don't want to lose any of these characters. I care about them too much which is just a testament to Jason Brant's skill as a writer.

Yes I know she should be covered under Awesome Characters but she's just so awesome that she gets her own number. I love the fact that the main badass of the tale is a woman. She's in shape, has a giant medieval battle axe how cool is that?
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Hey who cares about fashion, it's the end of the world. Social conventions no longer have any meaning. Time and time again she saves Lance or as she likes to call him: I love their interactions. I love how she seems to bring out the best in him and even though I think she should have chosen me over Lance I still really dig her character. I mean I wasn't even really in the book so I can't blame her for that.
Besides Lance is pretty cool. He does end up saving her quite often too, well maybe not as much as she saves him but you get the idea. They're really good together and the two of them are the heart and soul of this series. Lots and lots of action. The book is action packed. If there was anymore action in this book then These book covers rock.
The art work is just amazing.
Stupendously Spectacular Suspenseful Storyline: Hey, I was going to throw sequel in there too so you got off lucky The story-line is nothing short of incredible. I'm all about the little things in a storyline. Most of my favorite scenes in books aren't the big action sequences or the big reveal or the big moments but the little things. I love it when a good author does those little things well. A great author can turn anything into a plot device.
A shower, having a meal, a friendly conversation by the fire, etc. Jason Brant not only does the little things very well but he manages to wrap them around the action so that the big things and the little things are all linked into one big smorgasbord of awesomeness. I'm really big on that word Things I disliked about this book! I want to keep reading this forever. Why did it have to end? Cass chose Lance over me: Hopefully I'll be in the next book and she'll make the right decision: Oh yeah, I didn't like Ralph.
Consumed (The Hunger Book 2) by Jason Brant
I really hated his character. I really hope they get him in this book I can't tell you if they did, that would ruin it. But I guess that's not really a dislike since he's the badguy. So I guess I like Ralph. Now I'm very confused! This series became an instant favorite of mine. I cannot wait to read the next one and it never ceases to amaze me how Jason Brant was able to write about a zombie apocalypse which let's face it has been done a billion times and make it feel so completely new and unique.
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I cannot recommend this series enough. It's one heck of a ride and I think this book will pretty much appeal to anyone who likes good dialogue, plenty of action while still having a great deal of depth to the characters, lots of fun and funny moments and lastly but most importantly Cass. Really, she's something else. Plus if all of that isn't enough to entice you then Jason Brant included the short story Lotion as an added bonus which is a hilarious tale of post-apocalyptic proportions.
He wrote it and it was published in an anthology a while back and several people contacted him asking if he could expand the world and write some more books and he decided to do just that. The rest is pure awesome reading goodness. Sep 10, Terri Baldwin rated it it was amazing. I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest, unbiased review Wow.
Where do I begin? This book takes off exactly where Devoured book 1 ends. This is not really a stand alone, so I recommend that you read the first in the series before this one. Lotion was the story that started this entire series, introduced us to this world, and to a co I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest, unbiased review Wow.
Lotion was the story that started this entire series, introduced us to this world, and to a couple of the characters. This latest installment in this series does not disappoint! The action was intense and pretty much nonstop throughout the book. This book is well-balanced. This book has it all! When this book starts off, Lance and Cass, Eifort and Dr. Emmett Brown haha , are living on the Duchess, a boat, in the middle of the Allegheny River to avoid the victims of the Xavier virus. These vampire-like once humans have taken over the night and have infected or eaten the majority of the population.
When their boat is destroyed, they have to move on and find another safe place to hide out from the monsters. To make matters worse, a militia-like group of survivalists headed by a psychopath named Ralph are on a mission to wipe them out, too, thanks to Lance unwittingly angering Ralph in a restaurant in the previous book. There are several moments of hilarity in this book.
The banter between Lance and Cass had me laughing even through the scary moments, the Doc Brown and Back To the Future references and jokes made this geek giggle, and the daily ham radio reports from the Wild Man of Monroeville. The Wild Man seemed to know exactly what was going on in the Pittsburgh area from his seemingly impenetrable hidden location, and his descriptions of the people and events had me literally laughing out loud. The end of the book had the stories coming full circle, with characters from the short story Lotion making their appearance, and the ending really threw me for a loop!
Jun 13, AudioBookReviewer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Blackmore you are going to love this series. Recap from Devoured book 1. Lance, a down on his luck, out of work and demoralized man tried to help a deranged woman walking down the street. He got hit by a car trying to save her. Wakes up in the hospital. The hospital was crawling with, blood thirsty flesh eating, monsters. Managing to escape, with the help of Doctor Emmett Brown, Lance made it back to his apartment.
That was an easy day, it got worse. The have decided to stay in the boat as long as they can. Making short trips into towns for supplies. However, the Minuteman leader, Ralph, has other ideas. He wants Lance dead so he sends a man to bomb the boat. They all survive the sinking boat but lose most of their supplies. Opting to maneuver through the flesh eating monsters, vampires and power hungry humans, they find a vehicle and decide to try for Greensburg. Lance, Cass and the others strive to survive each day — one hour at a time. You will have to find out the rest for yourself.
I think this book is even better than the first one. I really love this series. I have listened to book 1 and 2 twice. When Lance met Cass the real fun started. The banter between them is so funny. She is constantly amazing him with her skills. She is a vampire slaying Zena, with a double edged ax. The pace is fast; the action and violence will keep you on the edge of your seat. There are a lot of surprises in this installment. I hope book 3 comes out soon. Wayne June is doing his superb rendition of reading again. I could listen to him for hours. Wait, I do listen to him for hours.
He has that kind of voice and he really gets into his characters. Wayne June and the production team are great together. Audiobook provided for review by the author. Sep 28, Jayce Grayson rated it it was amazing.
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- Consumed: The Hunger, Volume 2 (Unabridged).
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Firstly, there's the unexpected and magnanimous honor that he bestows upon some of his fans who merely commented on a particular Facebook post of his. My ignominious demise is recorded on page 63! I am particularly pleased with the plot's premise. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.
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Audio Book Reviewer | Consumed (The Hunger Book 2) by Jason Brant
Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! The world has collapsed, but the fight has just begun. In this series View all Book 3.
Ratings and Reviews 6 36 star ratings 6 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I found it a little bit slow in places compared to the first one. The hospital was crawling with, blood thirsty flesh eating, monsters. Managing to escape, with the help of Doctor Emmett Brown, Lance made it back to his apartment. That was an easy day, it got worse. Lance, Cass, Doc Brown, and Eifort are still on the river. The have decided to stay in the boat as long as they can. Making short trips into towns for supplies.
However, the Minuteman leader, Ralph, has other ideas. He wants Lance dead so he sends a man to bomb the boat. They all survive the sinking boat but lose most of their supplies. Opting to maneuver through the flesh eating monsters, vampires and power hungry humans, they find a vehicle and decide to try for Greensburg.
Lance, Cass and the others strive to survive each day — one hour at a time. You will have to find out the rest for yourself. I think this book is even better than the first one. I really love this series. I have listened to book 1 and 2 twice. When Lance met Cass the real fun started.
The banter between them is so funny. She is constantly amazing him with her skills. She is a vampire slaying Zena, with a double edged ax. The pace is fast; the action and violence will keep you on the edge of your seat.