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In his essay "Paris under the Occupation", Sartre wrote about the "correct" behavior of the Germans had entrapped too many Parisians into complicity with the occupation, accepting what was unnatural as natural, writing:. The Germans did not stride, revolver in hand, through the streets. They did not force civilians to make way for them on the pavement. They would offer seats to old ladies on the Metro. They showed great fondness for children and would pat them on the cheek. They had been told to behave correctly and being well-disciplined, they tried shyly and conscientiously to do so.
Some of them even displayed a naive kindness which could find no practical expression. Sartre noted when Wehrmacht soldiers asked Parisians politely in their German-accented French for directions, people usually felt embarrassed and ashamed as they tried their best to help out the Wehrmacht which led Sartre to remark "We could not be natural ". Sartre himself always found it difficult when a Wehrmacht soldier asked him for directions, usually saying he did not know where it was that the soldier wanted to go, but still felt uncomfortable as the very act of speaking to the Wehrmacht meant he had been complicit in the Occupation.
They were emblematic of how the dilemmas of the Occupation presented themselves in daily life". Throughout the occupation, it was German policy to plunder France and food shortages were always a major problem as the majority of food from the French countryside went to Germany.
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Cut off from the rest of the world, fed only through the pity or some ulterior motive, the town led a purely abstract and symbolic life". Sartre wrote under the occupation Paris had become a "sham", resembling the empty wine bottles displayed in shop windows as all of the wine had been exported to Germany, looking like the old Paris, but hollowed out, as what had made Paris special was gone.
One day you might phone a friend and the phone would ring for a long time in an empty flat. You would go round and ring the doorbell, but no-one would answer it. If the concierge forced the door, you would find two chairs standing close together in the hall with the fag-ends of German cigarettes on the floor between their legs.
If the wife or mother of the man who had vanished had been present at his arrest, she would tell you that he had been taken away by very polite Germans, like those who asked the way in the street. And when she went to ask what had happened to them at the offices in the Avenue Foch or the Rue des Saussaies she would be politely received and sent away with comforting words" [No. Sartre wrote the feldgrau "field grey" uniforms of the Wehrmacht and the green uniforms of the Order Police which had seemed so alien in had become accepted, as people were numbed into accepting what Sartre called "a pale, dull green, unobtrusive strain, which the eye almost expected to find among the dark clothes of the civilians".
In the book he tries to explain the etiology of "hate" by analyzing antisemitic hate. Sartre was a very active contributor to Combat , a newspaper created during the clandestine period by Albert Camus , a philosopher and author who held similar beliefs. Sartre and de Beauvoir remained friends with Camus until , with the publication of Camus's The Rebel. Later, while Sartre was labeled by some authors as a resistant, the French philosopher and resistant Vladimir Jankelevitch criticized Sartre's lack of political commitment during the German occupation, and interpreted his further struggles for liberty as an attempt to redeem himself.
According to Camus, Sartre was a writer who resisted; not a resister who wrote. In , after the war ended, Sartre moved to an apartment on the rue Bonaparte which was where he was to produce most of his subsequent work, and where he lived until It was from there that he helped establish a quarterly literary and political review , Les Temps modernes Modern Times , in part to popularize his thought.
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The first period of Sartre's career, defined in large part by Being and Nothingness , gave way to a second period—when the world was perceived as split into communist and capitalist blocs—of highly publicized political involvement. He embraced Marxism but did not join the Communist Party. For a time in the late s, Sartre described French nationalism as "provincial" and in a essay called for a "United States of Europe". If we want French civilization to survive, it must be fitted into the framework of a great European civilization.
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I have said that civilization is the reflection on a shared situation. About the Korean War, Sartre wrote: But I do not doubt either that it was begun by the North Koreans". As we were neither members of the [Communist] party nor its avowed sympathizers, it was not our duty to write about Soviet labor camps; we were free to remain aloof from the quarrel over the nature of this system, provided that no events of sociological significance had occurred. Sartre held that the Soviet Union was a "revolutionary" state working for the betterment of humanity and could be criticized only for failing to live up to its own ideals, but that critics had to take in mind that the Soviet state needed to defend itself against a hostile world; by contrast Sartre held that the failures of "bourgeois" states were due to their innate shortcomings.
While a Marxist, Sartre attacked what he saw as abuses of freedom and human rights by the Soviet Union. In , Sartre visited the Soviet Union, which he stated he found a "complete freedom of criticism" while condemning the United States for sinking into "prefascism". About the Hungarian revolt of , Sartre wrote: Only it did it badly and that is worse than not to do so at all".
As an anti-colonialist, Sartre took a prominent role in the struggle against French rule in Algeria, and the use of torture and concentration camps by the French in Algeria. He became an eminent supporter of the FLN in the Algerian War and was one of the signatories of the Manifeste des His work after Stalin's death, the Critique de la raison dialectique Critique of Dialectical Reason , appeared in a second volume appearing posthumously. In the Critique Sartre set out to give Marxism a more vigorous intellectual defense than it had received until then; he ended by concluding that Marx's notion of "class" as an objective entity was fallacious.
Sartre's emphasis on the humanist values in the early works of Marx led to a dispute with a leading leftist intellectual in France in the s, Louis Althusser , who claimed that the ideas of the young Marx were decisively superseded by the "scientific" system of the later Marx.
In the late s, Sartre began to argue that the European working classes were too apolitical to carry out the revolution predicated by Marx, and influenced by Frantz Fanon stated to argue it was the impoverished masses of the Third World, the "real damned of the earth", who would carry out the revolution.
After Guevara's death, Sartre would declare him to be "not only an intellectual but also the most complete human being of our age" [65] and the "era's most perfect man". During a collective hunger strike in , Sartre visited Red Army Faction leader Andreas Baader in Stammheim Prison and criticized the harsh conditions of imprisonment. In Sartre renounced literature in a witty and sardonic account of the first ten years of his life, Les Mots The Words. Literature, Sartre concluded, functioned ultimately as a bourgeois substitute for real commitment in the world. He was the first Nobel laureate to voluntarily decline the prize, [73] and remains one of only two laureates to do so.
He said he did not wish to be "transformed" by such an award, and did not want to take sides in an East vs. West cultural struggle by accepting an award from a prominent Western cultural institution. Though his name was then a household word as was "existentialism" during the tumultuous s , Sartre remained a simple man with few possessions, actively committed to causes until the end of his life, such as the May strikes in Paris during the summer of during which he was arrested for civil disobedience.
President Charles de Gaulle intervened and pardoned him, commenting that "you don't arrest Voltaire ". I would like [people] to remember Nausea , [my plays] No Exit and The Devil and the Good Lord, and then my two philosophical works, more particularly the second one, Critique of Dialectical Reason.
Then my essay on Genet , Saint Genet. If these are remembered, that would be quite an achievement, and I don't ask for more. As a man, if a certain Jean-Paul Sartre is remembered, I would like people to remember the milieu or historical situation in which I lived, Sartre's physical condition deteriorated, partially because of the merciless pace of work and the use of amphetamine [81] he put himself through during the writing of the Critique and a massive analytical biography of Gustave Flaubert The Family Idiot , both of which remained unfinished.
He suffered from hypertension, [82] and became almost completely blind in Sartre was a notorious chain smoker , which could also have contributed to the deterioration of his health. Sartre died on 15 April in Paris from edema of the lung. At his funeral on Saturday, 19 April, 50, Parisians descended onto Boulevard Montparnasse to accompany Sartre's cortege. Sartre was initially buried in a temporary grave to the left of the cemetery gate. Sartre's primary idea is that people, as humans, are "condemned to be free".
Sartre says that if one considered a paper cutter, one would assume that the creator would have had a plan for it: Sartre said that human beings have no essence before their existence because there is no Creator. Sartre maintained that the concepts of authenticity and individuality have to be earned but not learned. We need to experience "death consciousness" so as to wake up ourselves as to what is really important; the authentic in our lives which is life experience, not knowledge. Taking a page from the German phenomenological movement, he believed that our ideas are the product of experiences of real-life situations, and that novels and plays can well describe such fundamental experiences, having equal value to discursive essays for the elaboration of philosophical theories such as existentialism.
With such purpose, this novel concerns a dejected researcher Roquentin in a town similar to Le Havre who becomes starkly conscious of the fact that inanimate objects and situations remain absolutely indifferent to his existence. As such, they show themselves to be resistant to whatever significance human consciousness might perceive in them. He also took inspiration from phenomenologist epistemology, explained by Franz Adler in this way: Any action implies the judgment that he is right under the circumstances not only for the actor, but also for everybody else in similar circumstances.
This indifference of "things in themselves" closely linked with the later notion of "being-in-itself" in his Being and Nothingness has the effect of highlighting all the more the freedom Roquentin has to perceive and act in the world; everywhere he looks, he finds situations imbued with meanings which bear the stamp of his existence. Hence the "nausea" referred to in the title of the book; all that he encounters in his everyday life is suffused with a pervasive, even horrible, taste—specifically, his freedom.
The book takes the term from Friedrich Nietzsche 's Thus Spoke Zarathustra , where it is used in the context of the often nauseating quality of existence. No matter how much Roquentin longs for something else or something different, he cannot get away from this harrowing evidence of his engagement with the world. The novel also acts as a terrifying realization of some of Immanuel Kant 's fundamental ideas about freedom; Sartre uses the idea of the autonomy of the will that morality is derived from our ability to choose in reality; the ability to choose being derived from human freedom; embodied in the famous saying "Condemned to be free" as a way to show the world's indifference to the individual.
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The freedom that Kant exposed is here a strong burden, for the freedom to act towards objects is ultimately useless, and the practical application of Kant's ideas proves to be bitterly rejected. Also important is Sartre's analysis of psychological concepts, including his suggestion that consciousness exists as something other than itself, and that the conscious awareness of things is not limited to their knowledge: While the broad focus of Sartre's life revolved around the notion of human freedom, he began a sustained intellectual participation in more public matters towards the end of the Second World War, around He attended plays, read novels, and dined [with] women.
And he was published. Sartre portrayed his own pre-war situation in the character Mathieu, chief protagonist in The Age of Reason , which was completed during Sartre's first year as a soldier in the Second World War. By forging Mathieu as an absolute rationalist , analyzing every situation, and functioning entirely on reason, he removed any strands of authentic content from his character and as a result, Mathieu could "recognize no allegiance except to [him]self", [98] though he realized that without "responsibility for my own existence, it would seem utterly absurd to go on existing".
Mathieu was restrained from action each time because he had no reasons for acting. Sartre then, for these reasons, was not compelled to participate in the Spanish Civil War , and it took the invasion of his own country to motivate him into action and to provide a crystallization of these ideas.

It was the war that gave him a purpose beyond himself, and the atrocities of the war can be seen as the turning point in his public stance. The war opened Sartre's eyes to a political reality he had not yet understood until forced into continual engagement with it: In , after the group disbanded, Sartre joined a writers' Resistance group, [] in which he remained an active participant until the end of the war. He continued to write ferociously, and it was due to this "crucial experience of war and captivity that Sartre began to try to build up a positive moral system and to express it through literature".
The symbolic initiation of this new phase in Sartre's work is packaged in the introduction he wrote for a new journal, Les Temps modernes , in October Here he aligned the journal, and thus himself, with the Left and called for writers to express their political commitment.
Sartre's philosophy lent itself to his being a public intellectual. He envisaged culture as a very fluid concept; neither pre-determined, nor definitely finished; instead, in true existential fashion, "culture was always conceived as a process of continual invention and re-invention. He did not dogmatically follow a cause other than the belief in human freedom , preferring to retain a pacifist's objectivity.
It is this overarching theme of freedom that means his work "subverts the bases for distinctions among the disciplines". Sartre systematically refused to keep quiet about what he saw as inequalities and injustices in the world. Following the Liberation the PCF were infuriated by Sartre's philosophy, which appeared to lure young French men and women away from the ideology of communism and into Sartre's own existentialism.
In the late s Sartre supported the Maoists , a movement that rejected the authority of established communist parties. In the aftermath of a war that had for the first time properly engaged Sartre in political matters, he set forth a body of work which "reflected on virtually every important theme of his early thought and began to explore alternative solutions to the problems posed there".
In Sartre's opinion, the "traditional bourgeois literary forms remain innately superior", but there is "a recognition that the new technological 'mass media' forms must be embraced" if Sartre's ethical and political goals as an authentic, committed intellectual are to be achieved: The struggle for Sartre was against the monopolising moguls who were beginning to take over the media and destroy the role of the intellectual.
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His attempts to reach a public were mediated by these powers, and it was often these powers he had to campaign against. He was skilled enough, however, to circumvent some of these issues by his interactive approach to the various forms of media, advertising his radio interviews in a newspaper column for example, and vice versa. The role of a public intellectual can lead to the individual placing himself in danger as he engages with disputed topics.
In Sartre's case, this was witnessed in June , when a plastic bomb exploded in the entrance of his apartment building. His public support of Algerian self-determination at the time had led Sartre to become a target of the campaign of terror that mounted as the colonists' position deteriorated. A similar occurrence took place the next year and he had begun to receive threatening letters from Oran, Algeria. Sartre wrote successfully in a number of literary modes and made major contributions to literary criticism and literary biography.
His plays are richly symbolic and serve as a means of conveying his philosophy. The best-known, Huis-clos No Exit , contains the famous line "L'enfer, c'est les autres", usually translated as "Hell is other people. In this way, Roads to Freedom presents a less theoretical and more practical approach to existentialism. John Huston got Sartre to script his film Freud: Some philosophers argue that Sartre's thought is contradictory.
Specifically, they believe that Sartre makes metaphysical arguments despite his claim that his philosophical views ignore metaphysics. Herbert Marcuse criticized Being and Nothingness for projecting anxiety and meaninglessness onto the nature of existence itself: Existentialism thus becomes part of the very ideology which it attacks, and its radicalism is illusory. Existentialism says existence precedes essence. In this statement he is taking existentia and essentia according to their metaphysical meaning, which, from Plato's time on, has said that essentia precedes existentia.
Sartre reverses this statement. Even so, there is a creeping sensation she feels inside-something hopeless, something dark. Worse, it seems her neighbor is spying on her. One day, Jena catches the strange Mr. The man has always made Jena uncomfortable, but now more than ever, she feels something bad might happen. Her life takes a dark turn just as Jake reveals he loves her.
Jean-Paul Sartre
But Jena doesn't see Jake that way and is worried he could ruin their friendship forever with his confession. Things take another turn for the worse when Jena's father life is in jeopardy. Someone is out to get her, and she knows it. Even her dreams are warning her to beware, but what does Jena have to fear more-predators who mean to harm or her internal monster, poised to attack? Even a nice, normal girl can be pushed over the edge by horrendous circumstance. What is Jena willing to do to stop this darkness from happening?