Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil
Solomon Kane looks more demonic than the other characters despite being the hero on a mission from God to purge the earth of evil. It's hard to get behind a guy who looks more evil than the evil he is supposed to be destroying. I wanted to like this book and in truth it wasn't awful but I was left feeling underserved by the creative team by a book that was too unfocused.
Dec 30, Martha rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Fans of Howard's Solomon Kane. I immensely enjoyed this adaptation of Howard's Solomon Kane. I felt that the authors were very true to the character, they didn't try to beef him up and give him "cool" dialogue. Kane was very judgmental of others and a zealot, and they didn't change that. I appreciated that they used a Howard fragment rather than an established story, I'm sure it gave them more artistic license with the story. It also kept me from being critical of a story I had already read. The artwork is beautiful and fits t I immensely enjoyed this adaptation of Howard's Solomon Kane.
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- Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil ~ Panel Patter.
The artwork is beautiful and fits the story well. The gore is a bit graphic in a few parts, but it seems to fit the bleak tone of the story. Jul 02, Clint rated it liked it Shelves: I found myself liking some panels and detesting others. The Mignola covers are great. The story is pretty okay.

I liked that the author dug into older lycanthrope myths. Older myths tell of demons granting the ability to shape shift for black rights. Mar 18, Kars rated it liked it Shelves: I'm on a bit of a early-modern era fantasy-horror kick because of a tabletop rpg I am running so I thought I'd dip into this for some flavour.
It hit the spot. The twists and turns as well as the ruthlessness seem quite true to the source material and the monster design is quite memorable as well. Jul 03, Charles Lupo rated it it was ok. I've never read any of the Solomon Kane stories, so I can't say how they compare to this graphic novel, but this was mostly meh. I wasn't interested in the story enough to bother to translate it myself. I won't be continuing this series.
- Solomon Kane Vol. 1: The Castle of the Devil.
- Handbook of Pesticides: Methods of Pesticide Residues Analysis.
- Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil;
- Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil by Scott Allie.
- Dark Horse Comics?
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- Screenshots.
- The Splash Page.
Feb 08, Nick rated it liked it Shelves: I read this in French, with a so-so cover by John Cassady, which is at least better than Mike Mignola, whose art I generally dislike. Part two of a series of resurrected graphic novel stories on Solomon Kane, originally created by Robert E. Howard of Conan fame , this one features Kane wandering in the Black Forest of Germany, where he encounters a fellow Englishman and arrives at 'The Castle of the Devil,' the seat of the local baron. Mystery, violence and the arcane ensue. Overall I like the I read this in French, with a so-so cover by John Cassady, which is at least better than Mike Mignola, whose art I generally dislike.
Overall I like the art in this title, I like the idea of the wandering Kane, though a puritan is an odd hero to get behind, and I like the mystery elements which, while never allaying my initial suspicions completely, keep me guessing as to the exact nature of what's going on here. Kane is understated and exciting while fighting, and there are some cool surprises in store in Castle. On the other hand, I don't like how characters in the story keep over-hearing one another and then commenting on it; as if everyone shouts and has amazing hearing, I find 'the key villain' acts in a bizarre fashion while fighting Kane - ranting with an internal monologue and such, which disappoints can't be more specific without giving a surprise away , other key villains are disappointingly weak like those Conan typically faces , I find there's a lot of stalled action, henchmen having inexplicably detailed things to say despite having no character development or personality, cruel sexual teasing, and also the art can be frustratingly vague with facial features.
Again, Kane as a hero Puritan is bizarre, and his exact composition leaves to be desired; he's kind of wooden and religious, yet incredibly violent and deadly, yet kind of boring. When you think about it, he's kind of like Conan really, Conan in strange, dark, Puritan form, and minus even the implied sex.
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And he's kind of like this force that goes through stories and kills off all the exciting people and things, like brigands, beasts and sex. He's like the champion of boredom. Also, I think Robert E. Howard had serious mother issues. I guess what I'm trying to say is the writing is only fair. I liked it overall, but you won't be missing out if you don't read it, and I probably won't bother with more Kane, though if I see one in front of me in the library I might give him another go. May 11, Andy Zeigert rated it liked it. I've enjoyed reading Hellboy and most things Dark Horse for some time, and Scott Allie's Hellmail column in the back of each Hellboy issue is always fun to read.
Editor responses, anyway; Fanboy fawning gets old quick. When I saw this cover and Allie as the writer, I thought it was a sure winner. The story itself is a fascinating tale about a 17th Century baron in Germany with a few dark secrets hanging around his castle. That the titular character stumbles upon this and shakes things up was a I've enjoyed reading Hellboy and most things Dark Horse for some time, and Scott Allie's Hellmail column in the back of each Hellboy issue is always fun to read.
That the titular character stumbles upon this and shakes things up was a given.
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I was a little disappointed in the art style. Many of the panels just looked rushed, especially the inks. After perusing some of the excellent examples in the sketchbook at the back, I wondered what the book would have been like if more time had been given to the artist. That combined with a somewhat choppy storyline and a frustrating decision to translate most of the German but leave a large sequence toward the end untranslated left me feeling like the book falls a little short of my expectations. That being said, I would like to keep reading this series and see if it can fulfill its potential, especially with Guy Davis designing monsters for them.
Sep 25, Paul Mirek rated it really liked it Shelves: Nathaniel Hawthorne meets Lovecraft in this eerie adaptation of one of Robert E. What I love about the gunslinging Puritan Kane here--just as I feel about Conan--is that he's so stubbornly human, drawn along by his emotions and distraught at his mistakes. In an age when so many characters on the page are either angsty idols or cold anti-heroes, it's refreshing to see a character who seems more focused on getting through life with no regrets.
It's easy to see the root Nathaniel Hawthorne meets Lovecraft in this eerie adaptation of one of Robert E. It's easy to see the roots of modern dark fantasy in this saga set in a haunted castle full of domineering princesses, sullen barons, and something sinister hidden in the basement. The scale of the horror gradually expands in an impressive way--a combination of Howard's imagination and Allie's skillful expansion, weaving the themes of communication or lack thereof throughout.
Mario Guevara's art aptly captures the pulpy tone of the script, and Cassaday and Mignola's covers offer other thrilling takes on the story. This first volume proves that Dark Horse isn't just a one-trick pony when it comes to Howard adaptations, and reinforces my pledge to read the original material as soon as I get a chance. Aug 16, Erik rated it liked it. He is by no means puritanical, what with all his booty-calls and all.
The Castle in the Devil is a wickedly deceptive story that reads a bit like a murder mystery, in the sense that the true antagonist is not entirely clear until late in the story. It is also beautifully illustrated by new-comer Mario Guevara, whose pencils which are on display in the back section of this trade paperback recall the beauty of Barry Windsor-Smith crossed with P. Craig Russell — two of my all-time favorite comic book illustrators. Dec 25, Mitch rated it really liked it Shelves: I very much enjoyed the pencil work and the blurry colours.
The panel layout also enhances the subtle storytelling, opted to focus on Kane's POV, rather than the characters speaking. Each panel is clear, on its own, yet some of the transitions leave the reader re-reading moments in order to keep track of the action. The dialogue and narration is top-notch. That being said, some of the intentional vagueness made for a few speed-bumps while reading. Sep 18, Jared Millet rated it liked it Shelves: Here's a nice little offering from Dark Horse as they continue their Robert E.
I've heard it argued that Solomon Kane, Puritan bad-ass, was Howard's most original creation and I can see their point. The story starts well enough and has all the feel of a good old Hammer Horror movie. Like most horror flicks, though, Here's a nice little offering from Dark Horse as they continue their Robert E. Like most horror flicks, though, once the mystery of the monster is revealed the story loses a little "oomph.
Solomon Kane Vol. 1: The Castle of the Devil
Still, I'll certainly pony up for the next Solomon Kane miniseries Dark Horse puts out, and now I'm interested in checking out the original stories by Howard. And next year's movie version too, if it ever finds a U. Mar 15, Brian rated it liked it. I've always been a fan of Solomon Kane. Something about the pistol packing puritan makes me want to read more stories featuring him. Scott Allie does a great job of fleshing this story out and keeps true to the character of Kane, as developed by Robert E Howard.
Moody, annoying and never one to back down, Kane is a great character to be used to tell stories with that focus on the moral code of the individuals involved. While the page layouts are standard grid format, nothing groundbreaking, the ar I've always been a fan of Solomon Kane.
While the page layouts are standard grid format, nothing groundbreaking, the art is really good.
Solomon Kane Volume 1: The Castle of the Devil
Mario Guevara draws in a nice realistic style I will certainly keep my eyes open for more adventures of Solomon Kane, hopefully written by Scott Allie. Oh, and the bonus pages are quite nice Aug 21, Jenn rated it liked it. Let me start by saying, I don't like Robert Howard. So I wasn't sure that I would like this comic book, based on one of the first fragments that Howard wrote about Solomon Kane, his Puritan adventurer character.
However, they both roam their respective Let me start by saying, I don't like Robert Howard. However, they both roam their respective worlds fighting eldritch, uncanny evil and getting propositioned by sexy, dangerous, usually foreign ladies. But the comic wasn't bad. The artwork was quite good, and the story creepy. You wouldn't read it for the character development, or the well-rounded, in-depth views of women and minorities, but it's a fun way to spend an hour or so.
Mar 07, Jessica rated it liked it Shelves: Fully Invested in Religion. I found out it was a movie afterwards, but this is who I was picturing the whole time: That is why I completely liked it. I should be ashamed of myself, lolololol. I'm not sure whybut I was Satisfied. Nov 03, Tim Pendry rated it liked it Shelves: Dark Horse's adaptation of Robert E. Howard's puritan adventurer against all things evil, demonic and papist. The story is a nice bit of horror with some decent characterisation and some atmospheric artwork. Mario Guevara excels here at autumnal gloom.
With modern graphic novels, whereas film allows the elision of things for the sake of the flow, one can run back over the imagery and text for assistance in the explanation of the immediately inexplicable although this and 'Death's Black Ride Dark Horse's adaptation of Robert E. With modern graphic novels, whereas film allows the elision of things for the sake of the flow, one can run back over the imagery and text for assistance in the explanation of the immediately inexplicable although this and 'Death's Black Riders' more so have their obscurities. Some artwork and a short Solomon Kane ghost story in the EC comics tradition round off this edition.
The story is based on a mere fragment of Howard's work so this should be considered to be more original than it claims to be - which is good. Keith Lansdale , Joe R. Lansdale and Delilah S.
Solomon Kane Vol. 1: The Castle of the Devil - Comics by comiXology
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