Run For Your Life Book Three
It was just bizarre. Now I can remember why I stopped reading most of Patterson's new books. I believe Patterson has done his readers's a disservice when he began writing the outlines of his books and letting another author finish. I much preferred the Alex Cross series and his early works. Apr 06, Sarah rated it did not like it Recommends it for: I was 24 pages in before I decided I had much better things to do with my life than read this.
I couldnt stand the style of writing - i felt like I was reading something with too simple of sentences. Maybe its just against the kind of style I like, but I honestly felt like this was horrible writing and I just couldn't wait it out long enough to see if the plot went anywhere interesting. View all 3 comments. Dec 14, Jordan rated it it was ok. This book was just like every other James Patterson book. All ten thousand of them. I had the audio book in my car and was stuck on a long car ride with nothing to listen to so it served a purpose but the overall experience was on the low end of mediocre at best.
Oct 02, Ryosuke rated it liked it. This book is the sequel to Step on a Crack, but you'll have no trouble understanding even if you haven't read the first one. This was one of those books that have nonstop action on every page. Mike Bennett, a detective who works for the New York Police Department, must track down a deadly killer, who calls himself "the Teacher" and is on a mission to exterminate rich people who have no manners and treat poor people like trash.
Okay, honestly I thought this was a pretty ridiculous reason to go around killing people, so it would've been nice if there was a more realistic reason.
Bestselling Series
The Teacher foils the police time after time, while Detective Bennett and the rest of the police department desperately try to predict where the Teacher will strike next. One time, the police find the place the Teacher is going to commit the next murder, but they arrive too late to prevent the murder, and the Teacher slips through their fingers and escapes to the subway. Two cops follow him, and they almost have him cornered, but he shoots them, and escapes from the terrified subway. The shooter had killed one, probably two of our own. The stakes had skyrocketed.
Run for Your Life was an exhilarating mystery right off the bat, because it starts off with Mike Bennett on another case, and the action there immediately pulls the reader in, then shifts to the Teacher, who is plotting his scheme. The story develops really quickly, which was nice since I can't stand books with slow starts. Something that was really interesting about the book was that it has two narrators. One is Detective Bennett, the protagonist, and the other is the Teacher, the antagonist of the story.
I was amazed at how smoothly Patterson pulled this off, and it worked unbelievably well since the book is a mystery.
It's an ingenious way of telling a story. I also loved how Patterson changes how he describes the Teacher throughout the book, especially as the Teacher gets cornered. At first, the Teacher seems perfect: I thought it was a good way of showing that every person has his or her flaws. I won't give away what happens in the end, but apparently think Patterson and Ledwidge wanted to have a really dramatic and climatic ending. It was kind of believable when I read it, but looking back, I'm just thinking "yeah right.
All in all, this book is an excellent thriller with quick nonstop action. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in these kinds of mysteries. Make sure you have lots of free time before you start reading, because it will be hard to put down until you finish it.
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If you are okay with books that are realistic for the most part, you won't really mind all of the crazy parts of this book. This was a pretty easy and fast read, so if you like this genre, get this book as soon as possible from your local library or bookstore! Feb 05, Jack rated it it was amazing. All in all I really did enjoy this book and found it an easy read.
It is the first James Patterson book that I have read and it has led me to go out and buy many more. The book made me personally want to keep reading to find out not only the detectives next move in response to the crimes being committed, but also to keep rea All in all I really did enjoy this book and found it an easy read. The book made me personally want to keep reading to find out not only the detectives next move in response to the crimes being committed, but also to keep reading about the characters family and how they were dealing with life.
The character was shown nicely in two contrasting lights; the detective dealing with a violent case and a home family man with a large set of children to care for. The story was plausible, all be it exaggerated for story telling purposes and it was definitely a page turner.
The book is also written using a language and style that makes it easily accessible to a large audience, especially those that are not avid, regular readers. I had two problems with this book that do drive my opinion of it down a little. The minor issue being the formatting of the chapters; there are a vast number of chapters with many being under five pages long. This does mean it is easy to pick up to read briefly but to me it felt frustrating at times to constantly be turning to a new chapter, especially when it felt that certain chapters could in fact be merged.
However, this does not seem to be unique to this book and instead may be the style that James Patterson prefers to write as I have recently started another of his books and the same situation has arisen. My second issue with this story was the conclusion. Ok those that are still reading My biggest gripe with this book was the weak ending to an otherwise exciting story. I felt the last attempted crime was highly unrealistic but again this was acceptable as it was a fiction book.
While this may appeal to some people for me personally I would have preferred this unrealistic section had been omitted. It was the least believable part of the book and to me did not fit the general tone of the story. Baring that in mind I would still suggest that anyone who is a fan of crime reading gives this book a read. It should be noted that it seems that it could appeal to a vast demographic as my mother has also read this book and enjoyed it; although she also agrees with the few issues that I had. Overall I would rate this book a 4.
It is the book that has got me back into wanting to read for pleasure and so I would highly recommend it to everyone. His children are all sick, and he can't even stay home to take care of them, because a maniac calling himself "The Teacher" is running around Manhattan killing the rich, the snobbish and the rude.
It would appear that nobody in the upper circles can count themselves safe, but what Mike really wants to know is how the victims are chosen! Is it just a random sampling? Or are they all connected somehow? When the killer finally shows up at his own house to take him hostage, he knows he has to do something drastic.
James Patterson has always been known for his fast-paced, quick-action books, and this adventure, co-authored with Michael Ledwidge, is no exception. I was hooked from the very beginning, so eager to know what happened next, that I even found myself biking detours in order to get in "just one more chapter" before arriving at work.
At first I was unsure of how this would work, and worried that the two voices would be too similar for me to differentiate between them. That turned out not to be a problem at all, as not only were their voices significantly different, but they also managed to adapt their tone of voice to the characters portrayed. Nobody would be in doubt as to the state of the Teacher's mental health after hearing Bobby Cannavale's portrayal of his voice.
And Dallas Roberts' voice was likewise sufficiently strong as Mike Bennett. At a mere 7 hours playing time it is an almost too quick, but very enjoyable listen.
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Jan 31, Debs rated it really liked it. Wonder what he's like? If you're a follower of Patterson's books, you'll probably guess that Bennet Is single or a widower 2: Has children and a small select group of important family and friends. Has many skills including negotiating and profiling. In fact, he's pretty darn good at anything that comes his way. He's handsome and any woman's idea of a 'good catch' supposedly! Oh no, forgive me. The above seems to be a description of Patterson's hero Alex Cross.
But wait a minute The similarities in character aside, I enjoyed this book from the minute I started reading. In true Patterson style, it sets off from the blocks at full speed and doesn't slow down until the very last page. This could easily be an Alex Cross story but it is refreshing to have a new cop on the beat. He seemingly fairly effortlessly juggles being a widower, understanding friend to nanny Mary Catherine, son to Seamus, father to 10 yes, 10!
This story starts with a shoot out hostage situation and then ends up as one of Patterson's high paced hunts for a serial killing, very clever, disturbed individual.
Needless to say, it ends up personal If you like James Patterson, you'll like this. If you've never read any Patterson, read this. Jolly good, high octane, heart thumping crime adventure! Action packed story about a cop tracking a serial killer. This time it is a cop with a dead wife and 10 kids who are all sick while he is tracking a guy who is trying to teach the world a lesson but really just getting revenge for a long lost brother.
About – Run for Your Life
The weird thing about this is the prologue involves some guy getting shot by an unknown sniper, and then the last scene has riots because of it, but they never really deal with it. I assume that will be covered in the 3rd Michael Bennett installment, but still pretty weird. With the sheer number of books JPat puts out, I would rather he not leave such huge open plot lines, as it probably takes his fans, especially me, a while to get to the next one in this series. Looking back through the books I have read and it turns out I have already read the 3rd one.
Also turns out, that I think the guy who is shot gets casually mentioned, but I believe that once again they don't deal with the sniper. What's up with that? How can you introduce a mystery sniper and just not deal with it. Oct 17, ReaderSP rated it it was ok. Ok, so I am a huge James Patterson and I love his stuff but he has really gone downhill lately.
I have been really disappointed with the latest Alex Cross novels and I am left confused by his latest character Michael Bennett. Is this not just the same character?!?! I could not separate the two. There are differences in the number of children they have etc but basically they are the same person. The story follows Michael Bennett as he takes on The Teacher, a killer who is determined to right other people wrongs and teach them all a lesson.
Slightly entertaining but so far fetched. Moze to Dzejms mnooooogooo bolje. Nov 02, Tere Fredericks rated it really liked it Shelves: As with the first book, there are parts that are definitely James Patterson and others that are not. Again, it reads as if the authors change off chapters. The story itself is amazing. An entire city scared to even move as a serial killer strikes at will, with no rhyme or reason knowable to any but the killer.
Michael Bennett is tapped to lead the task force set up by the mayor. Hizzoner calls Michael personally to break the bad news. While Michael is at least six steps behind the killer, things As with the first book, there are parts that are definitely James Patterson and others that are not.
While Michael is at least six steps behind the killer, things at home are even worse. Ten children all having one type of the flu after another is never a good thing. When those ten children are all your own, it is much worse. With the city in a grip of fear it hasn't felt in years, the same flu that is keeping the Bennett children sick hasn't stopped the killer at all.
The times Michael can get home, he spends helping Mary Catherine mop and clean. He gets very little sleep. At times, the reader gets a glimpse into the killer's POV. It isn't a nice place, as the reader is ahead of Michael as much as the killer is. As usual, the ending is a jaw dropping bang. In this case, Michael barely survives. As this is my second reading of much of this series, I had forgotten the adrenaline rush of the last few chapters of this series. Totally worth the read to get that rush. I will say the children add the needed brush with humor, even as they are either puking or coughing and sneezing.
Michael catching Seamus preparing an old time remedy for one of the boys is a hoot. Especially when Seamus himself becomes ill while helping Mary Catherine with the children and Michael has to help him and keep him away from the rectory as the flu maybe runs its course. The killer's reason for the rampage actually broke my heart, even as I despised his actions to the core.
A fairly quick read because you don't want to put it down. Now that it is somewhat easier to tell which author is writing each part years and years of reading Mr. Patterson's books is helpful the book is actually more interesting. I give this four stars because despite the action and mystery and suspense, the parts I like best is not seamless. I give higher marks to Mr. Mar 24, Charlotte Smith rated it really liked it Shelves: Not a bad book it is here there every where but you soon pick the story up.
Feb 28, Roz Curney-Sherod rated it really liked it. I just started reading James Patterson again after taking a break from the Alex Cross series years. I think I 've found a great replacement in Michael Bennett! Our hero is very likable, his personal life is realistic even with ten kids He's a cop with a heart that hasn't totally been jaded yet!
What makes these books interesting is the fact they are told from the POV of the villain and the hero!
Run for Your Life
The only I just started reading James Patterson again after taking a break from the Alex Cross series years. The only problem I had was with the villains' reason for all the killings, it was weak! Nov 21, Brandon rated it it was amazing. Run for your Life Author: James Patterson Throughout the book there is treachery, death, and murder.
The teacher is a handsome, well groomed man who wishes to rid New York of its rude and arrogant population. I think a mask is a good symbol for the book due to the fact that a mask covers u Book: There are three main characters. He struggles everyday to balance his work and family life. In the story he is the main detective trying to find the teacher.
The teacher is a mysterious murderer who is highly skilled and very maintained. His good looks and clever disguises makes him very hard to track. I feel like the most powerful moments are the brutal murders because I think it shows the true character of humans and how vicious they can be.
Feb 25, Sean Tay rated it really liked it.
- Run For Your Life;
- Temple Run Book Three Run for Your Life: Arctic Rescue.
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- Stars and Strips (Idelsy Book 1).
- Run for Your Life (Patterson novel) - Wikipedia.
Why I decided to read this book: I've known for some time that the author James Patterson has thrilling books so I searched around the library for this particular author and eventually found this book which was worth the looking. This book fits under my 'Your Own Choice' section of my bingo board since it has no other genres that it would fit into. The categories it would've gone into are crime,adventure,mystery,thriller which i didn't have in my bingo board. My favourite quote from the book is: He Why I decided to read this book: He was the Teacher;the world was his students I liked it because it added suspense to the story and it thrilled my imagination as the story progressed and I remembered the quote.
Something new I learned from this story is that James Patterson doesn't only write fantasy teen books like Maximum Ride,he also has the skill to write a wonderful thriller crime story like this one. The way he describes the setting and how the characters interact makes him one of the best authors out there that I know of.
A character or setting in this book that was interesting to me was the main character Michael Bennett, the detective. Feb 22, Shonda rated it really liked it Shelves: When I read Step on a Crack, the first novel featuring Michael Bennett, I did not know it was the start of a new series. Michael Bennett is a character that is easy to like.
At the end of the day, Detective Bennett wants to be a great dad to his ten children. Having just lost his wife to cancer, Mike tries to pick up the pieces and move on while dealing with his gri When I read Step on a Crack, the first novel featuring Michael Bennett, I did not know it was the start of a new series. Having just lost his wife to cancer, Mike tries to pick up the pieces and move on while dealing with his grief. He stumbles and sometimes makes mistakes, but his family is his first priority. At first the string of murderers appear to be random, but soon Mike learns the victims were targeted.
The question is why?

As Mike races to find the answer to this question, little does he realize the Teacher just added a new name to his list. Dec 28, Linda Alexander rated it really liked it. I turned away from them just as Joe Hunt, the Manhattan North borough commander, sagged back in the office chair beside me and let out a long, deflated breath. He stared at me with his almost sad, world-weary brown eyes.
I want you to get D-Ray back on the phone and tell him to watch for it. You did better than anyone has any right to expect, but the kid flat-out refuses to live. I passed my hands through my hair and scrubbed my own tired eyes. New York City has one of the best reputations in the world for resolving hostage situations nonviolently, and I hated like hell to be a part of changing that fine tradition.
I listened to Joe Hunt call the armored truck and order it to start moving toward us. Bobby will next be seen in the feature comedy, Mall Cop and next year will star in his own series for ABC, in which he plays the title character Cupid. His films include 3: James Patterson Official Website. Run For Your Life. Book Excerpts Audio Buy Book. We had to think about his family now.
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