My bitter life
Every detail of the situation exactly explained. All the quotes sound verbatim, with inflections and emotions as if the argument just happened. Many people believe the better choice is to be brave.
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I used to be one of them. Being brave in the face of difficult trials seems good: I thought, if I could just keep moving and pushing toward the future like a charging horse with blinders on, it would all go away.
But choosing bravery as a way to get through a trial was like a soldier in battle, trying to survive the grenades and bullets flying by. It was simply survival. There was so much sadness around me growing up that I think if I had stopped for a moment I would not have had the strength to press on.
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The sadness would have made me sit and cry, and at that time I didn't have the hope of Christ in my life to get me up on my feet again. It was a season of bravery. But even for soldiers who make it through physically unscathed, if they've had to march past the bodies of fellow comrades, they face a great deal of emotional pain when the war is over. In my mids, I realized there was a better choice.
Since then I have fought against being brave and have chosen the road of being broken. I am now and have been for quite some time in a season of brokenness. When a trial comes, I face it full on. Accept that the failures happened and then find a way to make things better, and show them that you have a choice in how your life turns out — always.
The list goes on and on and on, but they are stuck blaming other people for holding them back from the opportunities they were trying to reach. Let them know that things always happen for a reason. If they were not allowed to go after their dream, then they may have had to learn more about self-confidence and taking ownership of their own life again, they need to know they are accountable for their own life!
Moreover, show them that even if you fail, you are willing to try again when it comes to something that you want badly.
Stay away from bitter people.
Bitterness can cause sickness, but sickness can also cause bitterness. Maybe they have a chronic disease, such as Lupus, and have become bitter that they were chosen to have to live with the disease, forced to leave work, or forced to give up on things that they once loved. It is kind of understandable that some people would become bitter in that situation! Even constant colds can take their toll on a person. Also, people who are sick are unhappy, so negative emotions such as bitterness naturally mesh with their unhappiness.
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Yet, we all still have a choice, even when we are sick, to be happy, do what we can for our lives, and choose positive thoughts and views to help us manage. Want A Happier Life?

Remember That Attitude Is Everything! Make a point of showcasing people who have gotten sick or injured, but still stayed strong. Christopher Reeve is a good example. After he became paralyzed, he did what he could to make his life count and help other people make their lives count in many different ways. Sometimes people may not know they are sick. | My Bitter Sweet Life | | Dranda Laster | Boeken
They may just feel unwell or moody, which could indicate that something is wrong. Even if they have been experiencing symptoms for decades, they should get checked out. Being moody, in pain, and tired are not normal for someone who is not sick. Sometimes something as simple as a hormonal imbalance can cause the bitterness. They hold on to the pain and stay bitter as they think about how that person mistreated them. This may be an ex-friend, ex-lover, family member, or even just a stranger who hurt them in some way. Forgiveness is the key here. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a monograph in OSO for personal use for details see www.
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