Murdock Cracks Ice (A Matt Murdock Murder Mystery)
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- Murdock Cracks Ice, by Robert J Ray: Detective Matt Murdock Takes on Organized Crime in Seattle.
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- Murdock Cracks Ice (Matt Murdock, book 5) by Robert J Ray.
Murdock Cracks Ice by Robert J. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! In this series View all Book 6. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews.
Matt Murdock
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The killer has names on a list. The last guy on the list, a Private Equity billionaire, hires Murdock and Helene to stop the killer. When they probe the past, our duo unleash the hounds of Hell.

A Colonel in a secret female army recruits an Altar Boy to assassinate the next candidate for the Kingship of Arpp, so that these brave, militant women can seat the Rightful Queen on the throne. Only she can prevent the next cataclysm. Meanwhile, the lonely, spinsterish Colonel digs mightily the loins of the Altar Boy. She is mid-thirties, he is a virginal sixteen. But the Colonel is a time-traveler with her fingers into a covey of clocks—her brazen skin has known the torque of time—and if she can align their respective captive temporalities with finesse, love will conquer all, even in the occult bosom of dystopia.
Murdock Cracks Ice (Matt Murdock, #5) by Robert J. Ray
If he got shot, he healed fast. If he fell in love, he got over it in the next book. He was the Eye of Private Eye. Theo Ulster, the tennis pro, has just invited Sleuth Matt Murdock for a drink. These two have been sparring since they met a couple days ago. Everyday people dying to write. People who love telling stories and who love hearing stories. In a matter of minutes, we get these hungry people writing.
There is no lecture. To be a writer, you sit down and write. To me it had a different feel to it than some others of the same genre.
Robert J. Ray
It was faster paced than most, and told three different perspectives on the story. Recommended for people who love the thrill of the chase, and the feeling of catching the bad guy in the act. The Weekend Novelist The first volume—how to write your novel in 52 weekends—stayed on shelves for seven years. The Weekend Novelist Writes a Mystery Co-authored by my buddy Jack Remick, the mystery book opens with the Killer, then glides to the victim and the catalyst the character who makes things go, a good example is Sydney Greenstreet in the Maltese Falcon , and then turns you loose on your sleuth, or your alter ego, which is where most mysteries go bad.
The Weekend Novelist Rewrites the Novel The novel is a story told with one plot and at least two subplots.
Matt Murdock Murder Mystery Series. Murdock For Hire His party-boy name tag says Mr.
Murdock Cracks Ice
Merry Christmas Murdock A runaway teen witnesses a holiday hit-and-run. Murdock Cracks Ice A dead college boy chemist. Ac rated it it was ok Aug 04, Ben Baker rated it it was amazing Jan 14, Linda rated it liked it Oct 08, John Griffin added it Jun 12, Feb 04, Robert J. Jan added it Apr 26, BookishDreamer marked it as to-read May 19, Toesnorth's mom added it Dec 09, Chris Cook marked it as to-read Dec 11, James marked it as to-read May 03, W Ted marked it as to-read May 23, Michael Helms marked it as to-read Jan 20, Donna marked it as to-read Jan 20, Rob marked it as to-read Aug 23, Mike Demilio marked it as to-read Aug 07, Scott added it Nov 04, Joejava added it May 09, James courneya added it Nov 19, Cindy Hartmann added it Jul 18, Deborah marked it as to-read Apr 26, Carole Gribner added it Sep 04,