Jacob calls his twelve sons to come together so that he can prophesy over them, bless them, curse certain ones, and give each one a prediction of future events for themselves and their descendants. Jacob prays and trusts that God will guide his words as he begins. The year is approximately B. After the twelve sons are assembled, Jacob begins by calling his first-born son, Reuben in to receive his special first-born blessing. But Jacob cannot completely trust Reuben to act as a family member should act.
His privileges as priest are to pass to the sons of Levi. And his right to be the head of the tribes of Israel , or his kingly right as a first born, will go to Judah. Reuben will no longer be treated as special. Years earlier Reuben had dishonored his father. Now the elderly father bending over his first born son speaks these words: The excellency of dignity and the excellency of power.
Unstable as water, you shall not excel. He went up to my couch. Instead of an extra blessing for being the firstborn, now Reuben seems to receive a rebuke, or a curse! Jacob tells him that he —and his descendants will not excel —after telling him that he had dignity and power. Jacob had been so proud of Reuben, and had held so many expectations for this baby boy of his, this first born! Jacob would teach him to follow God. Back then Jacob had been the big strong Daddy, the young shepherd, the gallant warrior, the one who made everything happen. And when Reuben was little he loved and respected his wise and powerful Daddy.
But the years passed by and Reuben grew older and stronger and soon could lift heavier loads than his Dad. And as more time went by he even owned more sheep than his father. While Reuben grew up tall and good looking and each year he was becoming stronger and more powerful. And the famine in the land had left Jacob a poor and desperate man, hardly able to feed his large family.
So what was the big deal?
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Dad had lost the wealth and power he once had. He had no wealth or lands left to leave to his sons. So why should he still get respect or honor from Reuben? Let not my soul enter their council: Let not my honor be united to their assembly: For in their anger they killed a man. And in their self will they hamstrung an ox.
Jacob Blesses His Sons
Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce. And their wrath, for it is cruel! I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. These sons of Jacob were brothers in violence. Jacob could not forget their cruel massacre of the Shechemites, - a whole village of people years earlier.
It was so horrible and blood thirsty. Jacob had not taught his sons to behave this way! Now their father was telling them that they were not to have territory they could call their own, but would be dispersed among the other tribes. In Canaan this was fulfilled: Jacob calls in his fourth son, Judah, who receives praise from his father.
Jacob Blesses His Sons - Amazing Bible Timeline with World History
Judah would carry the hope of Israel upon his person. He would be feared by his enemies because as a lion he would have power. Both Mary and Joseph could trace their lineage through Judah and so of course Jesus also. And it seemed to happen that way as the future unfolded. And then to Issachar, son number six, Jacob describes him thusly: Lying down between two burdens: He sees that rest is good….
He becomes a band of slaves. This was to be their fate in future years. Then Jacob calls for his seventh son Dan. And they were feared by their neighbors. The tribe of Gad would be a strong help to all of Israel in keeping their many enemies at bay. Gad would be continually attacked by desert tribes but they would be victorious and able to drive their enemies away.
Next Asher, son number nine, comes to his father for his blessing. Jacob speaks these words. And he shall yield royal dainties.
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Son number ten - Naphtali came next to his father to be blessed. All Jacob said to him was: He uses beautiful words. Joseph, the eleventh son, receives the highest praise from Jacob of all the sons. Joseph has always been loyal to God which pleases his father so much.
Joseph has forgiven his brothers for selling him into slavery in Egypt. He told his brothers that God had turned that bad act around for their good.
Jacob tells Joseph that he is a fruitful bough. But that his arms and hands will be made strong by Mighty God and that God will bless him and keep him through his many persecutions. Joseph was very close to God but because of this he also had many persecutions! And the last son, Benjamin, son number twelve finally comes forward and bows before his father.
Jacob predicts that Benjamin will be a ravenous wolf. Ehud, Saul and Jonathan were among the later descendants of Benjamin who were great warriors who fought off the enemies of Israel. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Enter your email address to subscribe to the Amazing Bible Timeline with World History blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join our active community by reading and posting blog comments! Quickly See Over Years of Bible and World History Together Unique circular format - over 1, references at your finger tips on this wonderful study companion Discover interesting facts - Biblical events with scripture references plotted alongside world history showcase fun chronological relationships Attractive, easy to use design - People will stop to look at and talk about this beautifully laid out poster ideal for your home, office, church Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool!
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